This AI changes EVERYTHING (ChatGPT x Blender)

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recently this amazing AI called DPT chat came out that will generate text based on your prompts and the whole world is still kind of getting used to it because it's just so powerful the neat thing is it can write Python scripts for blender as well the workflow is very different so I've seen a lot of people experimenting but today I will show you three examples that are actually useful for speeding up your routine and improving your art in blender if you find this interesting please consider leaving a like on this video and let me know what you think of GPT chat and you can also subscribe to stay updated on future tutorials so to start you're gonna go to this website and you need to make an account to use this chatbot once you log in you get this screen where you can type your prompt over here and it also gives you some examples explains about the capabilities and the limitations I'm also going to explain about the limitations and troubleshooting later in this video but we're gonna start with the first example and that is scattering objects around your scene we're going going to create our first prone for the AI and I'm going to ask it specifically to write a python script for blender and to just start out Simply let's create 10 cubes and scatter them around our scene with a maximum distance to the world origin of 10. once you've typed your prompt you can simply hit enter and it will output something this usually takes a few seconds but you can see it's already generating a text and here it's generating a python script so it's now done with the script and we can actually see that it creates a new scene and sets the world origin and everything and it will also create an explanation of your script right here so let's test it out by going into blender and opening the text editor over here and we will create a new text file and we're just going to paste the code that the AI just gave us I'm going to go to text and run the script you can also press alt p and see what happens here we go okay so we have I think 10 cubes yes there are 10 over here and they are scattered around the scene uh this one is actually still at the world origin so I wonder if this is the original Cube or yeah it must be because it can't just be randomly at the starting point we can also scatter the objects in a non-random way going back to GPT chat I'm going to ask it to make a circular array of circles again we're gonna ask it to write a python script in blender to do this also you want to be specific so I'm going to ask for 16 individual circles and the main Circle that it's going to be scattered along uh I'm gonna specify the radius so let's see what it comes up with now we can actually see that it's adding a primitive curve so it understands that so our AI is done writing the code again it gives a full explanation also at every line of the code it gives a small explanation which is very useful we're just going to copy the code and paste it into our text editor let's run our script and see what happens all right so it's pretty hard to see but there's definitely a circular array uh yeah if we select all of them uh oh wow this is actually pretty perfect because they align here wow this actually turned out better than I even imagined uh I just expected any size whatsoever but it made it the size so that they perfectly line up with each other to be honest I wouldn't even know how to do this in blender let alone this quickly going on to the next example this might be the most useful use case for GPT chat and that is bulk actions so let's say we've imported this character but we can see every object has a different material even though some objects have the same color where there are only four colors in this character but there are a bunch of materials this can happen sometimes when you switch objects between programs or especially when you import a bunch of vector graphics this is a prime example where GPT chat can save us hours of time going back to our GPT chat window I'm going to ask the AI to look through all the materials and see which materials have the same hex color value in their base color if it has the same hex value it means it's the same color and then I'll ask it to combine those duplicate materials into one combined material and then apply that material to the objects all right the script is done and it says the script will iterate over every material and get the base color of the material and then convert it to a hex string and create a dictionary out of it next time it finds a material it checks if it's already in the dictionary and if yes it will add it to the list of materials with the same color and if it's not it will create a new entry in the dictionary with a different color then the script will iterate over all those colors and see if there are colors with multiple materials if yes it will create a combined material so a new material and then apply that to the objects so let's go back to our text editor and just paste our script here and run this and see what it does okay so we can see that it tries to delete all the materials at the very end and something is going wrong um function material is expected a material type not list I guess it's going wrong because it's trying to make a list called materials but maybe that term is already taken somewhere else so we're just gonna get rid of that last sentence nevertheless if we now go to our object we can see that it has the correctly combined material so all these objects with the same color now have a combined material so we don't have to go through every object and select our material right here because