1v1 Arabia | Berbers vs Turks | vs Kasva

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arabia you ever come to gdansk let me know we'll see did you get to go on vacation in norwich this summer i'm leaving on location to norway in 11 days 30th of august going to norway for a week that'll be the first time i see my family in in two years that's gonna be good [Music] i probably have time for two more games then i'm gonna have to leave my wrist appointment so we'll do two more the brothers live in germany oh my brothers live in norway would they live in germany that's a weird question just out of blue oh your brothers live in germany and why rebel viper go on vacation no big expectation no practice much well i'll get enough practice don't worry about that or as much practice as my wrist allows me pretty much how much practice i'm gonna get thank you olafis i hope so as well i'm pretty sure what to expect he's also gonna look at my finger situation so all i know that has some impact on why my hand and wrist has felt uncomfortable most excited for besides seeing family seeing friends uh family friends and also eating some of the norwegian cuisine or my childhood cuisine you can say norwegian uh food products that i've missed living in germany things like that just the fresh air of norway of a a town next to the coast got the nature it's a lot of things fresh air equals rain no fresh air equals fresh air it's something when you when you land in tromso after being down like somewhere warm with warm summers and such the air just immediately hits you and it just feels fresh women every country has beautiful women to be fair you can make that statement about every country let's look for the doc did you play before going deliberately or is it just coincidence that you are going to like today i always knew i had the doctor's appointment today but i was eating on a stream before or after the appointment and i was up early i figured it made sense to stream before i think we're just going to take a risk here and assume that our boar is in this dark patch there wait it's up there i'm blind i was looking for him it was actually sitting on this black tile crazy so many times habit keep the fingers moving habit just that really no strategic reason for clicking the town center more than you have to i've been in trouble once with my dad i'm from south east of finland cool how do you like it i've been to finland a few times i've been to helsinki i've been to milan and uh also to levy for skiing i like finland nice country you like to know arabia feelings about it i kind of wasn't sure what i want to go for i think i'll go my arms changed my mind last second back to new sips uh so far i think they seem okay so i guess the answer to your question is which vegetable would you marry no choice nearly chose a pumpkin why would i have to marry a vegetable hope i didn't miss my arms now that they passed me enough to get very awkward held at gunpoint maybe oh good move by me as well i think in the end i got the better trade both lost the villager i denied this what what's happening there why was that not wolf it looks like we're gonna deny his i think we have served our purpose over there so we're just gonna go back should be able to get a jump on those [Music] very nice i realized i didn't answer the very important which vegetable vegetable would i marry a question i don't know send me a list of vegetables and i'll think about it that wasn't great five archers two skirms again tomato hate tomatoes actually yeah i would make america a tomato because i hate tomatoes and a tomato to be married to me would be a living nightmare for tomato that'll be my way to take revenge on old tomatoes i have to be careful here this um tomatoes are awesome tomatoes every time there's a tomato on my hamburger or something it's like no no no no no this hamburger is ruined no like i think we stick with just skirms for now just have no reason to make anything else well this is something i have may have forgotten about okay let me just dive on the arches then yes remember we are upgrades we just went all the way back it could have gone way worse than it went to as well to be a bit fair heard about halo tomatoes or address that somehow don't remember sending all my wheels off of gold i guess those are the bills we're hunting here right now i feel like because my poor early game trades i kind of have to just get back unfortunately i don't think i can go attack would be suicidal [Music] he has a scary amount of archers [Music] so for him to hit castle while i'm still stuck in fuel age i'm getting very ugly i think he's being too active though considering that he is i have full counter units there's no need for him to be that active t90 and me viper is such an incredible player viper forget basic blacksmith upgrades happy four years happens man you know sometimes you forget blacksmith upgrades sometimes you build three ranges on neutral island these things happen okay it doesn't matter how good you are just how the game is played okay [Music] his composition is gonna be way more scary than mine but thank you man four years oh boy boy long long time i wrapped the nail acting for the eight months as well i think i just go do i go like full stable units who do i [Music] i'm not sure how exactly