Alibaba Secrets: How To Find An Amazing Supplier [+ Negotiation Tips] | Live Q&A

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all right we are live what's going on everybody welcome back to the channel i'm so happy to be on this live today with you guys um let's see how many people we get today today we're doing it at uh on a sunday actually at noon we're gonna be talking about which is actually like not the usual time visual time is saturday but um just had a lot going on recently um especially on the ecommerce front we just launched a new amazon brand yesterday which uh i guess since we just launched it i can't really talk about it and you know until we actually get reviews and stuff then i can mention it but um yeah super happy to be on here today uh if you guys tune in just let me know where you guys are from today we'll be talking about alibaba alibaba secrets as well as essentially how to find an amazing supplier everything that i've learned over the past four years of speaking to suppliers and speaking to lots of them specifically suppliers in china they have a very certain psychology involved behind them which is completely different to western suppliers obviously so that's what we're going to be talking about today and i'm going to be using an example product i'm going to be going on alibaba and showing you um how i'm actually finding a supplier and then not just like you know because i have tons of videos on how to find a supplier but i'm going to show you what things to watch out for and i'm going to pretend that the product that um i'm going to be using as an example uh basically i'm going to show you as if i was finding a supplier for myself so hello dan hey andrew what's going on what's going on hope you're good yes i'm great lots of things going on lots of growth yo what's up ben what's up antonio from the airport where are you going hey adria from canada i'm also in canada right now but soon uh back in the states diana nice nice nice i hope you guys are moving ahead in your comments journey i wanted to say e-commerce is not easy a lot of people they start and they get frustrated uh because they think that it's easy and obviously a big part of that is people on youtube making it seem like it's easy when in fact it's obviously not easy to start a business um but i'll also say i think it's easier than i think it's easier than like for me at least maybe some people would disagree i think it's easier um you know doing e-commerce starting a business like that then uh going to a nine-to-five job for eight hours a day even 10 12 some people do for a very long time so yeah it's um e-commerce is uh is good there's a lot of opportunity right now i don't think there's going to be this much opportunity in the future like in five years i think the market's going to be much more saturated so now is a good time to start obviously you have all my videos um which are very valuable they have lots of use so you guys can check that out which i'm sure you have but we're going to be taking this live q a i'm going to be showing you how to find a supplier on alibaba i'm going to show you the best strategies to negotiate the best deal with them what to watch out for how to actually find a good supplier and then later on uh in the second half of the live we're going to be taking some questions some q a so it's just going to be pure value today as always um yeah all right so we have someone from tempe arizona canada latvia nice pakistan and croatia miami all right so um i will start with the i'll start but i'll start by saying that you don't have to use alibaba to find a supplier uh there's a lot of different well there's actually two different ways right so the first way is you can go on if you like for most products for 90 95 percent of products you're going to go on alibaba because it's just more cost efficient and it's simpler to use a supplier from china that's why china is so powerful when it comes to manufacturing they've really mastered that there are tons of suppliers there's millions of products and there's this one marketplace of suppliers called alibaba which the famous jack ma created and uh you can go on there and find a supplier for basically any product that you want however there are certain classes of products you don't want to use alibaba before for example uh the first thing that comes to mind is skin care products now i know some people that use skincare that use alibaba suppliers for skin care products and it can work for some things typically i would say no um you basically have two options for most products you're going to go on alibaba you're going to find a supplier and that's if you're ordering in bulk if you're drop shipping you're going to use aliexpress it's a little bit of a different way to find a supplier in aliexpress it's i think much easier but you're also just drop shipping and drop shipping as i've always said is temporary right so regardless of if you're watching this if you're wanting to start amazon fba if you're wanting to start shopify um you know this video will apply to you and the method is similar when it comes to finding a a supplier on aliexpress or alibaba but like i said aliexpress uh it's it's for drop shipping suppliers and drop shipping is temporary it's never a permanent method to actually start a very successful store like you can dropship for three months six months and make profit yes but i don't know of any actual big ecommerce brand that only did drop shipping by drop shipping i mean they never actually ordered product in bulk they never branded it um they never put a logo on it and stuff like that so that's just the truth honestly um another point is that yes so if you want to so for 90 of products you're going to use alibaba for that 10 of products where for example it goes on your face or goes on your skin or goes inside your body like like i don't know food or something or supplements you will definitely not use china instead you will actually use google and so you can just go on google and type in like private label product and then you know supplier um and then you can also put like minus which will eliminate all the alibaba um search results so those are the two ways for example like if you want to source matcha and i've used this example before matcha is actually apparently best sourced from