Get Started with Adobe Premiere Pro with Master Trainer Valentina Vee

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hi i'm valentina v and welcome to my premiere pro jumpstart course this course i designed specifically for people who have either never edited before or for people who are new to premiere pro maybe you're moving from a different program you want to know how to use premiere pro we will cover everything you need to know to get started with premiere pro you're probably wondering can you do it in three hours is it even possible yes it's possible of course we're not going to cover every tiny little minute detail but we will be covering enough to be able to edit two videos one that is more of a basic straightforward edit with just music and graphics and one that's actually throwing in sources from three different cameras and a separate audio source so hopefully by the end you'll have everything you need for success i will be providing you with the project assets so that you can take them and use them and follow along you can also follow along using the notes that i provide you in the jumpstart pdf that'll have everything that i'm talking about with all of the detailed descriptions all of the shortcuts everything you need so go ahead and download that pdf from the description and just follow along with me my aim for this guide is for it to be simple enough for you to be able to follow along for it to be enjoyable and for you to feel like you're having fun and learning at the same time i've made these example videos myself pretending that i have a cooking youtube channel when in reality i hardly cook i know maybe like three dishes and i am highly uncomfortable in front of the camera but hopefully you won't be able to tell just a few basic things to know before we get started to play and pause a video i press the space bar to zoom into the timeline and out of the timeline i'm not necessarily always going down at the bottom i am also using alt and scrolling on my mouse to go in and out of the timeline and to scroll side to side i actually have a side scroll wheel on my mouse but if you don't have one of those you can always just grab this bottom bar and pull it right to left so that's how you navigate your timeline and how you play your timeline your current time indicator which is this blue line is going to show what point in your timeline you're at at any time we'll talk about this later in more detail but that's basically how premiere works right you have a timeline here you take this blue line to go around the timeline to see different things and then whatever those things are they pop up here in the program window you can zoom into and out of the timeline you can go side to side on the timeline and to play and pause you just press the space bar all right let's go to the tutorial so here we are we just opened premiere pro and the first thing you're going to see is your recent projects over here if you don't see anything that means you don't have any recent projects and you can either start a project or open a project don't worry about all this other stuff down here and all this stuff and any of this you can take tutorials if you want to learn but you're already watching a tutorial so you can either start a new project or open a project but before we go ahead and do any of that let's take a look at the file organization that we have on our computer or on our hard drive because that's where the edit starts actually it's not within premiere pro it is with how you organize your files so this is how i would typically organize one of my hard drives what i do is i'll organize it by the date so it is the year the month the day and then underscore what it is so if we go to the food show folder you'll see i have it categorized by footage audio graphics music photos documents premiere adobe after effects and exports now i don't use all of these for every single project that i do in fact you can see here for example photos this is empty documents this is empty what i do every time i start a new project is i have this new name kind of placement template project template folder and inside of there are those template folders so every time i start a new project i'll just copy paste these template folders into a new main folder and that way everything always is organized for me so this is what the food show folder looks like and you are going to get the footage and the audio and the exports folders when you download the assets the footage folder has camera a camera b camera c and if you open up each of these what you'll see is some clips and they are named after the videos that we will be making so you can see here we have several files that are egg cooker files and then we have a few tuna salad files and you can see that each of them has underscore a written on it which means this is the a camera i renamed all these files using adobe bridge which i have a tutorial on at the adobe care youtube channel tips and tricks tuesdays if you want to check it out but i won't be covering it here just letting you know that this is what the files look like right so i named it by what the date is what the video is uh what camera it is and then what the clip is and you'll see that all three of these are from different cameras so this camera was naming clips using this c under uh c0004 uh this camera was the xt 3 i believe or xt4 no xt3 so you can see the name of the camera xd3 and then the numbers follow that and then camera c was another sony camera so it goes by c underscore c right and again you have this tuna salad and the egg cooker this you'll be able to tell because you'll know which clips need to be used for the tuna salad video and which clips need to be used for the egg cooker video then here in audio uh we have h4n that is the audio recorder that i was using we have music which we won't be using the music folder because i can't actually deliver music assets to you so you can either use your own music or you can use music from the adobe stock store sound effects which i have a couple bloops and swooshes from sound bible uh which you can download yourself if you'd like and then voiceover i don't have anything for voice over so you will be getting the h4n folder which has all of the uh recorder audio and it's called mono dash whatever it is so that is what you'll get with your assets as well so now that we're back in premiere pro let's go ahead and say new project and the first thing it's going to ask you is where do you want to put this project folder and what do you want to name your project so we will name it let's name it um valentina food show and then the location now for every single project i make a new premiere pro folder so in this case if we go to food show you see how before we had footage audio graphics yada yada it's the premiere folder and that is what we are selecting right and then we press select folder so our new project and all of the assets that premiere pro generates like the preview files um the cached files they're all going to go in there don't worry about what any of that is all you have to do is check over here under scratch disks and make sure that everything is set to same as project that means that all of these things captured video captured audio previews everything will go into that same premiere folder on your device and then click ok so here is your default premiere pro project and this is what it looks like if yours doesn't look like this you can go up here to the editing tab and click on the three button menu and go to reset to saved layout and that is going to be the reset now this is your source that is where all of your clips will be played and this is where you can preview your clips before putting them onto your timeline this is your program monitor that is where you will be able to see what your working project looks like this is your project window over here that is where you can put all of your clips and all of your assets and organize everything and this right here is your timeline that is where you're going to be building your project over here you have your tool bar which i use quite a lot but i actually use shortcuts so i don't have to go over here and click the tools but what's fun is when you go over to the tools and you hover over them you can see what the shortcut is selection tool is v track select forward tool is a ripple edit tool is b etc etc you also have your volume or decibel scale right here and it is going to help you determine how loud your video is i tend to not trust my own ears because maybe my headphones or my computer's too loud or too quiet so i like to just make sure that my video never peaks never goes into the red areas is always kind of staying around negative 12 on this scale so now it's time to bring clips and media into our project so that we can start organizing it and then editing with it you can either double click in the project window and that pulls up the dialog and you can just select things and import them you can also do this by going to file import but my favorite way of doing this since i've already organized them into folders is i'm going to drag and drop them from my file navigator so i'll go here to food show footage and i will drag this entire footage folder over into my project window the entire folder and you can see there that folder is right there now inside of premiere pro this is what is called a bin right a bin and a folder are the same thing and inside this bin now we have chem a camby and cam c and you can see that they are all here and they are all inside each of these bins i can also drag in that audio folder or i can make my own bins and my own organization within premiere pro by just going down here to new bin so if i click that it creates a new bin and i can write in now i could also drag my audio folder if i wanted to in here or i can make my own bins the bins that you make inside of premiere pro are completely independent of what your file organization on your computer is so i can make one called o2 audio audio and if i click it and hold it there and then i make a new bin that's a sub bin right and that goes right inside of it so i can call one h4n that is the name of the recorder that i recorded everything on and then sfx for sound effects right and i'll make another one for music music and then i can go ahead and drag in my voice overs so i'll go to audio h4n i'll select all of these clips h4n and drag them into the h4n bin so now they are in here and i'll save the sfx and music folders for later i won't put anything in there quite yet now i'm going to need a bin for just sequences so these are my timelines i like to have several timelines that i can work off of and refer back to so that every time i make a new version of the video i just make a new timeline instead of editing the same timeline over and over and over again it's kind of like think about it like if you've ever used photoshop and you have baked something in as a jpeg you can't really go back into that jpeg and fix things right so it's good to have multiple versions so that you can go back and adjust so i'll go into new bin and i'll say o3 sequences and the reason that i put numbers in front is the words footage audio and sequences are if i put them in alphabetical order like this right they're going to be it's going to say audio first right then footage then sequences but if i put numbers in front of them i can keep them in whatever order i want so that's why i do that so sequences is empty for now and i'll do another one 04 for graphics and that is everything that i need for now to be able to complete this project so i have footage audio sequences and graphics now each of these windows can actually be expanded full screen if you select it that draws a blue border around the edges you can see there's that blue border and then you press the tilde key on your keyboard which is the squiggly line at the top left that makes this panel bigger so you can press it and it goes big you can always also rearrange the panels anywhere you want based on how you want them to look where you want things to be you can arrange anything anywhere sometimes though if you who you know arrange things too much you can get lost right and it can start looking really messy and you don't know where anything is so if you want to go back to the way it was before that's fine all you have to do is again click on that little menu next to editing and go to reset to save to layout so don't freak out if something isn't right you can always go back to the way it was so we'll go here and we'll open this up using the tilde key so that we can see it more right we can see chem a can be cam c now there's lots of different ways that you can view your clips you can view them in a list like this this is called list view you can view them as thumbnails so if you go down here these are all the different views you can have you can see them as thumbnails so now if i click into each one the thumbnails populate and i can use