AIRPLANE VS VOLCANO | Bay Vào Núi Lửa | phim hành đông chiếu rạp 2020

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] sensor's buried stand by for incoming readings it's beautiful lisa is beautiful even in your vocabulary seismo sensor readings are coming in now [Music] we're definitely getting some activity but joseph how is it possible cooler hasn't shown volcanic activity in 5 million years how is it possible so far from the hot spot joseph joseph lisa i think a submerged volcanic shelf has surfaced there are new islands out here when does landon arrive he's flying in soon we'll need his help running some tests [Music] joseph it's right on top of you [Music] joseph [Music] everybody [Music] positions [Music] excuse me oh oh i'm so sorry sir we're actually preparing to land do you mind bringing your seat forward [Music] how can you sleep to this noise [Music] practice [Music] don't you know it isn't polite to stare tony sit down please i'm sorry about that it's all right no harm hank right you look like a hank actually it's a it's a gem jim cartman jennifer and you've already met tony how long you been married oh well not yet i just like to wear it feels like we are anyway i took time off my auto body shop to meet her for a little pre-wedding vacation oh that's nice you've known each other a long time then six months now i know it's a little crazy there's nothing crazy about it if you don't know and then the first month that she's the one then you'll never know control this is 7389 we may be experiencing some technical difficulties as our radar shows a heavy storm cloud but our reports show very little turbulence can you confirm control can you confirm the radio is malfunctioning control this is seven three eight nine do you copy i guess we missed it sir oh great um my wi-fi is acting a little janky would you mind checking it out maybe seeing if you can fix it no i'm sorry you actually have to turn that off and put your tray cable up for landing oh sorry it's okay can i take that for you oh sure [Music] here please do you have any aspirin no i'm sorry sir rounds my apologies this is the altitude we'll be descending soon [Music] control captain radio's down down that's not what scares me what's that how long it's been down turbulence it's okay it's just an air pocket there must be some kind of magnetic interference out there lots of altitude control yellow pilot isn't compensating hold on spare damn auto potty thanks for descending on course did you lean back dude what the hell i thought i hear you captain spare maximum velocity come on everyone hang on listen look out i see i see it i need you to be on the radio dan what is the passport dan what is the passcode he's gone okay it's on autopilot um uh rita yes yeah that radio right there and get a hold of anybody anybody at all okay but who are you my name is rick beer do it okay just do it hello can anybody hear me hello please help what's up yeah yeah we've been hit you can fly you uh what's your name me frank frank come here please united states there marshall kirkland you want to tell me what's going on if someone's hurt up front they get unconscious that's all anybody needs to know right now we need to pilot out of the seats you okay don't touch me sorry i just i thought you were hurt sure you're going to be a no well not yet he's not really unconscious isn't he that's dead i don't let the passengers see these guys like that gotta get the coal pile out too okay you got it i'll keep it quiet what's going on okay everybody i'm air marshall jim kirkland the pilot he's knocked unconscious but everything's okay if there's anybody able to give us a hand with any medical training please help us out that's a volcano i need to know what you know i can help john oh my god [Music] you ever find anything this big no uh the largest i've ever flown is a king air nine-seater it's stuck on autopilot in a constant loop yeah to prevent terrorist takeovers they installed an encoded autopilot system and of course he knew all the codes no it's just sparing them too great i study volcanoes and uh i doubt this is the worst in fact i think they're just waking up keep your distance and uh don't fly us too close or you'll cook us there's no chance of that because the autopilot loop right i hope so can you move that thing there's a little bit of movement in the wheel i might be able to force it to maneuver there's definitely no chance of flying over that thick ash cloud that'll destroy our engines we're gonna have to ride it out yeah and pray we don't get any aftershocks hey tully wait up sash what happened to you breakfast in the mess hall happened yeah and what do i say i said don't eat the gravy it's biscuits and gravy you can't have one without the other just don't let the old man see you like this oh look alive tully they're calling all hands overheard colonel ryker mentioned a volcanologist doesn't make sense what does wrecker want with a volcanologist yes we'll find out that radar ratings well your input and your information will be helpful doctor if you can please fill in my executive officer livingston we can send you on your way as you were sir dr lisa whitmore called in a disaster listen doc if there were any volcanic activity we would already know all about it sir we're picking up readings out there and it's big is it a storm excuse me colonel but you're not looking at a storm you're looking at an eruption column what keula has been a dead volcanic island for millions of years until now colonel my colleague was on that island when it erupted please let me help if you want to help you can fill in my exo with everything you know starting with how did this dead island suddenly wake up my colleague had a similar theory mount kilauea has not shown activity for over a year but after 30 