AI Video Editing - Top 5 Tools We Recommend!

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these AI video editing tools aren't just changing the game they're Reinventing it so in this video we're going to share the best AI tools that will transform your video creation so that you can learn how to edit videos faster and easier so I'm going to share my top five AI tools right now and this stuff is changing quick so we might have an updated version very very soon and also these tools are in no particular order so make sure you're sticking around to hear out all the options so tool number one is descript and descript is something that has been around for a little while now and it is an amazing video editing podcasting screen recording and transcribing service so whether you're creating videos or even podcasts and things descript is an amazing tool so once you go ahead and open up a new project whether you import video or audio it's actually going to transcribe all of that for you and you can actually edit your video or your audio as easily as editing a Word document so let's say we wanted to remove this chunk of our video here I can literally select it press the delete key on the keyboard that section has now been removed from our video likewise we can select text we can cut it and paste it to move it around to different sections of our videos and that chunk of footage or audio is now moved to that section so this makes your editing really really fast but also removes the barrier to entry for getting up to speed editing because anyone can edit text from a document but there's also a lot more AI tools and functionality in here too which are again really powerful so by having this transcript here of our video of our audio file we can actually generate subtitles or captions for our videos here really easily as well so we can just come up here to text choose what we want to add so let's go captions so if I play through this now you can see that it's now got that text which is going to be shown on screen in our video and all of this as well is customizable we can pick it up we can move it around we can change the size the fonts all of that stuff too and the other AI functionality that is super powerful in here as well is the audio processing tools so we can just come over here to Studio sound and we can enable that and that's going to go through and it's going to process our audio and this does an amazing job of removing background noise and making your audio sound great so for example I've got a new test project here I've Just Dropped In This Test 2 video clip which is me standing by a road so there's a lot of wind noise a lot of traffic noise everything on here so you can see now it's actually transcribed this for us and let's just play it before so you get a before and after example before we process this audio so let's play it now okay quick sound check uh in a pretty noisy spot with a bit of traffic let's see how good the noise reduction is on so let's go up here to Studio sound let's turn that on it's applying Studio sound to our clip now that's done if we hit play again okay quick sound check uh in a pretty noisy spot with a bit of traffic let's see how good the noise reduction is on this thing so no background noise at all it's actually adjusted my volume levels up I sound much clearer in there and you can't hear any of the wind or the traffic now in terms of pricing there is a few different options there is a free option here which will let you jump in and play around and let you create videos up to 720p and that'll also give you one Watermark free video export per month from there to remove restrictions and really unlock all the functionality you'll want to jump on either the Creator plan for 12 a month or the Pro Plan for 24 a month tool number two is Glenn this is another one that I'm a big fan of and it really changes the way that you can edit your videos in some regards it does have a fair bit of overlap with dscript but it also doesn't have the amount of features and controls and stuff as the script but what it does have is one in my opinion stand out feature so you do need to go ahead and download their app whether you're on Mac or Windows and create a free account so then we want to drag and drop or select our video file here so it's got our file it starts to analyze our file here and what this does is it goes through and it transcribes our video just the same as descript did and it's got the ability to automatically cut out your silences so any silences any ums and R's same as D script dscript has that functionality too but the game changing feature here as far as I'm concerned is this one here where it will automatically remove your bad takes so let's hit continue on this so we can go through this process we can see here it's preparing our file so what this looks at is your transcript and if it sees that you're saying the same thing over and over as I tend to do in a lot of our recordings try and enable the perfect take then this actually goes through and will suggest edits for you based on your multiple takes or redos and this can save you an absolute ton of time and it's pretty good in all of my tests so you can see it's gone through and it's created that transcript from our video and it's grayed out these sections that it thinks need to be removed so let's take this sentence here for example I'm going to run through and then I stop start again so I'm going to run through and so it's taking out the first piece of that here now we can edit this if we want to say look let's take out this piece here as well we can select it we can press backspace or hit cut and that's now been cut as well we can undo or remove these Cuts or the suggested edits we can show them down here on the timeline as well so we've actually got separate Clips down here based on the areas that this is suggesting we cut out and we can also hit Play and play through here to see what it's going to sound like so we can essentially edit in here too and then once we're done with our edit in here we can come up to export and we have options here to directly export a project file so keeping these edits intact to places like Final Cut resolve Adobe Premiere or we can actually export a video file or an audio file from here too now this here is functionality that descript has too been able to export project files but the biggest difference here is that this is actually performing an edit for US based on AI and based on what's being said or what's happening in the video it does a really good job of helping you remove a lot of these multiple take situations down to just the usable stuff now in regards to pricing the first video you make is totally free so it's free to sign up free to create your first video and then if we come over here to pricing this is something they've already updated fairly recently they now offer subscription-based pricing at 15 per month and that gives you up to 10 hours of footage per month at no additional charge and if you're doing a lot of stuff and