Hollywood Wax Museum - Pigeon Forge, TN

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hey you all carpetbaggers here coming to you live from the South more specifically Pigeon Forge Tennessee and even more specifically Matt time in front of the Hollywood Wax Museum not in Hollywood but here in Pigeon Forge Tennessee now this is a chain of wax museums there is one in Hollywood on Hollywood Boulevard there's another one of Myrtle Beach South Carolina and then there's one here in Pigeon Forge Tennessee this is kind of the new model of wax museum the old blob wax museums they put tableaus behind plastic where you can look in and observe them this is a more interactive wax museum where you take selfies with the wax figures they're supposed to interact with the wax figures so we have visited here before I thought it was time to take another look at the Hollywood Wax Museum so please follow me there we have the Mount Rushmore of Hollywood John Wayne Elvis Presley Marilyn Monroe and Charlie Chaplin see a Hollywood star King Kong up there on top of the building looks like he's bunching on a little plane now here are the stay safe practices in the building guests are required or face coverings at all times except while posing for photos see all right so go ahead and put our face coverings on so sick they are providing face coverings if you do not have one of your own the indoor ping-pong as well for photo ops this gentleman wiping down ping pongs mighty paw there is some staggered entry I guess to give people alone time with the wax figures dive right in to Hollywood with some of these celebrities that is Jennifer Lawrence as it would choose in The Hunger Games course the classic actress Julia Roberts the crazy Jack Nicholson looks like he's got will cigar there oh what a what a man I feel looking man and Morgan Freeman right there Angelina Jolie is a very beautiful woman but don't get too close to her because it does have a fresh coat of paint all right that says we can remove our masks when taking selfies with the bigger the testers not to touch the figures which that could transmit germs as well as on damage the wax figure did he ever supposed to actually punch them or scratch them because know that mixing them so they have to repair the figures we got here that Leonardo DiCaprio right there sit down and hear with I Dream of Jeannie I think we're sitting you know sitting in her bottle she rent wishes I remember the show she I know she does magic she wiggled her nose or that was that was bewitched I feel like she would do wiggle her notes they both wiggle their nose maybe she wiggled her ears and she what did she do so she blinked she blinked or maybe bewitched blinked and she wiggled her nose leave a comment in the comment section who blinked wiggled her nose who grants witches witches who grants wishes and who is a witch the Hollywood Wax Museum is used to have prop stations where you could have clothing hats or world weapons to pose with the individual wax figures I figured those would be gone just given that it's germs that way there's the Crystal Skull was it dan Aykroyd talks about the crystal skulls a lot it's like when they're all combined the world ends or something one of my favorite movies one of my favorite just movies I like to just sit down and so now actually we'll put in the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy the original trilogy the the four and five not my favorite movies but I rip he's gonna be a stink eye there I don't know what movie is currently dressed up for so it's an interesting process of wax museums a lot of times the studios will help pay for the wax figures but they want them dressed up in a certain way I don't know what movie is from as a movie you remember really wears a green jacket it's the last non evil person get away with wearing that mustache just from a painting known as the Boulevard of broken dreams to see some Hollywood famous people here James Dean looking very rebellious here at the bar got Marilyn Monroe over here Humphrey Bogart always always look so sad I do I do wonder how Elvis Presley got stuck working behind the counter roughly the most famous person here somehow he's slinging ice cream also he's got kind of a come on odd look what his eyes black dad black like a doll's eyes that Hugh Hefner over here in his round bed looks very inviting like he wants me to join him I don't know you I'm worried that you're fed there's a colony of disease but I can't say no names Hugh right you just named Hugh there we go now this used to be Forrest Gump's bench right here with Tom Hanks's Forrest Gump it appears Hanks Hank says has transformed into businessman Tom Hanks no longer sitting on the bench at Forrest Gump and I must just say I am so happy that you're feeling better audrey hepburn previously was having some breakfast here at Tiffany's and I guess that is unsanitary they don't want people handling the different food items so old Audrey just left with an empty table you don't appreciate when they switch characters out obviously this backdrop was for Austin Powers but see the little mini disco ball and me whatever those flowers are called Clarke Austin Powers is a lot of favor as we put three very handsome Robin Williams in its place this Cameron Diaz [Music] and I do believe this neon sign here was the sign that was on the street back when the wax museum was in Gatlinburg see a lot of people the criticize me that I haven't seen that many movies Halle Berry here say I know she's very famous I don't know a lot of movies shoes and I know she was in Catwoman which was apparently not a very good movie but I know I know she's very famous