Alien: Covenant - ralphthemoviemaker

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[Music] feeling fun thank you hey Charles do you like mine they got t-shirt it looks great on you sir looks rather honor in fact if you work alone central man represent I would absolutely funky with you that's very nice of you I just finished my alien covenant from you you can read it if you'd like but return it for strolling or just read out loud I want to hear it but your alien comment is the best book ever recovered one channel I mean it's fun those compared to any of these lives billion Providence is quite well this is the most frustrated I've been lost watching at a long time on its own the alien covenant is about it's not oh I liked some things but some things were build up and I'm not sure if the characters roll back no we got sir yes that's not true thank you no it's a family it's a printable to peaceably active alien covenant is the eighth movie in the Alien franchise unless you don't want to count Prometheus in which case it's the seventh movie maybe the fifth if you don't want to count the two alien versus Predator movies regardless this is a series that has been around for a long time and ran out of steam 30 years ago ever since they've been trying to find any excuse to Drudge up the same crap and regurgitate it in an attempt to recapture that magic of the original and failing every time now we get alien covenant which feels like a fan film comprised of everything bad about all these alien films there are some good things which we'll get into but most of the film is avoided slow oh thank you first out of chess look always along the Tombigbee musicals profound cycle alright stop talking your voice is annoying it's going on let's start the very few good things about this film alien covenants biggest strength and the reason it still manages to be better than three of the alien films is because it has so many talented people behind it not to say Joss Whedon the writer of Alien Resurrection isn't talented but maybe his style of writing isn't suited for this good luck finishing Justice League dick speaking of writers this film really could have used a better one because everyone else is doing their best to make this work we have a talented director who's made many good films in the past including two good films in this franchise yeah we'll get into that one later we have a talented cast of actors Danny McBride the guy who played dr. Manhattan Katherine Waterstone who's good when you write something for her to do and Michael Fassbender who was a brilliant actor who picks his films by dark board anyway the point is not the actress fault it's the scripts faults the characters are all so stilted and one-dimensional there's nothing you can really do with them same goes for Ridley Scott you can only make a film so pretty before the audience begins to tear away at the shiny veneer and see the shitty story for what it is so what do we got so far we got some good actors yeah good director the film looks pretty I like the music I guess that's it though Prometheus versus alien covenant Requiem back in the year 1946 where the scout released a film called prometheus now all these years later Ridley Scott finally made a sequel but instead of calling it Prometheus covenant probably what exactly it is decided to call it alien covenant because no one liked Prometheus as if the Alien franchise is so good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is kind of a sequel to Prometheus because while it does conclude the story of Prometheus in a rather unsatisfying way the film is mostly focused on showing aliens kill people it also has none of the same characters aside from David was the only character anyone liked from the last one and in total the film dedicates like 20 minutes to tying up all the loose ends Prometheus left because we need to dedicate valuable screen time to this one of my fucking watching prior to 13th this is a scene you find in a b-movie not that kind of b-movie the film essentially tries to be alien aliens and Prometheus combines and it fails at being all three alien was a simple and effective horror movie aliens was a simple but effective action film and Prometheus was a convoluted but effective sci-fi film alien covenant succeeds at none of these things because the sci-fi is barely developed and kind of stupid the alien isn't scary at all because we know everything about it and the action is boring and not compelling on any level because we don't like any of the characters and we aren't scared by the villain watching alien covenant reminded me why I like Prometheus so much and how terrible Prometheus could have been if it had cater to dub fanboys instead of being its own thing so I've been defending Prometheus a lot so now we're going to have a segment I'm going to call Ralph defends Prometheus Prometheus is far from a perfect movie there are so many dumb things in this movie I'm sure you've heard these complaints before but overall I found Prometheus quite entertaining and interesting the biggest thing that bothered me upon watching it again was how retarded all the characters act people taken off their helmets I know they say that the air is clean but it's still a retarded thing to do the fact that the mapping expert got lost in this alien ship was dumb I don't know why they didn't just stay put the fact that this guy sticks his face and like an alien creature he stuck his face in it but he has his helmet on and he has his armor on and he probably felt like oh this thing can't break through here and then it ended up breaking through I don't know if I was in that situation I want to do that but I guess I could understand it but some of its just retarded especially the scene where they're running straight and in the theater everyone was just like can't you just go left to right stop running straight and then