How To Find The Best Suppliers On Alibaba | Alibaba Sourcing Hacks For Amazon FBA 👈

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what's up guys welcome to sourcing warriors China when it comes down to sourcing there's nothing more important than finding a good supplier because they control your product raw material cost product quality packaging shipping communication literally they can make or break your business if you're ready to buy from China especially from Alibaba to start your Amazon FBA business please watch this video first before you create your first purchase order to the Chinese suppliers why because there are a millions of products and millions of suppliers listed on Alibaba but not all of them are direct manufacturers not all of them are honest to business people there are plenty of resellers middlemen are ready to take a cut out of your profit and there are bad people is going to skim your money if you're not careful don't be scared guys in this video I'm gonna share with you four simple to follow steps to help you with the Alibaba research if you follow these steps the risk of you getting scammed is going to be close to zero and the chance of you finding a good direct manufacturer is going to increase dramatically at the end of the video I'm gonna share with you one bonus tip that's going to save you tons of time when you're ready to contact the Chinese suppliers are you ready guys let's get started all right guys before we hop onto Alibaba let's quickly go through the steps I use when I search suppliers on Alibaba we don't have to spend days qualifying them to make our research as efficient as possible we need to have some shopping guide what differentiates rookie's from the pros is that when rookies look at a product on Alibaba they immediately jump on price and moq but pros won't do that they won't waste time doing that because right now we're shopping for suppliers and who are shopping for quality when we find a good supplier who can produce good quality product we can always negotiate price and moq let me give you example if for example you're looking for yoga product you type in the keyword yoga mat on Alibaba there will be over a hundred thousand product listings but if you search and sword by suppliers I'll show you when we get onto Alibaba there will be only 980 suppliers selling these a hundred thousand products out of the nine hundred suppliers there are only two hundred some suppliers that are gold supplier assess supplier and trade assured supplier was that means is for the gold supplier is a paid membership and assess the supplier is the either Alibaba team or a third-party company have been to the factory audit the company and verified their Factory do exist their tooling their equipment do exist and the treat assurance is a free service offered by Alibaba if your purchase order is not produced to the specification you can dis build payment through Alibaba if you look at this matrix this pyramid this is actually Ali Baba's supplier ranking algorithm what we need to do is to take advantage all the buildings screaming futures Alibaba already have on their website to have them find the suppliers on the top of the pyramid if I'm looking for a yoga product my job is to find a few suppliers out of the 287 to become my business partners so now you know how to sort basically sort through suppliers let's go through the four simple steps to qualify these suppliers step number one find out who they are when I look at a supplier profile I look at these four things supplier name business type number of years selling on Alibaba under the company certification you might be wondering why supplier name why what does it matter actually in China the company name is actually very structured when they register the business the business name must including four essential element which is registration location company name main product they are involved in and the partnership type for example a company in Ningbo City wanted to called register themselves in Ningbo want to call themself golden star and there you moulting plastic rubber related products and they're a limited liability company this will be minghua golden star plastic company however this Ningbo company because minghua is a city level registration they cannot call them self george young golden star plastic company jose young is the province above Ningbo and definitely they cannot call themselves china golden star plastic company because china is the state level company registration so on the business type when a when a supplier list their product on Alibaba they must disclose themselves either as a manufacturer where a trading company sometimes you will see the supplier list themselves as manufacture and trading company what does that mean is that this supplier not only can produce the product they can also export the product directly to overseas companies not all of the Chinese factories have a Sports license therefore they have to use a middleman which is the treating company to sell the product to you the number of years selling online this is obviously very subjective I need I wanted to use the supplier have a minimum three years of e-commerce business experience because their communication and their business maturity need to be enough so that I don't have to babysit and mentoring them so the last one is the company cert the company cert is different from product cert any company can produce any product however the third party produced a certification but not all the companies have the system in place wanted to go through the steps to get a company certification for example ISO ISO 9000 will certify company's quality system iso 14000 will certify the company's environmental system so if a company has gone through these steps and got the ISO certification as a company definitely is a nice-to-have so by looking at these four elements supplier name business type number of years in business and company certification you should have a just a baseline idea of who they are now the second step is what they do if you look at the suppliers main product and product categories you should be able to figure out if this company is offering a concentrated line of product related to the product you wanted to buy or their scattered and offering all kinds of products which make them not as efficient the more concentrated the the company does one product the more leverage they have on the raw material purchase their workers skills is my better because they do repetitive work day in and day out and that the quality is much more reliable and consistent and if you're searching for the product you need to know what are your must-haves serves and what are your nest hazards you can look at the suppliers product page to see if they offer those the step number three is where they are where they're located basically when you do the detailed address check is the address indicating they're on the 15th floor suite 101 where room 120 obviously if the supplier claimed themself to be the manufacturer you need to question why there I just is showing an office address the address should be the factory address it should be two hours away in an industrial area from the city if they are showing an office address you need to question that to the supplier on the high level though this is very important guys you need to check if the city where the supplier is located is outside of the five major cost coastal provinces the reason is because 80% of the manufacturer activities are done in these five coastal provinces if your supplier is far away from coast and they're in an inner seal and city when you are ready to purchase the product you're gonna have to pay a lot more money transporting the goods from the city the factory where the factory is located to the port and when you are adding the the three the number two and three products it will be much harder for you to consolidate this supplier with the other suppliers so keep this in mind when you check the supplier edges finally the step number four is your suppliers this is obviously you can find out after you contact the supplier but if