Buying an AK rifle: What I look for before buying.

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how do practical Patriots and practical Preppers the other thing rolls South Texas April of charm practical nurse hey folks you know we talked this is a subject that somebody has been a few people have asked me about and I wanted to talk about real quick because it comes down to choices and how you choose something and just like how I choose something because I I bury those needs on approximately like what it is that I'm looking for I mean just like a just like a good instrument folks a good tool you have to pick what's right for you don't you this is one of my old beauties from back in my day okay I'll be see rich Mockingbird let me set that off to the side because today the tool that we're talking about the instrument is this I make a alright a lot of you expressed interest in buying one and you asked me what it was that I look for so I want to run this down as as I possibly can for you okay so hold on tight here we go alright so you decide to you want to get into an aku talked to your friends about it you've watched a few YouTube videos in a few videos other places you know you gone under the ak4 and the a key files whatever the case may be and you've done some research okay but now you've got to take that leap of faith again folks please understand that what I tell you is strictly my opinion folks it's strictly what I look for in the end you walk Kemosabe in your own moccasins it has to be a choice that you make okay I don't try to push anything off or just sell anything off to anyone it's a choice of what you need what you want etc this is what I look for back when I was buying back when I was buying rifle okay this is the first thing I would come out there I'd go to it you beat a mama pop shop or Academy Elvis knock it off it's spring I I go I basically pull one of these things off the shelf you know I get the old may I help you riff from the salesperson good Lord living on a farm and this is what you know they hand me and I'm looking at it the first thing I do folks is I'll shoulder that thing and I'll check that what I call the line of sight okay I want to make sure that everything is as straight as possible it lines up with your receiver from the back the rear end of this receiver all the way to that front post okay to that site you know and you will find some that are Canada we want you know and their own opinions you know but that's what I do and I'm gonna tell you what for a rifle that I bought online that had to get shipped to my FFL thank you classic firearms you guys are awesome this rifle is really good it's an ak-74 chambered in five four five by 39 one of my favorites by the way and so I look down and make sure that everything lines up really well you know look at it hold it make sure it feels right okay next thing I will do folks is and this some of the things folks I'm gonna tell you that I do makes sales people cringe but I will take it and I'll twist it I want to see if anything moves okay I'll take it and I'll twist it now this could be both new and used folks new rifles are a broad definition and we'll get into that if you really want my opinion I'll tell you folks but let's keep this short again anything twisting anything moving not on this one okay and I'm what I'm gonna do I'm gonna shake it alright mmm gee it's not coming from that end there's a shaking noise something on this end for me being an experienced take a person I know exactly that noise coming from this right here how about that okay again take it notice nice isn't it nice okay alright again folks surface start with your surface okay look at all look at everything you know few dings scratches does not affect how well this thing's gonna function is it okay that's just purely cosmetic and again what is this to me it's a tool it's an instrument okay okay I'm gonna take it out in the water I'm gonna run with it I'm gonna take it out in the pouring rain when I meant glass of water the pouring rain snow when we get it here alright the heat of the summer heat of Texas I'm gonna run it and gun it okay so it's not a safe Queen no rifle of mine is the safe Queen alright look at the surface folks now let me show you my what I got do with this so the next thing I want to inspect those rivets y'all now what I'm looking for is nice and dome-shaped all right get out of here the rivets are nice and dome shake now I do have one I don't know if you can how well y'all can see this one right here all right a little bit too much caffeine I shouldn't have that a shot of expresso this morning all right but notice that one it's got a little bit of a flattened in not a big deal not a big deal okay when I look at those nice dome shaped rivets folks somebody's coming I'll be darned um I'm also looking folks that's my daughter okay I'm also looking underneath to see if there's any space I don't see any light if you got a hold up to the light folks that's fine I don't see any space coming underneath that rivet okay that's what I look for again but over same thing I'm looking at those rivets really carefully all right looking at I'm really careful I want a nice and dome shape got it looks good okay folks what I'm gonna show y'all and have y'all Perry's seen make some sales people cringe but I have a rule just like a guitar just like a car just like a rifle I am when I when I I have to test drive one of these things to know exactly how well they were hi princess I'm up here just come on up I'm a dad too which is awesome but I have to know folks that it's going to work if a used-car salesman or cost as my sister I can't let you have this thing for test ride no sale same with this if I'm not allowed to inspect it no sale if I'm not allowed to pick that guitar up and play it no sale get my point all right moving on take this off all right I am going to look just a car folks I'm a look under the hood rusting pitting anything like that negative alright spring looks good metal parts come on Princess it's good you need me sign something letter Paul is just I can hear you all Don that was it all I guess I just signed my life away you go princess I love you I love you being a dad was my greatest accomplishment all right princess love you too honey that's what I'm fighting for okay that's what I'm making sure nothing happens for that's what I prepare for every day we all have our own reasons going so anyway folks getting back with it okay very easy to pick up where I left off all right take the bolt carrier group out I inspect it now I can tell you something right now about this rifle I have neglected a little bit of maintenance when I was shooting some corrosive ammunition okay oh that's okay folks let me tell y'all something the least of your worries when things go bad and you're shooting corrosive ammunition there's rust that's the least of your worries okay I mean especially like on something like that no biggie you can clean that off later all right just FYI our grandfathers fought with corrosive ammunition so don't let people tell you that corrosive ammunition is bad bad bad it's not okay anything that goes bang and hits the target that you're shooting at is okay just have to remember to do a little bit extra maintenance on your so anyway folks looking at this right here I do check to see if there's matching serial numbers okay understanding when you get calm block part kits that maybe