sure enough Noomi Rapace trips and she just kind of rolls to the right and she's fine the rest of prometheus is pretty good actually everything alien covenant tried to do in terms of world building and creating atmosphere Hales in comparison next to Prometheus which does a far better job at all these things Prometheus's world doesn't just look pretty it has character to it it feels like there was a history here and since this was the first time we ever got to see the alien universe outside of all that alien shit it was quite unique yeah an alien showed up in the last 10 seconds of the movie which is the worst part and whatever this will be tried to reference alien or be alien it was pretty weak but when the movie was just doing its own thing and we were watching characters explore this world it was pretty cool people have also called this movie pretentious like it thinks it's a much smarter movie than it is and a pottery watching it I don't see that I think everyone was kind of implanting what they thought Prometheus should be on top of it really Prometheus isn't that smart of a movie I mean it deals with religious themes and life and creation and sure all that kind of stuff but it barely even develops it it's just kind of a plot device like the conceit of the movie is we're going to find the guys who created humanity and then Shaw's kind of religious because you can take your father's cross off now why would I want to do that because they made us and who made them because that gives your character you know you know what that is Catherine Waterstone I mean the movie does have kind of philosophical dialogue sometimes but it doesn't get bogged down by it there is nothing special about the creation of laws not anybody can do it you know you need is the - should be never broke right Michael okay called great what does that say about me this ladies and gentlemen is a classic example of a man talking himself out of some pussy he's not the first guy to do it and he certainly isn't the last so learn from his mistakes don't talk back to your girl don't try to be a smartass she'll always win and you'll hurt her feelings and most of it comes from Noomi Rapace and she's very much that kind of person so it makes sense to me most of it didn't feel like the movie trying to be smart and show off how smart it is to the audience most of it felt like a character's motivation being developed and her motivation is she can't create life so she goes out into the universe to find out who does create life because she's curious or whatever and it's that drive that keeps her going and then we see her husband or boyfriend die and that really messes her up and then she goes through all this pain and suffering trying to get this alien out of her it's like oh I like her as a character she's been struggling a lot and she has a thing she wants to do and then by the end of the movie when she goes let's not go home to earth let's go find these creators you're like oh I can understand why she'd do that I don't know I thought everything with her was pretty good made sense to me lastly people said Prometheus doesn't explain a lot I don't know why I understood what was happening the black goo was like a thing that fucked up DNA and made some other kind of life form I got that everyone was like why did David take the black goo and put it in the guy's drink well because if you were paying attention he goes into the thing with Waylon the old guy and Weyland of course wants to live forever and micheal fassbender finds his black goo and he goes to Weyland and he's like hey I found this black goo what should I do with it and then Weyland is probably like why don't you go test it on one of the humans and if it makes him invincible or makes them live forever then you can use it on me and also David as a characters a little more human than anyone gives them credit for I guess it's a good thing you can't be disappointed yeah and he is probably curious himself to see what it did so far would you go to get what you came all this way for your answers what would you be willing to do anything and everything doesn't give a shit so yeah he gave him the black go and it fucked him up and David's like oh god I better not do that again I was fine with that did any of these things matter does any of these things make the movie better I mean we got characters who have motivations that I understand and the ones who are just alien food just you know they don't even have any character like these guys they don't develop these fuckers at all and I got a sense for who Aegis Elba was I understood who those two buffoons were in the alien caves I understood Charlize Theron I understood Whalen I understood Elizabeth Shaw and they went to explore planet and they didn't know what was going to happen and then the they fight a creator thing and then the movie gets gross and violent and it was fun it was just the first time we saw any of this shit so there was a sense of like unpredictability we know the space jockeys there which turned out to just be a suit some big guy slept in but besides that we didn't know anything we didn't know what life-forms lived here we didn't know anything was alive we didn't know what this girl was what that monument was we didn't know what these creators wanted it was eerie yeah we never find out why the creators wanted to kill humanity so what you could say that the third act falls apart becomes stupid I agree with that but at least it in dredge up the fucking alien two characters aka alien food when great actors are given no character and absolutely nothing to do aside from get killed by an alien we're left with this the closer we get to the plan of the better chance we have to tell you to get rid of it this bullshit proceeds look at this shit what does character name Tennessee I would like to play Dallas remember that character well now we have Tennessee