I Tested 7 AI Video Generators.. Here's The BEST!

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if you're struggling with creating engaging videos on Instagram Tick Tock and YouTube because you can't grab people's attention well in today's video I'm going to show you three tools that turns text into video quickly the best AI generators that make people say how did you do that and the best way to turn a still image into a very realistic video without any technical experience no upfront investment and the first video you can create in less than 60 seconds I have found seven of the best AI generators and I'm not just gonna talk about them for the next five hours I'm going to test them and I'm going to rank them and I'm saving the most popular for last so let's begin with number one pika Labs it's generating the video fully with AI I haven't tested it out fully yet so let's do it together now all I'm gonna do is click on Join Beta this is free for the public now so we're gonna click on here and we need to go to Discord to check it out okay we're now on the inside and I believe this works a lot like mid Journey so let's try to create something ourselves I'm gonna write slash create click on this one and I'm gonna enter a prompt we're gonna stick with the theme of A Futuristic restaurant so let's do the prompt robot making a burger in futuristic Kitchen on this one I'm really looking for the speed some of these AI generative tools takes a lot of time and I'll compare all the generation speeds while we're at it let's do some more oh it actually just took around one minute and let's see the prompt oh a burger getting Juiced up no way slap a burger on there Juice It Up and it looks so realistic okay let's try another one let's try futuristic car chase through New York City and I'm gonna time it right now that took exactly 58 seconds car chase let's check it out okay lacking a bit of details in the car maybe if I specify it a little bit okay here we got the Tesla video the way that this car changes color on the left and then we kind of get a close-up well this definitely looks like a Tesla so it got that model right but yeah not perfect I tried another prompt with humanoid robot flipping burgers and look at this as you can see it's trying to kind of grab the burgers and then just fly away this almost looks like an image straight out of a movie I want to do this further so let's try again we got robot waiters serving burgers at a table I should have specified him holding it but this looks so cool apparently you can also select image and then upload an image I'm gonna upload an image of myself and prompt man turning into robot let's see if this one takes longer that was exactly 48 seconds let's check the results okay I mean I wasn't turning into a robot but this is freaky let me see if I can get these cars to drive okay here is the result as you can see it kind of added this snowy filter to it but the cars are actually driving so Pico Labs has created some of the highest quality AI generated videos that I've seen specifically the text to video was really good the speed ease of use at almost a 10 customization is obviously really hard when it comes to prompting but I'm gonna give this a perfect a I feel like I just need to get the prompting right and it's 100 free and now a word from our sponsors if you're editing videos but you aren't using AI tools you're missing out big time this can save you hours of work for real this tool deletes all the pauses all the asset arms but not only that it also removes double takes if you haven't done this before let me show you so first just go to vide.io I'm just gonna upload a file now just go down to Magic cut and click on social media clip and as you can see a 20 minute video turned into 80 Seconds of just the best part but that's not even the best part just click on any of the video files and here you can see the magic AI tools and let me just show you this click on eye contact and now as I'm looking at the screen here this is the before and this is after I'm literally reading from the screen but my eyes just keep looking at the camera and that's not all folks my favorite AI tool invid is subtitles and just click on auto transcribe make sure to add automatic highlighting and create subtitles and just like that you have text on it I love doing this one word at a time for intros and my entire Tick Tock I just put on this Auto transcriber you already know that it makes sense if this video made you say wow or damn at least once you owe yourself to check it out go to vide.io using my special link in the description down below and there's no catch you can literally try a lot of these features starting for free thank you so much veed IO for sponsoring this section of the video number two Vista this is the only text to video AI generation tool that you can actually just go to the chat GPT plugins and create a video directly within Chachi BT I'm gonna copy and paste my script right in here and then add the prompt make a video and click on enter immediately this law will start working in the background and you can obviously create a script directly within chat TPT itself and your video has been successfully created so all I need to do is click on this link and it's processing a little bit but very quick now let me show you the results in the heart of New York City a tech Centric restaurant Fusion offers a unique dining experience where technology in good food intersect one evening Jake a software developer is led to his table by a robotic host and finds a touch screen menu brimming with detailed descriptions and videos of each dish he tries the AI recommend okay right off the bat there are a couple of things that I don't like now I'm just gonna click on save to edit and I need to enter a claim code that