AI in Blender is a BIG Deal! (ChatGPT Challenge)

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what's up everybody it's your boy Nate if you haven't heard the news already AI has been getting increasingly impressive making a lot of artists question whether or not AI is going to be taking over their jobs like it did for Google and Microsoft folks so far I've seen Incredible use cases for AI and 3D programs to help create amazing renders 3D models and animation but so far all of the techniques are super clunky and may even rely on a bunch of different softwares so today I'm going to be talking about chat GPT which is one of the most popular AIS have come out mostly because it can handle natural language processing which just means that you can talk to it like you're talking to a regular person and it just has this vast knowledge or Bank of information that it can sift through and sort out and provide to you in a nice synthesized way that's actually relevant so we're going to be testing out how far we can push chat gbt and blender to see whether or not it's able to handle some complex tasks in blender now naturally the AI cannot plug it directly into blender it's what we're going to be doing for this challenge is we're going to ask it to do some very specific tasks and then write us out a piece of code that we can then plug into the scripting section of blender another huge point of the challenge is that we're not going to use any add-ons or set up anything specific in blender beforehand so I'm going to be using the stock version of blender 3.4 which is the newest release version of blender and honestly I have no idea how these results are going to turn out so for the first challenge I want to see if chat GPT can create something a little bit more complicated than just a primitive like a cube or a sphere and that is Gabe I want to see if Chachi BT can create something a little bit more complex than a basic primitive like a cube or a sphere so instead I'm going to tell it to create a randomly generated terrain and the reason for this is because there's a bunch of different ways that you can go about creating a Terrain also a Terrain is not a basic primitive that I can just say okay go ahead and add terrain you know it's gonna have to use a bit of complex thinking and synthesizing to know what a Terrain is know how to actually achieve that result and then feed us the script that's going to do exactly that from just using a basic General project in blender so this is the code that it fed us and all we have to do is just plug this into the scripting panel click on new copy and paste that code in and hit run and hopefully we're gonna get a result but already I can tell that this is giving back a trace back error so something is actually wrong with this code let's hop back into chat gbt to see if it's actually able to understand what's going on so we don't have to fix this ourselves okay and impressively enough it actually realizes the error with the code that it gave us and it says that if we're using blender 2.8 or later there's going to be a different line of code that we have to include and it even gives us an explanation as well as a brand new code that we can use to plug into this wow just like that I gotta say this isn't the best looking terrain but I gotta give it some props for going about this in a pretty interesting way such as using a noise map and a displacement modifier on a subdivided plane this is this is pretty cool for modeling something I think Chachi BT gets a win it's not a 10 out of 10 knocking it out the park but it is a solid maybe six out of ten because this is something that we could probably go ahead and modify a little bit more on our own end to add that artistic Vision great job chat gbt alright so for the next challenge I want to see if chat gbt can actually animate something so one thing I have in mind is animating a cube and making it change colors but as a little bit of a Twist I don't want it to just change its regular color channels I actually want this Cube to emit light and change colors randomly as time goes on this is something that is relatively simple but tedious to set up in blender so I'm hoping that check gbt can give us a script that's just going to handle this right out the gate so this is how I'm giving it the prompts and this is the initial code that it gives us back and again it looks like we're getting an error so let's go ahead and see if Chachi PT can troubleshoot this process I'm not going to give it any additional context just going to copy and paste in that error code and feed it right back into it and see if it knows what's actually going on the really cool thing that I'm noticing about this is that not only does it give us the code but it gives us descriptions for each line of code so we know what's it's supposed to be doing and then when we feed it back in error message it also tries to think about why that error message is happening and how it can resolve it so we don't have to be experts at code at all we just need to know how to copy and paste which is freaking mind-blowing and this is the updated code which I think chat gbt knocks it out the park it definitely creates a cube with an emissive material and that emission color changes over time now one little d detail about it is that the color is not as vibrant as I'd like it to be but it gives us an explanation as to how we can actually improve this or tune it to our liking so if I just go ahead and increase the strength of these a bit all of a sudden we have this nice neon looking Cube that changes color it's freaking cool okay and now for the last test I want to give chat GPT something that is going to be super hard to do which is take something such as a concept and then turn it into an actual usable thing in blender and that is three-point lighting so three-point lighting is a lighting technique that a lot of artists use whether it's photography filmmaking and we even talked about it in our previous video but I want to see if chat gbt can create as a script that's gonna automatically create three points of light position them correctly know which light is the fill light the key light and the backlight all without us having to do anything manually so let's go ahead and feed it this prompt and see what it says already my mind is getting blown because holy crap it knows what 3 Point lighting is it's even labeling all three of the lights so it's actually understanding what I'm asking of it it's not just creating three light sources in the center even more amazing is at the very bottom we have an explanation for each of the lights and how we can fine tune this to our liking so off the bat this is amazing you know what I'm gonna give it another challenge I'm gonna ask it to make these instead of Point lights let's try and have it make them spotlights as if we were using a real world lighting scenario and Bam just like that it's actually even changing these to spotlights which is freaking mind-blowing now one of the issues I'm seeing here is that the spotlights are not angled toward the object itself but I already Gotta Give It mad props for just creating it in its own way which I think is super impressive so for this case scenario I Gotta Give chat gbt an 8 out of 10 knocks it out the park here so already these are just my initial tests and challenges with chat gbt and blender but I'm pretty sure that just given a little bit more time and a little bit more strategy and planning as to what you can create maybe AI is not going to take your job but instead it's going to help you create even more impressive stuff because I know that the learning curve for getting into scripting is super high and then there's a lot of different things in blender that can become tedious and may benefit from having AI as your own personal troubleshooter and liaison for creating different things my mind's blown I'm super impressed and I'm excited to see what you guys create with AI and blender anyways if this is your first time on the Channel I want you guys to go ahead and hit that subscribe button and ding that notification Bell so you don't miss out on any of the super dope stuff also if you're interested in a way to improve your renders and blender whether that's your car renders or animations or anything for that matter I highly recommend you check out this video that we have it talks about one of the best lighting techniques that you can possibly know in blender and how you can set it up so that your renders just come out looking amazing every time anyways thanks for watching I hope to catch you on the next one alright peace
Channel: Black Mixture
Views: 40,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmixture, blender, ai, chatgpt, blender ai, openai, text ai, blender chatgpt, gptchat, chatgtp, chatgpt tutorial, Blender ai tutorial, blender 3.4, blender 3.5, chat gpt, chatgpt explained, motion graphics, blender ai animation, blender scripting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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