years of activity that pressure has to go somewhere sometimes there are connecting passages where where heat and pressure travel along the crust massive amounts of pressure are forcing submerged volcanoes to come to the surface colonel this is only the beginning and it's only going to get worse i am the best that you have you need me [Music] here get set up keep me informed thank you sir [Music] sir ten minutes ago i was notified lehua airport lost contact with one of their airliners coming in from lax 40 miles off course this would put it just minutes after the eruptions they overshot their destination they're flying blind into a disaster and need immediate rescue assistance i cannot initiate an air rescue over erupting volcanoes and risk my men as of now this island isn't a state of emergency understood i can notify the island evacuation can be underway as soon as you give the order get on it get johnson on the ground to handle the evac sir with your permission i'd like to assist in the evac specialist i appreciate your ambition but you're not ready son get back to your radio yes sir [Music] what are you waiting for make your calls everybody hang on come on hey somebody come back here and help us is everybody okay no okay do we have a first aid kit on board yeah yeah where's the airpods uh everybody just remain calm all right uh first aid is gonna come around to those who need it now okay the best way we're gonna get through this is for everybody just to relax and try to work good luck oh just breathe you're okay can you use this as a split yeah can you get my face hey what's your problem man the pilot has been unconscious for a while it doesn't take much to realize that he's dead the pilot's dead hey stop it just ignore him what about the co-pilot is he okay don't wish your bread they are dead i don't know rita [Music] listen krieger do yourself a favor shut up sit down or i put you down [Music] [Music] need you to protect mama i'm counting on you tony macaroni thank you welcome [Applause] you're going to want to get your people to oahu [Music] you need to get them out of the volcano's range i think that's a good place to start feedback is within the hour good secondly you're gonna want to shoot a probe into one of the volcanoes if you think i'm gonna send one of my men near those all i'm suggesting is that we launch a probe into one of the volcanoes so i can better understand them what exactly can we learn from this probe oceanic temperatures aerial temperatures seismic disturbances i may be able to predict what they'll do next how's it go people 15 minutes airborne sir what about the commercial airliner sir we may get a visual of it if we do that'll help us better coordinate a rescue until you get someone on the com focus on your current mission soldier yes sir [Music] work come on of course all right exactly what are you doing to that phone i'm gutting it and try to call for help wait wait wait wait wait a minute the phone's wi-fi they don't work up here well not entirely see all these lines are connected to a link which is then routed to a satellite down to a designated target now right now that link is being rejected because the communications are down it's kind of like an unregistered user trying to gain access you know but if i can bypass that link to the satellite i might allow ourselves access and this will work well i'll let you know okay especially sunny what's the status on the evac of niha not great sir they're running into a few snags the locals think they can handle it themselves i don't care if they have to drag people by their feet get it taken care of and get their asses back to base understood sir the bird is inbound control this is delta two of what approaching prepare to launch roger that delta two one interesting what the lava it's super heated not very dense the lighter the density the more likely it is to stay airborne health 2-1 you are clear to launch when ready roger delta 2-1 launching pro in three two one delta that cloud isn't just moving fast it's clocking in at 300 knots tell them to get out of there now delta 2 1 return to base i repeat return debate come in come here get out we lost captain alby [Music] it's still coming it's 30 000 meters from me how in closing 20 000 meters who's on the short we need to send out our boys and evacuate the coastal area it's too late you need to call beach control and have everyone leave now do it sir what about everyone living on shore [Music] [Applause] [Music] emergency [Music] colonel [Music] your shores are the new pompeii all civilians that are still alive get them to safety evacuate [Music] rita top gun needs you here's an idea damn it are you okay yeah you should come inside for a second all right i need you to return that panel okay is your hand inside there i think so okay look in there tell me what you see it's a mess in here there's gonna be a circuit breaker in there somewhere okay there's like two ways to override this autopilot and we lost one that is the other one i don't think i can do this okay just reach in there and feel around so careful careful careful oh okay okay i think i found a circuit breaker oh my god there's so many switches which one is it okay it's gonna look completely different than the other switches it's gonna either color coded or it's gonna be a totally different switch altogether did you see anything like that [Music] yeah yeah i see it okay i'm gonna do it no that's not good we're losing fuel what is that i don't know what i'm doing it's okay just i'm sorry just if something gets your way then you turn okay i don't care what they're doing okay okay got it no more switches for you it means that the other switch has got to be the right oh great what was that not it no no that was it but all the circuits are fine now so that means