Ak 47 Bolt carrier polishing

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what's up YouTube dan the man I'm going to show you today how to polish the bolt on an ache a variant they normally come black unless you buy one of the fancy ones in this case we're going to be polishing a Romanian RPK so you'll need one Romanian RPK or a que variant we're going to take that part out there it is so I'll adjust the camera in a second our idea is to all of this black I've already done a little bit of you can see where I've polished a little of that how ready just further that that touches anything that touches will be polished but that's going to be silver we'll also do some of the actual bolt as I guess you'd call the bolt carrier or the piston a que variant so I'll adjust the camera a couple of things you'll need Dremel polishing bit this stuff that's the stuff man some of those so you can see what you're doing so got your Dremel your polishing you're going to need some two thousand two thousand grit wet/dry sandpaper that's the main thing some rags small shallow container for water so you can wet sand but I'll adjust the camera we'll get started see how it works all right so we're going to start by hand take some 2,000 grit I like to fold it into a small workable piece like this and start sanding you know do you see see the bluing start to come off already doesn't take too long takes a little bit of work and what I'll do is get some of it off and then I'm going to start polishing and I'll take the rest off but just smooth it out and you get it rough down a little bit take some of your water shallow container get some water on it and that will you start to take it off once you get it down to where a lot of that's off you can start using the Dremel that'll set the rest off but the hard part is getting all of these little edges in here the water helps to get it going alright guys so I cut away for probably around five minutes not very long but I just want to show you this was black and it's not clean yet but you see already just with wet with the mm you can see most of the black which is the bluing is gone now you might you might say you know they're they're coated with that Russian or Romanian Romanian bluing for a reason and that's true but I like to look and that this this cycle is even smoother and I'm going to end up sealing this and I'll talk about that later but I seal the steel once I polished it and bake it so that um it's going to still you know it's going to stay shiny a little smoother and I like the action when you clear the stuff off of here inside of the rails or this is where the rails ride clean all of that and polish it all of these in here where the bolt moves the difference in action is it just it changes the whole gun a lot of what people talk smack about with the Romanians is the quality of the bill but you're in my opinion I've done a few of these you're improving the quality to build by smoothing this action out and the variances aren't very tight to begin with you're not really taking anything off really and that's why I do this by hand some guys will just take the dremel and grind it off I don't do that because I don't want to take anything away but the bluing and that's what I'm doing here all right so 15 minutes or so already you can see most of the really comes off easy with water and I don't use anything but mm because you know you're not going to scratch it up so now we're going to start some polishing or so we put a little bit of the mother's mag polish on there put a little bit on our buffing wheel and we're going to get started with buffing on low start on low I'm good in your eyes and take too much off this stuff is excellent even a monkey could do this it's really easy because I know my son could probably do it right turns kind of black when you're polishing it what you'll find is if you then wipe it off look at that already see that already doesn't take long this is really the only part you're going to see is this right here and this so this I'll polish to a mirror the rest I'll polish just the way it is this you'll see when the when the bolt is closed so real quick this is the smoothest part to still show you here can't tell to you take a rag and wipe it down and then already do that doesn't take a lot right Kel already this will be maybe 20 minutes and there's the other side now polish see all the lines in it here's the side I've just started polishing on right right in there and look at that it's going to smooth it out I'll end up polishing the bolt I'll polish a lot of it and then right now it's got that normal take a stick right when it's coming forward and this catches on the hammer a little bit and it won't it won't jam but it's got that where you can make it stick this will make it so you get it all polished it won't stick at all anymore it will go smooth right through I just did one that I finished and it's like glass so we'll do a little more and I'll come back and show you what it looks like all right so what 10 maybe 15 minutes and that's what you got not done yet I just most of it no more than 15 minutes now I'm not as concerned about the piston portion of it you can tell it's finished in a more rough fashion it's not made to be polished and I'm not worried about it that much I'm going to seal it but the part that rides inside of the receiver and the bolt rides in is uh is this you can see I polished these rails okay and I polished here polish this this makes contact with the hammer which recog the later I'll do a little bit in here smooth this out but I'm not going to actually polish it it's going to clean that out smooth out the edge as you can see I got I got in here took a credit card with some sandpaper should put some mm on here in those rails and do one of these with your sandpaper to clean those grooves out with 2,000 grit and that polishes those out and and you'll you'll feel the difference in these Romanians because they aren't made like the some of the Russian or even the Mac 90s they aren't as clean but you can make them so they are to me I don't I don't feel much difference in it in the accuracy I don't see it but yes that's this is about a half an hour worth of work if you use the 2,000 grit wet sand take the finish off maybe 15 minutes and then with the Dremel on low with mother's mag polish hit it with the buffing and and now I'm going to cut away one more time and I'm going to hit it with the dry buffing wheel I'm going to just take one of the buffing wheels the Dremel buffing wheel and I'm without anything on it I'm going to go over this and it's going to actually finish it I might give it another polishing later and it'll get me it's pretty close to I mean that's it's a Romanian but that's pretty clean you know I don't know much shinier you need it I'm not I'm not looking for mirror I'm just looking for a smooth and I'll seal that steel but if you ask me that's that's pretty nice to compare it I mean this is the old color at Boalt haven't done yet that's what the color this was is the color of that so you can see the black and unfinished and you can see the difference in you know all of that especially the parts that that touch in contact so I'll cut away one more time hit it one more time with the dry buffing wheel and we'll take a look and then we'll end it be right back okay so now I'll hit it with this dry dry wheel my job there's all kinds of crap that flies off of them just one time really lightly and this kind of finishes it the Buffs it out takes the rest of polish off doesn't take a lot this may be one or two easy no pressure really no pressure on the past just you're going to leave some hairs behind but want to show you just really smooths it out you take a lot all right grab yourself a semi clean rag one more time and that brings it up to uh pretty nice I mean that is shine so now you've got a polished bolt carrier group see how easy it is if you do most of it by hand and really lightly with the Dremel on low it doesn't take a lot of time I like the look of it better it just looks more refined and I know I like the feel of it because when I get everything polished including the bolt and everything I'll polish all these lugs that make contact all the sliding lugs and the feel of it once I seal it the movement of it it's it's much smoother so just take one more look that's uh you can do it you don't need to pay a gunsmith for this stuff and that now I'm in it maybe 45 minutes if you don't have 45 minutes to spare then you take it to a gunsmith and for about 150 bucks he'll do it for you bring it to me [ __ ] I'll do it cut away for a minute and we'll finish bolt goes back in like that it already sounds better recoil spring a little harder to see but you don't have to take the scope off with this it's kind of nice like that in that's done drops cover done and that's here oh that is a nice so already smoother you see the look of that which I really like that that chrome look we haven't shot this yet we'll do the wood I'll start the wood tomorrow get this sucker like glass sorry try to snicker you can still stick in little side that's enough to do but it's definitely not much so let's see how that looks safety freaks unloaded so that's how you polish a bolt on an ek variant that's nice that Milotic is starting to soak in so take the time do it yourself I'll have this thing working like glass and the man hope you liked the video
Channel: dan daman
Views: 68,302
Rating: 4.7445483 out of 5
Id: aYfWz1DJt5g
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Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2014
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