you'll find in Chachi BT so it's right here enter it save video and now we can rank it on customization so one of the issues was that this was way too long to make this a lot better I would split this in two and it seems like we can just click on click new scene in the bottom right I'm going to copy this text over to the new scene and then I can click on footage recommendation and also if you don't like the recommendations you can actually do the footage recommendations and here you have a bunch of things like for example this one you can click and confirm and now one would miss one a software developer I'm having some issues with the playback of the video I think it will generate better when I click on preview and I'm just gonna copy and paste this one again with a new scene add a footage recommendation and you brimming with detailed description okay it's working though they also have audio that I could select a bunch of soundtracks that I could have like affirmations Tokyo it seems to me that they're using all the assets from story blocks I'm a big fan of storyblocks for stock media like videos and music they also have these AI voices here that are pretty basic I would like for it to have an integration with 11 Labs so it's very much lacking in the AI voice over you can also click on style to change the format Square vertical scene backgrounds and the last one text to change the font background and everything like that Vizsla is getting a b tier there was a couple of times where it was bugging if you're looking to turn a lot of text into video this may be a good option for you however I do have my favorite at the end of this video so stay in tune for that so A solid B tier by the way if you're liking the video please subscribe to the channel also comment down below AI video and I will do more of these ranking AI software alright let's get to the next one number three genmo AI as you can see you can get 151 fuel today I don't know how many fuel I need but it's completely free to use you can create new images generate video animate an image or edit existing images and also saw down here that you can actually make 3D objects so we're going to test all of that out let's describe your video a humanoid robot holding a plate full of burgers and here we have it in the chat it says I'm thinking and here the videos are running here are the results it took about a minute to generate I kind of like this one on the left this one on the right seems like there's a house full of burgers this is way better than I saw jenmo when I tested it before but let's keep going it seems like they can only generate about two seconds and if you Loop it it becomes four seconds and this is the prompt Tesla driving through New York City it seems like they made all the taxes in New York like Tesla's all of a sudden and it definitely looks very grainy very very staticky here for the second creation it seems like a high Viewpoint that again is very grainy and with four generations I now have 129 fuel today so you can definitely use it for a bit let's try to do the 3D generation Viking man with an ax and this was the result I guess it's a pretty hard prompt to do it tried but yeah now let's test out the GIF animation tool here you can even set the duration for 10 seconds I'm Gonna Keep dynamism and exploration on default and we need to select an image again I'll do this image of me and it actually gave me a suggestion I could try animating part of the image like making his hands move okay just animate the arms this was the result I look way more freaky in the face and no hand movement really like just down here I want to try on this image as well to get the cars to drive so I'm gonna prompt it add motion to the cars here is the final result definitely didn't do what I was thinking it should do and yeah it's not really usable I think it's fair to say that the text to video part of this software was decent the other features I couldn't get to work it was also maximum two seconds of length so this is the first C tier number four Runway ml I've seen some very good text to video with this so let's just try it for free as you can see we have text to video image to video they also have a lot of generate images edit images remove background and things like that so let's begin with text to video generation and here you can see the price each second of video uses five credits and you currently have 31 credits I believe you start with 50 on a new account so let's start using gen 2. let's try the humanoid robot holding a plate full of burgers walking through a restaurant and I'm gonna do the free preview so we get some Alternatives that we can pick between I love this feature okay not bad let's test out this one and this is the result the smoothness of it is awesome I mean it's definitely creating more plates in his hands but I guess that's what robots do huh very very impressive let's do the Tesla prompt again and this is the result it's not driving or at high speed so this one didn't work out so well what about Viking man chopping wood free preview yeah I can already tell that this is too much for it let's do something easier bird flying over Tokyo this one actually looks cool let's try that okay let's check it out it's actually getting the movement and The Parallax of the city that's really impressive let's try an even easier one I think this might come out perfect I just wrote private jet flying generate this one okay let's check it out it's flying backwards okay just look at how the Shine Comes on the tip this one I could easily use in a video and most people probably wouldn't even recognize damn wow I'm also going to test out the new image to video that they have and I've seen some crazy results for this look I just have to upload an image I'm gonna use this mid-journey