Aladdin 2019 - Nostalgia Critic

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what the hell were we smoking when we made this you [Music] [Music] hello I'm the Nostalgia Critic I remember it so you don't have to there's a very old saying if it's not broke Disney's remake of Aladdin side [Music] in the ongoing need to suck nostalgia swigging teat Disney offers us its latest multi-million dollar budget tables grabs the fight thing about this one was people were kind of onto it at first especially with the portrayal of the genie at first audiences were angry he appeared not to be blue clearly the biggest problem this movie could face then when they saw he was blue but poorly computer-generated people freaked again with Disney reassuring folks that he will look less awkward in the final film and that animation look like Paddington this is the less awkward genie well let me tell you as a crowd that's been duped a million times in the past we're totally gonna be duped again yep this fight makes critical reviews crowds once again seem to love Disney [ __ ] being shoveled right back into their mouths but to the film's credit there is a lot more to it than just an awkwardly animated Fresh Prince of who Barry you're forgetting the flat lead lame villain boring comedy and complete lack of anything fresh or memorable that made the original a household classic but it looks like thing I associate with good so must have substance it's the Instagram of movies okay I'm gonna try and figure out why this film is beloved by so many while giving the point of view of a douchebag who likes it when Disney you know Disney's and not Disney's let's take a look at the crowd-pleasing box-office remake where were you guys we were doing so good Aladdin so we start off this Arabian night with a pirate ship you know what it's different in a Disney remake that's like seeing a leprechaun feed a unicorn fresh Easter Bunny you just don't see it two kids on a smaller ship admire the black pearl as their father played by Will Smith says it's not worth the staring I'd be so happy advice fancy cuz it looks better look just because something is clearly animate it doesn't make it better I mean okay in this case it does but I got paid a lot of money for this I think it's time that I told you the story it's better when you say a lot of people disagree with that oh we don't know can you give me the memo of Smith things we like and Smith things we don't like with a caravan camels Road where you wander among every culture and time really they cut off your ear if they don't like your feelings and Ashleigh to get huh whoopsie do another Arabian yeah Wilson is singing isn't that great but I won't give credit this version of Arabian Nights is actually pretty solid as the credits roll it expands on the song adding different melodies and mixing up the orchestration while also showing us agribon introducing us to our main characters actually gonna do things right add and improve as opposed to take away in repeat but then we get this in the same sequence yeah that's our intro to the Cave of Wonders and the villain two big parts of the story in the original they built up the villain they build up the cave where that gold-bug come from [ __ ] look at that entrance only one may enter here suddenly there's a mystery that the story is immediately in motion so much character and information is cleverly introduced to you in a way you would never forget who disturbs my slumber a better mind we don't have time right how is this movie longer move over Raiders of the Lost Ark most epic movie intro ever unlocked we're introduced to the street rat Aladdin play by Mina Mossad who comes across Princess Jasmine disguised as a peasant play by Naomi Scott both look and sound exactly like their animated counterparts but where things get awkward is their chemistry one of these performers is acting too freaking hard out every moment on screen while the other clearly thinks these are the rehearsal takes can you tell which one is which a lot isn't it you're welcome was killed the Sultan's been afraid seems everyone's been afraid since then can't escape what you were born into you should tell the princess to get out more oh do you have my bracelet yes it's beautiful am I still on camera I guess I feel bad picking on this guy coz he clearly can move and dance he looks good and sounds good he's multi-talented but for whatever reason taked who was an outlawed phrase when he was on set while the princess is out would you like to go for a stroll don't raise your voice at me watching the one jump ahead song now including Jasmine this time there's two major problems I can't help but compare to the original one is it's not funny so much slapstick and clever wordplay was utilized in the original but here there's not that many laughs and that might be because of number two the film has the disadvantage of not being animated yes I said disadvantage both live-action and animation have their pros and cons and you can definitely see the pros of animation and the cons of live-action here in the original there's constant movement constant momentum and even constant character not only can you fit in a lot more funny moments because you have more control but you get across a Landon's persona much more because he can have the perfect expression for literally every frame look at him he's bursting with personality and energy in every moment and on top of that it's time perfectly to the music so much likeability has gotten across here that we're taking for granted now look here sometimes there's a cool stunt but the rest of the time it's just kind of meandering the awkwardly move was slowed down and sped up footage I guess to simulate energy similar to a Bollywood movie but we'll get to ban the bed regardless it always feels unnatural and off it doesn't even focus on the right things remember this crazy lady [Music] of course you do she's terrifying you can't forget her in this one she's not even in half a frame [Music] imagine if the other one just trailed off during her line it wouldn't make any sense [Music] but that's the thing the film assumes you've seen the original so it doesn't have to try as hard to make an impact the first one didn't have that luxury tell me what you remember