This Hammer Bro Level Was EXTREMELY FUN — Mario Maker 2 Super Expert (No-Skips)

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all right let's do some super Expo no skips four six level one Iggy's imposing the platformer this is a goal I'm singing prematurely I knew it dude I was like there's something here [Music] oh sick wait hold on there's more no that's a soft lock if I go up there so I'm not gonna go up there I don't need you lollyby is there a door here might be DLC door yeah I don't know why I did that I just want to make this level harder yep [Music] it's gonna be like a pick your own adventure kind of thing or it's I'm a thread coin it's like Vegeta I think it's a picture of an adventure well no point in that I already missed two it was a big Human Adventure kind of oh look at the fans at least oh nice indication oh good thing already missed one otherwise I'll be said I missed that coin oh my God I was gonna go through the ground there you woke up and I didn't realize it foreign here James Harden come here buddy actually creative though what the heck oh how did nine of those Bonk you oh that's unfortunate I went through James Harden I did it again James Harden not only has setbacks but he has the schmooze [Music] whoops okay we're gonna talk about that one how how oh my God stop conquer you don't exist anymore well we're trending or DLC was that Fantastical though [Music] level two [Music] at the end [Music] whoops and dig down through today [Music] oh my God wait why don't you just do this I need to uh actually have this on again huh whatever YOLO don't need it on Yo cheese I'm out of here thanks for playing the game I'm gonna trust the level I guess so I think there's a pipe down here what the heck I hate this Trump [Music] yeah there's a pipe here nice okay fantastic [Music] uh I don't think there's cheese I wanted to go back but I don't think you can actually get up there with the ocean foreign [Music] yeah that's something more records somehow level three Challenge number 36 this is gonna be a Leto level [Music] soccer in a minute or actually it's not a little okay then you just have to bum rush this right [Music] do I 1.8 yeah I mean I think I just about Russia oh no I have to throw the needle right there okay I think I have to do this in one motion [Music] I guess it's kind of this like stupid precise [Music] is it that precise I don't know [Music] and not precise actually it's super precise I'm just a god gamer oh record I was gonna level four Hammer Bros eradication oh good little name okay at least there's no clear cons so I don't think I do at the fight all of them the ones on munchers only shoot one at a time [Music] I think they actually do doesn't seem like RNG [Music] no is this where I get the Showman [Music] I should have held left there I should have done it okay now I don't do it that time I just whiffed oh this is kind of very creative though you said Bros ah [Music] I'm gonna do this I think this might be the no I'm gonna do one piece wrench at a time okay I should probably take my time with this guy hmm now wait for two Hammers and then I go because every time I try to do the first one that's he's in a not good position okay only for three three is to play [Music] [Music] foreign oh that's more yeah I guess when they're on munchers they they shoot one at like the same time each time I guess on a rail too when they're on a not a rail or uh uh I'm Focus mode I'm bald when you're just like out in the open they sometimes throw two and sometimes they're one it's like different intervals I'm here I think this you know c one two and then three and we go oh baby so this is pretty deterministic [Music] you're gonna be fast AF [Music] I knew that was gonna happen I saw that I was like please don't hit me what the heck is it oh I see what to do I think I think I have to wait in between them I hope I'm scared no but do I have enough room to wane between it I saw two x's there even if I duck yo cycle skip [Music] okay see me shooting hit me here I think I just make it across I think that's what we have to do that's I think that means 15 seconds wait this little this Wall's actually kind of sick oh what [Music] oh wait there's more [Music] okay I gotta never mind I thought I was gonna Crunchwrap it what are we doing here what [Music] why did it tell me to go there wait am I supposed to Bonk this guy all the way to the right no wait I think the goal is to somehow kill the big Sledge bro oh we have to we have to use it on okay yeah cause uh oh my God it's difficult no how do you wow this is insane what you're supposed to do all that without getting hit what ah the fact that the career did just start to finish as well as impressive thank you no no no no no no no right away thanks we get over here get your butt over there oh yeah you guys get over there oh what no get your bottom oh thanks now let's see this little is actually kind of fantastic you probably couldn't see when I was on the left side because that wasn't the way it wasn't I this is always great oh my God level five looter reachables Cat Mario [Music] 's not whenever we oh you why did you have to bump oh that one's going to the right maybe I'm just gonna jump I think jumping might be better for that part [Music] Bonk interesting a little so far I got hard baited I thought I was gonna keep going shoot well that's not good all right I got the I got the the combo see we jump and long jump and I almost still got taken out I'm just gonna send it that's fine [Music] okay I can just ride it all the way oh this we're sure if I was supposed to get that 10 coin [Music] oh that momentum was insane sorry [Music] we see a bird on there oh [Music] let's put this here it's not the worst place ever but that's