image of a boy and the trick is to not write anything here because then it really messes up everything so just keep it blank and then just click on generate and look at this result as you can see it's animated now and the trick here if you want to make it longer go to the end of the video then take a screenshot of the initial video it's better if you download it so you don't get this bar in the bottom and then you can just drag the next one click on generate again and you can make way longer more than eight seconds we got now I'm going to show you some examples here that are just insane as you can see all generated from still images and I can really see this getting used in movies and just becoming way better over time look he she's even walking towards a waterfall robot being alive some of these almost look perfect and the last thing I want to check out is the video to video so I'm just going to drag one of my files in here so yeah this is just me sitting here at my desk you could use an image as style reference so basically transforming the style or just click the presets and you have all of these different styles that you can pick from I'm gonna try the Android and you can select the style string let's put it at 80 and preview style okay here are the previews looking kind of cool the good part is that you can preview all of these Styles right here and it's really quick so find one you like before you start generating so Runway by far had the best text to video the image to video this one deserves a solid EST here number five hyper AI I've been very impressed by kyber before so we're just gonna click on create video This is actually one that I'm paying for because I really like one of these features I'm gonna show you in a minute however you get a lot of credits to begin that takes you very far you begin by uploading an image transforming an existing video you can add a soundtrack or just start writing a prompt I'm going to show you this first as you can see I want to create a video of human or robot holding and play the burgers in the style of and here you can select some of these Styles they have here and this changes the output drastically we're gonna try the Meteora graffiti and you can also click on cinematic that gives all of this prompt photorealistic actually let's do that one then just click on video settings here you can select the video duration that can go all the way up to one minute we're just gonna keep it low for now select the aspect ratio I like 16x9 and the camera movement this is what I love with it a lot I love the zoom in you can also choose the Evolve which basically creates it more wild the higher up it goes and of course Boomerang to play it back and forwards so let's take that on as well now you can generate previews this cost 15 credits and as you can see the beginning is incredible so let's select this one damn I got hungry all of a sudden and these burgers are looking thick so just click on create video I'm going to take a timer just be aware that this one is 15 seconds compared to the ones that I did four seconds with Runway and three seconds with Pika Labs okay 99 it's currently been five minutes as you can see it creates this more trippy type of style now this is up to your preference of course I really like this style and how it generates especially when it's zooming in I could make it zoom out so it actually gets the face of the character but it's literally doing everything perfect in the sense of humanoid robot you can definitely see that and holding a plate of burgers you can definitely see that now I want to show you how I use it in my videos with the begin with an image so you can see this is from one of my videos and as you can see now I'm turning around and this is from kyber now let me show you how I do that so I just grab a still frame from this with a screenshot just like this then I just drag my image in here click on continue to prompt I'm gonna create this prompt here let's do steampunk go to video settings and here is the key I'm going to select the duration I love to do the zoom in and the key is show initial image in the first frame click on the 10 evolve and generate previews we got some crazy previews let's try this one and generate and here is the result as you can see I'm actually turning into a building so that needs some more prompting on my part but I just love this effect especially when you get the human correct let me show you some other examples here you got another one that I really really like how this one turned out this one is literally crazy it's so freaky but so cool at the same time so you're now seeing what kyber is able to do this one is as easy to use as plug and play and there's a lot of customization that you aren't able to do in other tools so this one is an S to me number six neural frames as you can see of the picture of the squirrel it's zooming a little bit out and then the camera is taking a turn like upwards and looking super super cool so just click on create videos from text now and then just start a new project it's asking if you want to upload a first image or create a new one so we're just going to create a new we're going to start with Viking man standing in the woods on a sunny day with an ax in his hands and then I can click on this Pimp My prompt and then it created all of this here it also has negative prompts here as well like out of frame low rest text you can also see that we have this template here that you can have all of these different styles this helps a lot if you don't know what to write obviously prompting is a huge deal you can also store your prompt and load it from your prompt collection now we're just gonna click on render and here you can see as a free user we Grant you six seconds of rendering time for free and they don't