more these random kids he tosses dates to like it's barely even a moment or these big eyed starving puppy dogs that just guaranteed you're going to give to five charities this week everything is magnified in animation which means focusing on the right thing will make it all the more memorable the remake is taking advantage of the originals focus so they don't have to try as hard look how much these words really impact Aladdin's core you are born a street rat you see it all over his face the emotion is just oozing out of him now watch it here you want thioethers I don't know freeze one morning huh that sucks oh good to know my fleas care about me bad the one thing more explored had arguably improved on is Jasmine's character who's already fine in the original but it's nice to see some add-ons she's given more responsibility outside of just saying she hates being royalty her father is more competent and interesting and they even do actual ruling stuff like talking about foreign policy kind of to a fault yeah weird the concern of the original was the main characters and where they lived odd right in this one there's a lot of focus on a place called Shira bot where Jasmine's mother was from it's a land we've never seen know nothing about yet for some reason it's the most important thing in this movie [ __ ] about continues to amass zero bodies are like Marcille an army to a mate you know I haven't been this invested since talks of Taxation in the Phantom Menace what are we doing and then there's Jafar the aging sinister booming voice isn't pretending the entire time and impostor ensure your agonizing death Daily Show correspondent in a Halloween costume okay this actor's gotten a lot of flack for how miscast he was even people that like the movie usually don't like him so let's just say does he look like him sound like him and any qualities better than him it is a nice feather I'll give you that I also give the movie credit that they do try to give more time to aladdin and Jasmine romance with him sneaking into the palace trying to talk to her more but don't worry someone funny will fix that up Jasmine's servant Dahlia played by Nasim pedrad pretends to be the princess while jasmine pretends to be her handmaiden it is good to be me with my palaces and wagons of gold things yeah it's not two Broke Girls but few things are Jafar sees Aladdin up to his street rat tricks of stealing effects from bad prince of persia games and he captures him he takes him to the Cave of Wonders assuming he's the diamond in the rough yeah the whole magic rain telling him stuff has cut out so just made a lucky guess as we're given his one good line in the entire movie Steele and I put on your thief steal a kingdom and you're a statesman that's literally the only question you have to answer in order to be a politician Jafar says if he can get him the lamp he can reunite him with Jasmine so he takes him to the cave where he's told not to touch anything but the lamp here's a count of all the things they touch yes the Cave of Wonders was drunk when it was on gold security Oh are you ain't touching anything right who cares I'm gonna lose it all on the divorce like in the original he comes across the magic carpet don't mention it hey I shouldn't bring you with you may turn in a better performance than me actually I know this is gonna sound crazy but even the rug isn't as good an actor look how much emotion this thing has in the original somehow you know what it's feeling and what its personality is like he's happy but he's sensitive he can get hurt but he wants to help out this one's happy when he's free from a rock but aside from that he just vanishes until the plot says Nietzsche for a sec back eh [ __ ] off you couldn't even get a rug right what are you doing to my rug they peed on your [ __ ] rug yes you'd expect Aladdin finds the lamp but Abu touches the ninetieth thing in the cave which was just one too many he kissed to Jafar who says he'll give him a hand if he gives the lamp if only that creepy Reid was in the original what are you doing okay that was more of an awkward creep up creep like before Abu steals the lamp before getting trapped in the cave leading to Suzy boy where's your boss me getting booze I'm sorry I'm Way too sober for this save me Jim [Applause] [Music] hey everybody we're officially on Twitch Monday through Thursday we'll be doing all sorts of gaming and if it goes well we might try some other different types of streaming come on by and say hi in the chat hopefully we'll see you there [Applause] [Music] you're the blue wish granter that actually makes me feel good I believe you're actually there so okay let's talk about Will Smith as the genie first of all I get it we're never gonna top Robin Williams or the brilliant team of animators that brought into life it's entirely pointless to try so let's try on the way out again this is a big disadvantage with life action in animation it's all the same realm they're all drawn lines against painted backgrounds so it all blends together this looks like Casper's uncle got plastered and is trying to embarrass him in front of his girlfriend I never once believed they were actually looking at each other well Alibaba he had them for TVs you have a thousand tears it's awkward enough they're trying to do the same high-energy visuals that just don't transfer in the slower world that's your personal business but we don't need to talk about that monkey later he's bombing at an SNL audition Wow I'm the best but Smith's head always looks like it's about to fall off his body it's like someone made a bobblehead doll where the size of the body matches the head get the head still Wiggles for some reason now surprisingly it's followed up by a really good rendition a friend like me like Arabian night it mixes up the song a bit but also has visuals that support it in a pretty grand way it's like damn we're actually in a good Aladdin remake for a minute here I'll also give credit that Smith actually isn't that bad when he's not covered in Navi splooge when he's allowed to chill and turn out his laid-back charm he's actually alright who's the girl she's a princess aren't they all treat your woman like a queen I always say we do get that half the time but the other half I just