Create a 3D World using AI Images

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Dear AI Community, I have confession to make the  creation of endless AI images is boring me. until   now today I'm going to be showing you how to take  your AI images that have been created in stable   diffusion and darling mid-journey whatever program  you're using and turn them into an ultimate movie   set which means you can configure how it looks get  a camera go in add characters to the scene create   an animation from your 2D images we don't want AI  to be the creative director of our stories that   we want to tell we want to use AI to enhance  our workflows and that's what this channel is   all about creating workflows that actually work  today we're going to be looking at how to create   an environment from AI generated images and then  in the next video we're going to look at how to   add characters into our environment so please hit  that notification Bell And subscribe because this   is going to be a series so we're going to start  off with the environment workflow so the first   thing we want to do with our AI generated image is  upscale it because what comes out of me Jenny is   quite low resolution same with automatic 111 you  might not actually have the Ram or GPU to be able   to upscale that on your PC so I use something  called Nero AI this is absolutely free and to   be honest it's a godsend there's no download it  is what it is you upload your image and within   seconds it gives you a high resolution image so  when we've got our upscale image I'm going to take   it into F spy which again is amazingly free which  will create as a camera that matches the image   perspective and then we simply import our f-spy  camera into blender which will be then projecting   our map from the camera onto very very simple  primitive objects it's really an effective result   that we get step one upscaling our image I want  to increase the resolution of my image that mid   Journey created because in the background if I'm  going through the scene you're going to see as you   go through the scene the image loses resolution  and just see big chunks of pixels and we do not   want that so we're going to use an upscaler and  today I'm going to be using AI Nero currently you   get five free credits a day to upscale your image  so I'm going to click on download and download   that image so we're now going to take this image  into S5 to create our perspective or projection   camera step two is installing F spy which will  create us a camera that we can then import into   blender each image that you bring into F spy  will be completely different and have different   perspective lines but what it allows you to do is  ultimately create a camera that you can then model   in blender from there are two zip files on this  website that we want to download the first being   the program and the second being the installation  plugin for blender if you head over to the F Spy   website there's a big green download button and  that's to install the actual program onto your PC   you'll be taken to a GitHub page where you just  need to download the extension with   at the end if you're running on Windows and if  you download that and unzip that onto your PC   you'll be able to see a f-spy.exe file which you  need to double click in order to run the program   once that's installed you need to head back to the  F Spy website and if you scroll down from the main   page you'll see the official F spy importer add-on  this is the zip file which we're then going to   install directly into blender download that file  by going to this big green coder button over here   and come down to where it says download zip and  download that zip file if you just fire up blender   and go to edit preferences and go to install  and just find that F spy blender Master click   on install add-on no need to unzip it or anything  and you should find it in your search bar up here   just make sure it's checked in the check box there  go to the hamburger icon and save preferences and   you're good to go when you go to file and then  to import you should see dot f spy here so now   minimize blender and where you unzipped the first  F spy folder just navigate to the F spy.exe and   give it a double click and that will launch F spy  so you can simply drag and drop the image you've   got out of mid Journey here or go up to file  and open image this is s by and the first time   you use it it does look a bit intimidating but do  not worry all you need to focus on pretty much is   this Gizmo here this is the most important thing  in f-spot we want each corresponding axi to line   up with our image as perfectly as possible the  x-axis is the horizontal line across the image   so you've got Z X and Y these lines here are  what we are going to place manually to help the   program understand what is z x and y you can see  our y-axis so we need to Mark the vanishing point   if we put this green line here which denotes the  y axis and then this green line here to the other   side you can see it's creating a vanishing point  at the end of this road now it's quite hard to see   where you're laying these lines down so you need  to come over to the left hand side and uncheck   this dim image box here and then that will help  you position your lines further you can also hold   shift on the keyboard and position the lines and  you'll get this lovely big magnifying glass that   will help you a little bit more so as you see  while I'm lining these lines up this Gizmo in   the middle which I said is vital is sort of lining  up as well and positioning itself correctly you   can