recommend using a mobile phone better to use it on the site on a computer so so these were the generations that we were able to get I really like this guy here so we're gonna click on that and now we end up in some sort of video editor we can select the Flickr style so you can see the example below of the cat the balance that goes a little bit faster in the Flickr style and the trippy that goes like crazy then we can also select the movement like none chill or local that makes it warp backwards and forwards chill is more like inwards let's try Loco and then just click on render from cursor you can actually see it's rendering here in the browser frame by frame so it's zooming in a little bit and it definitely seems like most of it is generated from the initial image and they're not generating multiple different images that warps in that way so this is the video that it generates it's definitely smooth and nice I like the effect I just think we should try a different prompt here so let's test out its capabilities with an image we're gonna take this image save it and now we're gonna try upload image or video it managed to create a prompt right here and now let's do smooth and let's do Loco once again and render from cursor this is what we were able to get this cool warp effect that I really like however I really wish they had more free for us to use so they can actually get new customers test it out but it's for sure a part of your tool Arsenal so this is for somebody that just wants that super smooth very high quality still image zoom in effect otherwise I would just use the other tools kind of falls under the same category as genmo however the quality of the output is way better so this is a solid beat here number seven pictory Pick 3 is my go-to if I want to turn a long article into a full YouTube video I've tried others like lumen live in video fleeky Steve Ai animaker and I believe that Victory is the one that fits best for this purpose all you need to do is click on get started for free so for example if I get chat gbt to write a full article about traveling to Paris I can just copy the entire article and here you can see the different options they have script to video where you can start typing or just copy paste your script they have article to video so you can copy and paste an URL you have edit video using text I'll show you that in a minute and visuals to video here just drag and drop image and video files now we're gonna go all the way to the script to video then I'm just gonna paste the entire script in here I'm just gonna format it a little bit better just like this and now we just click on proceed as you can see they have all of these different templates that you can start with I'm not such a fan of these background like black background so I like to have just White just like this subtitle highlight we're going to choose 16x9 for YouTube and just like that we have all these scenes that we need in order to create this full video my favorite part about this compared to a lot of the other ones is the actual stock footage matches better now as you can see if it's a little bit too long you can just click on split scene just click on a spot and click on split and just like that we have three texts that are expanding over one video footage if you want to change that you can always click on visuals search for friends and click on one of these videos just like that we have selected a different video now if you just click on audio you can go to the voiceover tab here you can choose between one of these Styles they are not the highest quality which is a con of the software like just listen to this welcome to Victory it has been shown that video increases conversion rate as you can hear it's still the old style of VoiceOver over welcome to pick 3 it has been shown that video increases conversion rate which sounds descent but is not as good as 11 Labs however you can always upload your own voiceover here if you have it from 11 labs and easily match the clips together every traveler's heart yearns for a journey through Paris the iconic City of Lights just like that and it will keep going through every scene with this voiceover so this is great for anyone that wants to create faceless video however there are some things that I don't like like for example the customization it should be able to make way cooler intros because that's very important for YouTube also when it comes to the quality of the audio they should be easily able to integrate with 11 Labs but they haven't but as I said after testing a bunch of these tools this deserves a beat here now which of these softwares are for you if you want to generate some cool AI generated videos that looks trippy and cool and never seen before I would recommend kyber Runway ML and the Pika Labs if you want to turn a full chat EPT article into a video I recommend pictory and possibly if they improve a little bit Vizsla if there's any tool I missed drop it in the comments below check out patreon for exclusive content and click the video on the screen if you want to continue watching my channel thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: AI Andy
Views: 107,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI Video generator, text to video, ai video, text to video ai, ai video editing, best ai tools, ai video maker, best ai video creator, free ai video generator, best ai video generator, ai video generator free, free text to video ai generator, ai animation video generator, video ai generator, ai free video generator, text to video ai generator, free ai video generator without watermark, ai music video generator, ai text to video generator free, ai tiktok video generator
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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