Do You Stress The AK 47 Bolt Carrier Tail? Peened Tail ..... NYET Rifle Is Fine

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hey guys I just want to do a quick video tonight about the ak-47 or a que variants the bolt carrier tail on this bolt carrier tail you used to never really hear about it but nowadays it seems to be a topic of hot conversation a lot of people do their tests on the a K and they revolve it around the wear on the tail I've seen in countless forums people talking about the wear on the tail the ball carrier tail the tail right and um listen I'm not an expert by any means guys but I just wanted to offer a different perspective on the bolt carrier tail and tell you why I don't think you should be as worried about it as you might be so I I own a lot of these new rifles come and they have you know Christine brand new ball carrier right cuz it's a new rifle that was made in the USA or maybe brand-new by a former combat country and people think that as soon as they get so many rounds in it when the back of the bolt carrier tail which is this portion back here right as soon as it starts to get a little bit of painting around and over there's a lot of people that was on have you believed if that's a problem and again I'm not trying to say I know more than those people but I'm gonna offer you a little bit of evidence to show why I don't think it's a problem so here's what I have I have a home zastava m70 two parts kit this is a true you go so this is a matching parts kit shows you're trying him right here mustafa yugoslavia you can see the serial numbers 72 to 73 made in 1983 right so the parts i'm about to show you come from the same kit i have the rest of the box behind me but let's look at the bus stock first just looking at the stock we can instantly tell not only is this matching but this gun has been used this is not one of the unissued surplus om rifle kids i have a few of those too but i picked this one purposely because this rifle was actually used by the arm former yugoslavia military all right now from the same kit here's my carrier assembly and I'm pardon me with my webcam but I'm gonna do the best I can to get it to focus and we're gonna look at the tail now this is not a beat-up kit guys this kits fully serviceable this kits actually in great shape perfect kit to build your gun off of just want to say that first and foremost as we come into the tail here get it to focus a little bit there we go look with this bolt carrier tail has done its peen you can see the kind of smashed in tip here as we come around see that sharp lip there this bolt carrier tail has peening on it this is a real deal military issue Yugoslavian RPK assembly so with that said guys look here's what happens people who get caught up in this tail I'm worried that they've either never had a true can block a K built in their hands or an actually used parts kit and since I have one you know to show you guys I don't think it's anything to worry about now I guess there's gonna be some far-reaching scenario where if it kept painting back and back and back well of course that's going to be a problem but here's what happens to things when this guns firing on its initial break-in it's gonna find and made up with the curvature of the hammer right that's what makes contact with this and it's gonna basically made itself to it to the shape of contact so that's gonna happen and it's going to find its shape that it wants to keep another thing is also going to happen is it's constantly making contact there's what's called work hardening so the models work hardening itself as it's making contact hundreds and then eventually thousands of times you know I any typical kit that I take apart and look at it basically looks like this guys there's definitely some painting on the tail nothing so drastic that the tail is missing you can see that lip there this is considered to be a peened bolt carrier tail and I'm not worried about it at all don't take any gunsmithing advice from me guys I'm not a gunsmith you know build at your own risk however I'm showing you a real-deal combat kit of a machine gun that was in perfectly working service when it was d mailed this kit looks perfectly fine and it's gonna make an excellent little guys another thing to hear I don't know if it's gonna be able to get the focus but if you look on the front of this log you can see little little scallop marks in there from like a little grinding there we go right there and that goes back to another myth that these guns are not hand fitted the aks are absolutely hand fitted and it's perfectly acceptable with a file for the bell there to do a little bit of teeny fine-tuning to make sure that everything meets up right this is something combat countries have been doing for years they've been doing it since the beginning of time with the aka guys and I've I've seen this also on countless bolts another misconception that we see a lot and we'll quick here if anyone's gonna say well you know hey that's a hugo you goes are junk which I'm here to tell you they're not but if you think they're Jacque I'll show you another one real quick too so this is a Romanian it has nothing in common at all with the you go I just showed you this is actually an AKMs variant it specifically model 65 not from the same country this is more of an aka if you will versus in our PK right and let's see if I can get my camera to see you guys real briefly but this tail also has some painting on it nothing bad to see little Nick's and everything in there you can see that actually it's focusing pretty good there's actually a little Nick's in the end of it a little bit of painting this rifles fine guys this is also an all matching parts kit let me see if I get it to pick up at this carrier and then trunnion have the same serial number there there we go so I just showed you guys to different countries they're girls the dust cover it's all good it can take it anyways guys I just showed you two different countries I showed you the painting on the I'm the famous tale that we all hear about and I'm not worried about it at all so you can decide if you want to be concerned I just wanted to show you in case you've never seen an actual military-issued D mailed parts kit gun just wanted you guys to see some close-ups of that because no one's really showing you that side of things all people are doing is taking these brand new rifles after they put a few rounds to them they show you how the tails starting to pee in a little bit and I'm just afraid that's gonna get a lot of people nervous for no good reason so it's up to you if you guys don't want to build on these kits that's fine and that's all you have to but these are the best of my opinion true military parts kit builds so and the painting is perfectly normal and it's totally fine so doc if you guys have any opinions on this or if this is the first time you've actually seen somebody show a true you know military used guns um carry your tail let me know and if you guys want to see any more I can pop on and do a part two and probably pull ATK's out from ten different countries and show you guys that they pretty much all pin the tails after they've actually been used so hopefully that helps clear up a little bit for you guys and like I said don't sweat the ball-carrier tail it's really not that big of a deal alright thanks for watching guys have a good one
Channel: 2a Edu
Views: 3,149
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Keywords: AK Bolt, glock, AK 47, M72, 79, AK bolt carrier tail, Romanian AK 47, Yugo AK, AK testing, Underfolder AK, shooter, AK 47 carrier tail, Zastava, kalashnikov
Id: yQn4UvdTHw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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