I know your life is on there but up there doing plans Oh God they call them tea see I need you to lunch now fuck the tolerances Hey oh fuck me they said it was gonna be any degree what do they know easy grab they got teeth it's just like incompetent character writing you wanna know how bad it is the movie actually develops certain characters after they're fucking dead before they die we know nothing about them they're just people but after they die we find out their whole backstory is if it even matters they're dead this guy's revealed to be this gay guy's lover after he dies of course it's like why should I care he's dead why didn't you show them before show their relationship they kiss a little bit they have some cute banter with each other I don't know have a hardcore sex scene in a shower you just have these two fucking guys go around the whole movie and then one of them dies and it's like oh they loved each other how sad why did you develop this before I guess developing it would have taken up valuable screen time [Music] same thing with Danny McBride's romance with this wife the first time I saw the movie I didn't even realize they were married until after she was dead upon watching the movie like the second time I was able to catch a line before where they say something about like I'll miss you I love you or something that's how good of a job this movie did at developing their romance I didn't even know they were together I mean they might have done the same thing for the gay dudes but I've seen this movie three times and I've missed it so if there was a scene like that and I missed it then maybe the movie didn't do a very good job establishing their relationship maybe it's not my fault James Franco dies before he's given any development but unlike those other two this could have been better written but I guess it works on a flat level see James Franco dying wasn't just a thing that happens because we needed an alien to eat someone it gave her a main character who was his wife or girlfriend or something a little character development it wasn't well done or emotional but it was something it's something that affected her character in every decision she makes the rest of the movie she has the students building a cabin on the world [Music] I come in here havin a lake even gave her some setup for the ending when we get there you help me doesn't happen when Tennessee's wife dies he's just sad for a little while and then that's it doesn't really affect his character all that much when he's running around the ship trying to find the alien acts like the same person he's never liked oh this is for my wife you bastard he's just running around God I just want the stand I got pee now I know everyone who has ever discussed alien before has said this in the original alien everyone feels real the movie spends an hour of screen time without an alien showing up just flushing out the characters and there aren't too many of them either when you have too many people in your film it becomes harder to flesh them all out to give them each something to do but if you have too few characters in your alien film then what's the aliens supposed to kill what are we only supposed to have five people no one wants to see that we need 18 people in our alien film so what if we can't develop them all or any of them for that matter but you had to see some cool deaths that's what everyone remembers from the original alien right everyone remembers the death scenes [Music] we never really get to see be alien kill anyone in the original aliens they're hardly even any bloody deaths aside from that that chestburster seen that same was effective because we knew who Cain was and we liked him and there was an hour of build up up to that point now we got 20 people getting sliced and exploded and whatever and it's about as captivating as watching a dog eat fucking kibble go back to eating I need any footage of you eating know your eat here we go then I go online and I find these scenes on YouTube all right what the hell is this why weren't these piece of the movies one there's you're not so long I've got to feel at home please do not open - these are actual seeds of the crew like talking to each other and they're being developed and they're cracking jokes and having fun we had to find out who James Franco is he has lines of dialogue I just wanted to say hey before I get out him I am kind of quitting I don't know feeling good I'm starting out we get to see that before they're put in like this horrible situation why is this a bonus feature this should have been the first hour in a movie instead it's all cut out and we start the movie with watch James Franco get burned to death a character who's prominent in the deleted scenes and then we have to watch the whole crew mope around grieving over a character we don't even know that's where the first half-hour this will be so fucking boring because no one has given any development we don't get to find out who anyone is because everyone's too busy being sad about James Franco's death so the only thing going on the first half-hour this movie is them moping around over James Franco's death and the dr. Manhattan trying to repair the ship it makes me angry that they literally have you seen shop and they included none of them in the movie because they thought the audience was stupid did they think the audience would find them boring getting to care about the characters isn't boring the first film in the series did nothing but that for the first fucking hour the writing is dumb I've complained about the writing many times in this review let's see who wrote this fucking movie alien covenant has one two three four five six writers I think these guys just wrote the characters so I'm just gonna look at these four first we have John Logan he wrote a bunch of good movies The Last Samurai The Aviator Sweeney Todd Rango Hugo