Church she's done in quite a few wonderful movies here we have Eddie Murphy believe he got his start as as a comedian and then moved into doing such wonderful Hollywood movies such as daddy daycare show continues upstairs here is Ryan Reynolds I've seen a movie with him in it he was in the Deadpool I don't know which movie he was in where there was a bunch of different cities different plots that wasn't that wasn't Deadpool wasn't you know they have some very interesting facts on these plaques I've never really paid much attention to him says his pet peeve is porcelain dolls he find porcelain dolls freaky says they have real eyes and they look real just imagine when I walk by and our heads turned the whole time so he's afraid of things with fake eyes that look real wonderful Channing Tatum would be afraid of his own wax figure we're here with Jason Statham I think he was isn't a lot of like action movies I believe I think he covered like maybe kicking doors down does a lot of punching kicking a lot of a lot of punching of bad guys forget you can see the whole lot from where they removed the prop stations and walkway here you can get a bird's eye view of King Kong here that guy spends most his day there's cleaning cleaning the giant monkey paw here we have some race car men I guess a an award that they got for racing someday I want to do a video where I replicate the me leads of this family where it's like they could they get a buff is a buffet of fast food they have Wendy's and Taco Bell and KFC all all spread out I remember the prop station prop station for Jack Black here for nacho libre actually had masks you could you could put on I don't think I don't think you're gonna see that for awhile I don't think we're any wearing public masks one of the few movie series that jumps the shark but keeps being awesome it's a wrestler John Cena he's got this gold necklace on em and if you look really closely they've actually nailed it to his chest I guess that is one way to keep a necklace on a very tough still Murray dressed up I guess this is this Caddyshack Bill Murray because it's a golf course but I think he was younger than other fames pro wrestler I got the the rock here just famed Brahma bull tattoo he actually had that covered up even though it was really iconic yet it covered up with a with a new bull tattoo there we have some improv comedy Will Farrell here in his money suit and it's like Adam Sandler is totally freaking out says comedian Kevin Hart and is that a lot that they that's glued to the stool that's not a prop it just part of the scenery danger danger high voltage yeah look at that Chris Pratt from from my jet world and video screen dinosaur yeah just back away get out of here here we have some former superheroes former Batman Ben Affleck and former Wolverine Hugh Jackman I want to do the new Wolverine will be and isn't uh this is the sparkly guy from Twilight gonna be the new Batman vitam meet of Benjamin Lucy I'm guessing this vitami to Benjamin was probably from an episode of her television show the gold leaf saloon we have de django django django I think it's just Django but Jamie Foxx is Django you see you've got a gun and his hair-trigger for me to put some when you Tarantino sighs holes in yo oh yeah here he is the guy Robert Robert Pattinson Addison he's gonna be the new Batman it's not a vampire anymore he's looking over there that's Ben Affleck staring him down telling him you like Batman no more buddy I'm Batman [Music] Gosling I think he is you hear about him mentioned when they talk about handsome men I think he's regarded being being a single movie you see in the notebook right notebook the interesting placement here we have john travolta samuel l.jackson so must be pulp fiction but but it's not because he had hair in Pulp Fiction didn't he had like curly hair I think he had longer hair in Pulp Fiction so the tea up is right the hair is a little off here we have Charlie's Angel the Lucy Liu getting ready there to pick my face off Cameron Diaz we had a second cm idea so you know that says something when there's two wax figures of you within the State Museum fortunately this one looks to be heavily medicated but true Barrymore she's very serious about kicking people see right there that leg right in my face the first season sure detective is one of my favorite seasons of a TV show of all time and Matthew McConaughey was amazing in it because time is a flat circle yeah here right outside of Eileen's wine bar hanging out McConaughey we have Selma Hayek Hayek I saying that right Hayek I act this is Bradley Cooper I remember him from that the hangover it's always the movie think about when I see him I don't know what porn taco bow and associate says but yeah hangover was a good movie we have Sandra Bullock I remember seeing her when I was in middle school she was in a movie called speed but a bus that couldn't slow down if I weren't watching that movie and even as the middle school that I'm like this movies really dumb we have the cast of Star Trek this is yeah I don't know this guy's name I know that is turqu that a Spock this is their friend and he's operating this highly sophisticated piece of machinery here and I loved his velvety his velvety outfit I like that little little gold accents that's very cool yeah this is Kirk my understanding he is the captain of the ship not like a boat type shipment of a space ship they went through space and he gonna sky over here Spock it's his best friend who also I think he's probably has some sort of role in the ship I think he's maybe the second captain or though what is that what is the co cap that's a co-captain but maybe like the