i should approach this that's the waste of him okay let's do that should have may have been a tc on that side i dude i am t9 is longest sub i would be impressed if you found someone with a shorter or longer sub it's called sub tweak than me [Music] oh i forgot i needed to make a sea workshop yeah the thesis should have been there this is gonna get super awkward very fast oh boy i hope you guys are ready to see a dead snake [Music] i'm in a bad bad spot he's actually being careful going in which makes sense because i'm berbers at the same time if he only knew the potential of damage he had there for a little bit oh he's going for camels as well hate it when other people have units i get out of here without losing the night oh we didn't lose a single night let's go oh we lost one night damn it i'm a noob oh there's a monk there casual monk chilling okay um all in all this went way better than it should have for us we did not deserve to come out of this okay diamonds are bad um cameras are good if you have decent upgrades you didn't really have upgrades oh my god what am i doing oh [Music] stop it man just let me get my stuff in peace what i lost all three monks just like that let's go for the what okay let's go for the heavy stuff the manganese if they perform any better i still feel like i should be in a way worse position than i am and honestly not a chance in the world that i should be alive in this game now though the good thing is right now is that he now has to be paying attention at home [Music] and that then things like this happen let's go where are your crossbows now sir and now we're certainly fine feels good man we should never have been fine but we are one counter attack or some attention to be spent elsewhere miracles can happen now we go back home we clean up his army we heal up our own army life is good never stop being housed [Music] which isn't great but okay see if we can cut off those camels 600 wood is okay absolutely [Music] i think i want to switch into full light cab even we don't need to make we don't need to make more nights waste precious gold you can confirm if i push all this up let me let me i'm going to check tristan's channel yeah okay all the sub nut let's see we go here so if i go to chat 55 months you see this that's 55 months he only had 48 months on my channel oh there's a castle drop [Music] [Music] tiny bit awkward what do i want to build here question mark [Music] oh he still doesn't have great upgrades on the camels he didn't have [Music] as far as i saw why am i still housed build houses [Music] trapped not trapped well this is immediately getting a little bit more awkward and kind of out of control type of situation you know but i still think we're fine deep down i want to believe we're fine deep down [Music] i really want to drop my own cast monks [Music] i don't think how i want to approach this now can i get away with a forecastle i stay forward a bit of a backwards castle really but oh well hello there it's an interesting approach i must say interesting take on the doubt castle very interesting indeed uh i guess we're just gonna have to fight it out here and hope that the our faith in the lord carries us through which i think it will [Music] this has all been essentially calculated from start to finish is how i expected the game to play out [Music] he's just going full animals which should be good for me because my my cameras are cheaper you know so i think that's something i'm cool with [Music] we need to get rid of that castle though that castle annoys me okay he's preparing it now he has more numbers than us at the moment for sure or maybe it doesn't so we might get away with that i have to admit i was pretty sure we were big amounts of dead earlier the fact that we're here and complain yeah we're shooting banana projectiles those who are confused it's it's bananas naturally i know what makes sense brown bananas there's some some form of banana yes i would like another castle there then we're in a pretty healthy spot we can also make our our stuff our units uh foreign [Music] don't worry i left you free on my terms they have an overreaction from me honestly did the trick is he just gonna try to raid me to death now that real the plan come on you're better than this i'm just building up my i want to build up my cam launcher numbers as well now i know he has a lot of pierce armor and all that stuff but tell me a situation where cam lodges are bad he has kind of fully stonewalled this whole side there's a limit to how much exactly we can do get him batman there's a few camels there i might have to make more of my own camels get away with that my cameras also regenerate now by the way that's pretty pog [Music] [Music] [Music] guess he's preparing for bomber cannons yeah watches maybe relics we have a relic advantage archery range it has to be camouflage uh car watches right there's no other unit that has that face effectively or can trade requests looking pretty good perks simply have no answer to berbers um seadram and i mean curlager gets tough for sure definitely does get tough in privilege you what mate you what bro you trying to trap me down that's a lot of camels there's a lot of camels oh hank and there's okay if i can get rid of one more trebuchet we should be fine well get that get that one