south korea right so there are certain products that they're best sourced from certain places so uh for matcha you would want to find a supplier in south korea and if you type in private label matcha on google you will find many suppliers from south korea and i believe japan as well um so yeah one sec i'm just gonna get water so yeah okay let's get into it um we're gonna take an example product i'm going to show you how to find suppliers with it we're going to talk about the psychology of dealing with suppliers how suppliers are in asia and china specifically suppliers outside are much different so in in the west they're much different so this vibe will be jam-packed with value and for the example product we're going to be using it's going to be uh it's going to be like a shaver a men's shaver but it's going to be an alloy shaver so a shaver like a metallic shaver if you're if you're if you've been in ecommerce i'm sure you've seen the ads there's a very big brand called supply which uh they've created like a uh they've created like a proprietary shaver it costs like 75 and they claim that it lasts for life um and it's made out of this high quality i think it's like an alloy um i don't think it's aluminum i think it's just some metal and so it looks really high quality and so i will show you how to find a supplier for that obviously we're not going to be able to find that exact same product because i believe that they don't you don't they don't source it from an alibaba supplier um but you know we'll try to find something similar the goal with any e-commerce brand that you're starting is to always find something to always you know find a high quality product and if you can't find something that's high quality from china from alibaba then you can try to you know find a local supplier a domestic supplier and even then in that case if you can't if you can't find that well then either find a different product or you might have to create something from scratch which obviously costs a lot more money would you verify google suppliers well you don't really have to verify them i mean like you just contact them and you know they give you a quote and there's really no negotiation with google suppliers by google suppliers he means suppliers outside of china it's much more straightforward usually the price is the price they're not going to play around with you whereas in china it's just part of the culture you know they'll give you a high price and you have to negotiate with them that's just how it works so yeah let's get started i'm gonna pull up uh i'm gonna pull up alibaba and we will find some suppliers i think i'll probably have to let's see obs um alright so you should be able to see my screen i'm not sure if it's like uh if it's the full screen or what um oh no that's my camera one sec there's like infinite dan right now okay i guess it's working can you guys see my screen and it's all good let me know in the chat can you see my screen guys all right we can see fantastic okay let's get started so i'm going to show you so um like i said we're going to use an example of the alloy shaver so for this i'm going to type in alloy shaver alloy i just mean like metal right and so the brand that we're looking at is supply so if we look at supply i'm not going to click on the rad there it is so 75 okay so when you're looking at the store right away you're looking at this and you know i can see that it's likely a proprietary product likely they are creating this themselves from scratch um and they literally went into that process from from zero i don't recommend this process i don't recommend this particular way of starting an ecommerce business if you're starting out because you have a very limited starting budget and by very limited i mean under five grand under under 10 grand if you have under 5k or 10 grand like you can still succeed obviously um just follow the way that i started my first e-commerce business on amazon at the time this was four years ago i no longer sell that product i've moved on to different e-commerce ventures today we have seven seven brands that we're working on actively on the team because i run like a company of 15 people we have um yeah we have seven seven brands uh four or five of them in the vc and then two that i'm growing myself so i'm excited to be sharing that with you guys one of the food industry like functional foods and then one in the travel space where we're designing products from scratch so you know i have the experience when it comes to product design and this i can tell right away is a product that was designed from scratch and maybe they're even not making it in china i think they might be making it uh in the u.s maybe not likely not i i can't really tell you probably have to fish and like and go inside the website and actually see but let's say that we wanted to start a shaving ecommerce brand obviously we would want to differentiate obviously we would want to have a unique selling proposition at usp and i talk a lot about this in the new update of the shopify freedom course that i've been working on it's not on the course yet it will be released soon but you need to have a usp you need to give people a reason to buy from you and not from another brand not from somebody else especially if you're a new store and so in this case the usp is very obvious they have two usps the main usp is that they designed a proprietary product from scratch it looks great uh and uh this you know the fact that it's long-lasting apparently it's saying that i think they said that it lasts for life what's the difference between alloy and steel right so there's this alloy it's from zinc alloy it's not from steel it's also not from plastic and they say that uh most customers get between eight and ten shaves out of each blade which i did some research on gillette and stuff and in my experience gillette lasts like three four shaves max um you know like regular shavers so let's say we were starting commerce brand let's say you know we wanted to kind of differentiate find a usp so let's say we would find a similar type of product so for this we would go alloy shaver and let's say that we wanted to start a store around these types of shavers right i haven't really seen these types of shavers online i've actually never used this type of shaver i'm not even sure