wanna make sure this isn't funny right I mean people have science to prove that this isn't funny correct it's just awkward weird and doesn't match Will Smith style the irony of both versions is that they emphasize to be yourself which is a lesson this performance really could have learned from put simply he's a much better Will Smith than he is a Ronald Williams and that would be fine if the movie reinforced that take the Prince Ollie's song the original focused on Williams zany voices that translate it beautifully into animation turning it into an explosive number since this isn't Williams or animation though it would make sense if they did something like the old Disney musicals make the focus be the amazing stuns dances and variety of movement well they get that all set up and yeah let's just focus on two guys standing around while they can't sing boy genuflect down on one knee what is wrong with you this is like a spectacle waiting to happen and shiny and Bollywood musical and your feed and you're treating it like a Disney parade of stamp eyes even the editing is like ooh this looks cool nine needs more people barely moving don't worry we'll balance it out with this nightmare fuel [Music] I pulled it off better I think most people are planned out a good chunk of the film becomes hitch with Smith trying to give a lad and dating advice what they fail to bring up is the epic Jam dialogue we have jams Jim yes jams yeah jams fig jam jam state gems die really hope you like humor about jams next to share a bot to the most mentioned word in the entire movie exotic jams chords hm the jams Jam jams move away from the jams interesting experiment if you play this movie along with pony all you'll hear is jams jams jams that night they're invited to a get-together where Aladdin tries again to win her over I made you to look like a prince on the outside I didn't change anything on the inside you're still the same boring dull clot you always were jasmine invites him to dance but it appears he doesn't know how because a thief who can climb walls and jump buildings clearly has no footwork he's dancing right there isn't this the same day Genie controls his movements though into scene that hey actually focuses on the dancing dog can't we focus on genies hat some more that's where the real WoW is you know I did have a few jokes about this scene but this dancing is just so damn awesome I'll give him a break later we see Jeannie hitting on the handmaiden and she's apparently awkward too oh it's funny because it doesn't make sense to his personality at all how did you get past the guards I snuck past all 48 of them even the ones that he'd fire your cards are weird would you like to take the evening sport I've never done this before how does it work like sheep cheese well it's no Jam line but he takes her on a date as a lad and sneaks in to talk to Jasmine sometimes you just have to take a risk try this at home kids is this a magic carpet they sing a whole new world with absolutely nothing new except an angry phone call to a voice coach now when did you last let your heart decide Russell Crowe and Emma Watson are high-fiving each other right now is there no longer the big musical punchlines oh thank God for our kiss dress my notes are as flat as the carpet I'm writing the scene is so empty it feels like the music video for the original Aladdin like hissing thank you we kind of look like the real couple of ahead real chemistry from the real movie itunes link down below like in the last one she discovers who he is but makes up even more lies he told me he was only pretending to be a thief to see the city but he's actually a prince I really was a prince and you believed him tell me more tell me more did she make you hot swoon tell me mine tell me mine was his voice auto-tuned once again the guards capture Aladdin as Jafar figures out who he is as well goodbye Aladdin hey at this point be the same runtime as the original but carpet and Abu rush to his aid and save him from drowning or they toss in the lamp carpets obviously melt in water you know the drill the genie comes out uses a wish to save him and too far tries to say he left you heard him say this Jafar and you saw him leave yes just ask him yourself ah imagine see Jafar is arrested but Iago breaks him out as a lad who realizes he can't use his last wish to set genie free people see what they want to see Aladdin is gone no arguments here it's weird cuz the lemon actually seems a lot douchier in this version making us like him even less in the first one he's legit broken up about it he can set his friend free in this one though it's almost like he's boasting about it it's not a lie people can change that's a bad thing thought you'd be happy for me I know you'll be a slave the rest of your life but look at the bright side man I won't for what you are breaking my heart haircare man-bats and diehard Padme heartbreaking acting right there no Disney movie should have this many callbacks to the prequels take note GD no pay come on [Music] Jafar steals the lamb fo and uses his first wish to become Sultan you obey the salt Hakim marschallin army to have a chat about your book nobody cares about Shara Bhatt it made flora died has all our grandparents will tear a little remove Jasmine is arrested as she sings a brand new song about not being speechless it's a decent song despite it not matching the feel of the others at all but it does go a little weird oh my god she was the genie all along now that's a twice this movie needs no this is actually a symbolic fight she's having right now ooh face the wrath of my furious anger as I wish you away in my head okay I get the idea she uses diplomacy and not forced to convince the guards to do the right thing technically making this a completely waste a wish what does becoming Sultan just get you a new hat but man how cool would it be if she was grabbing a sword and fighting a slow motion while singing let it go 2.0 and then she does the diplomatic scene she could be telling her friend the head of the guards thank you for teaching me sword fighting since I was a kid so it explains how she can do all that cool stuff and that would tug it as heartstrings even more it would make so much sense but nope it's the literal thought that