your suppliers English skill is so good you might be wondering do they do this for leaving is this really a supplier factory wrap or they are actually a middleman or a trading company if you don't trust what you have checked you can always do these two things number one use a surprise factory tour for example you can call your supplier contact and tell them that you have a purchasing agent in China he's happened to be near by the factory area can he arrange a quick factory tour for your agent or you can ask your supplier contact or do a quick video call hey I wanted to get an idea of what your factory look like can you get onto the production floor and do a quick video call with me using these techniques to find out if your supplier is truly a direct manufacture if they always find excuses you need to put a question mark with that whether they are the direct manufacturer now you guys you have have a basic idea of who your supplier is what they do where they are at and how they conduct the business let's hop on to Alibaba and do a practice run and don't forget the bonus tip on Alibaba oh yeah this is my own reminder I'm not gonna forget the bonus tip on Alibaba so let's hop out to Alibaba and do a few trip we're now on Alibaba homescreen less search and practice the steps we learned let's use yoga mat as an example yoga mat and his own search the default sword criteria is product as you can see here and that's why you have over a hundred thousand product listings returned to your search if you sort these hundred thousand products by suppliers you can see that is about a thousand suppliers offering these hundred thousand products and if you continue to apply filters product gold suppliers assess suppliers and trade assured suppliers and the you have a two hundred eighty six suppliers you can continue to apply filters listed on the web on the left hand side for example if you want your supplier absolutely hahaha ISO 14000 environmental standards then you can click on this pewter that will give you twenty suppliers that meet that standard let's use the first supplier to practice on the supplier qualification steps if you click on the supplier first thing I wanted to know is was their name they are calling themselves young to turn home plastic and rubber company yong-jo should be their registration name this is a city of jung-soo province this is a Jiangsu province one of the problem one of the five coastal provinces I gave it to you earlier which is good and to whom is their business name and they're involved in plastic and rubber product their business type now the business type they claimed themselves to be both a manufacturer and a trading company they can actually produce an esper the product directly to you which is good now if the company has any certifications they do you have ISO 9000 cert which this gives you basic idea of what this company is who this company is now let's look at their product by looking at their main products they they listed mostly yoga product at me if you look at the product categories you can see everything and everything about yoga mat roller pad brake mostly PVC product they are very concentrated in doing yoga product which is good their company size is quite small but that isn't concerns me right now because they obviously can I support a lot of product to overseas now look at their product qualifications they listed out see e Ridge and reach product certifications based on the market you are exporting the product to you can decide if these certifications are good enough to meet your requirement let's look at another supplier from the list oh look at this one this is called Pro Circle fitness training product Sujal company this is a very obvious foreign company I forgot to mention in the previous session if it's a foreign registered company doing business in China they will show the business's name first and then the product they are involved and then the registration location in brackets let's look at them this pro circle company immediately they did disclose themselves business time as a trading company obviously they don't have any ISO cert they don't have any factories to certify and let's look at their product they are saying they do generally fitness equipment if I look at their product categories is variety of different things yoga rollers straps weight fitting accessory accessories and freeways these are made by the cast Aron definitely is not you go product so if you're looking for a yoga mat this is not a good fit especially if they're a trading company it's up to you if you wanted to work with the trading company but based on that they're not as a good of supplier as the first one let's look at maybe another one just to practice this company their name is hi young hi young should be their registration location they are a city of a Schendel as you can see Shandong province is one of the coastal province which is good and their business type is they can do both production and exportation and they also have ISO certs which is good and if I look at their product mostly resistant bents tubes is a variety of products the company is bigger much bigger than the first one but I don't think this company will give you as much of a good pricing as the first company because they are relatively small I think they will be more flexible working with you if you're customizing the product so you get the idea using the qualification steps to qualify these suppliers after you contact the supplier you can further qualify their communication skills and double check if they are indeed the direct manufacturers talking about contact the supplier is about the time to show you the bonus tip when you're ready to contact the suppliers the right way to do that is to check the favorites button check each one of them that you wanted to contact for example if you wanted to contact the six three four it doesn't matter we add these suppliers to the favorite folder now you hover over the favorites and click on favorite supplier you can see you have five suppliers added to your favorite folder now what you can do is to click on all of them and click on contact suppliers don't click on this individual tab but click on contacts the suppliers because you select it all now oh I have to enter the code which I don't recognize the first one let's see j9m it doesn't take Y P a a u u now you have five suppliers in your favorite folder you can send one RFQ to all these five suppliers that you have selected in your favorite folder and you paste your beautifully drafted RFQ template and you send the inquiry all five supplier will receive your your your RFQ at the same time so it's a few tons of time doing the copy and paste each individual supplier and on top of that when you receive like say you receive two of these suppliers response and the other three didn't respond you can go back to your favorite folder and delete the one half respond late and select all three that haven't respond to you and ask sentiment reminder email hey I haven't got your response yet please send two sent the RFQ back to me as soon as possible isn't it cool I think it's very cool I save tons of time that's it guys I hope you enjoyed this video I'm gonna share a lot of tips and tricks and China buying inside in this channel please don't forget to Like and subscribe sourcing warriors YouTube channel and you can also join sourcing warriors Facebook group I post a lot of content there alright guys have a brilliant day I'll see yous [Music]
Views: 1,275,832
Rating: 4.9553494 out of 5
Keywords: alibaba, Factory On Alibaba, how to find a manufacturer on Alibaba, alibaba middlemen, sourcing, alibaba suppliers, how to find product on alibaba, alibaba reseller, how to find a supplier on alibaba, how to find a supplier in china, china suppliers, sourcing warrior, goodlife warrior, buying from Alibaba, importing from china, china sourcing agent, dropshipping supplier, yt:cc=on, china wholesale, aliexpress, alibaba sourcing hacks, amazon fba, sourcing warrior mastermind
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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