how you would because i only know how to use safety razors um but i guess it's pretty simple you just run it over your run it over your skin i might be totally ignorant here i don't have a lot of facial hair honestly um it's just my my genetics which is honestly a blessing more than a curse but um yeah so alloy shaver so we search by product all right let me see we pop up the chat all right we can see the screen so there's two things the first thing we do is we enable trade assurance and then we enable verified supplier so trade assurance what that is uh alibaba it's like their secure payment system so when you're paying your supplier you pay through trade assurance very important is that when you are actually talking to your supplier you need to make sure that your um you know your deal the entire deal that you agree on after you actually discuss it when you actually discuss the deal you usually do it on whatsapp or wechat typically wechat although it's annoying especially to set up an account because you need somebody from mainland china to uh to like approve you you have to send them your barcode and stuff but once you do that then you're good and it looks good in front of suppliers if you use wechat but for trade assurance great way to protect yourself because if anything happens alibaba basically what they do is they hold the money in escrow meaning that they take your money alibaba holds it and they only release it to the supplier once um you know the deal goes through and once uh the product actually ships out and everything's got everything's fine so trade assurance we always want that now verified supplier that's um alibaba's inspection like uh or supplier rating system they have certain checks that they put suppliers through and so we want to have verified supplier on as well but you don't absolutely have to have verified supplier on i would say it's optional i would say start your search with it on now what i'm going to do is i'm going to right click open link in new tab on any of these ones that i'm interested in and i'm just let's say in this case i'm just looking for a shaver that is high quality and compares to this obviously it's very difficult like i said it's a proprietary product they might even have a patent on it um when you start something when you start a product from scratch you can actually patent it which is very powerful because it can protect you from any copycats and anybody who tries to copy your business i like this one a lot it says it's a female shaver i'm not sure like right so zinc alloy as you can see we just found a zinc alloy shavers there you go i saw this before this is pretty funny maybe decent drop shipping product but again very gimmicky it's a it's a shaver for your back so you can shave all your back hair if you're a man or i guess if you're a woman as well um i just the only thing i thought about this when i saw this i'm like how would you be able to get all the hair like you can't you don't have eyes back there i guess you have to look in the mirror anyway there's always new products coming out of china so i'm just opening anything that looks interesting that looks decent um so we can also try zinc alloy shaver right so as you're doing your research you might come up with better keywords and then also remember to enable trade assurance and verified supplier again okay so here we found something decent and one um here we have a golden shaver like that could be that could be a usp like you can launch a line of golden razors golden zinc alloy razors right and uh you know it could be just enough of just enough of a usp that you could get sales and you know there's really an interest in the product because i like golden things obviously it's not real gold but it looks cool and it's different it's different than the usual you know gillette fusion as you can see they're i guess it's furious three it looks just like gillette if you look at it um but yeah i'm gonna pop up in the chat here and see um most suppliers require moq of 500 pieces on first order and they need payment well it's not 500 pieces it can be 250 it can be 200 100 it all depends on the supplier and the product obviously what are your feelings towards services such as oberlo and similar services oberlo actually i used to really almost hate on oberlo but oberlo is decent for automating your drop shipping orders so if you decide to start with drop shipping um and you are using your drop shipping product value express oberlo is actually really good to just fulfill those orders automatically uh saving you all that time so you don't have to go on there and constantly you know manually uh manually put in those orders um because you're shipping directly to your customer right what is usp usp um unique selling proposition so it's basically a business term it's heated in like business school i mean i learned it in i learned it in uh in business school at least in my short stay in business school um before i dropped out but usp is basically just yeah unique song proposition uh something that makes your brand unique compared to everything else okay so we have a few open here so let's take a look right so we have this one and one thing i will say is that products look different on the website then they'll look in your hand and that's why we get samples remember for any product that you're sourcing you absolutely need to get samples it is so so so important and how you do that is we actually contact the supplier here we click contact you're going to need to make an account and i'm not going to do it now but you contact the supplier and then you basically use our supplier contact template which you can find in the amazon fba starter pack below so even if you're starting a shopify store it works as well same template you can get it for free in the amazon fba starter pack below it asks for your email um we don't send any spam or anything it's just we build our email list um you know we only send valuable emails once every monday and um basically yeah that's pretty much it and like you'll see when you go on the amazon fba starter pack site uh it offers you to upgrade to the free trial of the amazon course which you don't have to do a lot of people think that i'm forcing them to do it no it's just an optional thing like if people don't know about the free trial they can