see my x-axis off I want that to be horizontal  with the floor plane so I'm going to put my Z axes   here I'm just going to find a basically a vertical  line on the drawing so it's important to line up   for instance my Z axi parallel to one another so  the program can measure the distance between them   that is looking good and if you check my Gizmo the  Z axi is pointing straight upwards in line with   everything else so it's looking good so far and  to check that your lines are in the right place   if we go down here to 3D guide to the drop down  menu and go to X Y grid you can then place your   Grid in and just make sure everything is lining up  you can switch to box as well and just check that   your box looks like it belongs in that perspective  you can also line it up to any of the lines in the   image and just double check that everything is  lining up nicely if there's anything out you can   adjust these lines further to get it correct this  is It's the final position where your projection   will load up in blender so it's important to  try and Center this Gizmo as well as possible   so that's all looking good and I'm ready to import  this into blender so I'm going to go to file and   go to save as and save this and we're going to  now bring this camera projection into blender   step 3 adding projection camera and material to 3D  geometry so I've just opened up a blender project   I'm just going to Mark you select and delete any  objects that are in the scene I'm then going to   go up to file and import you should have F to buy  here if you don't go back to the beginning of the   tutorial and install it so I'm going to click on  that I'm going to navigate to the S5 file which   was cyber underscore in via DOT F spite for me  I'm just going to click on import fsp project   file you can see here straight away it creates  an F spy camera up here in the scene collection   and is automatically projecting that scene now on  your keyboard if you press zero on the key number   pad you can see that the camera is not projecting  onto any plane at all it's actually projecting   onto itself it's quite clever so I'm going to  press zero again on the number keypad this is a   super easy modeling we're just going to be using  a plane so to access your planes hold down shift   and a and go to mesh and across from mesh select  plane so I'm going to create another window so you   can see exactly what I'm doing from the top left  of this window when I get the crosshead I'm just   going to left click and drag and that creates you  another window and in this window you can see my   plane and my projection camera there now I'm just  going to select this plane and go to object mode   up here and edit mode I'm going to click on edge  mode which is here I'm going to then select the   back Edge which is here and press G and Y and then  I'm just going to extrude that back Edge right to   my vanishing point down there so this is what  it looks like so far remember the Y axi is from   the viewport right down to the vanishing point I'm  now going to come back down to edit mode and I can   press s for scale and then X for scaling on the  x-axis so it will just scale along the horizontal   line so I'm going to select both edges on either  side of the road and then press e to extrude and   then Z to make sure that it's on the z-axis I'm  just going to come up there and extrude up to the   pavement I'm now going to select the left side and  again repeat that process press e to extrude and   then X so it just snaps to the x-axis and again  once more e to extrude and then X to extrude on   the x-axis so I'm going to click on both edges  of the sidewalk here and then press e to extrude   and then Z so it snaps to the Z axis there and  I'm going to come right up there to the top of   the buildings and I'm just going to go to Edge and  I'm going to then go to bridge Edge loops and then   again at the back I'm going to do the same select  both edges and then click on bridge Edge Loops   that is now pretty much all the modeling we need  to do if we come out of edit mode and come back to   object and we need to go over to the shading tab  so we want to apply the material so once in the   shading tab ensure your object is selected and go  to new we just want to delete the printable bsdf   node by selecting it and hitting delete we want  to select the material output and on the keyboard   hold down control and T this activates your node  Wrangler if nothing happened when you press Ctrl   and T your no Wrangler is not not enabled so I  suggest you go and enable that and to do that   you go up to edit and down to preferences  and just type in the search bar here node wrangular and all you need to do is just make sure  that box is checked and go to this hamburger icon   and click save preferences and then just repeat  that process again just click on material output   and hold down Ctrl NT on the keyboard and these  should come up here now in the image texture this   is where we're going to load our upscaled image  it will look a mess when you import that in but   do not worry we're going to fix that now so if you  come over to the spanner icon over here and from   the add modifiers drop down list you want to go  to subdivision surface so give that a click and   it will be selected default as cat and mole  clerk but want to switch that over to simple   and then on the level viewport we want to add  five onto there and then on the render we want   to make that five as well so next I want to go  back up to the add modifier drop down and come   over to UV project which is there now under the UV  map section here just select