as well it's a very desperate fight for him okay now we're fine we should save the castle and he wasted a lot of units banana power then we've got camel actually pretty good time as well or at least cam washers think that might be all she wrote unless he wants to keep trying he didn't need to fight after like that uh yes and no he didn't need to obviously but he's in a situation where he has the that was the best chance he had to take a good fight with the population um he was maxed out most of his army was gold units he had trebuchets it was his best chance to make a push i'm gonna pull this back because i actually regenerate hp on my camels to make sense to not keep them around um so if you think about it the longer the game goes the the worse his composition kind of gets when there is zero gold berbers will have a better composition as well so and also have the relic advantage so in his shoes he's kind of in a situation where he will have to oh my god we even found more stone he will have to take a fight at some point because the long game is a losing game so that was my opinion the chance he had to take or have a situation where he could take a good fight but i had enough follow-up um defend in the end but i think it was a good decision for him to attack was kind of the only decision now he's in a situation where he will unlikely succeed no matter what he does [Music] there's okay it's also probably the right thing to do try to raid if you can do equal damage i think i'm too well set up here to kill berbers not 100 true but marvelous alberta is good c drum is also a really good unit to kill berbers we have an opening on the side we're ramming our way through the center it doesn't really have much of an answer not sure why i lost my control groups my tc control group oh what's happening here thank god these guys regenerate i'm not sure what happened there that's a really big waste okay still has some solid gold but it looks a bit i think he had the chance to kill my cam lodges there i'm actually trapped [Music] i want to use control grip instead of select all tc because i don't always want to select all my tcs simple as that really [Music] i've lost some villagers it also means i have a lot of huge army now [Music] oh no those are still my alive income is getting lower though but i still have enough to produce everything i need [Music] this is fine i believe it is fine indeed [Music] 58 farmers not really enough you cannot even even the hustler have extra pierce armor oh i don't have ballistics [Music] oh okay that explains a little bit of why this hasn't been more heavy in my favor as of yet [Music] foreign this is in theory open now yeah i mean pasta is a great unit but it can only get you so far [Music] [Music] thank you just dive in here with those units see what we can do this is the issue he's gonna have a really hard time to clean up these guys especially with just a star [Music] there's green camels it makes it a bit more awkward for me maybe i just wasted my whole cam launcher mess eventually that's a bad move [Music] just underestimating the third custard maybe yeah we're trading well still [Music] we are in his economy as well now yeah i'm still winning that fight and once i can start to kill the farm i can to kill farmers of his which we can now it's gonna be it's gonna start looking nicer you clean up the top side i'm just gonna commit this into his economy i think or maybe just like this that works as well you can make skirms i can make skerms yes you think i should make skirms are you suggesting i make skirmishers [Music] what is my opponent making he's only going after yeah you know what skirmisher makes sense makes sense hello next wave is coming it was a good game though i think you should have won the game in castleage honestly uh when he got in with the early castlish army with the crossbows the camels i should never have won this game i think you know he had a hell he had a ton of farms you could spam hustler forever if i didn't start raiding him for show i don't know the power of skirms the leno thank you for the 14 months ace john thanks for 38 my input grin with the five appreciate that the issue the issue so there's a this is actually weird but sometimes the issue with raiding berbers the berber player is that you let him have a higher army count so if you raid me down to like 90 villagers after i've already gathered all the golden stone on the map i don't mind as long as i have like 60 to 70 farmers i can spam hussar and then you end up with like 50 camel archers and 50 hussar suddenly and that's like an impossible army to kill at this stage especially with a civ like turks [Music] and nordcha 38 thanks for eight months hyperviper thank you for three cowards just died you only got 10 left i mean right now these will have died those 10 will die good viper you know that i have another 13 here and i can always sell resources or make more with the relic hole that comes in wasn't read thanks for 1000 bits as well and thank you for the kind words yeah at this point he's just suffering too much from the rates right so yeah g2g
Channel: TheViper
Views: 39,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: WjqqUMbv6x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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