do it so that's there um you can find that below and i'm going to show you what that starter pack looks like here or not the starter pack but the the contact template so this is it you can freedom spare contact template so this is the one you're using the initial context supplier templates you're going to copy this whole thing and then you're going to paste it when you click on contact supplier it's very simple now if a few points on this um a lot of people have been saying especially recently suppliers are not answering or they're simply answering okay like those two letters when when you send them this uh template and i think that's because so because i have like so many people watch my videos obviously you know i have hundreds of thousands of subscribers millions of views on my videos everybody is using this template and i think that suppliers they almost are not taking you guys seriously anymore if you're using this template so i would say just take this and rewrite it you can even make it a lot shorter it doesn't have to be this long honestly i found that shorter works better especially with suppliers so you want to make sure that you keep most of these questions um just rewrite it you know fit it to your brand and your company and make sure that you include your skype id so you can either talk to the supplier via skype whatsapp or wechat and that's where you're going to do the negotiations and you're going to set up the deal you're not going to do it in the alibaba message center you can although it's very clunky i don't like that system when you have reached a deal what you're going to do is you're going to tell your supplier okay please re-say the deal restate everything on the alibaba message center so that we can do trade assurance and they'll understand and if they don't understand then you say okay go to alibaba you know message center and then we talk there and so you go to ali my message center you resave the deal like okay we agreed that you know this this is the amount of pieces this is the price uh we're doing um you know express shipping or error or c whatever it is um where it's going all that kind of stuff and then you'll be protected so you can grab this that's going to be down below in the amazon fba starter pack it's free and then you know you can upgrade to the free trial if you want seven days also zero risk to the full econ freedom course where you learn every single thing you need to know to start an amazon fba business from myself as well as from our team of um of mentors who actually saw on amazon and there's also the shopify course as well so yeah that's that um i think you guys yeah you guys saw that cool so i'm going to show you some things to be aware of on alibaba here so like i said the product looks different than like usually the product on the website looks different than when you get it and let's say that you have three three suppliers open and the products are exactly the same on the pictures but when you actually get them you'll notice small differences differences that you can't detect in the picture so that's why samples are very important to get although samples cost about 50 per sample depending on the cost of the product obviously if it's more expensive it's more expensive by the way never use the start order button here you always want to contact them also this price here is usually very inaccurate and they the suppliers usually just put a random price on there you know just to like attract people to um attract people to uh contact them the sample price also not accurate at all because you'll find that yeah the sample might cost seven dollars but with shipping the shipping costs alone because it's one unit is 30 or 40 dollars direct to your place you know direct to your house with dhl so that's because when you're ordering in bulk obviously everything's cheaper when you're ordering a single unit it's more expensive so it's just the price you have to pay let's say we're starting a a shaving store this would be the best one that i've in my opinion that i found maybe we could ask them for this one in gold for example i would also test this on myself i would use this you don't want to launch a product that you've never tested you want to make sure that it's actually working and it's good now i'm sure that you can also find zinc alloy shavers for example locally you could also go on google and type in private label men's shavers right so literally go on google type in private label men's shavers and then you do minus okay just like that and so you can see that right here perma brands canadas there's one in canada they have they say everything you need to succeed in the men's grooming space you have a supplier in the u.s here at dorco um obviously the product will be more expensive but you will you will be saving on the shipping because you're likely going to be selling in the united states or in europe so yeah that's uh that's something to consider and then my earlier matcha example so if you don't if you do private label matcha minus right here all right so here you go we have a supplier you can select your matcha and if we go to contact us we can see where they're from so it's showing that they're from california but if we actually read about them uh why aikida so they're saying that their farms are based in kagoshima japan so you know it's japanese matcha and then it was started by uh i guess a famous matcha guy kenta aikida so that's a great way to find local suppliers as well you can use the same template although like i said i would make it shorter and i would rewrite it if you don't have a brand name you can just come up with something on the spot for now you can always change that later don't focus on the small details focus on the big uh the big things that move you forward why would they send you a sample well if you pay them they want you to see the product quality is there a way to produce an amount of 3d models in 3d print in china um i'm not sure for what if you're doing product design you would need a product designer to help you with that can we watch this again after the live session yes you can what's your opinion on sourcing from india i haven't sourced from india so i don't know uh but you can honestly there just isn't really an alibaba for india maybe someone will create alibaba for india i