this slider down here to make the thumbnails bigger if i want or smaller if i want to preview what's inside of the clip i can just hover my mouse over it to preview what is in that clip or i can use this time indicator and drag it so this is a good way to preview clips also if you noticed there is a third way to look at your clips which is the freeform view it's actually a pretty new feature in premiere and this kind of lets you organize your clips as if they were sticky notes all over a tabletop so you can organize them in different ways like that so if i go to the freeform view now they kind of start looking like they're in thumbnail view but let's say i know that these files are tuna salad files right and i know that these files right here are egg cooker files so if i wanted to put all the tuna salad files together i could do something like that and then the egg cooker files can be over here and then say there were a couple that maybe were doubles i could put them like this and i can make this one bigger if i wanted to by going to clip size and i can make it extra large let's say that that's the lead one right and everything else follows it so really think about the freeform view as you can organize this any way you want this is really helpful for music videos for documentaries for everything that's sort of like non-linear and it's a nice way to organize i really like it but for now we are going to stick to our basic list view and icon view so we don't have to worry about this uh this free form view even though it's really cool so let's go back to list view and right here we are inside a bin you can see because the tab that we're in says bin bin cam c that's where we're at all of these tabs across the top help us see where we are at so right now we're in cam c if we want to go to the footage bin that's the footage bin if we want to go to the main project that's the main project so don't get lost because these tabs right here they're hiding things right so let's go to the footage bin and instead of being in thumbnail view let's go to list view and now we can pull up cam a cam b and cam c and we can take a look a little bit more at what these files are some more information about them and maybe color code them a little bit to help us out the first thing that i like to look at is what is the size of the file the dimensions of the file is this in 4k is this in hd hd is literally pixels right pixel dimensions literally mean how many dots of color are in the image how many dots of color comprise the image across the top of the screen and the side of the screen there is 1920 pixels across the top and 10 80 pixels across the side that is hd 4k is literally four times bigger than hd so it's 3840x2160 and a bunch of these clips i shot in 4k and a bunch of these clips i shot in hd so when you shoot things with different sizes you kind of have to decide okay what size is my sequence going to be if i make an hd sequence i can always scale down my 4k clips to fit that hd sequence and i won't lose any pixels right but if i make a 4k sequence my 4k clips are going to be fine but my 1080 clips are gonna be super small and i'll have to increase their size and they'll lose pixels so think about it that information can be found in the video info column and you can see the video info column sort of hides when you're in this view if i press tilde again on my keyboard uh and i go back to the way that it was before you can see that the only things they show you are frame rate media start and media end but we can fix that so we can rearrange these columns so that the information that we care about most is seen first so we'll go back press that tilde button on the keyboard again to make that full screen we'll take that video info column and we'll literally drag it to the front so it's the first thing we see is the size of the clip and then the frame rate is another really good thing to see right away the third thing that i like seeing right away is the media duration and that will become super important later so i actually think it's probably the second most important thing so that's what i want to see i want to see video info i want to see media duration and i want to see frame rate as the first three columns so that when it's really small here in the corner i can still see it i can make it a little bit there we go so i can see everything right there now i also think it's really important if you are shooting with multiple cameras to make sure that each camera is color coded this will come in real handy if you're trying to later put a bunch of effects on just one camera's clips and not a different camera's clips and they're all mixed together in your timeline you can just say hey i want to select all of the orange clips or all of the blue clips and apply a certain effect only to those clips so here in camera a we are going to leave all of these clips this blue color and if we right click on the actual blue color and we go to label we can see that it's called iris now for can b for our side camera i'm going to select the first clip hold down shift and then select to the last clip and that selects all the clips in the middle i'm going to right click go to label and let's make these mango so you can see they've all changed to mango and then camera c i'm gonna do the same thing select the first one hold down shift select the last one right click go to label and let's make them magenta so now when we drag these clips into our timeline into our sequence we will have them already colored for us let's start making our first video this is what i call a hands and pans video which is a cooking video from the top and this is what it'll look like when it's finished [Music] i want checks [Music] i'm first thing we have to figure out is what does that canvas look like what does our sequence look like how many frames per second what is the size what are the settings and one really easy way to do this is to just make it exactly the same as the clip that you're using in this case if we go to our footage folder here and we go to camera c and we go to the first tuna salad clip here let's actually make this as thumbnails we'll organize them by name and we'll go to the very first tuna salad clip which is this one where the ingredients are coming out all you have to do is take the actual clip and drag it into this button called new item and that will create a sequence with that clip inside the sequence and the sequence will be the same dimensions the same settings as the clip so we can do that right now we can just take this clip and drag it into the new item the page turn and now here we see a timeline has been created for us the name of the timeline is the same as the name of that first clip and we have the clip on our timeline that is one way to do it and you can actually go up here to sequence and if you select sequence settings you'll see that it has given us the following settings the time base is 23.976 frames per second that is the standard time base for most videos that cameras are going to be recording there's other time bases as well this just means your frames per second so this just means your frame rate you also have your frame size so this is standard right 1920x1080 and square pixels so each pixel is a square and then everything else you don't really have to worry about and that's how you know your sequence settings right so you can just have the sequence here what it does is it adds the sequence to the bin that has the footage in it so if i go back out to the list view you can see here all of these are clips but it has added this additional item which is the sequence and it has the little sequence icon next to it that's how you know that this is a clip that has both audio and video and this is a sequence so if you wanted to rename the sequence you can just click on it rename it so we'll call this tuna salad clips and if you wanted to put it in our sequences bin we'll just go out over here one folder a couple of folder organizations up so now we can just take it and drag it into our sequences bin so now that tuna salad eclipse is in our sequences bin another way that we can create a sequence is to create it from scratch without using a clip to create it so we'll just select our sequences bin that way we know automatically the new sequence is going into the sequences bin and with the sequence has been selected we'll just go and click on new item the page turn icon here are a bunch of new items that you can create including at the top sequence so you click on that and you can go into the basic one is the very very first one right here it's under re which is a type of camera manufacturer 1080p and then 23.976 and if we go over here to the settings tab you'll be able to see the same settings 23 976 1920 by 1080 square pixels and voila and here you can name the sequence so we're going to call it all tuna clips and in fact let's put a zero one in front of it all tuna clips string out and that's it i'm gonna press ok and now we have a sequence with no clips in it yet so if we wanted to drag those tuna solid clips in there uh all we would do is select them so right now they're not in order if we wanted to put them in alphabetical order we'll just click on this word name and that puts them in alphabetical order so now you can see there they're in order here one two three four right so we'll select the first one hold down shift select the last one that selects all of them and then we will just drag them all into our timeline so now they're all in there looks like number three is uh very very short why is that i think it was just short to begin with so we don't need it we can ripple delete it and get rid of it so we can do that either by pressing delete and then taking this one moving it over or instead of doing that i'm going to undo that by going to command z so undoing that we can take it and ripple delete it by clicking command d and that ripple deletes it and gets rid of it we can also see previews of everything that is in our project by just raising this up and that way we can see the thumbnails of what we are looking at now that we have our clips in our timeline there are three clips it is looking like it's 20 minutes long um we don't need all 20 minutes of clips right there's a lot of stuff in here where i am taking my hands out where things need to be sped up we don't need all of that so we are gonna cut out everything that's unnecessary and only leave the necessary things speaking of unnecessary things these clips come with audio right the audio was recorded on the camera and you can see that when i select each clip it also selects the audio so this is the video portion of it and this is the audio portion of it now i don't need any of the audio in this case so how do i delete just the audio well right now the clips are what is called linked and you can tell that they're linked because the little v here for video is in these hard brackets so we are going to unlink the audio from the video so that we can delete the audio so we'll select all the clips we can either draw a marquee box around them or press command a to select all of them right click and go to unlink and watch what happens when we unlink them ta-da now we're able to select all the audio and video independently and that little v in brackets at the end of the file name is gone so now we can just select all these audio clips and delete them we don't need them this video does not require that audio so now we can scrub through and get rid of things that we don't know what or don't need in this video and the first thing that i see here is the way that this was recorded was ingredients first right all the ingredients are laid out and then i took them off one by one but eventually that needs to be reversed right first let's cut it up the way that it is so first we need this shot and we can ignore we can ignore everything here for right now because that shows each clip right as we pull up each clip double clicking on it that gives us a little preview of what that clip is this gives us a preview of what we are seeing on our timeline right so we're working with our timeline exclusively right now so we don't have to worry about what's over here so let's go forward and i do this thing where and you can zoom in on your timeline over here by dragging these two points closer to each other or farther from each other so i'll zoom in a little bit and i do this thing where my hands go like that and that's kind of where i want to start so i need to cut out this section i can either go to the razor tool right here cut right there then go back to the selection tool which is over here select that delete it move this forward that is one way to cut out the beginning of a clip i'm going to undo and show you all the ways another way to do this is instead of going over and physically choosing the razor tool you can see that the shortcut here is c so if you press c that makes it a razor tool so you can cut that then you can click