that box and select   the only UV map that should be in the scene  and then come down to object and then under   object select your dot f spy camera what  we need to do is put the height and the   width of our original upscale image into here  just go back to your image right click go to   properties and details and your resolution or  your Dimensions will be there so mine is 4196   by 2796 so yours will probably be different  so I'm just going to go in and type in 419696 now there's a really really annoying Edge repeat  around there and we can change that because that   is currently set to repeat in the settings so  if you come back down to your image node and   come down where it says repeat and hit that  drop down box and select clip that will give   you a black area so that makes it a lot easier to  see your actual image as you can see we're slowly   building up our 3D scene now if you click on the  projection camera and move it bad things happen   we do not want to do that so what we need to do  is just make a copy of that camera so hold down   shift and d and then right click on your mouse  and that will create a copy now if you go back   to the original camera on the object properties  here we need to just lock that camera into place   just hit these padlocks and it will not move  now we're going to give our new camera a name   and I'm going to call it movie cam one with  movie cam one now selected we just move that   and then right click on the camera and click set  active camera so this is now our camera that we're   going to be using to go through our scene so when  you go in and out of your scene just make note of   what is distorting so you can see these bins on  the right are distorting and this plant and the   neon signs I'm going to bring this tree in here  as a plane and then this neon sign I'm going to   use UV projection so you can see both methods to  see which suits your scene best in this step I'm   just removing the background from the plant tree  shrub thing you can use any free software to do   this I've put some links in my description if you  do not have Photoshop so the first thing I'm going   to do is right click on my background and click  layer from the background okie dokie and I'm   going to use this Great Hall from Photoshop which  is the object selection tool and then just simply   select the object you want to select and voila  it creates a selection of that specific object   so I'm going to press Ctrl and J on the keyboard  and that just transfers the selection to another   layer so I'm just going to call that plant and  then I'm going to right click on my plant layer   duplicate layer and go to documents and then new  and then OK and then to image and trim that baby   down I'm going to go to file and Export that baby  out of here so I'm exporting it as a PNG and I'm   going to bring that in as a plane into blender I  hope that's plain and simple so if we head back   to our blender scene or we can import our plant  as a planer so if you hold down shift n a on the   keyboard and then go to image and then across two  images as planes we then want to navigate to our   plan file that we just exported as a PNG outside  of Photoshop so the material settings we need to   ensure that is set on and knit and then click on  import images as planes and there she is we have   our plant so I'm just going to press G and then  Y and then push her back on the y-axis and just   position position her over here give her a little  bit of a scale up there and you can see there the   left side is clipping into the original wall so we  want to bring it out slightly and just sort of Set   It roughly where the original plant was it doesn't  have to be in the exact same spot and we're just   going to then click on our movie camera and move  her g y forwards and as you can see we've got the   original stretching of obviously the neon light  and the plant going on we are actually going to   use in painting in a moment to remove those so  method number two I'm going to project onto this   neon light in order to do that I'm going to make  a square or rectangle object for that neon light   and just grab a plane and then I'm just going to  Simply position that plane where that neon light   is with our object selected we're going to go to  object mode edit and then on the keyboard just   a this will select all the faces and then on  the keyboard just press U and then from this   menu just select project from View and from the  material properties I've assigned the original   background material or create a new material  base color image texture open and then again   select the original background and as you can see  now if I come out of the camera mode you can see   we actually have a 3D object you can do that with  multiple objects in your scene especially if your   character is interacting with them walking behind  them it usually works best as a 3D physical object   but you can also use a plain technique for objects  in the foreground or the background we obviously   now want to get rid of the duplicates in the  background that are on our scene so you can see   our neon light and our really stretched elements  in the background and I've got super super very   cool AI tool for you to use for this it's called  Runway and I can see myself using this lots and   lots in future tutorials if we head over to Runway  so this is Runway this is where we're going to be   essentially using their tools to kind of do image  to image in painting my GPU currently is dying a   very slow death and running things on my PC is  not The Way Forward having access to all the AI   Tools in a browser is insane