AK 47 Extra Power Recoil Spring + 15% Stronger to Improve Cycling Operations - M*CARBO

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[Music] hey I'm car brother I'm Chris Nelson president carbo really excited introducing the new ak-47 extra power recoil spring for your ak-47 works for all the collection cough family firearms ak-47 akm the Draco's you're covered so this free coil spring is 15% stronger than what the original factory is a lot of these springs in here is surplus and really worn out if you've got an ache a ton around third or you bought a used a k highly recommend replacing that recoil spring what will happen is when the bolt carriers coming back it's going to impact that rear trunnion alright these aks are over guest so that recoil is pretty significant you get a lot of rearward momentum hitting that rear trunnion that bolt carrier is slamming into the rear trunnion effectively doing what it's not supposed to do if it had an adequate recoil spring in place so these extra power recoil springs are gonna really help just improve the cycling operations just improve the overall performance and not to mention protect your ak-47 let's get on over tabletop show you how we did this hard some tools need for this build the ak-47 X power recoil spring buy I'm carbo a bench block and highly recommend wear an eye pro for this one as always let's take this opportunity to check your firearms together make sure they're clear check the chamber check the bolt face check the magazine well this firearm is clear alright so just simply is really straightforward we just need to remove the dust cover we do that by pushing in on this recoil assembly right here so you'll push in here that little snap remove the cover just like that set it down you'll notice your recoil spring assembly right here how it locks right in these notches right here in the rear trunnion one of the major improvements this extra power recoil spring is going to do for the aka is it's going to help reduce this impact from the bolt carrier on the rear trunnion back here this lighter spring is going to allow what that's gonna do it's gonna actually obviously abuse the bolt carrier the rear trunnion and also these rivets are gonna wallow out over time so it's not necessary to have that sort of clunky rear impact every time we don't want that so with the extra power recoil spring it's 15% stronger than the factory it's gonna allow this a K to cycle more efficiently it's gonna prevent unnecessary wear and damage to the AAA internally and it's going to help all-around performance so all we have to do now is just push forward on the recoil spring assembly just slides right out just like that real simple and easy you can see here's the recoil spring assembly alright notice all the dead coils here on the factory spring you won't see that on the M carbo spring will set the a K aside for a second and let's go ahead and focus on removing the recoil spring from the assembly alright so in the recoil spring assembly you can see here's this button right here that we push to remove the dust cover and inside you can see this guide rod that bends in half alright and then there's a little cap on the front here where it just kind of clasp together around it you'll see you in a second alright so we're gonna put this little button end of the recoil spring assembly into the bench block alright you want to push straight down you don't want this sliding all over the table on you the other thing is one hand right in the middle to keep it from bending and wobbling other hand choked up high and you're gonna push straight down and what we want to do is get past that little connection point on the guide rod here you can see where it connects alright because what we'll do is we'll pull this up just like that and we'll just push it over kind of like a tee and that's gonna hold it captured for you making it a lot easier to remove this little cap on the end alright so there's a recoil spring assembly cap it's universal it doesn't matter which way it goes in there's same dimensions on both sides we'll pry this little wire part of a recoil spring guide and it just pops out like that and you'll see it locates in that hole right there in the middle it's a real simple design really easy I will set that cap down next we'll just push back down on the spring and we're going to slide that wire through the guide rod wire and slowly allow the spring to slide up this is a great time to have that I Pro under a lot of tension there alright and then it slides right out and you can see how this guide works now real simple concept works well though here's the factory spring these are the dead coils I was talking about they don't do anything they just take up space that's it this wire diameter is smaller as well compared to the M carbo spring so it's not gonna have as much tension as the extra power spring we've got here this is the M carbo extra power spring we'll put them side-by-side they're easy to tell apart because the factory spring has those dead coils as pointed out all right so here's the aim carbo spring down here you can see it's slightly longer than what was in the a K originally this spring is weaker and obviously it's been under tension for a long time as well so that's going to be a factor they will compress over time so brand new spring is not going to look exactly the same will be