v to go back to your selection tool select it delete it and then move that forward that is another way to do it let's undo undo undo another way to do it is to basically slice the clip at your playhead or at your current time indicator this blue line which shows you where you are in the clip right so if i wanted to cut it right there that shortcut is command k so i can go command k or control k on a keyboard and i can place that cut there and i can delete it and move it forward right or i can ripple delete it right so if i undo that and do command d that ripple deletes it i'll undo again or the easiest way to do it and this is maybe a little bit of a hack that a lot of people don't know about but learning about it from the very beginning is so helpful is to press q on your keyboard the cue button and what the cue button does is it places a cut at the current time indicator at the play head so it basically does command k for you so places the cut and it deletes everything before the cut and after the previous cut in this case this is the previous cut and this is the cut that we are making right so if i press just the cue button my favorite button there we go and now it starts there and i want to place a cut there so what do i do command k that places a cut and then let's go to our next point oh i kind of like that version better so i'll do q again so now i have this and let's just before i put my hands in it again let's press command k so now i have these two clips i have the first one with this version of it and i have the second one i think i like the longer one so i'm going to get rid of this one by going to command d and getting rid of it and ripple deleting you can also select it right click go ripple delete from the menu or if you forget a shortcut you can go to edit keyboard shortcuts and here you can search for keyboard shortcuts and it will tell you exactly what that keyboard shortcut is so if you type in ripple delete it'll show you that it is ctrl d very very handy so next i'm going to wait until let's see okay that's kind of clean right there so basically i want a frame or a section of the video that doesn't have the yogurt in it so i want to place a cut here and delete all of this from the previous cut to this cut so i'll go ahead and press q again and now i have deleted it oh let's press q again let's give myself a little bit more there we go it's getting rid of the condensation so before my hand goes back in i'll press command k inserting a cut there and i think i'm just going to wait for it to dry a little bit there we go again to insert a cut and get rid of everything before it i will press q before my hand reaches in again i'll press command k q command k so now that i have chopped all of those up it looks like they are disappearing instead of appearing on my timeline so what i want to do is rearrange the clips so that the first clip is actually at the end and the last clip is at the beginning so the complete opposite of what's happening here because i want it to look like the ingredients are coming onto the table instead of the other way around so i'll go to this clip where we don't see anything on the table and i want to move it to the front right but if i just move it to the front it overrides on top of the clip that's already there you see that so this clip is around let's see it's around one second long and if i put this clip here it overrides on top of it so in order to ripple it move it to the front while all the other clips scooch over what i have to do is as i'm moving it i hold down alt and command at the same time and that scooches all the clips i'm going to do that for every clip just changing the order of it until it looks like the ingredients are just popping on in the right order so now there's the eggs everything is popping on one thing at a time and then ta-da those are the ingredients it's okay if this isn't currently at the right length what i'm trying to do is build a string out which is make all of the usable footage available for me so that later i can set it to music and add other clips on top of it this is what's called an assembly and here i have all of my clips assembled my a-roll is assembled which means that everything is in the order that i want it to be and all of the usable footage is here so if i scrub through it really fast you can see all of the ingredients appear and then the tools appear and then you have the actual tutorial uh all in order the whole thing makes sense now i want to keep this for later i don't want to chop up this particular sequence because i want to duplicate it and then chop up the duplicate just in case right just in case i chop it up and get rid of something that then i want to bring back i want to keep it so i'm going to go to the name of the sequence which is called tuna salad one assembly right click and say reveal sequence in project and it shows me exactly where in my project that sequence is right here it says tuna salad one assembly so if i want to duplicate it and then edit the duplicate i'll right click and i'll go to duplicate here at the top and there it is it has duplicated it right here assembly copy one so i can rename that say assembly cut and then open up assembly cut by double clicking on it you can see now i've opened up assembly cut but assembly is still here to refer to it they look exactly identical at this moment now that we have our assembly cut with our camera c in this case this is our main overhead camera it's time to bring some other clips in like the final finished product of the tuna salad and a few clips in between just to shake it up and change cameras so here in cam b we can see we have a few clips of the finished tuna salad there it is on a table there it is a little bit closer on a plate and there's a close-up of it now we're going to take this close-up and place it at the very beginning of our sequence but we don't want to use this entire clip like before when we were dragging the clips in you see how that is way too long it is unnecessarily long for our purposes so something that you can do is you can actually trim a clip before you put it in so instead of putting full clips in like we did before and then trimming them in the timeline you can actually select just a portion of a clip and then bring that into your timeline so let's do that we'll go here to the source monitor and the way that we brought the clip up in the source monitor is just we double clicked on it now it's in the source monitor we'll use this playhead or this time indicator to go to the beginning of the section that we want to bring in so let's find it i like it there so i want to start it here so i will press i on my keyboard i that is i and you can see by pressing the i button it creates an in point and everything after the end point is colored in this light gray color i'll take this indicator to where i want to end it and i will press o that is the out point ino and now it has selected now i can place this section of the clip into my timeline a couple of different ways the most basic way is to drag it directly from the bin like this bam so now you can see that orange clip is in my timeline it is on a layer on top of all of my other clips and it has the uh audio attached to it and if i wanted to get rid of the audio i could either right click and go to unlink or i could hold down alt and then just select the audio and delete it that's one way another way to do it if i wanted to put it in the front and have the clip override the clip that's in the front is i can press the period button and that brings anything that is selected from the source monitor into your timeline but as you can see it has overridden the clip that's underneath it what if you want to put it in where the in time indicator is but also shift all the clips behind it well instead of doing that you can press the comma button on your keyboard and that will insert the clip instead of overwriting and that will actually shift the clip back you can then hold down alt and get rid of the audio if you wanted to another way to do this is to drag just the video into the timeline over here underneath you have the drag video only or drag audio only and if you hover over them the hand uh logo appears so you can hold this and drag it by dragging it directly on top of the clip that overrides it if you want it to ripple instead of overwriting as you drag it hold down alt and command at the same time and that will ripple everything either way you want to do it is fine the whole point is that now that clip is the first clip and it shows us our final product but you can see a little bit of an issue here right this clip you can see the whole thing in it right and this clip is super zoomed in why is that well that is because this tuna salad clip is actually in 4k you can see it here the dimensions are 3840 by 2160. instead of being hd 1920 by 1080 like our sequence is so how do you make it smaller well let me actually physically show you how big it is here in the size controls this is kind of controlling the way that you see your canvas you can zoom out so you let's go to 25 let's go to 10 actually and then select this clip let's go to effect controls over here and just select the motion controls this shows the bounding box around the clip there you can see it it's this blue line and it physically shows you the size of the clip relative to the size of your sequence and you can very clearly see that the clip size is way bigger than the sequence size that is from this orange clip right here if we selected the pink clip that's right after it and then selected the motion controls there you see that the clip is the exact same size as the sequence whereas here it is way too big so what can you do well you would have to resize it you would have to shrink it you can do so by either you know selecting the word motion here and then physically making it smaller you can see as i do this this number right here for scale it changes so check what happens when i do that when i increase it or decrease it you see how this number changes you generally don't want it to go above a hundred percent right but it's cool if it's smaller than a hundred percent and you know that 4k is exactly four times the size of hd so the scale for that exact number is going to be 50. press 50 and type that in and it's going to rescale for you another way to do this without going into the scale controls and doing all that jazz is right clicking and going to set to frame size and that will do it automatically and of course if you want the shortcut for it you can find that shortcut under edit keyboard shortcuts and if you type in set to frame size you'll be able to see what that shortcut is for me i actually have two shortcuts ctrl shift f and ctrl alt f either of those will work so if i did that instead let's take it back to being full screen 4k control shift f and that would set it to the right frame size and you can see that it has it has adjusted here to the 50 percent so now you can see the whole clip fully i can also insert other clips into this sequence for example i don't really like the yogurt being put on here from the top i would rather have the yogurt kind of coming from the front instead so i'll go to camera a and i will find that clip of the yogurt being put in i'll find that section right there so and i'll do the same thing i'll set in and out points right so i'll go i for in go to maybe there i'll set o for out i'll place my playhead where i want that clip to be in this case i want the clip to kind of maybe be let's see right here so i'll put my playhead there i can either kind of guesstimate where the playhead is or i can just press the up and down buttons on my keyboard and that will just pop the playhead to the next edit point so i'll go exactly there and then i will use that comma that that insert shortcut to insert this section of this clip right there so i'll go comma and there it is then i can go and continue choosing sections of this clip to continue building out this pudding in yogurt section because it's quite a bit of yogurt i can go frame by frame by going to the left and right keys to find the exact part of the clip that i want to start on right there i'll go i o and then comma and i'll build that out and i'll continue building out the sequence until all of those clips from all of the other cameras are in so now that i've built the sequence you can see that it's starting to look pretty good it cuts back and forth between the two cameras and i've cut out a lot of the fat so that means only the parts where there's action is what's being shown on screen but then we get to these sections that is just mixing right and they're sort of slow so i want to speed them up i want to change the speed of these clips how do i do that it's actually really simple there's a bunch of ways to do it one simple way is to right click and go to speed duration and then you can type in either the new speed that you want or the new duration that you want