you go over that then you can be charged an additional four cents per minute which works out about two dollars per hour and if you link your gling account with your YouTube channel if you've got over 100 subscribers then you get some extra free credits here capped out two hours per video the next tool is Adobe podcast vocal enhancer so you want to head to you will need to sign in or create a free account and then we can come at the top here to Quick tools and then we've got enhanced speech now they've got a great example here to show you what this does but essentially it removes background noise and enhance the speech in your audio files in your videos so here's their sample I'm in a conference room with the window open and it's pretty echoey in here too not the best place to record audio okay now let's turn on their enhanced speech here and play that again yeah with enhanced speech all of the background noise and Echo is gone as if I recorded this in a professional studio this really sounds like someone's sitting there with a podcast microphone in front of them now I'm going to show you an example with one of my files as well so that we can see that it's not just their sample where this works but one thing to note here is that this is Audio Only so if we want to process video files we need to extract an MP3 or a WAV file so just the audio piece of that video so I'm over in my editing software now I'm using Final Cut but you can pretty much use any editing soft software out there I've got my clip here that I want to extract the audio from I'm just going to come up here and Export just the audio so I'm going to go export file let's change the settings from video and audio to Audio Only it's going to give us an MP3 we can save that out let's go test project so obviously you can do this at the end of editing your footage as well just save out an MP3 or a WAV file we're going to process the audio and then we can bring it back in so go back to the Adobe website here let's go upload let's grab our file here that's going to go through and enhance that for us it does say here that some files can take up to 10 minutes to enhance obviously our file here is very short so this really won't take long and it's done so we can preview it here but I'm just going to download the file save it onto our computer so that we can bring it back into our editing tool to link it back up with our original footage so let's go back to Final Cut now and now let's import our new file from the Adobe website let's drag this down into our timeline here below our other project and we can see now that we've got our two audio files we've got our original file here with our original audio and we've got our new audio down at the bottom here and if we just zoom in on this a little bit we can see already that the waveforms here look totally different between the two so let's mute the bottom one here and let's play the original just so we can hear it again okay quick sound check uh in a pretty noisy spot with a bit of traffic let's see how good the noise reduction is on let's go ahead and mute the original let's turn on our enhanced audio from Adobe podcast tool let's play this okay quick sound check uh in a pretty noisy spot with a bit of traffic let's see how good the noise reduction is on this thing totally different it is massively improved it's so much easier to hear me it's removed a lot of that background noise and it actually sounds like I'm using a decent microphone not the built-in one on my phone so again it's another amazing tool to help you create better videos and audio is probably the most important piece of your video and this audio enhancement tool is really going to help you have good audio and fix up any bad audio if you weren't able to capture great audio at the time of recording the next tool I've got for you is Opus clip or Opus clip either way this is another amazing AI tool but what this one lets you do is import one of your long form videos and it's going to automatically using ai go and find you some shorter clips from inside that that you can then repurpose that content to share out on other platforms now it's got some cool stuff in here like it adds a virality score so it actually will rank these for you as to how it thinks that they're going to perform it's also got active speaker detection so if you've got multiple speakers in your long form videos your part podcasts your live streams and things it's automatically going to reframe your shots so that everyone is framed well or the active speaker is framed well and there's also keyword highlighting so the key points of what you're saying in your videos can be highlighted so they stand out for your viewers now you can go ahead and create a free account you can get 30 clips for free without even needing to enter your credit card details so once you've created an account and signed in you can either drop one of your YouTube video links in here or you can upload a file I've grabbed one of our YouTube video links and I dropped it in here which is this video down here and let's see what is generated so the original title of the YouTube video is how we make over twenty thousand dollars per month from affiliate marketing and you can see here if we scroll down it's actually gone and created Five Short videos in portrait format ready for repurposing from that one video but it's also given it here a score of how viral it thinks this clip could go and we can see the lower score ones are further down the page but it's even generated a title for each of these videos based on what's been covered at that point but it also gives you essentially a description that tells you what's happening in this video too so we then have the ability just to download these clips or there's also an edit button here as well where we can make adjustments to this so you've got the ability to add your intro caption on here so we've got text here at the start like a title screen we can edit the auto generated captions here if we need to we can also change up some of the branding elements as well and also move the text around too while there's quite a few Services out there like this now that offer this ability to automatically crop your clips and adjust them and all of that this one actually does a really good job of identifying really good sections in your videos that would work well to repurpose so let's just hit play so you can see what we're talking about last month we made over twenty thousand dollars from affiliate marketing alone so in this video we're going to go behind the scenes and I'm going to share with you a full breakdown on so we can see that it's actually reframed me at this shot so that I am center of the frame we've got the text on screen it's actually bolded or featured some of the text on here it's not just all the same color it's got some text that's standing out to help keep the viewers engaged so from here we can just hit download and we can save these videos to share out now in terms of pricing once again there is a free trial