definitely a why moment it was like in the middle level we would have some issues but whatever level six the forest Discovery winky face we should go after grabbing at least 53 coins that was gonna be a spinous upset that was oh I didn't think that through when I hit that should I have a spiny show me I'm just gonna do this it's gonna take a little bit of time here there's a coin on there too only there I hope that block I killed with the Shelmet does not have a coin in it [Music] okay whatever I don't need that third one joke's on you what we do in this situation is well I guess doesn't matter because I need to actually still bring get a key I think it's pick a key door but I can do this at least [Music] and now I figure out which keyboard is or it could be that one on the bottom I don't know we also just need to find the other two thread coins three foreign not your boy we have begun the process of jumping for joy oh found one all right I think I'm over it I'm just gonna look this is stupid so it is pick a door it's the one it's the third one or it's the second one from the bottom where are the other coins okay this is stupid I can't beat it but that's uncleared as well so yeah I'm uh not supposed to do that uh apparently okay the block doesn't break anyway especially I can we're good so the piranha has the key you actually don't need to find red coins so yeah well if I could save some time here nothing big can actually walk here when you're small you can't do that so this makes this way easier yeah so now you're uh almost out of here thank you and you have a key I need one of you so as long as I keep one of you and it's this one [Music] oh not start over actually before I do that wait a minute hold on there's some cheese I'll show you later but it's actually not this one it's this one I'm not running damage boost still no D boost I hope so if you were small you would die well you just win atrocious soul I do want to show you uh the other doors so a door was you know this one didor's death because you can't go back see door is just this so also death because you use your key if you go to bedore right I thought it was Beetle at first and then see they hit two coins here that they can never grab and you go like this long journey all the way down it was a long journey you could probably just fall but you have a Bowser play and then you do Bowser furry and then you can get the top but I guess maybe they didn't account for this so this is cheese yeah terrible oh wait we did it level six wow can you imagine we're starting to get the sixth level beaten up a lot more frequently now all seven scaredy shows hashtag team show well it looks like the Run dies unless I one shot this [Music] [Music] what do I do there [Music] heck oh do I keep the springboard I think I do [Music] can you the springboard that later [Music] they're gonna bounce off the springboard next this seems better than we all laughs I've clutch it [Music] oh game over here that's okay 0.372 checkpoints I'll try it just don't put a triple in there making the executive decision [Music] oh okay okay that's okay that's something to do I think I have to keep throwing it up and catching it probably like I don't know I'll say four times and you still [Music] ah it's Kaizo I could still need that shell but if I don't that'll make that part a little easier so don't actually kill a buzzy should I just eat it [Music] that's the worst that'll happen I can't beat the level cool no need it heck out button Oh I thought I'd be another one because I wasn't sure if I'd make that [Music] probably should have not rushed in and see what I had to do is this the uh it says throw up why don't I throw it up there's two different ways I could do this I think there's the weird back throw and there's I guess maybe a reclaimer no no not a reclaimer I may do that never mind we're good I can't shut up I wonder why this one's .37 this one is not a 0.37er like I've seen levels that are like 0.9 and they're insanely hard I mean it's probably because only the team shell people play it and they're actually good but this one should be like [Music] I don't know 0.9 I guess more normies play it like me [Music] that's interesting oh oh okay I'm kind of Normie I don't really play Team shovels and endless [Music] see I can't show them [Music] #ts well they like at the Top If you want yeah that should have been like uh even like a one percenter there weren't any super hard shell tricks but I mean 0.37 looks good on paper I guess so this front started out strong though we got a nice uh really really cool level and then uh that was gonna die here but I guess when this is precise this level's insane big fan of the Soul one of the best songs of playing Super expert I think followed by one of the worst levels I play I was not one of the worst it was kind of bad but like not super bad and this one's not bad has a lot of plays wow it's probably why it's so low and what's going on with the super Expo algorithm but sometimes it feels like I'm playing expert and by sometimes I mean frequently I think this is like the fourth or fifth time I've gotten six no skips which doesn't happen ever like a year ago so I don't know they changed the algo but whatever as long as I'm having fun right I hate scheme I'm just kidding half kidding
Channel: PangaeaPanga
Views: 27,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario World (Video Game), Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Video Game Platform), Video Game (Industry), Mario, Mario Series (Video Game Series), Tool-assisted Speedrun, Mario Bros, Nintendo, Hack, Yoshi, Peach, Super Mario Maker 2
Id: ksSYzwKLDZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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