assistant to the captain what would you call that here we have Arnie who has had half his face blown off but it's okay because he's not a real man he is actually a robot in disguise all right y'all think you can handle this the horror chamber notice if you have a weak heart bad nerves or expect a baby enter this horror chamber at your own risk we have to be so scared that you just you have a baby in the middle the wax museum there's the Phantom of the Opera very ghoulish looking individual I think he does sometimes wear a mask because he is self-conscious about his own foolishness here we have mr. Jason Voorhees which I only recently watched these movies come right in the 13th movies I watched I'd say about three or four of them I'm still kind of confused because his mom I mentioned this before so his mom was getting revenge because drowned the counselors were paying attention she got the bench of the counselors but it turned out that Jason was alive somehow they didn't really explain how Jason was still alive but he turned into a big large scary man and then he started killing counselors to get revenge for his mom so revenge for killing his mom their mom was killing get revenge for him I don't know some people some people tell me just that I'm thinking about it too hard up there there's a little creepy puppet from the Saw movies very very gory movies the Saw movies but it definitely a creepy puppet what's his name Billy is it Billy the thing abili yeah Hellboy very very largely muscular you know I almost think they should call him hell man the boy to grow man and we have Boris Karloff his famous role in the mummy now they said don't touch the wax figures and I'm gonna abide by that but one time we visited this museum this this saying when I was over at gallenberger visited Hollywood Wax Museum and we pulled the mask off The Scream the ghost face and it was Colin Farrell I've never seen this movie but I loved the character design of this devil with this impossibly large horns luckily they have imprisoned the alien in a jail cell that's where you belong always eaten people's faces and jumping out of people's chests you brought that jail cell Patrick Bateman from that absolutely amazing movie American Psycho because I can creep II flashing background behind him yeah that is that is that's a movie that's a movie the message with your had American Psycho predator another one on my must-see list of movies that I should have seen but haven't that in that mouth mouth is creepy I think I have a phobia related to that mouth somehow some of my first introductions to horror films was Tales from the Crypt on HBO I just remember loving that show I don't know had even seen scary movies before but I loved that the episodes that they have I remember there was one episode where this guy was running a diner that became really popular and then he found out that his his business partner was actually serving human meat there's like it does those crazy twists I need to go back and watch some tales from the correct my man Leatherface actually seen Texas Chainsaw one and Texas Chainsaw two and one is absolutely gut journey horrifying movie but two is really interesting it's actually completely different tone it has the same director I believe but it has it's a Dennis Hopper isn't it playing this bizarre sheriff who was hunting down the family with his own chainsaws [Music] the last Halloween I kind of went on a marathon row is binging some horror movies and I saw Halloween the first Halloween for the first time last year I think it is I mean I think it is like as far as at least at least as far as like slasher movies or movies in this genre I definitely think the first Halloween were Michael Myers this listen to calm the shape in the movie because he's just this figure he's not even a real person he's just like lurking and killing is so scary it's like the perfect I think the perfect slasher movie I think it peaked very early with the first Halloween movie we have Frankenstein right here and for some reason Sir Ian McKellen is a painting his portrait over here I don't remember the part of Frankenstein where Sir Ian McKellen was painting his portrait I'm sure it happened and by the way his name is Frankenstein coming at me Bela Lugosi famous as Count Dracula in some ways I think you felt like he was pigeon-holed because he was known almost exclusively for playing Count Dracula it complained about that fact but in some ways he did embrace it because he was buried in his Count Dracula get up here we have the men in black with their little dog and then there's neo from the matrix look at this to be a mashup it might actually be fun Holly was listening make men in black versus the matrix and here is Pierce Bronson Bronson Brosnan Dirk Brosnan anyway he's given his best sexy man face if I wanted to check out some old kung foo movies where would be a good place to start I have a certain I have a very specific very specific set of skills very specific set of skills little-known fact I have never seen a movie with Vin Diesel Sean Connery right there I think this movie is punch the Red October where he plays a Russian submarine man I don't have not seen that movie I think the only movie I've seen with Sean Connery in it is the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen taking a moment to sit here with Al Pacino from The Godfather I have seen The Godfather um thing to do was he was Scarface too wasn't he I've not seen Scarface it's a coming soon sign I don't know what's coming soon this is is that it looks like Jim Carrey to me but I can't say that with a hundred percent certainty does anyone know who that is there's