AK 25 Yards Express Zero: how to zero your AK fast and be on target up to 300 Yards!

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hi guys uh so you have your brand new ak time to zero this rifle and we'll do express guide to zeroing ak it won't be precise but for the purpose of the video i just want to go quickly through the stages so we got a really cool short guy guide on how to do it so we are at 25 yards most ranges does do have the 25 yards range line and you should zero it from 25 yards so you're shooting at the target from 25 yards and as you can see no hits what to do if you are not on the paper from 20 or 25 yards well let's cut distance in half in my case in your case on the range usually you have a 10 yards line so let's move forward so i am approximately at uh 12 and a half yards uh it could be a 10 yards but at least try to see if you are from that distance on target all right look at that so now we are on target we shot more or less in the middle okay so i'm going to make the quick adjustment i'm still to the right hola let's go i don't know if they can see that hit all right i was aiming i was aiming here and i'm here from 25 yards so i'm going to move of course because i'm to the right i'm going to move my front post towards the hit so when you're looking from behind the rifle now because the miss i mean the hit was here you have to push that front post towards the head to center it so that's what i'm going to do let's go back to our imaginary 12 and a half yards line was somewhere here normally you will do it from the prone position and uh you will do it this is precisely as you can now i do have the round in the chamber and i'm adjusting the side because i'm on my range i know there is nothing down the field and i can do that but for safety reasons on the public ranges and everything uh before adjusting the sides and putting your hands around that you want to unload the rifle until i have it secured i just want to make that point i just this is the length which i know there's nothing there and uh i can do that that way but normally you shouldn't okay and again this is for the purpose of the video okay so i'm pushing the front post towards the right side because that's where my miss was i should do it for now and i'll shoot it from here again okay let me see ah look at that ulla can you see the head so we are dead in the center now [Music] there you go we are dead in the center uh but let's go to the 25 yards we'll see if we are on target from 25 yards so let's go 25 yards by the way the rear side leaf leaf is on the p or s setting the rear sigh leaf p or s settings when we're doing this okay this is an absolutely express method for zeroing kk this is uh like uh the cheap trick and quick way how to get on target all right so we are at the 25 yards again i'll just shoot it off hand triangle and triangle okay you gotta trust me on this we are in triangle so two shots from 25 yards i'm satisfied with this let's go back to the platform and i'll shoot from 100 yards we'll see where we're placing from 100 yards let's go we are at 100 yards you got the target camera set up uh we got some wind it shouldn't matter that much let's see still on p settings let's see if we're going to whack that our target at 100 yards uh i i got the painted red triangle in it i'm going to hold it right beneath that triangle at least that's how it looks like from my point of view okay five shots let's see where we are at you guys are seeing it already i'm going to use my fantastic spotting scope and i see okay we got a nice group above the triangle so when you see the triangle here i was aiming right below the triangle and all the hits went right here still very acceptable right from 25 yards what we did zero and now you can see the point of impact shifted up but if you aiming with iron sides into that epson size target and it's 18 by 27 on the top and i was aiming here and we got the hits here i don't have a problem with it as long as you remember where those rounds are hitting okay let's go to 200 yards we'll see what's happening at 200 yards 200 yards still on the p settings let's see how we are grouping right now at uh 200 let's see if we'll even hit it at 200 we do have uh some wind down the range at 200 we still should be okay there is red triangle painted again uh in the middle of the target i can barely see it from here uh but uh i'll try to aim it more or less in the middle we'll see where we're going to have hits if we're going to have any hits at all [Music] stuff [Applause] okay five shots five hits you guys are seeing the target camera already what we got on the plate and let me see through the scope okay so with the exception of one shot which i screw up on the right arm but we are right in that triangle at 200 yards so basically what we did it looks like our 25 yard zero matches very closely at 200 yards trajectory so let me set up everything for 300 yards right now and we'll try to repeat the experiment 300 level uh jumanji set up uh let's see if we'll be even on the plate at 300 all right still same p settings and again i'm going to aim for the middle of the target from this uh distance i cannot see that red triangle i know it is there but it's invisible to my eyes that was a hit [Music] that was a hit that was a hit [Music] hit hit all right all five hits i think i had a tendency to aim a little bit into the upper portion of the body but let's see how we are printed on that epson size target okay so it's hard to tell where that group middle is but i will tell you that exactly how i felt so if you look if you will look at that f6 size target i couldn't see the triangle as i told you but i was aiming like a little bit on the shoulders line okay and if you will see the hits are in that level all right so i would say that we are hitting pretty much where i was aiming and i understand the group isn't fantastic we're using the cheapest tula ammo possible so the spread is up you know really big we got some wind too so we gotta remember that this is going to affect you but point is i wanted to quickly show you how quickly you can zero your ak basically starting from 25 yards line and we were not even on the target we went to the 10 12 yards i corrected i mean it was on the plate i corrected it and then we went quickly to 100 200 and 300 and we are making a solid hits on the ipsec size target no magic just the quick seal normally if you would do that all from the prone position that initial 25 yards zero you want to be in the prone position nicely laid out uh don't jack half asset like i did okay i did that on the purpose of that video just to show you what is possible but you wanna take that time to make the adjustments as precisely as is possible and be as comfortable when setting up your zero as possible all right that's it remember 25 yards is zero and then you go through the 100 you will be around seven inches high at 200 you pretty much start leveling out and at 300 hours hitting where i want it to hit still good enough all right guys thank you for watching thanks for being with us as always please please hit that subscribe and notification bell so youtube will tell you that we did post the new video thank you guys
Channel: AK Operators Union, Local 47-74
Views: 106,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to zero ak47, ak47 iron sights, rob ski, akou, akoul4774, how to zero ak
Id: t6_733xwsqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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