a little longer but it will compress and give you all that tension you want so this is the M carbo extra power recoil spring here you can see larger wire diameter and coils all the way through no dead coils at the end so you're covered there you've got plenty of good tension and man this does a heck of a job it is really impressive one of our gunsmiths here he loves the a K and you know it's hard to get him to say he really likes something but he was like I really like that so he's got him for his now it's just a really common sense simple upgrade it just it's one of those things is like oh why was i shooting that way before why did I have to absorb all that heavy impact crappy clunky recoil you just don't need it so and these are wear items as well so if you got an A K you put a ton of rounds through it highly recommend replacing this to preserve your firearm so we can go ahead and put the factory spring aside let's focus on installing the X power recoil spring all right now we're gonna go ahead and put in the extra power recoil spring might be handy have like a little tiny micro tip flathead or some kind of pic or something you'll see here in a second alright so what we'll do is we'll take the guide rod a little wire guide rod make sure this little tip isn't like this you want it like this so it'll feed through easily you don't want to grab in each coil on the way in so we'll go ahead and we'll start feeding in guide rod it's probably gonna double up like this on top of each other that's fine put the base in the bench block and we're gonna compress it definitely make sure you're wearing that I Pro alright we get to this point right here little micro tip or your pic or whatever just to grab that guide rod because we want to get it through and then pull it over into a tee just like that alright so the spring is captured good now what we can do is take that little cap goes on the end of the guide rod remember it's universal and we'll just spread the wire apart and get it to capture and each of those holes right there you want to make sure it's completely captured so you can see it's captured in both ends they're good simple and easy now what we need to do is slowly release the tension I'm just gonna go right back on the bench block here and what you'll do is you'll kind of feed it through so we're gonna have one hand holding it the other is going to straighten up that guide rod and just let it slowly kind of feed through your hands and there you go simple as that so it's all captured under tension perfect now we can put this baby in and rest easy knowing we've got some good protection for ak47 it's gonna actually cycle better it's gonna help with that over gassing scenario where a lot of those gas ports are just drilled out too wide causing that over gas effect where you're getting way more recoil than you're supposed to getting that bolt carrier hit the rear trunnion a bad thing we don't want to induce extra wear on the fire I'm not to mention these Springs are a wear item that do need to be replaced so you've got you know good amount of ammo through these aks and it's a stock spring and maybe you got it used replace this good insurance alright let's go ahead and put it back in the a kay so you just slide it in it's a bolt carrier and then we're gonna compress the recoil spring assembly it's gonna slide right into these notches right here on the rear trunnion all right so you just compress it and it slides right in like that alright alright good we're all captured now we'll take the dust cover we'll put that back in lines up that little cavity right there that will not CH while holding forward on the dust cover pushing it this way and then pushing straight down onto that recoil spring it's gonna be there's some tension so it's gonna snap in place once we get it lined up perfectly key is to keep it forward and then pushing down just like that there we go it's all back in place we're good to go do a quick little function check all right slide operates perfectly I'm going to pull the trigger nice back reset there we go let's check the safety good well there you have it guys a k47 extra power recoil spring works the entire collection off family of aks the AKM the Draco's you got it it's all ak-47 it's good it's compatible so we're really excited about it if you got an old surplus spring I got a spring you don't know how old it is highly recommend doing it anyway it's good insurance you don't want to have unnecessary impact on that rear run you back here you don't want to abuse your a K more than you need to I mean these things can take a beating but yeah we still don't want to destroy them really excited about it guys hope you enjoyed this hope you found it informative if you did give us a like subscribe we always appreciate that on the YouTube feel free to leave some comments below we always enjoy interacting with you guys Thank You M Carr brothers for all your ideas and your support as always happy shooting [Music]
Channel: MCARBO
Views: 15,672
Rating: 4.9144387 out of 5
Keywords: AK 47 Upgrades, AK 47 Recoil Spring, Military Surplus AK-47 Parts, AK 47 Recoil Spring Assembly, AK 47 Spring Kit, AK-47 Extra Power Recoil Spring, Wolff Extra Power Recoil Spring AK-47, MCARBO, M*CARBO, Wolff AK 47 Spring
Id: nh2k1A3Mm7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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