so right now this is 12 seconds let's say that i want two seconds that's my new duration and it tells me if you wanted two seconds it'll be sped up by 645 percent and i could say yes please that sounds good okay and there we go and now that clip has been sped up a lot faster right but say i want it to be even faster and i don't want to do the whole thing where i right click and go to speed duration i could just change the tool that usually when i hover over and i make the clip shorter and i make the clip longer this actually literally makes the clip shorter you know this cuts off the clip but if i wanted i could make that be a rate stretch tool literally stretching it out like rubber so if i choose the r uh button on my keyboard r that turns into a rate stretch tool you can see without r what happens is on the edge you have this indicator but when you choose r it now changes to this indicator and that is now the rate stretch indicator and you can see here it says right now it says that this is playing back at 645 percent but if i change it i can make it even faster and now it's playing back at 1 372.4 and i have just changed the speed of it or the rate of it uh without going into that tool now i let's change the speed of everything so let's rate stretch this make that faster let's rate stretch this make that a lot faster let's right stretch this make that a lot faster now they're all really really fast and i have these gaps here one two three four i have these gaps in my timeline where there's nothing right it's just black um what can i do well one thing i could do is draw a dialog box around and then just scooch these over and as long as you have snapping enabled which is this um mat this magnet icon right here it will just snap to the next edit point just like magnetically right if you don't have the magnet enabled it won't snap so it'll kind of keep searching for that spot you can also just place your mouse right in between and using the a button that is the the a button on your keyboard you can select everything after your mouse so if you wanted to select let's say if you wanted to select this and this and this at the same time and you didn't want to drag a box around it like we used to do like this you can just place your mouse over here select a and that selects everything after your mouse and then you can go ahead and you know bring it over but you want to get rid of the gaps right so just click in that gap right click and say ripple delete and that gets rid of the gap there really really simple you can do that for every single gap or you can get rid of all of the gaps at the same time so i will undo all that if i want to get rid of all of the gaps i have a shortcut for that it is shift command g and that gets rid of all of the gaps that is a shortcut that i made and again if you would like to see the shortcuts you can go to keyboard shortcuts type in gap and close gap that's what you want and you can create your own shortcut so my shortcut closes all the gaps so now there are no gaps so it looks like this all that mixing footage is now stretched right stretched forward now sometimes depending on how fast your computer is it might not play back smoothly for you and you can tell by this line up top if the line is yellow that's kind of a danger zone if a line is red that means uh oh it's really going to be hard to play back so you may want to render whatever section you're having trouble playing back the way that you do that is you select that section of your timeline so remember when we were over here selecting sections of a clip to bring into our sequence well you can select sections of a sequence to render or export it's really simple so just place your playhead at the beginning of the section that you want to render so that it plays back smoothly for you by going up and down on the arrow keys and bringing that playhead exactly to where you want to start and click i it's the same shortcut go to the end so let's see i want it to end here and press o so it's basically telling the program that this is the section that i would like to render and i go over here to sequence and then render in to out right render i to o and if i select that it'll take a second to render right there's the render box but you can see how now this section is turning green and green is good it means it's going to play back smoothly for me now and there it is really really smooth playback now if i want to get rid of these in and out points i can always right click and select clear in and out and it will get rid of the in and out points in and out points are also really really helpful if you want to replay a section of your video again and again and again so say that i want to replay this section again and again and again these three pink clips so i'll go ahead and i'll drag my out point to the end of the three pink clip so this is the section that i want to keep replaying and i will select the loop playback tool which is just right here and if it doesn't appear in your version of premiere pro that just means that it hasn't been enabled so go to the button editor over here this plus click that and the loop playback tool should be right here and you can just drag it into your buttons it doesn't usually sit there by default you do have to drag it in press ok so now that loop playback is enabled if i press play using this button or just my spacebar press play it just loops over and over and over again cool right now that we have our edits in order we have sped some clips up we have inserted other clips uh one thing that we do need to do is take a look at okay how long do we want this edit to be and for me it helps to know the destination and also edit to music in this case i want this edit to be under a minute long because maybe it's for instagram or something like that you can see here on the right an indication of how long your entire edit is and here is where your playhead currently is in your edit so as i move my playhead about you can see this number change and this number doesn't if i set an out point somewhere on my project like say i set an out point right here at where my indicator is by pressing the o button on my keyboard you can see that that number on the right has changed to whatever the out point says it is and it is currently at the same exact time as my time indicator so they are both the same but i'll clear that out point by going to clear in and out i am ready to choose a music track and put it in now uh just like there is this video track here there are plenty of tracks for audio and you can put in whatever audio you'd like but premiere pro does have some partnerships with audio libraries that you can license music from so if you wanted to do that you can just pull up the essential sound panel see there's all these panels that are hiding that aren't open at first because you can always pull them up later if you need them there's also all of these workspaces up top that you can pop into as well as you can create your own workspaces i have some custom workspaces for custom monitor configurations that i have but for now we'll be doing everything in the editing workspace and just pulling up windows instead so we'll go into essential sound and by default it pops up over here on the right and inside of essential sound there are a couple of different tabs and both of them do different things so we have the edit tab which you can edit whatever the type of audio is you can assign it as dialogue or as music sound effects or ambience and we'll do that a little bit later but for now we're going to go to the browse tab and here is where you can find different songs for your projects so you can filter it by mood or by genre etc etc so i will go with let's do happy and the genre let's do pop and yeah we'll do a tempo that's like fairly fast and eventually we'll find our song for this one however i already know the song that i want so i'm just gonna type that in i'm gonna type in the song hot mess and it pulls up here there is both an instrumental version and a non-instrumental version in my case because there's no other sound in this video so i can just go with the non-instrumental version and there's a way to preview the track or audition the track if you will by playing it here by pressing the play button and if you have timeline sync selected you can put your playhead which is your line here at the beginning of your video and then while timeline sync is selected you can actually listen to the song while your video plays before the song is even placed in your timeline if that makes sense so let's play it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so that sounds pretty good to me what i'm gonna do is just drag this clip directly into my timeline and there it is right there now a little bit of time has passed and i have cut up this music track and put some transitions in it so that it's shorter and so it's under a minute long this is a little bit of more of an advanced technique that we're not going to cover today in this tutorial but just so you know the track is now less than a minute long and i still have all of these clips that don't exactly fit the timing of the track or the beat of the track so how do i make them fit the beat of the track well one way that you could do it is by placing markers on your timeline markers are like little visual ticks here at the top which are snappable which means that your clips can just magnetically snap to those markers and they help you kind of figure out what you want to do with your timeline you can change their colors you can change their duration but for me i also like to actually point out my beat with them so as i listen to the song i'm going to place my playhead here to the very beginning of the timeline and i'm going to listen to the song keep my finger on the m key which is for marker and you can see as the beats of the song come in i'm going to start placing the markers and you'll see them appear right here i'm going to press play by hitting my spacebar [Music] [Applause] [Music] makes sense so now i have all of these markers placed and they are to the beat so if i want the ingredients for example to show up on the beat all i have to do is visually look at the markers and adjust so i'll start there if i don't want to touch the audio tracks accidentally you know by selecting them i can press the lock button and lock that track so if i press the lock button now i can't select anything so it makes it really easy for me to be able to place clips on other tracks without affecting that track so i'll go ahead and every time i drag one of the ends of the clip to shorten it it just snaps to the next marker making it super super easy to without even looking really just edit the video by snapping it to the markers and of course this is just the ingredients list so it's pretty easy to [Music] cut because it's a static shot every time and i think and i want to get rid of this gap so i'm just going to right click ripple delete let's see what that looks like cool right last few steps of this video let's add some graphics adjust a few clips and we'll be good to go the first thing i want to do is adjust some of these clips so that they are a little bit better framed like this clip for example there's a lot of extra space here and there's some dirt on the table here which i want to frame out so i want to punch in a little bit closer on this clip somewhere around here the good thing is that i did record this in 4k right so you can see here the scale is currently at 50 percent so if i just move that scale up and then i can also take the numbers for the position right now it's at 960 and 540 but i can move this up slightly therefore the center of my subject is now in the center and now i have it exactly where i need it to be and it's still at 78 so it's still um the actual clip is still larger than my sequin size which means that i haven't actually lost any pixels at all so those are the edges of the clip there now if i want to um add these motion controls so the motion controls that i've adjusted for position and scale to the other clips in my timeline like this one and this one and this one what i have to do is just select the motion controls of that main clip by putting my playhead over the clip oh by the way every time i'm clicking do you hear that the music is going it's a little annoying right so let me mute it by pressing the m button for the music so i'll just mute it and that way i can't hear it and i can work in peace so i'll go on to the clip that i've changed the size of and the position and i'll select the word motion up here and i'll go command c for copy then i'll select all these clips and i'll go command v for paste and now i have pasted those motion controls onto the other clips so now if you check you can see that their position and scale is also changed what's great is that we did add those that color coding to the clip so i can just go on to the next one which i know is this one because it's color