there's no way of fixing this we're stuck in autopilot break your hand that was close yeah it's just the beginning look more good news how long do we have it's an hour the best and what do we do we need to check on landon see if he's making progress i minored in genius but i majored in awesome it's ready to transmit so it works only one way to find out uh uh mayday mayday mayday mayday this is flight 7389 played 7389 requesting immediate emergency assistance i repeat this is flight 7389 requesting immediate emergency assistance are you okay okay okay he'll be okay hey little buddy hey hey um i'm gonna get you some water all right there should be some emotional i think our new pilot is not fit to fly who are you getting that now man our pilots are dead rick has endangered us all it's time to feel and who knows if we have enough i say let the other pilot do what it's made to do not him how does it feel thank you hey what the hell are you doing what are you doing what the hell is going on here what is this your rejection my what open it no yeah this man has endangered us oh open it i'm not gonna throw him off a if you plane not with me then you join him open that door krieger crap it [Music] everybody back in the cabin move yes sir that man has repeatedly saved lives he's killed us all just give me one reason right now there are children watching you're right you want to throw a man out the door good role model what did you think was going to happen when you opened the door when the cabin wasn't depressurized think about that don't mind the smell what trick what i said watch break and watch him close keeping me in here isn't gonna stop him from killing us all marshall [Music] you have a beautiful family [Music] where are they now he's detained good you okay yeah thank you for that oh my pleasure let me ask you this only once and you tell me the truth can you fly this yes i can i don't care about anything else just don't get us killed someone should have heard the distress call by now right the kid's trying flight 7389 requesting immediate emergency assistance do you copy i don't know what's happening mayday mayday this is flight 7 3 requesting immediate emergency assistance is there anybody out there mayday mayday this is flight 7389 requesting immediate emergency assistance do you copy please somebody pick up [Music] tully what was the flight number on that lost airliner again flight 7389 why [Music] i think i just found them colonel riker sir the airliner we've made contact sir you're going to want to hear this he's a friend he was supposed to fly in today to meet us get a hold of him yes sir where are they that's the thing sir thatch yes sir they're in the seventh circle of hell they're lucky to be alive you've got to do something we are in the middle of evacuating everyone from this island that's our priorities with all due respect sir this is how we make it right we save as many as we possibly can even if we initiate an evac rescue mission the probability of us penetrating that wall of fire is unlikely honestly we are talking about a random erupting wall it's risky but i'm not saying it's impossible flight 7389 come in 89 i got someone i got someone i someone's transmitting to us uh yes hello um uh come in this is flight 7389 you're alive uh who is this that i'm speaking with is this landon yes this is uh this is landon uh how do you know me you know me that's right i have your uh colleague dr whitmore here lisa uh my name is private vaughn uh can you tell me what your situation status is uh sure situation status uh uh we lost both our pilots uh we nearly crashed uh we nearly blew up and there's this guy up here who is super close to a psychotic meltdown um oh and we're flying in the middle of a ring of volcanoes [Music] thoughts roger that uh can what's your altitude and your fuel like um what's our altitude uh around ten thousand feet okay um we're around ten thousand feet uh but we have lost a lot of fuel okay roger that landon sit tight for a second sure tully sir they're out of fuel patch them through landon it's lisa [Music] lisa just hang in okay you're gonna be fine okay uh we'll do our best and landon who rocks [Music] you rocks lennon you're out of fuel uh not yet but uh we don't have a lot left i'd say probably less than an hour okay landon this is colonel riker he's gonna tell you what to do son just relax keep everyone calm and sit tight we're gonna do everything in our power to get you out of there okay uh just one thing i based on my readings on the last quake i don't think we have a lot of landon landon we've lost calm sir damn it the ash cloud is causing interference sir i am urging you to reconsider the rescue stand down special those people will die up there if you don't do something then they're dead in the air i give the orders around here and my men are not dying today colonel please speak out of line one more time and you will be begging me for a court-martial when i'm done with it yes sir [Music] if you boys are down i've got something our probe is picking up rising sea temperatures and seismic activity in ascending intervals what does that mean meaning it's counting down counting down to what well considering the quake's source duration and magnitude the crust can only take so much pressure before the magma builds and punches through you mean another eruption yeah yeah more massive than all the others and then what we lose come with me [Music] we are saving those people period but we don't have authorization from colonel riker we do now besides riker's busy with the island that looks like the real thing riker can't save them but we can i am not letting anybody else die today understood the people i care about are on that plane so you can't do this without my help okay first we get that tanker uh that's