think that would be really good because india is an emerging country and i'm sure that they have a great manufacturing how do i get my shipping plan to send in my products um i have a video on this you can watch my amazon fba five hour tutorial there's a whole section on setting up a shipping plan in there all right back to back to the alibaba suppliers so another way of searching for suppliers is you can go up and then you go to suppliers like this hit search and now you'll find just suppliers and make sure that you take trade assurance and verified you don't absolutely have to take verified supplier you can untick it but you need to make sure that at least trade assurances ticked or checked so guangzhou id how these suppliers names are they'll always be either three or four there's always going to be four parts so the first part is going to be their city where they're at so guangzhou or shenzhen is a popular place for suppliers the second word is uh the name that they chose for themselves so milady is the name of the factory chose for themselves weighty is the name sometimes you'll find an english name like harwood razor and xeroe blade selenium sword right technology that's the type of supplier that they are and then the last the last word is the type of company usually it's limited so on here you can see how many years they've been in business i would say don't reach out to a supplier unless they've been in business for at least two years um and then also make sure that their total revenue is minimum one million you'll find most suppliers have a revenue of about a million anyway so that's not a problem at all and then you can just click on contact supplier and then contact them one more thing as well when you do product research this way the important part is okay if you see that they have something similar at least to what you want like in this case let's say we want a gold version of a zinc alloy shaver well i can contact this ningbo and i can ask them hey like you can send them a picture of what you want roughly or you can you know find an image and then they'll likely have it because suppliers in china they have a lot of connections and they can either source it for you and they'll charge a little bit of a of a markup or they can manufacture it themselves so just basically keep in mind that um they are flexible and they're willing to like they're not just uh manufacturing the things that you're seeing on in the pictures they can actually do a lot more than that uh one more thing to remember as well one thing to remember as well is that when you are actually talking to suppliers and you're communicating with them the first price always negotiate but don't negotiate too hard if you negotiate too hard you'll find that your supplier will be really pissed off they don't make a lot of money on the first order um they make all their money on repeat business and so all those drop shippers and all those people that are like are playing around and you know the people that don't come back for second third fourth orders because their store failed or their product failed it wastes the suppliers time because all the initial work with the supplier is at the very beginning of your negotiations once you've gone through your first two orders there's almost no work you just tell them hey i want to reorder a thousand pieces or 500 pieces or 2 000 and you're good to go and you send them the the wire or the credit card payment on alibaba note on that if you're paying by credit card and alibaba there will be a big big big fee usually a couple hundred dollars so i would say always try to pay by wire transfer to through alibaba trade assurance not directly to the factory never directly to the factory you pay by wire transfer to alibaba's account and they're going to send you that information on there and when you're talking to suppliers uh note that obviously they're on the chinese time zone so if you're in the united states or you're in canada that will be evening time our time in north america so early morning or evening time you can talk to them they'll wake up usually in the evening and you know the amount of times i've stayed up late to talk to suppliers a lot and yeah that's just how it works let's take some questions [Music] um i'm scared to start drop shipping if i fail and i'll waste money or how it works and how much profits they get i completely understand you that's why youtube videos my youtube videos are helpful that's why courses are helpful um you know we have the best courses on the market in my opinion and in our students opinion we have a great rating on trustpilot so you can check those out um been watching your videos since you were in mom and grandma's house respect i launched a couple fba brands because your course would love to be one of your live testimonies dan speaks facts 100 and that means you were around since 2017 man it's been a long time i'm still here still doing e-commerce loving it every day um if i had a supplier it's not alibaba is that fine yes it's fine um you can use the same aspire template just make sure you rewrite it how to get an moq of zero do you need an agent uh so if you are tr if you're drop shipping and your contact supplier and alibaba they'll need an mlq and agents will not be able to get you um like yes you can find an agent i don't have an agent to give you right now but agents sometimes they'll be able to get you a logo on your product with drop shipping but they'll usually require a minimum amount of drop shipping orders per month i want to sell custom candles think like yankee candle with customer requested unique labels having trouble getting started candles honestly extremely saturated market but you do have a unique usp i think with customer requested labels i would go with shopify i would find a print-on-demand candle manufacturer somewhere in the states and see and go from there i don't know if that's possible but anything is possible all right guys any questions you have about amazon shopify we don't have a lot of questions right now so you can go ahead and ask me i want to sell i want to sell custom women and men uh slippers when i go and alibaba the shipping is like five times higher than the product yeah so shipping is expensive that's why you can just use uh see shipping honestly at this point i used to