coded with the same blue and here i can see that maybe i need to punch in a little bit more so if i paste it command v over here i pasted it but it's kind of slanted the table's kind of slanted right so i can use the rotation controls to level that table out and now i'll do that again i'll select the motion control command c for copy and i will paste it across to these and also across to this one for this one it's a little off-center now because my subject is actually this bowl and not this plate so i can go ahead and over here in the x position control i can move it over there we go now you can also see that i've started adding some graphics here like the get rid of yolks and the cut eggs in half peel them and all that so let's take a look at how to add these graphics you can see that they are added to the second layer or the second track the second video track here on v2 and the graphics themselves are pretty much just the text right and everything else there's nothing there so we see everything that's stacked on top first and then everything that's stacked below it is hidden underneath right so if this pink clip was for example on v3 then it would be hiding the red clip which is the text right so we want the text to show up on top of the pink clip so we put the pink clip underneath it now how did we get this text well it's very simple you just go up to window and you pull up essential graphics that is what premiere calls its graphics window so just click on essential graphics and that pulls up essential graphics over here just like for the audio we had the edit tab and the browse tab so in the browse tab you can find lots of fun graphics from adobe stock so if you go onto the adobe stock tab over here you can see you can filter them by free or by premium so if we filter them by free you can see all the free graphics available here and i'm going to just type in title and see what happens so as i click on each one it gives me a little preview of what that would look like for different titles i like this one that says your title so what i'm going to do is drag it in to the very beginning of my sequence right on top of this intro clip i want to put in a title that says what this recipe is right so i'll just drag it directly in and by default it looks like this right so it's a little bit long for me so i'm going to just cut it by using that razor tool going to c cutting it there going to v changing my cursor back to a selection tool and then deleting so that there it is that's what it starts on now i can go ahead and change what it says so what i want it to say i'll just double click on it is low calorie tuna eggs and now the edit tab i can go ahead and adjust all these controls to customize it for me so let's just say for example that my brand colors for my youtube channel were purple right so these bars that come up right here let's change them from red to purple so the bar let's go to the fill color and make it yeah this pinky color top beam let's change that to a purple and then i guess we'll leave it at that and then the low calorie tuna eggs right now it's just white text with nothing behind it so i can add if i want i could add a background and i'll expand it a little bit there we go and i'll make it a little bit more opaque so you can read the letters a little bit better so this is what it looks like great so now i want to put something that says ingredients over here so what i'm going to do is just duplicate this one and bring it over so i'm going to select this red graphic here and while holding down alt i'm gonna drag it over and that's going to duplicate it and drag it so now it says low calorie tuna eggs but what it what i want it to actually say is ingredients so i'm going to change this to ingredients maybe get rid of the background color because i don't need it anymore one issue is that by the time you see the word ingredients which is a little high so maybe i'll move it down over here in the transform controls by the time you see the word ingredients we're already on to the next clip right so we want the word ingredients to be written on the screen before the next clip starts that before the first ingredient starts right so something that i can do is just move this graphic over to v3 and overlay it on top of the first graphic slightly how about like that let's see what that looks like um let's make it a little shorter here scooch it over so that the writing isn't written on top of each other that looks great so let's play it with the music [Applause] perfect so now i can start writing the ingredients for this one let's see what we have for text maybe i want to change the font of this to my brand font right i can go ahead and do that so instead of the default that it comes with roboto let's say that my brand font is akagi pro and that is the one that i will choose same thing for this one i'll go ahead and change the font to akagi pro so now i have used the correct font the brand font in both then for this one i actually won't use a template to write out my ingredients i'll just straight up write them out on the screen so i'll go to my type tool which is this t and then i'll just type on the screen right on the screen itself and i'll write six hard boiled eggs or maybe just six eggs there we go and i can select it make it smaller there we go i don't need it to be anything fancy and there we go six eggs make sure that it's lined up to the beginning of that clip and then what i'll do is i'll use the razor tool so i'll go c to change it to a razor tool and i'll just cut it right there and now instead of six eggs i'm going to double click and write one green onion then move that over there we go extend that do again the razor tool cut then this one i'll write uh chives move that over and actually i'll change this to six hard boiled eggs and so on and so forth now that i have adjusted my clips and placed my graphics this is what the video looks like if you would like to download this video and see it for yourself and have the file you can do it in the project assets i provided this download for you i'm going to change the display resolution from 1 4 over here to full so that i can view it in full quality and if any of it stalls that means that that is a section that i might have to render in order to play it back smoothly [Applause] [Music] baby stay [Music] i [Music] now say that i want to export this video it's very very easy to do you can either go to file export media or you can just press control m on your keyboard that'll pull up the export settings dialog box premiere pro makes it really easy to export for different social medias so if you select your format as h.264 you'll be able to see all of these pre-built settings for different social medias so whether you want to export it to facebook or twitter or what have you there's different options i usually just choose mesh source high bit rate and that's good enough for me and then i can put that on whatever social media another thing about match source high bit rate is if your sequence isn't a standard size say it's a square sequence or a vertical sequence match source high bitrate will also adapt to your sequence size and after i do that i'll go to output name and i will give it a name and i'll put it in my exports folder so i'll go to exports and i'll give it a name most times i do something like 2020 09 23 underscore and then i'll do tuna salad underscore one and then i'll click save that updates the file name here and then i will click export the reason that i do the date underscore a number is because if i am sending this to a client for example or if i'm doing different versions maybe i upload it to youtube to test it and then there's something wrong with one of the clips or the audio or who knows what um i'll go ahead and export another sequence another duplicated sequence but i will call it underscore 2 for example so that i don't forget what i've done but i'm going to click cancel now because i already have this video exported the next video we are jumping up in complexity we are doing three different cameras and an external audio source and we are mixing all of that together so here i am within premiere pro once again i have my project here with my footage folder and my sub folders or in premiere pro this is what is called bins and if i press the tilde key on my keyboard which is at the top left of the keyboard i can pull this up so i can see it i have color coded all my camera a clips with blue all my camera b clips with orange all my camera c clips with magenta down here so i've already made my simple tuna recipe video now it's time to make my egg cooker review where i talk to camera and this also um uses audio that i recorded on a separate recorder which was the h4n so here underneath audio i have the h4n audio now i have these columns for frame rate for media start media end and media duration the thing that i really want to know is the media duration that's going to be key here so i'm going to move the media duration column all the way forward so that i can see it the first thing because that's how i'm going to know which clips line up with which clips which clip from camera a lines up with which clip from camera b with camera c and the audio is by what their duration is and what the duration of the clips near them are it'll make sense so let's take a look at this first clip egg cooker a okay i'll press tilde again to get back to the main screen here and if i look through this clip if i double click it's pulled up in the source monitor and if i look through this clip it's an intro clip right it's a clip where i'm talking about what i'm about to do hello and welcome back to my channel today we have a special new tool that i want to test out and unbox for you so you can see here that the media duration of this first clip is 7 minutes and 36 seconds and the media duration of the first clip in cam b is 7 minutes and 44 seconds so that's pretty close in cam c we have 7 minutes and 11 seconds and then in the h4n which is our audio we have a three minute clip doesn't look good a six second clip not right right and then we have a seven minute 21 second clip that's the one that's going to match so that's what we're going to select so we're going to go all the way up here again press the tla key to make this bigger usually i would have this on a separate monitor but we'll select both of them by holding down command so we'll select camera a's seven minute clip camera b seven minute clip camera c's seven minute clip and the audio the seven minute clip from there so all four of those are selected we will right click and then we'll go to create multi-camera source sequence and that will help us sync all the clips this means you didn't have to start all the clips at the same time this just means that as long as there is some audio that was recorded by each of the three cameras premiere will sync that audio with the real audio that was recorded on a separate recorder and it knows to do that over here so if you choose audio as your synchronize point it will select that audio and it will sync everything by the waveform of the audio the other thing is for your audio clip name i usually just keep it whatever it says here so it's gonna go by whatever the clip name is that you first selected and it's gonna say multicam and then i will also select enumerate cameras this is very important because that is going to give each camera a number one two and three and that's going to become really important when you're switching between cameras later so i'm gonna click ok it takes a second to process because it's going to read the waveforms of all four clips and then after it's done it creates a multi-camera source sequence and it puts it right here at the very bottom of your window and you can go ahead and do that for every single one of your clips once you create your multi-camera source sequences now you can put those sequences into your project so if you go to sequences create a new one a new sequence and we're gonna call this one um egg cooker review multi-cam sequences that's where we'll put all of them and we'll drag the multi-cam sequence that was created into here now you can see that it's all in one clip it's not like it's uh you know there's so you can see that it's all in one clip it's not like there's camera a on one track camera b on another track and camera c on a third track but they're hiding inside the multi-camera source sequence so if you hold down alt and you click just the audio portion of it and then you double click now you are inside the multi-camera source sequence and you can see all three of those stacked on top of each other camera c the magenta one is on top so that's the one you're going to see it's also the one that was recorded in hd so that's why it's smaller than all the other ones that you can see behind and you can see that all three of the audio tracks from the three cameras were muted and only this track which is the track from the recorder is being