I'll be using this  erase and replace tool so simply upload the image   that you want to use and to use this big purple  brush to paint out what you don't want to see in   the scene so I'm going to start off with these  bins so I'm going to just type in side walk with   closed garage doors so fingers crossed this will  work and that will magically generate a better   image to work with and here we go it's created a  sidewalk with closed garages that is pretty neat   and let's have a look what it's giving me so it's  giving me a couple of options and I'm just using   the arrows just to rotate for them this probably  best represents the scene so I'm going to click   accept so now I'm going to quickly go through  this entire image and just remove elements and   replace them with what I want to see using the  prompt feature once we have finished removing   all the bits we don't want in our image we simply  just go and download that to a download folder and   head back into blender and upload that into the  background so see you there so now we're back in   blender just select your Alleyway object and go  to material properties down here we just want to   replace the image with our new Runway image that  we just downloaded as you can see it's all coming   together nicely I've just switched over to my  movie camera remember that's the only one we're   going to move and I've added a keyframe at the  start of the animation and I've moved her right   into the scene and back again just to check  for any items or objects or materials that are   stretching but it's looking pretty good so we've  got our plant there and our 3D object you might   remember in the original emitter we had wires in  our scene so I'm going to recreate those wires   quickly because it's quite nice to mix a 2D and 3D  elements together so I'm going to hold down shift   a and go to mesh and add a cube and this cube  is literally just going to be where the starting   point of our wire is going to be and just going  to scale that there and then I'm going to shift   d to duplicate and then a right Mouse click to  place and then just put that there and then hold   down shift and select both of these cubes so with  both cubes selected I'm going to hold down shift   and a to open up our menu and come down to the  second option which is curve and then come down   to not and then select catenary catenary catenary  catenary I'm sure someone's going to correct me   in the comments there and click on that and you  can see it's created our wire straight away we   actually get an optional menu here which we can  actually adjust the drop of the wire we can also   increase its resolution and its actual thickness  as well so we actually do want to see it in the   scenes we want it quite fit you can go ahead  and use that to add multiple wires to your scene let's take a look at our 3D scene as you can see  the geometry is super simple and this could be put   together in five minutes or less once you get the  workflow down so if I hit zero on the keyboard and   change my material Shader so I can see everything  in the scene if I hit spacebar on the keyboard you   can see I've added two keyframes to this camera  and it's just simply moving into the scene I've   also added a shakify camera effect which is super  cool and the plugin is in the description below   and is absolutely free and super easy to install  you just go to edit preferences and install the   zip the Shaker 5 camera once installed will  then appear in your camera object properties   under camera Shaker fire there are so many  cool settings in this this guy who created   this created all different scenarios so walking  or if you're on a bike so this is a really cool   effect to add to your camera also I've enabled a  depth of Phil which is obviously included in the   blender itself you don't have to install this and  you can actually set the distance of your depth of   field or a focus object so if you have a character  in your scene you can make the background blurry   behind them and have them in Focus part two of  this next series is adding our character into the   scene so please hit the notification And subscribe  so you get that video I hope you can take some   techniques away from this video I tried to keep it  as simple as possible so if you're new to blender   hopefully this is a nice introduction to using  it and of course it's not a perfect technique   but remember to get our stories and to get our  animation out there we don't need it to be perfect   Perfection is the enemy of done or something like  that if you want to add me to your social media I   would absolutely love that my Instagram is at  prompted news my Twitter is at prompt Muse and   my Facebook is a prompt Muse and of course course  I have the website where we have   started an absolutely free Weekly Newsletter the  newsletter as well as all the online resources   on the website is absolutely free  just as a massive thank you for you subscribing   to this Channel and hopefully the newsletter as  well and thank you guys to every single one of you   that comment in the comment section below of this  video and all the other videos I read every single   one thanks so much for coming on this journey with  me and I hopefully we're going to have some great   times and some Innovations along the way with that  said thank you so much and that will do it bye
Channel: Prompt Muse
Views: 225,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aiactor, aianimation, ai enviroment, midjourney, runway
Id: 5ntdkwAt3Uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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