counts and she sings about how she refuses to be silent moments before she's completely silenced I will do so yeah this could have been completely cut and we won't miss a thing but you know hench women so okay Aladdin comes in and is revealed as a street rat just before saving the day what wait what we're doing the ice thing again he's right there in the original everything goes to [ __ ] at once and he discovers the errors of his ways at this point here he learned it when he saw too far with the lamp and we had Jasmine learning her lesson because she was the main character for a minute so this just drags things out what does it do a lot too far to show off more of it you just basic acting you're insignificant and irritation I no longer need to tolerate once I banish you to the ends of the earth you're not even worth any effort from my performance sorry that was so loud no the most suitable punishment would be to make you watch while I take what you love most why let me kiss you faces at you the whole time do you like a bear like in the original ad and uses the carpet to fly back to Agrabah and save everybody and like before he has to confront a giant terrible hell beast a parrot yep they replaced the giant snake with a giant parrot my god are you trying to piss us off if you saw these two movies on at the same time what the hell would you pick this pathetic idiot sauce when you can watch something kick-ass like this seriously oh and the christ requested that you know what be cooler than a giant snake a giant parrot so after the epic giant parrot chase literally every episode of the cartoon had a better climax in that they work their way backwards you're far captures them again something really is good at going absolutely nowhere isn't it you can't find what you're looking for in that lamp Jafar I am the greatest sorcerer the world has ever seen I turned a small parrot into a big parrot crazy but you'll never have more power than I will not be silent and whatever girl power or some [ __ ] as before a lad and tricks Jafar into wishing himself into a genie for even more power and he gets trapped in his own lamp the lad and then uses his last wish to set genie free so he can go after some Handmaid's Tale I want children yes two of them three years apart you will entertain them with stories and songs this is really specific all involved should be afraid the sultan then hands over his crown to Jasmine which is weird Will Smith is still telling the story even after he revealed he was the story can you feel like I should in there she of course chooses to marry Aladdin and we get in my opinion one of the biggest insult of the movie the credit oh don't get me wrong I'm usually happy as hell when they arrive and it will be like this but look at how they do it yeah this spectacular it's like a full-on Bollywood musical with no CG genies no awkward editing just really good dancing and people actually looking like they're having a good time mixing both Hollywood and Bollywood style techniques why wasn't this the entire movie how freaking amazing with this film have been if it actually told Aladdin like a crazy Bollywood musical it would have been something new while still keeping true to the story of Aladdin the possibilities are endless but instead it's the end credits like they're teasing us like we know we could have done this but we're just gonna put it at the end at the part where people usually walk out so I guess I was wrong in that regard this movie made me realize it wasn't dead on arrival it was a freaking missed opportunity trust me for me that's a big thing to say with a Disney remake I'll see this upon watching it again I did see a few things that I did find impressive jasmine and her father had more depth the songs were orchestrated nice once in a while there was an impressive visual when you were allowed to enjoy it but seriously half of it relies on you seen the original in order to even follow it it's got way too many dead silent moments awkward acting and lack of focus on what their priority should be I guess compared to some of the other remakes it had a few things that stood out which is more than I can say for many of the others but I can't give a positive shrug because it's less bad than the others there's an incredibly unique and imaginative classic that fixes the majority of this film's problems before they even existed and it did so by being new and innovative as opposed to copying what's new and innovative and even then only doing so because it was proven to have worked in the past if you enjoy it cool you're entitled to your opinion but for me this is an arabian night i'm not gonna be checking out anytime again soon I'm the Nostalgia Critic I remember it so you don't have to we have jams hey Doug Walker here the children's assessment centers this week's charity shout out this Center provides a professional compassionate and coordinated approach to the treatment of abused children and their families and serving as an advocate to all children in their community they hear painful accounts of child abuse committed by family members friends and strangers and treat nearly 5,000 children every year this is a leading advocacy centre in the nation and they invite their entire community to join them in the fight against child abuse so many children have suffered unfairly and deserve to have their lives put back on track and through the simple act of donating you can take a big step in making that happen in somebody's life click on the link below and see how you can help those who deserve so much love [Music] you
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 1,460,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, aladdin, aladdin review, aladdin remake, aladdin remake review, aladdin 2019, aladdin 2019 review, aladdin live action, aladdin live action review, movie review, film review, disney, disney review, disney live action, disney live action review, guy ritchie aladdin, guy ritchie aladdin review, will smith, will smith genie, naomi scott, mena massoud, speechless aladdin, doug walker, nostalgia critic, movie reviews, disney movie reviews, new aladdin movie
Id: 4eokFQt_GL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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