that saves a lot of time so for the last portion of this video I want to get creative I want to ask the AI to actually generate a mesh for us one thing that's pretty complicated to generate normally in blender is a fractal so we're going to create a mandelbrot set and once again it's as simple as creating a specific prompt for GPT chat I've been experimenting with creating fractals using GPT chat um and it it it's a hit or miss situation sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't I haven't managed to create an actual 3D fractal yet but I have managed to create these 2D fractal trying to get it to actually create a mesh itself it seems to have a lot of trouble with that you'd have to try this in the future though because this chatbot is constantly being being updated so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to create a fractal using a point Cloud it's similar to the method from Bad numerals and this whole fractal machine add-on so it's not like there's no other way to create them but it's just really cool to see how simple it is so I'm once again asking it to create a python script for blender I'm going to ask it to make a mandelbrot set out of points that is one layer thick I'm also asking it to convert points to vertices so we can instantly see what the shape looks like GPT chat needs a little more time than usual to create this but we can see that it is now creating something it's very interesting because it's using a completely different method than before but yeah it's still working with complex numbers and doing all sorts of math that I am not qualified enough to understand so it's now creating the point cloud on the broad set it's even naming everything it's so cool okay so our script seems to be done let's copy it and see if it works it's the moment of truth let's see okay uh so I don't know what this is but um it doesn't really resemble anything close to a Mando Road set it just looks like an array of random points but that's no problem we're just gonna ask GPT chat again I also like to specify what happened because maybe the AI will see what ran wrong so let's try to specify it as clearly as possible a few minutes later currently I can't get it to actually create the script that I got yesterday I'm just going to show you what it came up with yesterday unfortunately I have no footage of me giving the prompt and getting back that response so you'd have to trust me on the fact that I don't know anything about coding and that the AI just made it for me so running the script actually takes quite a long time and it will create this mandelbrot pillar uh it's actually a 3D shape but it's just a bunch of 2D manual brought slices stacked on top of each other you can definitely change the script so it outputs one slice but I just deleted every slice but one we're gonna quickly hop into geometry notes and actually make something cool out of this so a quick way to make this look interesting is just instancing cubes on every point we're gonna grab a instance on points node uh and just add them right here and then we're gonna create a cube as well and set the size to 0.01 and let's just connect this to our mesh and yeah we have this pretty nice looking grid obviously this is just a static mesh it doesn't grow or anything if you want to change the parameter you'd have to generate a new one over here I have this Mando bulb as well we can quickly give it the geometry notes group yeah there we go of course we can also use these points to create a mesh let's again create a new geometry nodes group and let's add a mesh to points node because these are actually vertices and not points next we're going to add a point to volume node and let's just play around with these settings a little bit the radius is way too high so let's put it at point one is too small maybe 0.2 we could still barely see it so let's just create a volume to mesh node next if we want a more detailed shape let's up the voxel threshold to 500 there we go it's already looking more like a fractal and we can also play with the threshold of the volume to mesh node a little bit if we want to so yeah we have a very quick Mando ball set I actually just just try asking a lot of questions today I ask them in different ways and it will give you some surprising stuff actually one thing that I can't even explain is this thing um it was a similar kind of Point Cloud setup and then changed it into a mesh but like what is even going on here we can maybe see like this inflection point right here but I couldn't tell you how this shape works or what it looks like if if you recognize this shape if it has a name let me know in the comments below because it just looks so asymmetrical and abstract and yeah the AI just generated this it generated a point cloud and then I just did the same as we did before with the man abroad set just converted it to mesh and yeah pretty neat couldn't have made this myself for sure so yeah that concludes our introduction to GPT chat it has some very interesting use cases let me know in the comments what is the craziest response you got from GPT chat I would love to know without further Ado I'll catch you next time leave a like on this video if you find it interesting and subscribe for future tutorials they're building something here it's been a hell to actually make this video but I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Stray Creations
Views: 762,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, blender, blender ai, ai, openai, text ai, blender chatgpt, gptchat, chatgtp, chatgpt tutorial, Blender ai tutorial
Id: wU1cQcQFimw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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