AK - What To Expect from it?

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guys are all talk quickly huh about what to expect from your new aka a rifle how this questions just keeps coming and coming and data really brings the joy to my heart because that means that a lot of people is becoming the owners of those and wonderful the rifles but I wanna set some basic expectations and answer it to one of the most popular questions what to expect from the new a Kay rifle so when you are at the dealer or store hopefully some of you will have a really good experience shopping experience and actually the dealer will allow you to take it apart or at least to basically strip field strip the the rifle and see what is are going on inside and things like this however from my understanding some stores won't allow that at all but that's okay well deal with it so basically first look over the outside of the rifle check the rivets the easiest trick to check the rivets if the rivets were pressed okay or acceptable take them and look under the light and see if you see any gaps coming from underneath of the rivets or if they are correctly pressed to the receiver then nothing should be coming out right so that's there one that's like the easiest way to check the rivets they may look not really beautiful especially on those import rifles from Romania right some of the rivets won't be winning any beauty contests but if they holding up or they will stay cool and there's nothing to worry about it that they don't look perfect it happens the same way that there's a star bus and things like this and even Arsenal rifles then and we're talking about the stamped rifles because if you got the Milt or receiver you don't have so many rivets to the erection then also when looking at the rivets don't forget to check pane so look at the panes at the gas block look at the paints at the front post again they may not be but make sure they are not missing and you know everything is in place the next thing what I like to do is I look down there the barrel down the rifle and see if that front post is at least semi straight right again this is a K and even to this day I'm seeing from the you know manufacturers from all over the places sometimes that a front post is counted and you kind of have to expect that this is going to happen on a okay now when you zeroing the rifle and go back to the few weeks old video I think I posted a quick procedure for 25 yards zero how to do it but when you zero in the rifle and if you will be unable to zero because you're running out of the adjustments on that front post either to the left or to the right and you cannot zero anymore then you know that's something there's something totally wrong and that's a warranty claim unfortunately you cannot shoot it at the dealer right and you cannot test fired rifle and check how it shoots but if you will run out of the adjustments that that's a warranty claim now if you will zero the rifle but your front post is you know required to be pushed to the left or to the right but it's still within the limit that's probably nobody is going to accept that warranty claim from you I'm telling you this right now that's kind of acceptable on the AEK now speaking about the front post I have seen this from some manufacturers so it's easy test to check is that drawn for the front post pressed correctly and if it's holding up just try to move it with your fingers if it's shifting by moving you know by pushing the drum with your fingers that's a no-go so you don't want to have the loose fit on that phone front post drum and I'm talking about these that drum like if you're able to push it from left or to right that's that's a no-go that's unacceptable as far as the rear sight try to adjust it try to move the slider back and forward right see how those springs inside are working if its large incorrectly basic stuff you don't want to have this flopping if the I mean this is normal but because I can feel the pressure and comes back but if I will do that the front the rear sight leaf I show them just flat cow okay again if that's happening that's a weak spring which is like plate shaped plate like this and that's a weak plate underneath of that or rear relief not the deal breaker but it will be it will have to be reshaped or preferably replaced something to keep that in mind now screws on the stocks especially with the import rifles remember you going to have the u.s. furniture most likely US furniture before shooting make sure that those screws for the stock are tight usually you've got two screws one here one here right make sure that they are tight that nothing moves easy to check before going to range and or shooting make sure that they are tight now about about this to safety sometimes the safety will be extremely stiff the easiest way to correct the safety if the stage safely stiff just rotate to 90 degrees angle push it away from the receiver and that should hopefully not shoot all do for you the trick and you should be able to move that safety more more freely and you should have more freedom of how it moves there same if it's too loose if it's too floppy pull it to yourself and bend it that way that will increase the tension you may have some scratch marks on the receiver that's perfectly fine for the a kay now speaking about the outside I forgot about the one thing when if your rifle is equipped with the side roll kind of check the side roll check the rivets on the side roll make sure the Seidel is encroached too much I have seen side rooms installed way you know like they were going point they were pointing way too down until what was happening people were running out of the adjustments they couldn't zero the rifles also what I'm saying from some manufacturers the the size of the side row is not correct please make sure that you know you have at least half inch I will say this half inch in this spot from the little top to the bottom from the bottom to the top of that rail whiffed you are at least at