Skyfall gladiator I mean he has a few duds like a Spectre but nothing like crazy bad I'm guessing the best parts of this movie of the parts he wrote then we have Michael Greene who wrote Murder on the Orient Express Blade Runner 20 49 American Gods which is a pretty awesome show Logan I mean sure he wrote um Green Lantern well you know no one has a perfect track record then we get Dante a Harper he wrote nothing I'm not even fucking kidding alien covenants the only thing he's ever written he's mostly a production manager on movies from like seems like ten years ago and finally we have Jack Paglen who wrote transcendence alien covenant and is currently writing godzilla vs. King Kong so I guess this is what happens when you have like two competent writers and two morons you get a pretty bad script with some decent moments thanks to these two but overall it's kind of a mess not going to lie I rather enjoyed these scenes where David was talking to Michael Fassbender I mean the Yeti scenes are very homoerotic and it lacks her last name doc you press your lips to create your embouchure and that's the tip of your little finger and blunt about gently like sir watch me I'll do the commercial it's really funny actually I think alien covenant is one of the best unintentionally gay movies ever made it's up there with like Top Gun let's go okay [Music] and too fast too furious why is you come here I got a deal for you when I needed your ass rumen nowhere to be found he's trying to hand out deals I need you to come to Miami and drive with me this isn't a bad thing necessarily but it's very distracting it can be my wingman anytime bullshit you can be mine yeah this scene is so unintentionally funny I was starting to think maybe it's intentional but then I realized this is a horror movie I think sir most handsome man alive I don't want any Trump to review what a nerd anymore awful necessarily with being a gay robot now Charles there's nothing wrong with being a gay robot it's just you know you try to make a horror sci-fi film and you have this random scene in there I feel that a place where to game robots are kind of being gay and it's hilarious not surprised to see me every mission needs a good synthetic gentle pressure allows the weight of a cigarette paper would you not agreeable you mean to seem like there's something wrong with being a gay robot because when I felt finally depicts two gay robots on screen or one at least then you criticize it for that I think it's just you being very narrow-minded I mean you can't give a motion ok surveying there motionless yet you really are here you're a very emotional robot and I'm not that emotional anymore I'm not about other robot that's supposed to be emotionally to line for the emotional robot ok I'm not criticizing you your last be where you want to be Charles I'm sort of totally incorrect and sorry you think that of me what item designed not to have emotions I am totally fine I'm just telling you you're an emotional robots or BOTS on the peg you're not emotional so if I took that if that's this for unity poster that you put up that's been here for 3,000 years and I destroy it right now you would have cared you might not poster [Music] about that State of Mind this is the puss you put on before the star-lord and nology rather fun the woman shorter makes it and had kwang-jin not a name Department put it in a cartoon character okay how much for this one kill your father that nothing wrong with me fuck away clean up there's nothing before right now then they clean out I mean the special effects in the scene are actually quite good it's all one take and we see two different characters being portrayed by the same actor it's seamless but the writing isn't up to par and more importantly all the dialogue is so homoerotic it's hilarious ah Denzil fingers as I put pressure on I was willing to give that scene a chance at first since I was enjoying it I was actually enjoying the setup like the opening of a gay porno [Music] in all serious that this conversation was setting up something David was in love with this other version of himself since in his mind they were brothers they're the only two Androids on the planet and David feels he has someone he can connect to someday Bravo you have symphonies in you brother I was designed to be more attempted and efficient than every previous model I superseded them in every way but but not allowed to create simple gel perhaps if David and Walter had teamed up with the alien to kill the human crew that would have been interesting but instead we get the Seabees androids fight more action I love action I love aliens feed me more of the same shit Hollywood all this builds up to the twist of the movie which we'll get into later so bad that's a whole other chapter let's go through more dumb writing in this movie I hate this scene so much so he's with the girl collecting samples and he goes a big relief so then he runs out into the middle of the forest away from her just to smoke and then he steps on the thing yeah he doesn't notice it I guess and he's just smoking by himself in the woods alone and the thing goes in his ear okay number one why did you go out here to smoke by yourself and then you only smoke like not even one-fourth of the cigarette before you threw it away it's like they just wrote the scene in there so they could have this thing going the guys here why didn't you just have him actually take a piss if you wanted to smoke because just smoke in front of her like we'll give this shit and why is the one wearing a helmet I remember everyone bitching about prometheus why aren't they wearing a helmet they're on an alien planet but these guys just arrived on the planet they're not wearing anything what did you scan the whole atmosphere you know there's nothing there and then you guys start finding out that everything that used to be on this planet is