played so how can you tell well let's actually hide both of these top clips right here by pressing on the eye icons so that we can see the one underneath and see if the voice lines up let's play it found kind of weird on the packaging it said that it can cook up to seven eggs but since most eggs come in packs of what so you can see that it matches and that is the audio from the recorder if i wanted to check what the audio from the actual camera sounded like well i know it's this blue audio here right so i'll mute the recorder audio and i'll unmute the blue audio and i can listen to it here one thing that i found kind of weird on the packaging it says it could cook up to seven eggs at a time but just a general rule of thumb i think it's super helpful to record your audio off camera right now the whole time you've been listening to a separate recorder if you want to hear what it sounds like from the actual camera this is what it sounds like it's never as good um because the recorder or the microphone is just so far away so definitely try to record with a separate audio input if you can so this is a multicam workflow um but we don't have time to get into that right now i think what might help you is the synchronized workflow so instead of doing this we'll go back to the sequences bin we'll go to new item down here new item sequence and uh with those same settings which are 23.976 frame size 1920 by 1080 square pixels we are going to create a sequence that is for the egg cooker review and we are going to put all the a-roll clips all the clips of me talking onto the timeline and then synchronize them so we'll go sequence name egg cooker review assembly and press ok so now we have a sequence and we'll go through and here under cam a i'll go ahead and i'll select all of the cam a clips and drag them in so now they are all here now these clips are 4k clips so they are a lot bigger than 1080. if i look at my viewer like this i go to effect control select motion you can see that the clip is really large so i can fit it to the size of the sequence so i'll select everything by pressing command a that selects everything and then i'll go shift command f and that will fit it to the frame size so now they're all properly framed and you can see they've been scaled to 50 over here now what i'm going to do is go to cam b i'm going to select all of the camby clips there's a bunch at the end that are just b-roll so i'm not going to select those in the way that i'll know which ones they are is i can go ahead and change this to icon view so i can tell that starting around here those clips are just b-roll right so i don't need to put them into the a-roll assembly so i'll just select the a-roll clips from camera b and i'll drag them on top here and you can see that they've already started aligning here by the length so i can already get a feel for whip matches with what and over here on kmc i'll do the same thing so i'll open it up i'll look at the thumbnail view and i know starting like here it is the tuna salad video so i'm gonna avoid that i'm gonna select all of the egg cooker shots by going selecting the first one holding down shift selecting the last one that selects all of them just to make sure that they're in alphabetical order i'll go over here and i'll order them i'll just make sure that they're ordered by name right not anything else but by name that way i know that they're in the right order i'll select all of them and pull them up here so now i have a bunch of clips they're not synced yet but they're close the last thing that i need to do is pull in my audio as well so i'll go through inside of h4n and i'll pull in all of that audio over here so that is all the audio and i can almost immediately tell that i messed up somewhere where my mic died my mic died on this clip over here and it died on the on the last bit of this clip over here actually more than halfway so pretty much um everything here and everything here is useless so i can pretty much get rid of it i'm not going to get rid of it right now but i know i need to get rid of it so now i can start to arrange these clips and to match them up the best i can so i'll use my a tool and a is the selection tool that selects everything after the playhead so i can start selecting things i'll use my a tool to select everything here move it over and i'll start just making stacks so i know that this looks like it pretty much matches there and i know that this long clip here let's see these clips at the end match right they have to so let's say these clips match here these clips definitely match with each other so i'll start making these stacks they don't have to be perfect they just have to be stacked on top of each other after a little bit of work of creating these stacks this is what i got i have one two three four five six seven eight stacks and then some disparate clips that are just on the timeline and i'll take care of them later but now that i've got this going i can go ahead and synchronize them i'll select all of these right click and click synchronize use audio as my synchronize point and press ok it takes a second but this way it will synchronize without having to go into the multi-cam editing right click go to synchronize and press ok select the whole stack right click synchronize okay and you do this for all of the stacks until they are all synced so here are all of the stacks synced and if i want to close all of the gaps i just go to command shift g and i close the gaps and now it's time for me to go in and start cutting a couple of things if you want to slice across the entire stack insert a giant cut across the entire stack what you do is first of all i'm going to just hide the visibility of the top two layers i know they're there but for now as i'm scrolling through and just making sure that everything works i don't need them so i'm going to hide them and also i don't need to play all four of the audios right because if i play all for the audios it sounds like this hello and welcome back to my channel today we have a special new tool so i can just play the green audio and that will be enough for me i can either mute the other three that i want to test out or instead of muting the other three i can just solo this green track and it'll be the same thing and unbox for you now a little bit about track targeting you can see here that the v1 track has this blue background highlight on it but the other two do not this means that operations that i apply across tracks are only going to affect the v1 track for example say i am looking at this waveform right here i can already tell where the false starts are right it looks like i started talking here then i made a mistake then i started talking here i made a mistake again and i really only started talking properly right here so i can move my playhead right to where that starts right there and i know that that's where i want to actually start my video but i want to place a cut along all three of the video tracks and all four of the audio tracks right here at my playhead however because my track targeting is only on v1 if i want to use that shortcut command k what's going to happen it's only going to place a cut right here at the v1 track so if i want it to slice across all the tracks two options i can either enable all three tracks with the track targeting by making sure that the blue background is behind all three of them that way when i press command k it cuts all three tracks or i would have to press shift command k and shift command k ignores the track targeting and it'll cut through any tracks all the time but i like having command k so i'll stay there and now i can get rid of everything in front of this cut because i know that it's useless i'm not going to need it select the whole thing and press command d to ripple delete and this is where i start now i can scrub through my footage quickly by using the jkl keys to rewind pause and fast forward if i press j twice i'll rewind even faster if i press l twice i'll rewind even faster and so on and so forth with the number of times i press each key i'm going to keep the top two tracks hidden right now because again i don't need them i'm only doing the cut for content at this point and then later i'll go through the tracks and enable disable them based on which track i actually want to show up at what time so let's listen through i'm going to change the preview resolution from full to a quarter so that i can scrub through a little bit faster and i'm going to be pressing the space bar to play and pause so this is the everyday egg cooker from dash i found it at target and as someone who cooks a lot of eggs every single day i thought that this may be able to help me with some of that so here is a great place to place a cut so if i go command k what happens is that only the top row gets cut y because it was selected so no matter what the track targeting shows if you have a clip selected on your timeline command k is going to cut only that clip so you could either in this situation do the shift command k or you can go over here to sequence and deselect selection follows playhead and this is great for when you are cutting that a-roll track you can just use shift k to cut across all tracks and it will not auto select the top track by default specifically here on the side it says that it can cook deviled eggs it can cook soft boiled hard-boiled and omelets the omelet one is what i'm a little suspicious about so let's try it out so in this case here what i want to do is i want to cut out this pause right here so i'll place my playhead where i want the cut to happen and i will press q on my keyboard the cue button and that will cut everything from this previous cut point to the playhead leaving only the words let's try it out i'm just gonna go ahead and open it now i wanna cut out i'm just gonna go ahead and open it because i'm opening it so i don't need to actually say the words because you see them on the screen and it's also just a way to get through the video quicker so i'm just going to press q again to cut that out the packaging is really beautiful it says great choice get to know your cooker look inside you'll find an envelope with everything you need to get started including quickstart guide recipes and instructions so i'm going to press command k again to insert a cut and now i want to get rid of everything right here so i'm going to put my playhead right where i want to insert the cut and i want to get everything get rid of everything from the playhead to the next cut point so instead of everything before i want to get rid of everything after and that is the w command so instead of pressing q i'll press w and there we go so we have our quick start guide i think no this is just a thing about tagging them on instagram i'll press jkl to just go through this a lot faster alright this is a beautiful packaging a recipe book very cool so this is the recipe book every day so this is the recipe book every day egg cooker it has a lot of interesting recipes egg salad eggs benedict egg salad medicine thanks for watching is this also the so you can see all of those cut points have now really been chopping up that video and compressing um the amount of timing that it has and you can see i have a lot more to go through so let's go through that quickly and we'll go to the next step here it is here's that first cut i did i managed to narrow it down from being 30 minutes long to being under 9 minutes long so now i can go through and i can refine the cut right away i see a little bit of an issue on this top track it's that the table is smaller than the frame size and you have all this extra stuff going on on the side so i don't need that i want to just punch in a little bit more so i will go on that first clip select it i'll scale it up slightly there we go and i'll move it down a little bit there we go and now i can take the motion control i can copy it so command c and then i'll just select all of the clips that are magenta so i'll left click go to label select label group that selects all the magenta clips on my timeline so i didn't have to like zoom out and drag a marquee box i mean i could have that's another way to do it but if you don't want to do that you can just select the label group and then i can paste those motion controls so now it's everywhere another thing i can do instead of disabling the visibility of each of these video tracks is to just disable the clip entirely so if i want to disable the clip i just select it and i right click i go to enable and i deselect that and now the clip has been sort of grayed out it's gone a little bit darker which means that it's disabled and you can see the clip underneath it instead another way to do this is to select the clips and go to shift e and that will enable or disable the clips so for now let's disable them and see if we need to enable them at any future point hello and welcome back to my channel today we have a special new tool that i want to test out