recommend air shipping went for your first order when you're starting out but at this point c shipping is just better more economical our shipping is just extremely expensive right now with the rise and boom in e-commerce is there a way to check if the shipping fee from the supplier is good yes so two ways first way you can contact three different suppliers and you can ask them for shipping um and you can kind of see like let's say if one says 700 one says 400 one says 500 those are the quotes from their freight forwarders you can also use a service called freight os f-r-e-i-g-h-t-o-s dot com freight os i believe that's a site you can go on there and then you can basically type in all your product information and you'll it's like a broker for quotes and you can find uh the best shipping quote on there and you can compare that to what your suppliers are giving you of course i'm currently a high school student following your two hour shopify tutorial i'm having trouble on what product i should sell do you have any recommendations um i mean i can't give you a product uh i don't have any from the top of my head right now but there are tons of products that are really good honestly like just do your research um i don't know you said high school how old you are but you do need a bank account you're gonna need to start an llc and you need to be 18 to do all that so maybe you can get your parents to help you up hi i'm 14 i'm looking to start a business in norway is drop shipping a good choice of business for me if you're 14 i would not start that honestly i mean you can but like i said you're going to need to be 18 and get a credit card bank account all that um plus drop shipping is not a long-term business maybe you could start like a drop shipping website for norwegians in norway um of something unique like something unique that hasn't really taken off in norway what's an llc limited liability company it's just a business license hey dan i watched the video late maybe you answered uh my question is we took a sample from the supplier but they produced weak goods during production to get this be printed uh yeah inspection product inspection did you get an inspection make sure you get an inspection if you order in bulk you always want to get an inspection we always go with vtrust at econ freedom so for all of our products we just had like five inspections done for recent brands that we're starting what's your favorite shopify theme any of the free themes they're great and uh high converting they all work really well my my parents are willing to help me out on the shopify theme note don't there's no reason to over complicate anything there's no reason to um you know try to buy like crazy paid expensive theme just get your store going if you have a decent product decent product photos and a great offer remember the key is in the offer there's a really good book on this alex for mozy i talked about this in my previous live call last week he has a new book called 100 million offers i believe that's what it's called highly recommend it really really good you can apply a lot of the ideas to e-commerce a lot of people they screw up in e-commerce because their offers are not good their offers are just not really that wanted by the target market by offer i mean you know like selling the like the product that you're selling the price and how your website presents the product um i'm researching the toy niche any success testimonials for their students on children's toys um from the top i had no but i'm sure there's people in the group there was a guy with a with a board game why is your face so small i don't know is my face small man people i don't think my face is small it is easy to tie up with amazon for selling products from alibaba any video that you uploaded on how to sell on amazon i have tons of videos on how to sell on amazon tons you can check that out what quality and testing requirements do you tell your shipping inspection company if you're manufacturing glass bottle um why are you manufacturing a glass okay so i'm assuming your product is in the glass like a glass container or it is glass um yeah you basically just tell your inspection company that and then they're gonna make sure when they go in that uh you know they take care of everything they check to make sure that uh it's properly packed you wanna make sure that it's all properly packed that's very important do i think leg pillows ergonomic pillows are too saturated um i don't know that product i would say watch my videos and use those techniques to check yourself that would be the best option for you violet hi dennis so happy i got your live always awesome info thank you very much thank you very much so big uh big pointers to remember you don't always have to use alibaba for your product there is other ways you can go on google and find a supplier if you're drop shipping you're going to use aliexpress it's really simple just type in the product that you want and then find the find the product with the highest amount of orders you know from top to bottom obviously a relevant product get samples very very important to get samples do not skip that and then um what is it called get an inspection get an inspection all right guys i have a student call my econ freedom two hour life call is today is where you go we get together with all the students and then i basically answer everybody everybody's questions and get all of the wisdom out to people so i'm going to be going on that here in 20 minutes but thank you so much for being on the call today i'll see you guys uh not next weekend next weekend i'm away uh we're doing a little cabin trip cottage trip with a bunch of my friends out here in canada i don't know lake so that's gonna be fun but i'll see you guys in two weeks so in two weeks on saturday uh probably at 2 p.m or maybe 3pm because i'm probably gonna be in the states west coast so thank you guys so much good luck
Channel: Dan Vas
Views: 17,164
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Keywords: alibaba, how to use alibaba, ecommerce suppliers, ecom supplier, alibaba secrets, amazon fba, shopify, dropshipping, ecom
Id: yb-uJ-8jreU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 54sec (2274 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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