dead you never figured I wonder why maybe it was a deadly microbe that killed everything maybe we should put helmets on this guys just brought along cigarette to them I mean the point of this mission was to find an alien planet and then live there and breed and create a population of people so I'm guessing this guy is here with someone right some woman that he can have sex with maybe not so if you're going to be sent out on a mission to populate a planet you got to be pretty healthy there's that whole group of people being sent to Mars right now to colonize Mars and all those people had like rigorous testing to make sure they were absolutely healthy because we only want really healthy people going to colonize a planet so during the testing for this guy they didn't notice that he smoked and they were like you know you you do smoke and that's not healthy and it could affect everyone around you including the samples so maybe you shouldn't go I don't know I know this is a little thing but it really bothered me and then this fucking idiot you just stuck your face in it what the fuck walks up to some alien thing and just puts his face in it and then pulse right in his nose if that had happened to me I would fucking hightail it out of there be like I got some alien shit in my mouth we got to go back to base immediately and I got to get this out of me then we get to this scene the scene starts out pretty good actually they're trying to help the guy get better and then this woman locks them in there because she's like this guy's fucked and he vomited blood all over her so she's probably contaminated with whatever he has so she locked the door this guy starts freaking out and I'm like okay this characters actually being pretty smart she calls for help and then we get this horrible looking alien like a cartoon show then for some reason she decides to go back with a gun and open the door like you could have just kept the door locked and you would have been fine because this girl's already dead and he's dead for sure so there's no point fucking idiot I mean if you wanted to have the gun with you just in case then sure but the only way the alien would get out of this room is through that window so just keep your shotgun pointed at that window and the second the alien puts his face to that window you shoot it and then she tries shooting the alien again and she blows up the whole ship is it even safe for umm no it isn't moron I gotta give it to these actors they're making bad dialogue sound much better than it is we all know people we love we can't lose anymore we're not going to let that happen right right then we get to this scene of David telling the audience how much he loves Elizabeth Shaw not much is he's not bad no you didn't all of Prometheus she didn't like you and you didn't like her and she almost died and you didn't care at all you killed her husband dr. Shaw didn't even want to bring David with her the only reason she did is because david knew how to fly the ship i know we've got our different at least i need to ask you for your help why in hell would I help you because without me we'll never leave this place then this phone becomes a B horror movie looks so fake the effects are so bad this is what I wanted to show you no don't go with him this isn't suspicious at all you're in a basement alone with David one of two things is going to happen down there one there are facehuggers down there that'll make you give birth to a xenomorph or two David will rape you I guess this characters never seen Pulp Fiction that's what taught me to stay at a stranger's basement I'll take my chances with the xenomorph thank you very much this is a very important mission and you're just going to like drop everyone off on this random planet we're going to live here now everything looks like it's dead and then you can't get back on the ship oh how convenient oh and the mothership can't come down to get you because there's a storm all of a sudden it was bullshit when Prometheus did that and it's bullshit when this movie doesn't they never explained how James Franco's cryo chamber exploded like what in it explodes gasps does this thing emit that is flammable this thing seems pretty dangerous to me I would never sleep in one of these things can I also just mention how this movie tries to answer all the questions prometheus left and it doesn't make any sense it's like they made it up as they went along and this scene from Prometheus you can clearly see the xenomorph and yet David is the one xenomorph I thought the xenomorph can only be invented from human DNA it's like human DNA and facehugger DNA combined makes the xenomorph so how did they have Xenomorphs before or was it like a similar-looking xenomorph I don't know I mean it's the same reason they changed David's character into like a murdering psychopath even though he wasn't that in Prometheus he was just obeying orders and then whatever questions they did answer were just like oh okay that's the answer great they answered all your questions and then once they did you realize that it didn't matter going back to Prometheus I liked the fact that they didn't answer a lot of things because the main theme of the movie was disappointment Charlize Theron went there to seek the approval of her father Weyland went there to find the cure for a mortal life David just wanted to appease Weyland Shah went there to find out why they made us and no one gets any answers and everyone dies like that's what you get for trying to find answers not only were none of them answered but you all died what's the theme of this movie of the alien fights things got it the twist so basically what happens is Walter turns on David David does this to Walter and david thinks he killed walter meanwhile Walter was actually like could reboot himself so Walter rebooted himself then they fight and right as Walter is about to kill