and unbox for you so this is the everyday egg cooker from dash i found it at target and as someone who cooks a lot of eggs every single day i thought that this may be able to help me with some of that maybe i'll place a cut here by going to command k i'll place a cut here by doing command k and then i'll enable the top layer by going to shift e and that'll switch the view to the top layer target and as someone who cooks a lot of eggs every single day and then i'll do command k and i'll disable it i thought that this may be able to help me with some of that specifically here on the side so i said here on the side so i'll do a cut here and then i'll play it and enable the second layer says that it can cook deviled eggs it can cook soft boiled hard-boiled and omelets i'll do a command k and then i'll take this layer that is on v2 and enable it so now i have the side profile enabled and you can actually see what it says here is exactly what i'm talking about which is pretty cool but if i wanted to zoom in on it a little bit i noticed that the scale of it is 50 which means that this clip can actually be scaled up without losing any resolution because it's a 4k clip so i can scale it up a little bit so that we see what i'm talking about the four different ways that the egg cooker can cook eggs deviled eggs it can cook soft boiled hard-boiled and omelets the omelet one is what i'm a little suspicious about so let's try it out now that i've gone through and refined the cut i've been able to cut it down to a little bit over five minutes which is perfect for this type of youtube video and as you can see i'll mute all the tracks for now and as you can see it goes back and forth between the top angle and the side angle and the front angle so it's a little bit more engaging and the angles really do depend on what i'm saying in that moment you just pour that onto the heating plate so now i will just lock the top in place and then press this button for hard boiled we have to wait 12 minutes so see you in 12 minutes so there's a bunch of stuff that i want to add including a bunch of b-roll and graphics so first let's add b-roll b-roll is just additional footage that you might have shot that you want to put into your project and for this project i did shoot a bunch of separate b-roll of what all of the components are of this product what the manual says so let's go find that b-roll that b-roll is here it's in the folder cam b and if you start looking at it there it is the close-ups and all of that the only thing is all of the b-roll is shot in 59.94 frames per second how do i know that well here in the frame rate column it literally says that that it's 59.94 frames per second however my timeline my sequence is in a different frame rate if i go to sequence sequence settings you can see here the time base is 23.976 frames per second so what does that mean well that means that if i choose a section of this b-roll and i don't change the frame rate and i stick it into my sequence it's not going to be in slow motion not yet right so let's do it without changing the frame rate first let's select a good intro section maybe from here i'll say i and this will be my o in point and out point and i'll go ahead and i'll drag just the video only so i'll use the just video only button to drag it in here so when i talk about what the cooker is hello and welcome back to my channel today we have a special new tool that i want to test out and unbox for you so this is the actually i want to put it there this is the everyday egg cooker from dash i found it at target so you can see that it's not in slow motion right there's a little bit of jitter if i want to smooth out that jitter i have to use this clip in slow motion in order to use this clip in slow motion i have to change the frame rate of it before i put it into my project here so i'm going to delete that and for all of the clips that are 59.94 frames per second i'm going to go to the first one then i'm going to scroll down to the very last one so that they're all selected i'm going to right click and go to modify interpret footage and here it's going to ask me can do i want to assume a different frame rate i'm going to say yes please assume the frame rate 23.976 and that is going to turn my frame rate from 59.94 to 23.976 effectively making this slow motion so i'm gonna say okay and now no matter what i click it's going to play back in slow motion slow motion usually irons out all of the little jitters that you have when you're shooting handheld so because i was shooting handheld i knew that this was okay to shoot in slow motion so i'm gonna go back and choose that section again i to oh and then drag that in to here you can see it's much longer now because it's in slow motion so i will shorten it up and there we go so this is the everyday egg cooker from dash i found it at target and as someone who cooks a lot of eggs now the way that i brought this b-roll clip into my project was by dragging the drag video only button holding that and dragging it in that's one way to do it another way to do it again remember is the comma or the dot the dot shortcut is the override shortcut and the comma shortcut is the insert shortcut but look what happens when i do it so let's say i want to put this clip here i'll delete this for now let's say i want to put it on track four okay and i use the comma shortcut to put it on track four so technically this right it should go on track four and i do comma see what happens it actually goes on track one y well because i had source patching enabled for track v1 and a1 source patching are these blue highlights behind the track names here to the left so this is called track targeting and this is called source patching so if i wanted to put this clip from the source monitor onto v4 i should have source patched v4 so let's undo that and instead of having the source patching here i'll have it on v4 and a 5 and then i'll press comma but by pressing comma i'm actually rippling everything else back right so unlike our previous example in our lesson with the tuna salad where we wanted to insert things in between two clips in this case we actually want to insert this b-roll clip on top of everything so instead of pressing comma we're gonna press period period and now it goes on top let's do that a few more times eggs it can cook soft go ahead and open it oh the packaging is really beautiful it says great choice okay right here when i say it says great choice maybe i don't want to use the top down maybe i want to use an insert clip from the b-roll i know i have this beautiful insert clip where it does say great choice so let me put that in instead so i'll choose the in point i'll go i i'll choose the end point i'll go o and then i want to put it right there so with my source patching on v4 and a5 i'll go period and that'll put it in there as great i'll put it there full it says great choice get to know your cooker look inside you'll find an envelope with everything you need to get started including putting quick and then i will hide this one and i'll go back to my face get started including quick start guide recipes and instructions so this is the now here's something to think about is are you going to be doing a jump cut and a jump cut is like this where the same framing is retained on either side of the cut or like this instructions so this is the recipe book everyday egg cooker maybe you don't want the jump cut so a couple of different ways to avoid a jump cut the first way is enable some other camera instead so i'm going to do shift e and i'm going to enable the side camera that's a way to get rid of the jump cut directions so this is the recipe book but that doesn't look very good right another way to do it is to put b-roll over it so i'm talking about the recipe book here which means i can maybe insert b-roll of the recipe book i o and then drag that in that covers up the jump cut trends so this is the recipe book everyday egg cooker another way to do it if you don't want to do that so let's just disable this b-roll clip for now is if you are shooting something in 4k you can always punch in on the 4k image and that'll almost make it look like it is a second camera that is just a closer lens and it'll hide that jump cut for you so i'm going to select that clip go to effect controls and zoom in and re-frame a little bit so now let's check out that jump cut which is not a jump cut anymore instructions so this is the recipe book everyday egg cooker smooth right now once you have all of your b-roll placed on v4 it's going to look a little bit like this recipes and instructions so this is the recipe book everyday egg cooker egg salad eggs benedict deviled eggs here is the cooker itself one thing that i found kind of weird on the packaging it says it could cook up to seven eggs at a time who would ever cook seven eggs now one thing that you might notice is that there are some inconsistencies maybe some rough bits some plosions some pops in between each audio segment right because i cut out all of these um all of the extraneous stuff and there's really no transition in the audio so like here for example six at a time you heard that little breath at the end let's find another good example let's hear that right at the edge there right at the edge there's a little inconsistency so we can smooth all those out all we need to do is go to effects here in the effects library and we're going to find constant power the constant power effect and we're gonna drop it right in between these two clips now by default the constant power effect is way way way way way too long so we are going to right click and go to set transition duration and we are going to set it over here right now it's oh three seconds no no we're gonna set it to zero seconds and just two frames it's gonna be the shortest tiniest little effect just two frames long over here and now you can actually copy paste effects to other transition points so if i copy it by clicking it and going to command copy and then i go to the next one command v okay i pasted it command v command v wow that is tedious right doing it a million times across this entire video i wish there was an easier way to do it well there is you know how you can select clips by just dragging a marquee box well you can select edit points by holding down command or control and dragging a marquee box so now we have all these edit points selected and now we can just go command v to paste that little tiny two frame transition across all of the audio so now when we zoom in you can see that little transition has been applied across all of the audio clips now let's quickly add a little bit of color there is so much i can say about color i can do an entire three hour lesson about it but just for a little bit of basics let's color correct each of the images from each of the cameras and then apply it across the entire camera so for this one let's find a good frame for our a camera maybe ideally one where i'm looking at the camera all right that's the one and i'll go to window lumetri color pops up the lumetri color window and we'll do a couple of things to make this better first of all i think it just needs a little bit more saturation it's getting a little bit yellow here so i'm going to take the temperature down there we go and it's getting a little green so maybe make it a little bit pinker and you can toggle this on and off because the lumetri color effect has appeared in your effect controls and if you press this effects button you can actually toggle the effect on and off and see what it does so here we go you can see what i've done i also want to maybe increase the shadows a little bit brighten up the shadows lower the blacks a little increase the contrast there we go let's see what that affected oh yeah much better and then i want to this blue is a little too blue you know what i'm saying i want it to be a little bit more magenta so i'm going to go into curves and in the hue versus hue curve i'm gonna say you know what i want all the blue values right here so all of the values between these two points let's make them a little bit more magenta and there we go and i can toggle it on and off by pressing this check mark right here just to check what it did so it made all that blue magenta you know i'm very into magenta clearly so now that i have that done i'll select that lumetri color effect and i'll copy it by going to command c and then i'll go to all of the clips that are this cyan color right because all of the cyan clips all of the blue clips here is technically the colors called iris all of the blue clips are from the same camera right so i'll right click i'll go to label select label group and that'll select all the blue clips now if i paste it to all the blue clips by going to command v what will happen is yes it will add it to all the blue clips but then to the clip that it's already on it's added it twice right because i copy pasted it twice so i'll just go ahead and delete one of them