Ali - At NASA

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what is space and why is it so important to find out more as come to Cape Canaveral which is meant to be almost as good as the not yield Canaveral even though Jonas Brothers wicked is here with Rick sear force in is a NASA astronaut went on the space shuttle few time and was actually the commander of the space shuttle he is gonna tell us about space because he ain't only the earth that is out there there is also something outside it called space in it absolutely so what's the longest you has been in space my longest space mission was my last one there were 16 games on board the space shuttle 16 days how did you hold your breath for that long you don't need to hold your breath in the Space Shuttle because it's a pressurized cabin just like an airplane on an airliner what is climbing a planet is what we live on a planet Earth is a planet it's round it's it's pretty large but it's small compared to a star like the Sun is a star and you could take a million earths a million earths could fit inside the Sun that's how big it is what the Sun is bigger than there oh yes much bigger star but it's just so wrong well of course it said so just sunny that small no no it's huge really it's just so far away it's a much bigger than that what about drinking did it feel strange drinking your own way your own Oh Oh urine no we don't we don't do that actually on a space shuttle jacuzzi however good it is it can never tastes like a real hangover I started one I don't how did you get on with the other drivers we got our grape repel I have just a great crew what was the most annoying thing that we did well I would photo has the boss man a commander I would pull them aside just that person in me and we would talk and say I know you might like doing what you're doing but it's bothering the rest of us and it's hard for us to do our work we do it for Chuck him out the Space Shuttle because it's not worth killing somebody that's you have any student from England who come in with there's been one lady from England who flew on the Russian space station Mir do you know my uncle Jamal Jamal Kazi with a K cuz insidee went up on one of the things that name is not familiar all right if he ain't gonna make the Neos me antenna so let's talk about I get a share of that Turner yes you know
Channel: SDGuild
Views: 329,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ali-G, NASA, Space, Planet, Sun, Star, Astronomy (Field Of Study), Alien, Alien Quadrilogy (Film Series), Film (Film), Aliens, Moon, Shuttle, Sacha Baron Cohen (Celebrity), ammon cunningham, ammon cunningham utah, utah
Id: EYgk9Sae77U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 33sec (213 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2006
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