not good the engine's jammed something's large inside wait what everything's okay it's okay tell me right now can you level this plane with that engine cloud no not much we fix it yeah but how you send me out there i can unclog that and get it going can we even open that door by at ten thousand feet and if i eat back on the throttle yeah we can are you serious you have a better idea i don't need my bag it has my tools in here even if you do unclog it that engine's gonna immediately try to suck you right back in i'm seeing my wife and going on vacation i took time off my job where i'm more likely to get flat working on the car she says this isn't any different sure about this what choice do we have ready go lift it up like this okay here we go steady easy now [Music] i'm on my way so okay easy all right come on come on ah uh wow i know and we're losing altitude making a beating up there sir we have an inbound bogey multiple bogeys heading right for us hello is anyone there uh we just lost someone and two of our engines are out do you copy is anyone there isn't anyone answering hello is anyone there we read you it's possible for a 747 to fly on two engines but you may be too heavy if you lose another one you'll glide down and eventually crash what about the luggage we can dump all that do it we're gonna hit hard down here oh okay this better work come on what are people putting their luggage okay get him inside i'm on my way everything's gone did it do anything nope it wasn't enough we're still too happy [Music] [Music] hey no word from base yet we're still too heavy power play what can i get rid of something something useless we don't need anymore krieger would be nice look out sit down and buckle up ladies and gentlemen take your seats and buckle up this is about to get very interesting what are you doing getting rid of some unwanted equipment no not today i have a lot of things i want to do with my life i'm begging you please do not do this how do you not do this professionally i buckle under official status we've stopped descending at 4 000 feet excuse me colonel may i ask you something just over here let's make it quick yeah i've been trying to reach you we managed to level the plane out how'd you do that uh we took off two of the engines uh wow uh okay uh what's your altitude uh 4000 feet it's calling a little close for our tanker we're gonna call him off don't worry we still got rescue coming call with that tanker it's way too dangerous well i sure hope you're sending someone equally as crazy don't worry we're getting our best all right uh what's your eta when can i expect you give me 15 minutes 15 minutes right okay that's coming a little close i think we only got about 30. roger that tully out please let me be wrong this is bravo two five inbound roger that bravo two five always be careful out there huh roger control it's a sight knee out of control roger that bravo two five tread lightly once inside do you have visual of the package project control we have visual roger that bravo two-five good luck landon a rescue plane is right below you you're gonna have to lower passengers from your cargo hold i understand okay i'm getting everyone together now hey elves here they want us in the cargo hold you're kidding no i don't joke about rescues all right i'll catch up bravo 2-5 collecting the package roger that come on let's go let's go okay you ready all right we are receiving our first passenger roger that bravo 25 are you good stay right here all right control we're losing daylight out here gonna be all right almost there you got it experiencing lighting here control roger that probably what do you got the ash cloud's giving off some heavy electrical activity bravo two five double time it you sir we're getting the passengers on the rescue plane hold up on the screen double time it will we need to get out of here all right are you ready buddy give us two minutes sir please all right on the count of three two three we're going down we're going down explain yourself specialist sir you really thought this could work by deliberately disobeying me and by forging orders to issue this mission you and your team are relieved of duty sir you will be court-martialed now get to your station and wait there the mps are on their way and get that off the screen get it off don't help hey everyone um i got this thing to transmit and uh if you have something that you want to say to someone feel free it's not over i don't understand how you can just stand there and think that can you not just let me fly okay [Music] [Music] mp remove that man [Music] colonel you can't do this i don't want to hear it no no you don't understand something within the ring of the volcano is growing rapidly i'm warning you doctor carl just let's look the pressure is all congregating in one spot and it is only a matter of time before this thing rises and it's big roughly three miles in diameter just look take a look you're done mp you need to hear this take them both away please hi my name is landon todd i hope somebody's listening to this i never got to see my dad much not a day goes by that i don't wish i just spent more time being with him dad if you can hear this i just want you to know that i never thought you were a bad father and i wish we could make up for lost time [Music] but i guess this is what we got [Music] i love you pops now the day goes by that i feel differently [Music] do you hear them colonel i don't know what to say my name is shirley jones and i'm 67 years old i'd like to believe that my husband george can hear this but again he's gone i see you when i close my eyes and you are so beautiful [Music] i'll be with you soon [Music] we can save them you can save them please [Applause] please if anyone can hear this please help us i have my child a little