or what i can do instead of doing that i'll just undo and undo so now it's still just on the one clip i'll do the same thing again i'll right click go to label select label group and then i'll deselect the one that already has the color correction applied by going to shift and then clicking on it so now that one's deselected and then i can go command v and paste that color correction across to all the rest of them so you can see it's applied now to all of the camera a clips here so for the camera b clips these orange colored mango colored clips right here what i want to do is kind of match it right to the wide to camera a so i'll go to comparison view which is right here and this is the clip that i'm trying to change and this is the clip that i'm trying to match right so the clip that i'm trying to change let's say is this one this mango one so i'll put my play head there and that's the clip that is right here that's the clip that i'm trying to apply the color correction to and this is the clip i'm trying to match but let me go to a wide let me find a wide version of it just for reference okay so now with this mango clip let's try to match it we'll go to basic correction and i can already tell it's very warm compared to this clip so i'll make the temperature cooler i'll add a little bit more of that pink or tint and that's already pretty close i'll increase the exposure yeah we're definitely getting there i mean that's a lot closer so i can toggle it on and off to see how close i'm getting i want to take the highlights down a little bit so it's not as bright i'll take the whites down so you can actually see the eggs increase the contrast as well and take down the blacks just a little bit and that looks good to me so i'll take that lumetri color command copy it i'll go to the mango clip right click go to label select label group deselect the one i was working on and then paste command v i'll paste that color correction across and i'll do the same thing for the magenta clips the overhead clips on v3 so this time i will place my playhead instead of over the mango clip i'll place it over one of the magenta clips over here so that now i can match this to this so i definitely know that i need a lot more contrast and a little bit more brightness and again i need it to be a little bit more on the cooler side and there we go maybe take down the shadows a little bit and that looks close enough to me so i'll take the lumetri color command copy it right click go to label select label group hold down shift while i deselect the one that already has the limitatory color and then command v to paste and now for the b-roll which are these light yellow clips i actually colored them light yellow after the fact because they were from camera b so originally they were mango over here remember so all i did was i selected them right click went to label and labeled them yellow so that they would be a little bit different for me but here's the kicker though i know that those clips are originally from camera b so i can take camera b's color correction the same color correction that was on the mango clips go to lumetri color select that effect by going to command copy copy that effect by going to command copy then go to all of the yellow clips right click go to yellow select label group so now i've selected all of the b-roll clips and command-v and now it's been applied to all the b-roll clips as well and now let me get out of comparison view i also want to add a music track to this and i'll do it in much the same way as the previous tutorial i'll go ahead and go to window essential sound and here in the sound search settings i'll select my categories my moods and all of that and i'll be right back i found a music track i added it here to a5 and i've also added some graphics this is what the graphics look like first we need something though eggs so we're gonna take what do they call this the boiling tray put it on the plate and those graphics are really easy to find you just go to window essential graphics and here under adobe stock free you just type in whatever you need so if you need that transition that looks like this you just type in transition and here's a bunch of transitions so the one that i used was visual trends all you have to do is drag it into your timeline and then adjust the colors and that's all but we're not talking about graphics we're talking about audio so we have dropped this audio track and now the trouble is how do we get the audio track and the dialogue track to interact and talk with each other how do we tell the program hey this is dialog hey this is music play nice well let's select all of the dialog here on track a4 go to essential sound edit and in the edit tab of essential sound you have the opportunity to assign a type of audio we're going to assign this as dialog even though it's technically a monologue and here you can change you can auto match the loudness you can repair it so if there's any noise or hissing or anything like that you can add eq enhance the speech change the clip volume but first let's also make sure that our music is selected as music so i'm going to select the music tag it as music and now i can duck it against the dialogue meaning when the dialogue gets louder the music gets quieter and vice versa so i'll select ducking duck against what duck against the dialog here you can set your settings like sensitivity duck amount and fades and then when you're done click generate keyframes if i wanted to create these keyframes myself this is what it would look like if i wanted to manually raise the level of the volume in this section for example right where the intro of the episode is where i'm not talking there's a gap in the talking i would have to place those keyframes myself so i would have to on this volume line that goes through the middle of the music track while holding down command insert a keyframe right where i kind of want that uh increase to start place a keyframe where i want the increase to end place a keyframe where i want the decrease to start and place a keyframe where i want the decrease to end and then raise the volume line in the middle so that's what this would sound like hello and welcome back to my channel today we have a special new tool that i want to test out and unbox for you [Music] so this is the ev if i want that to be a little bit louder i can move it a little bit up that i want to test out and unbox for you [Music] but then i would have to go through everything and place those keyframes manually myself and that takes a really long time so instead of doing that i'm going to undo those keyframes ctrl z or command z to undo and i'm just going to press generate keyframes and see what happens as you can see it has now added those little keyframes two points in the song that it feels that the music needs to rise when there's no talking so let's see how well it did on its own today we have a special new tool that i want to test out and unbox for [Music] you so this is it did pretty good with detecting where those keyframes should be i think it's a little bit quiet so i can go over here to clip volume and raise the clip volume a little bit a new tool the clip volume slider here will not affect the intensity of these keyframes by the way it'll just raise the entire clip volume tool that i want to test out it's a little too much that i want to test out and unbox for you [Applause] [Music] so this is the everyday egg cooker that sounds good to me you can also change the clip volume in a couple of different ways for example if you wanted to change the volume of everything all of the tracks here you can go here in the master volume and expand this a little bit and here also is a volume line that you can move up and down and that will change the master volume of all of the clips if you wanted to add gain or take away gain to this clip you could right click and go to audio gain and here you can adjust the gain by adding or subtracting decibels there's a lot of different ways to manipulate audio within premiere pro and if you want a more detailed explanation of what all of these things do then i highly recommend downloading my notes for the lesson in there you will get more detailed notes for things like color and sound and graphics so that you can really start using premiere pro on a more professional level but as far as this tutorial i hope that it has helped you discover a new program i hope that it has helped you make it less daunting for you to jump into premiere pro and start playing around of course if you don't have files to work with you can literally take my files and work with them and have fun and if you want even more tutorials from me i do have a series called tips and tricks tuesdays on the adobe care youtube channel with so much more in-depth information and a lot of it is content specific so if you want to edit a diy video if you want to edit an interview video if you want to edit a video with graphics or a video that is very sound heavy i have all of that information there so do check it out as far as for me my social media links are twitter valentina v instagram valentina.v feel free to connect with me there and i hope that you have the best day and the best learning experience with premiere pro feel free to ask me any questions on social media bye hello and welcome back to my channel today we have a special new tool that i want to test out and unbox for you [Music] so this is the everyday egg cooker from dash as someone who cooks a lot of eggs every single day i thought that this may be able to help me with some of that specifically here on the side it says that it can cook deviled eggs it can cook soft boiled and omelettes i'm just gonna go ahead and open it the packaging is really beautiful it says great choice so this is the recipe book egg salad eggs benedict deviled eggs here is the cooker itself one thing that i found kind of weird on the packaging it says it could cook up to seven eggs at a time who would ever cook seven eggs i feel like if there's a dozen eggs in a carton you would cook six at a time go ahead and open this up i i don't know what any of this is this looks complicated all right i've unboxed it but let's actually use it first we need something though eggs so we're gonna take what do they call this the boiling tray put it on the plate then we're gonna poke the bottom of the egg like this i guess and then put it down poke this one too okay i'm gonna put it down here and then there are also measurements on the side of this cup we want hard boiled so we are going to fill it up to that line i don't know some of it's dripping down you just pour that onto the heating plate so now i will just lock the top in place and then press this button we have to wait 12 minutes so see you in 12 minutes i set those hard-boiled eggs to cool we're going to crack them open later once they've cooled down a little bit but for now let's make an omelet here i have a full egg with one egg white let's go ahead and pour it in i'm going to pour the water to the line that says omelette and then again just pour it directly onto the hot plate definitely keep this still on it to not put the little omelette plate directly on the hot plate and then we are going to put the top on lock it and press the button once again [Music] i gotta say it smells really really good what i like about it is that it is very fluffy unlike the omelettes that i make on my skillet let's have a little bit of a taste it tastes pretty good unlike cooking it on a skillet obviously it's not burned on the underside so that's really nice if you like a fluffy omelette this is for you let's test the hard-boiled egg too all right here it is moment of truth perfectly hard boiled this is good this is a legit tool i really like it it is super handy and all you need is a little bit of water and a little bit of electricity for it to work all right that was my unboxing first impressions and review of the everyday egg cooker i hope you enjoyed it learned something new i would definitely give this an 8 out of 10. if you would like to see more videos like this please subscribe to my channel and leave me a comment down below about what other gadgets you would like me to review till next time let's learn cooking together bye you
Channel: Adobe Video & Motion
Views: 202,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to, Masterclass, Premeire, Premier, Premiere Pro, Valentina Vee, adobe video, adobe video and motion, after effects, always wanted to know about adobe, audition, creative cloud, essential workflows, get started, get started with adobe premiere pro with master trainer valentina vee, getting started, into, jumpstart, learn from the pros, learnpremierepro, premiere pro, premiere rush, premiereprotutorial, quick tips, tutorial, video editing
Id: 8eDsvKwM40U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 37sec (8797 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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