the half inch that's you know like basics and if not that means your side rail will be out of spec all right going back to the inside and as I said I'm not sure a lot of ffs else won't a lot of stores won't let you do that but if you will have a chance you know try to pull out the bolt carrier and basically look inside what's happening with the Truman how's this looking like if everything is normal as far as the bolt here I got the KS pistol installed but I still got some wobbling on the pistol that's absolutely normal guys the wobbling piston is normal that's not nothing do you know you shouldn't get scared out of it now when checking the bolt carrier just basically look if everything is looking normal the bolt there is not much to look on the bolt but check the locking locks make sure that there are no steps or anything on the locking locks especially with the used rifles if you're purchasing a used rifle make sure that those locking like locks the surfaces are still looking you know flat and they Dave there will be like nicely polished and everything that's the normal wear on the bolt of the extractor claw you can look at the extractor claw make sure it's still nicely shaped there's no missing chunks of metal pieces and things like this basic stuff I still have a magazine in the magazine well with most of the case you're going to have some wobbling of the magazine inside and that's absolutely normal even it goes side to side or goes up and down on some a case the fitment for the magazine will be especially for the polymer magazine magazines will be extremely tight and that's okay because this is the way of the import once to when they cutting out the magazine well and today probably using some samples beat up samples so that that that connote made because of the our import loss the importer is doing that kind of in the United States they are not done like in Romania Bulgaria or they are not done in you know overseas because of the import laws so make sure that this statement is okay as I said some wobbling is okay you don't want to have excessive back and forward wobbling on the sides you know it will work but if you have the back and forward wobbling what is happening I have seen this the magazines are falling way too deep down and then you're going to have a misfit miss reading because the the bullets will be the rounds will be when you are chime when the life will be championing around it will be hitting the bottom of the field lamp and you're not going to have a reliable field so that's something to be aware of however wobbling on a KA magazine is okay now if you taking the rifle back home right and you wanna check before shooting what's happening inside the gas this is not just a shoot out to the pilot seeing on how hard but look inside the gas tube for any kind of debrief brush it just just to be safe okay if you're buying a completely new rifle a lot of time you will see some grease in it and things like this so just clean it before shooting no big deal right run run at least a bore snake through the barrel to again these rifles you know we're either manufactured here or they were coming from overseas you don't know what's happening during the storage shipments and things like this better clean out the junk if there is any inside the barrel and inside there the guys to check the gas block for the same thing now some of you are going to have extremely tight fitment for that gas tube and will be you know fighting with the lever again that's very common on the brand new a case that's going to happen to it is what it is you can do some modifications to the gas tube and kind of smooth it out but trust me over over the time when we will be moving up level removing the the stuff these things will become more and more loose there is another thing which brings up a lot of trouble to the new owners they have issues with removing the lower hand guards there is that lever here and they cannot move the lever up to open it and purely be no slide of the retainer bracket the best way to deal with it is to use the flat screwdriver wedge it under the lever and push push it out and that would bring the lever up then I usually if I got this you know like really really hard to deal with lever I take the small hammer and I top it out and I can open it and move it move it away if you will use extreme [ __ ] strength and managed to break that lever or remember it is riveted its pressed in the replacement part is like seven bucks I think so you can buy a fuel to shut up very easy to install you will push it in splash the rivet on the other side and make it you know prevent it from from sliding out no big deal if you do break that this is not the end of the world and that's pretty much it guys from all over all you do you know viewing and reviewing the rifle either during the purchase or after you will get home as I said one more time before shooting it a swap or the barrel inside make sure there's no debris it's perfectly fine if you got everything disassembled nor hand in the chamber right don't be stupid unless you are performing the basically self extermination then look at inside the barrel and you know avoid the natural selection we don't have any ammo in the chamber so if you will do that you can see everything is looking clean please assemble the rifle and you're ready to hit the range in zero it and enjoy the new purchase hopefully you have watched the video how to zero the rifle ready not a big deal you can do that in less than five minutes and keep rockin all right that's it as always it was pleasure talking to you please remember to hit that subscribe button and notification bells let me know if you have a request thank you for watching guys
Channel: AK Operators Union, Local 47-74
Views: 51,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ak47, ak74, akou, akoul4774, rob ski, buying ak, ak rifle, ak reviews
Id: tXHiPlSShsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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