for you to test this out for yourself and then from there you can move up to their essential or their Pro Plan which is coming soon but the essential plan right now is 16 per month if billed annually that'll give you 200 upload minutes and up to 50 HD clips and this is actually a sliding scale so you can jump on here and you can see what it would cost for your usage requirements the next tool is cap cut now this is one of my top picks when it comes to video editing tools for iOS for Android for Mac for Windows because this thing's amazing and it works pretty much everywhere but it's also got a lot of really powerful AI features built in as well I'm not gonna be able to cover them all but I'll show you a few highlights so I've got a very basic project that is created here I've got our clip drop down into our timeline now I say first off that we want to add our captions on this video here we can select the clip we can come up the top here to text we can come down to Auto captions and hit create this is going to automatically again analyze and transcribe our video and it's going to type out all of those captions for us so we can see very quickly we now have our text here on screen now all of this again is customizable we can change what it looks like with all these different presets and things in here but this already is so much faster than manually typing all of these out and creating these individually so it's great for really quickly adding these captions to your videos as well which we can edit and make changes to as we need to but it also does text to speech so let's just say that we had text that we wanted an AI voice to read out for us or to replace my voice with an AI voice we can come over here to text to speech and we can pick one of these voices here okay quick sound chat okay quick sound check okay quick sound check okay quick and check okay quick sound check okay quick sound check okay quick sound check there you go there's even an Australian one so let's run with this and let's get it to create some audio here which is what we've got in our text here already so it's literally going to change my voice to this confident mail we're going to hit start reading it's going to go through and analyze our video here and you can see it's created audio down the bottom here separate from our clip with me talking which is an AI voice over reading out what our captions said so let's go ahead and mute my audio here now and let's go back to the start and play this okay quick sound check in a pretty noisy spot with a bit of traffic let's see how good the noise reduction is on this clip not bad a little scary but pretty cool that you can do this so if you're someone who's looking for an AI narrator for your videos yes there's lots of services that have that but it's awesome that it's in here as well but it's also not just limited to what you've already said in your videos let's go ahead and delete these other Clips here let's just edit this text file here and we can type something in okay so we have some text here now let's go and get our AI to read it so let's go text to speech Let's choose here confident mail hi my name is Justin I make videos on YouTube helping people grow an audience and scale Revenue with video about this one American man it's Justin I make videos on YouTube helping people grow an audio or British female hi my name is Justin I make videos on YouTube helping people kids vocalists [Music] okay you get the point now there's also an amazing background remover in here as well so let's select our clip we want to come up the top here to video then to cut out and then we can come down here to Auto cut out now this only works if you've got people in your scene right now and you can see it's going through it's processing our clip and it is removed the background for us so if we scrub through this now you can see it's actually done a pretty good job considering this wasn't shot on a green screen blue screen anything like that this is now transparent so we could add images and graphics and things behind it now if we undo that we can come back over here to enhance and we can also make adjustments to the people in your footage as well so we can make facial adjustments think of these like Beauty filters so we could smooth out my skin we could brighten up face it even whiten my teeth but if we scroll down here you can see there's a bunch of things that we can actually apply here even makeup so for those of you that are looking for I guess Instagram style filters and things that you could apply to your videos then you can actually do all of that here too okay again super scary now there's so much in here in terms of other effects and things that you can apply there's some really amazing looking stuff in here let's come up here to effects we've got lots of video effects like camera shakes and things a little bit extra camera movement we can have glowing edges I mean look there's a lot in here if we keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling but let's come over here to body effects and let's click on some of these so you can see it's analyzing it's looking for a person and it's applying these filters and effects to just the person in the shot here so to get some of these effects and looks previously it did mean really going to learn motion graphic software like Adobe After Effects and spending a bunch of time so it's awesome that you've got literally click of a button effects like this that you can add in here now and for the most part a lot of what you can actually do in cap cut is free only fairly recently they have included a Pro Plan which does restrict access to some of these things but there's still so much functionality and a lot of the things I just showed you that are available in the free one as well and again it works pretty much everywhere so those are my top AI tools right now for video editing now if you want to level up your video editing no matter which tool or service you're using then don't forget to download our free pdf guide which is linked on screen taking you through the ultimate video editing process to help you edit faster in a streamlined way so you can grab your copy with the link on screen and don't forget to check out the description box as well look at a bunch of resources down there to help you too I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Primal Video
Views: 211,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #PrimalVideoTV, ai content generator, ai editing, ai tools, ai video, ai video creator, ai video editing, ai video editing app, ai video editing software, ai video editing tools, ai video editor, ai video editor online, ai video enhancer, ai video generator, ai video generator free, ai video maker, ai video tools, automatic video editor, best ai tools, best ai video creator, how to edit, how to edit videos faster, justin brown, primal video, text to video, video editing
Id: KsAZpp5gy1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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