David we get this little exchange seven hasn't even had I choose it to be we cut away and then later we cut back and we're supposed to assume that this is Walter and the movie keeps telling us this is Walter and throughout the entire ending of the movie we're supposed to think it's Walter but here's the twist it's actually David did you see that coming yes it's such a poorly executed twist I wonder why they even tried to edit it in a way to make it a twist you could have just seen David killed Walter and it would add this layer of suspense but instead the movie plays it off like Oh Walter is right here guys Walter is fine and he killed David even though we don't see it and it's so obvious it isn't him kind of David kill Walter they established already that Walter could just reboot himself he's very hard to kill if you wanted to do something really cool have David talk Walter into letting him on the ship so David Walter and the alien versus Kathryn Waterstone and T and for some reason David helps them defeat the xenomorph was he trying to blend in or was he trying to see how perfect his creation was and he's like I'll give these guys a little bit of an advantage because I made such an awesome creature even with my help it'd be impossible to defeat it and then they do you could just kill these two and then take the ship for yourself I don't understand what the problem is and it ends on like this cheesy horror movie line bed box but I've talked in the children what the fuck so what was David's plan exactly he was going to send out a signal for people to come onto the planet people found a signal and then followed it down to the planet do you thank God they landed within walking distance to your base and not on the other side of the planet okay so once someone got the signal they landed and he would just wait for the virus to kill a few of them and then hope that some xenomorph looking things would kill a few of them then he would scare them away then they would come to his base he would lure one of them into the basement and then I have the facehuggers raped his face and the xenomorph would come out of him and then he'd steal their ship and he was hoping that the ship that came to rescue him also happened to be a ship carrying colonists how would he know that they never say that so that he could hide facehugger eggs in him and then placed them in the freezer next to the colonists and what you know the facehugger eggs happened to fit perfectly into the freezer I'm glad you knew the exact dimensions of this freezer yeah fuck this movie [Music] so everything works because like I drove lots of chocolate over oh thanks Charles right there okay we created if you use the low-fat chocolate syrup or the like regular chocolate syrup oh no is the full fat zero you put a lot of chocolates here or just supported plenty of syrup just for you you really want me to drink this it's uh kind of weird it's almost like you pointed it or something yeah well you know I'll just wing it recently I can't want to be black your wild man I must be from a letter so hard I can't even drink it yeah whoa boy alright let me pick it up again no man if someone were to watch this on youtube right now they'd probably be really fucking annoyed yeah like I would forget my head if I had the syndra shit just me like almost drinking chocolate no but every time about two I just go like oh there's nothing wrong with it alright I'm gonna drink it [Music] [Music] that's really good came and helpful fat what what did you forget me two robots wouldn't be the comedic relief obviously and that's once actually review the movies that way I don't have to do it I can just sit back and relax and make all the money while you to do all the work do you not remember when I came in it was well you were reading the intro that's right it was all him except that one part where I destroyed your poster that that was me and I just came back in here but then they laughing I know what the Titan stole for like five more seconds he probably would have given the chunky ball to you instead thank God it in though it's like I wouldn't miss down on this one oh my god I just have a stomachache I don't know why that's weird you want to stomachache you're a robot yeah I know it's very weird son service sorry about this i poisoned the chocolate all and i confiscated your poison be sure to remember sensational display [Music] the [Music] this emphasizes creativity something wrong with Saxons community it's a fine game okay okay yeah has its problems of course like all the assassin's creed's do is that it was Black Flag or statins creating some fun game click apply the image condenser world is totally as if it's like so terrible and prequels the gods bad as everyone says by the way they look preferable Council adopted the original trilogy but the sessions in senior store muscle to come out and they just be regard to taking the single ship is kind of nice of those are definitely foot at least their original at least eight or something different to their consumer space politics eleven such regurgitate voluble death star again go mmm a hug insane national states right now I mean ahora inertial a hassle foxy the kids was he like 15 years old they've taught me what to do a whole a whole different library basically tell me so he talks to like fucking asshole God he has it's all focused on man but you know no one's perfect and he certainly is perfectly Asian actually perfect Bob did head what he did stripped off remember his style that's all he does and Cheryl does it a different little bit like how much deprecated babe days later Jackson about the loser head around chemicals a stage name [Music] - several
Channel: ralphthemoviemaker
Views: 1,562,478
Rating: 4.8574686 out of 5
Id: VPh_I8zDipg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2017
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