Frank Sinatra singer of many songs has crew into many a tune in his time here's another Marilyn Monroe we had seen her earlier in the ice-cream shop with Elvis that's kind of a way to tell how famous someone is as if they were appear multiple times in one wax museum so who had to maryland's and to Cameron Diaz's [Music] yes sometimes they just have seemingly random celebrities next to each other that's Jennifer Aniston Ben Stiller the wedding scene definitely suffers from the removal of the prop stations used to be able to dress in a wedding dress and stand here and get married to George Clooney we have Leonardo DiCaprio on the front of the Titanic I don't know I don't know where Rose is he's sitting there with his arms stretched out singing I'm king of the world welcome to the pop diva concert here is Katy Perry and Taylor Swift I think Beyonce and Rihanna he has some wet paint a wet a fresh coat of paint so don't don't put your hands all over Rhiannon then there's pink down at the ends Prince shredding his guitar his trademark wispy mustache well Eminem has a first coat of paint as well he's the lockdown to put some paint on some of these figures the grand old country concert not to be confused at the Grand Old Opry we got some somewhat angry Willie Nelson right there okay Johnny Cash sitting there reading the men in black and you know what's this this is Pigeon Forge so we have to have that Miss Dolly Parton represented there and I'm sorry young lady I just don't know who you are Bob Marley and yes because of the lack of a prop station you can't put on your own dreadlocks here is John Wayne here we actually have Jeff Bridges as Rooster Cogburn the movie true grit actually a role originally played by John Wayne Owen Wilson and Jackie Chan who I believe were in a western movie together at some point in history but man look look at Jackie Chan it looks from his facial expression it looks like someone just punched him in the groin get off my lawn her final wax figure in the Hollywood Wax Museum we have Justin Timberlake used to you should be though the final figure here was Michael Jackson the reason they chose to remove Michael Jackson from the music they do sell the Michael Jackson single glove you want to wear that or you can here's a pirate sword an eyepatch so wonder if you can buy these props in the gift shop and use them for your photos one with their policy on bringing your own props is Debbie Debbie Debbie was kind of weird wouldn't it showing up with a bag of props some Academy Awards here some of the lesser-known categories such as best stepbrother or best sister-in-law they've got some King Kong merch here and have a horrifying pinkie puffing coffee mug now the adjoining attraction the castle of chaos is actually still closed down the castle of chaos in there they have a mirror maze they have a some sort of like like forty shooting game and then they have a haunted attraction a zombie based haunted attraction I've not been to the haunted attractions called outbreak they're really strict they won't let anyone film in there so I've not not been through there yet but it's actually from what I've seen of it it looks it looks pretty cool I'd love if they would let me film in there at some point [Music] now I must say I'll go back Museum of all the newly opened attractions that I've been to after everything was closed down during the unpleasantness I've been been to a lot of the the reopened attractions this by far Hollywood Wax Museum in Pigeon Forge has the most stringent guidelines as far as you know practicing social distancing it's the only attraction I've been in so far that it requires you to wear a mask through the attraction now they do make the exception of allowing you to take the mask off in order take selfies with the wax figures they put additional precautions in there such as having the time entrance so people don't get all crunched up together you know and asking people to not interact with the same figure at the same time they've gotten rid of the prop stations so that can be used to transmit any germs so very interesting and seeing how they are implementing these procedures is social distancing and the mask wearing on my head in my head though I thought it might be interesting like if you went in there and every every wax figure was wearing a mask I thought that might be just an interesting temporary exhibit but maybe I'm maybe I'm just thinking thinking out loud here yeah always fun to go to the Hollywood Wax Museum to be able to take your selfies with the wax figures interesting to see kind of you know a new normal on how how some attractions are moving forward with putting protections against possible viral infections going forward if you'd like to see any other wax museums I've been to as well as roadside attractions I'm used with parks haunted houses and other fun stuff check the interactive map in the description of this video look to see all places I've been and you can tell me where I need to go next also if you'd like to help support the channel consider donated patreon three dollars or more Allegiant postcard once a month I'm now also now selling enamel pins and my a tea shop all that information is in the description until next time this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 134,030
Rating: 4.8794389 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, wax museum, celebrity, movies, hollywood, museum, pigeon forge, tn, tennessee, gatlinburg, guidlines, wax works
Id: qNhcsM0IE0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 28sec (1768 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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