boy i have my little boy please [Music] he's only eight years old for christ's sake please please if anyone can hear this please help us help us [Music] we can't just let them die i don't think you can either help me help them [Music] men [Music] we have a duty and that is to protect our people no matter how dangerous sergeant graham ready the jets yes sir sir by doing this you will be disobeying state orders besides what you are talking about is suicide are these people really worth the risk we are not only saving them for saving all of us [Music] and you back to your post specialist [Music] sir this [ __ ] is heating up giving us a hell of a lot of turbulence you're scared and so am i don't be sit down here listen you're gonna make it to your families we're all gonna make it through this [Music] the only thing i love in this world is a picture of my wife and kids after i was told they were taken from me i kept flying i just somehow i could turn back time and they'd be waiting for me when i landed i am going to keep on flying not for my family but for us for all of us this is not the time to say your goodbyes or your prayers this is the time to gather your courage we are gonna face this thing head on i can still fly i can still fly the only way we beat them is if we relieve the pressure from the magma chamber here this is where we focus our attack easier said than done doctor we won't stand a chance several direct hits to the core will rupture enough passages to release the magma from its base into the ocean killing the eruptions we just might have a chance questions yes good luck you don't have to do this sir we got plenty of our guys suited up and ready to go soldier these are my men and i'll lead them how i see fit yes sir now get your ass back to b-dog [Music] sir i got us a rescue team the plane is a little bulky but it flies on props so they won't have any problems flying through the ash in the air it's perfect yes they are they practically jumped at the opportunity but they're a little uh extreme though where'd you get these guys uh a few of our boys couple i know personally they have a knack for extreme skydiving so they just called in a favor for the prop excellent private excellent thank you [Applause] sir this is red wing leader two minutes out okey dokey i found this parachute and this wrap we're gonna take this parachute connect it to the raft and then we're all gonna ride down to the ocean and then we're gonna paddle like hell to safety not everybody can sit on that ratchet i'm gonna get the winner in the kit off first [Music] okay i want all the women the little tony follow me down to the concoho we're getting off this bird yes i'm sure this is gonna work i'll let you know i don't think so if anyone is getting off this plane it's not oh my god ah one more step [Music] you never could see this my way right [Music] hello uh [Music] tony macaroni you still taking care man because we don't want anything to happen here right okay i have a grandson but to save me just you always holds my hair before i go to [Music] i sleep know what he always does [Music] going to rest okay holy mother they're huge this is red wing leader all fighters check in red ring one standing by red wing three standing by five standing by okay gotta get in gotta move fast it's your party red wing leader roger that man walk on their core red wings going in hot krieger's taking the raft let him look yes yes ladies and gentlemen help has arrived but everybody hang on it's going to get really bumpy stripping good bring it red wing three box one i can't see him red wing leader lay down cover fire for that plane i'm sending evac with a few firecrackers get on the comment tell those guys to ready explosives to be stuffed in that plane what are you nuts yeah all right i'm on it you heard him let's plow the road flying toe flying do you have any explosives on board that's an affirmative never leave home without them good i think they may come in handy ejecting they're getting killed out there flying toe flying toe get your asses in there now what's your eta pta one minute control ready and packing roger that red wing leader you have less than a minute time's up uh oh my you are a big [ __ ] here we go hey how's here what are you is doing weird there seems to be too much resistance on this plane we're gonna have to drop it turn your asses up yes sir we're going in again get every soul off that plane receiving our first passenger go go go get him out now good job get him go go get back on board now what's in the bag enough explosive to blast this bastard back to where it came from you guys i'll be right back we need to go we they're getting us out of here come on youtube we have to go now we're taking away us come on we're taking him with us you have to it's okay it's okay [Music] i'm sorry [Music] [Music] uh i'm we closed the plane with 200 pounds of explosives you have to hit the center of the volcano good luck plane is clear i'm not going anywhere good luck son red wings fall out control i've got an incoming boogie he's not gonna make it i'm going in [Music] come on uh he did it hawaii wasn't alone experiencing volcanic activity mount vesuvius has reportedly erupted [Music] thank you sir no thank you sergeant [Music] carry on sergeant yes sir [Music] [Music] i'll never forget [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Views: 726,523
Rating: 4.5098224 out of 5
Keywords: phim hành đông chiếu rạp 2020, airplane vs volcano, bay vào núi lửa, phim hành động, phim hanh dong, phim chiếu rap, phim chieu rap, phim hanh dong chieu rap, phim moi, phim chiếu rạp 2020, vietlove
Id: m-HaaspbDqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 23sec (5363 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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