sometimes it doesn't always work that way but you know I like to make sure that as close as it can go I will take that bolt out I will inspect that bolt I'll look at the face of the bolt alright I'll shake that firing pin around I will make sure that there's no burning furring all the above see you princess and I will look at it very carefully folks and it looks good I mean I got some rub marks on there but folks again I must turn and say this folks about when you when you buy what is in theory a new rifle and it's a comm box kit sorry for the pronunciation but you are buying a nice rifle basically that's been D mailed and remanufactured in a nutshell okay if it's if it's a hundred percent brand new it's probably an american-made and I'll leave that alone okay I'll look at the channel right here folks okay I want to make sure that there's nothing that's pushed through I don't want again no brewing furring and you can feel that with your fingertip almost sit there and say this folks any rifle that I have ever purchased like at a mom-and-pop shop a big-box store whatever the case may be I'll be honest with you I've had I've had sales people pacing because I'll take 15-20 minutes to look at it to make sure that what I'm getting is what I want because that's my hard-earned money okay let's set this down I will run my finger down these rails okay right here burring burring yes or no all right do I feel anything scratching against my finger I will look at the fire control group everything inside rusting dings pings do I see anything unusual at all okay some y'all gonna think I was an old drill sergeant you know anyway again I'll look down that folks and I would never I'm about to show you something that I would never do without that bolt carrier group being out of there get you some good light look down that barrel okay look down that barrel see if there's anything that I was that one's clean that's a nice barrel next thing I wanna do folks is I will want you look at this right don't can see this really well probably shout it with more light but it's kind of a kind of cloudy day here I will look to see if there is any gap okay all right here do that I'll see if there's any gap this doesn't have any yes people you will see some width the width will be different from this part to this part but I want you to see if there's any gap and also to see if it Wiggles or anything like that I've seen some that we're kind of grossly to the left or right and I actually grabbed this part and it wiggled I would say put that back on the Shelf okay again folks this is just me okay as they say this right here folks is a really awesome tool well-fought right there that's simple some of mine I can use my fingers and do it like Rob's key says are okay are hold it up to light no rusty no none of that stuff look down the and a gas to could use probably a little bit cleaning good cleaning extra oil again folks and if you choose a take a kiddy you know like I just did that my thumb a sorry I wouldn't see that dirty is not really a big issue with them okay they're designed to do they were designed for people with that didn't have a lot of education it didn't have a lot of time to maintenance arrived front they're designed that way okay again folks I'll give it another twist looking good probably wonder when I'm doing here I'm removing the muzzle device muzzle brake whatever you want to call it folks and I'll look at the top I'll see if it needs a good cleaning I'll check inside of there I'll look at it rusting any of that other kind of stuff alright just needs could use really good cleaning I'll take it on shooter today and I'll do a really good thorough scrubbing after that again well this is this is a rifle this is the only rifle that I will shoot corrosive ammo through and the reason is again folks I mean I know it sounds like I'm kind of battling back and forth on that to me this one is just easier to clean than some of my other ones and I really enjoy shooting this one it's pretty awesome but folks really that is about it and if I have left anything out please don't hesitate well it's picking picking a good rifle is like picking a good tool any other good tool we're picking a good instrument you know don't be afraid to look at it really carefully because we could talk stories about a lot of this and you'll have guns knives I'll tell you you know would you trust your life to that and the answer to all my rifles is everyone that I personally selected for myself yes the one thing folks in the last thing that I look at is who manufactured it and some of y'all may be surprised but this one is actually an old Waffen works okay I really felt like I hit struck gold with this one because this was you know bought from classic firearms I had to go to my FFL for me to get it and everything yes folks that is legally how we can do it here in Texas but I really felt like I struck gold with this one and because when I got it my hands and if it wouldn't have passed my inspection I would have said send it back to him you know and I we would have we would have done the deal okay we just send it back to him that is what I just do folks okay now please if you can think of anything else when you pick up an aka and look at it you know by all means included any questions or comments below not afraid to take a little bit of extra advice you know or there may have been something I just strictly or simply just forgot ah one thing I did forget one thing I do folks know go gage I almost forgot this I'm sorry but I will put that note go gage in there and bear with me just you know I'll put that note go gage in there and I know y'all can do I see this - hold on BAE's from for one of a cameraman all right folks can you all see the no go gage all right I carry one with me if I'm taking this I don't buy really in a lot many rifles anymore I take my friends to go buy them but let me show you what we do here take that no go gage get her all nice and centered and everything bear with me oh I gotta get you right there in the right sweet spot there it's done folks are just better at this than I am this is one of the many things that are noise that will annoy a firearm salesman over me okay let me show you this see the no-go gauge all right you don't want that no go games too close all right as much as I'm pushing on that notice it's not closing okay all right I'm kind of fumble fingers that's why I played rhythm guitar not lead just want to show you what it is that I do I know this is kind of a long video folks again if there's anything that I've forgotten everything like that please don't hesitate yes folks these things to me are worth their weight in gold if you have a friend that has one take them with you that the more experienced decades in your if it's your first time purchase absolutely grab your friend that knows a lot about them okay now one thing you will notice I did not talk about brands because I can tell you this folks that just like cars okay and guitars any really good manufacturer can produce a lemon okay and any mediocre manufacturer can produce a piece of gold all right it just depends on a lot of actors there okay anyway giant practical nervous until I see y'all again questions comments leaving below out here happy hunting okay
Channel: PrAKtikal Nurse
Views: 25,451
Rating: 4.8768406 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 18 2018
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