Aidy Bryant Was Surprised SNL Cast Her to Play Sen. Ted Cruz | The Tonight Show

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-You know, our next guest from "Saturday Night Live." She also produces, writes, and stars in the show "Shrill." All episodes of the third and final season will be on Hulu this Friday. Everyone, please welcome Aidy Bryant! -♪ It's Aidy Bryant ♪ ♪ And she's dressed to kill ♪ ♪ She's mighty, mighty ♪ ♪ On that show called "Shrill" ♪ ♪ It's Aidy Bryant ♪ ♪ It's her turn to drive ♪ ♪ Up to the eighth floor ♪ ♪ On "Saturday Night Live" ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ -That's gotta feel good, right? -Ohh. So nice! Wow! It's really nice to have a crowd. -It's amazing, right? -Yeah. -As a performer, this -- it's everything. -You need 'em. -It's everything. -We need ya. -Yeah, we totally do. Thank you so much for coming on the show. I know you're busy. You got a new show this Saturday. I gotta say you're crushing it this season. -Oh, thanks! -And I will say that my favorite thing so far that you're doing now -- This new character you're doing. Ted Cruz. -Yeah. -[ Laughter ] -This is when he came back from Cancun. [ Laughs ] -Yeah. -Did you know you had a Ted Cruz in you? And what -- -I -- I still am amazed that I'm finding him every day in there. Um, no. I didn't know. And, also, I didn't -- You know, normally, like, sometimes during the week, you have an idea that an impression is coming up. And him in particular, it kind of, like, sprung up on us on Friday. And so, Saturday morning I went in, and they were like, "You have Ted Cruz. Okay." -Really? -Yeah. -Isn't that wild? -I just was like, "Okay. I'll put something together, but..." And then I felt like, okay, well, that'll be my only time I did Ted Cruz. And then it was, like, week after week. They were like, "Get the beard out!" -"Get the beard back out! People want to hear the hits! They want the Ted Cruz." Yeah, exactly. Because you're doing that, as well as "Shrill," which, by the way, congratulations. It comes out on Friday. -Yeah. [ Cheers and applause ] -All the episodes on Friday, but Friday is also your birthday, by the way. -I know! -Happy birthday! [ Cheers and applause ] -Thank you. Thank you. -Happy, happy birthday! -You know, yeah, it's a lot. It's a lot of attention for me on one day, I think. I'm scared that I'll never be the same afterwards. -Yeah, I mean, you couldn't plan this if you planned it four years in advance. -No, I -- It was not my idea. I want people to know that. That was -- They just chose the date. And I was like, "That's my birthday." And they were like, "Okay. We don't care." Um... -This season, I know you -- There was an episode where you had to learn the Electric Slide. -Yeah. Yeah. -And you were talking to me about this. Now, why did it bother you? Or not bother you. But why is it still in your brain that you -- -No, I think it was -- It became a big moment for me in my life. -All right. Explain this. -Well, you know, you think you know the Electric Slide, don't ya? -Of course. Yeah. We all know it. -You've all been to a wedding or a bat mitzvah. You know -- You know the Electric Slide. -Yes. -Well, so, we wrote it into the show. It was like, okay, this girls' night out. The four girls are going to do the Electric Slide. And the director, Carrie Brownstein, was like, "I think we should get a choreographer just so you guys look really tight and all together." And in my mind, I was like, "Okay, lady. We don't need a choreographer. We know it." -Yeah, it's the Electric Slide. -And so they got the choreographer. And it just so happened that, like, when we were supposed to rehearse, I had an issue with my costume, so the other girls went and rehearsed. And then right when I could join them, they were done. And then it was just me and a professional choreographer in a huge room. And it was like, "Do the Electric Slide." -That's pressure. -And it was the most intimate, raw, nightmarish pain I've ever felt in my entire life. And suddenly I found myself being like, "What is the Grapevine? What is a little shimmy?" Like, I'm -- Raw terror looking into this man's eye. -"I've done this a million times. Is this the Electric Slide?" -So then I think because of that, he was like, "This woman doesn't know the Electric Slide. She needs extra help." I would say, for 20 minutes, I quietly did the Electric Slide for a professional choreographer probably 10 times in a row. Solo Electric Slide? It will chill you to your damn bones. -All right. Yeah. We get that. -But I survived. -You survived. You did it. -It looked great on camera. Oh, wow. -You film the show in and around Portland. -Yeah. -Gosh. That's -- -It's the best. -That's a cool place. -And it's, like, such a cool town to explore. And we went, like, all these areas around it. We went to the beach. We went to this cattle ranch we shot on. -Oh, yeah. -And -- Yeah. There's, like, a scene where we shot at this full-working cattle ranch, and we thought it would be funny to write in that a child on an ATV comes and picks me up and takes me across the cattle ranch. But I didn't realize that meant, like, actually a child would drive me on an ATV across a cattle ranch. -We actually have a clip of the scene you're talking about. Here's Aidy Bryant in the new season of "Shrill" on Hulu. Take a look. -Hi! [ Engine idling ] Uh, I'm here to meet Clara Pickett. [ Engine idling ] Okay. Sorry. I've never been one of these. So I'm gonna grab on there. Okay. [Straining] Just give it one of these. Okay. Okay. Um, is it okay if I put my hands on your back here? Little support from a child. Okay. Ohh. [ Chuckles ] All right. So I'm good to leave my car there? Okay. -Come on. Show business, man. Happy early birthday. Aidy Bryant, everybody. All episodes of the third and final season of "Shrill" will be on Hulu this Friday.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 300,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Aidy Bryant, Surprised, SNL, Cast Her, Play, Sen. Ted Cruz, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Aidy Bryant on Fallon, Aidy Bryant interview, Saturday Night Live, Aidy Bryant SNL, Aidy Bryant Saturday Night Live, SNL s45, improv, Girls, Girls Abigail, The Big Sick, Shrill
Id: 81LiBMmrr4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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