After Effects Tutorial - Text Explosion - No Plugins

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this video is sponsored by story blocks video today I'm going to show you guys how to explode text without using any kind of explosive just hundred-person after-effects I am Nikhil from the emotions and without any further ado let's get started if you have ever been in the need for a quick video clip for a b-roll After Effects template or motion backgrounds that story blocks video is for you I personally use story blocks for my youtube videos client projects and many other different stuff there are times when your creative needs are compromised due to low budget for example let's say I am shooting a short flim and my location is near Statue of Liberty and I want an aerial footage of Statue of Liberty and taking a drone shot would exceed my budget because drone shot are not that cheap that is when story blocks video comes in and I can easily search for an aerial footage of the Statue of Liberty and use it in my video story blocks is a subscription-based resource providing unlimited downloads of royalty free stock footage ease motion backgrounds and After Effects templates all videos a hundred percent royalty free and you can keep all the media forever new clips are added regularly so there is always something fresh to download make sure to check out story blocks video the link will be down in the description alright so yeah we are in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition which is gonna be nanny twenty by ten eighty let's make this 30fps ten seconds should be good and let's call this main as this is gonna be our main composition head okay let's create one more composition where we can drag any logo or type in any title that we want so I'll call it text head okay and select the text tool and you can of course type in anything that you want i'm zezernan type in explore let's align it into the center also for the font I'm going with the Montes add extra bold I'll just increase the size a bit and align it into the center just like so this looks good now into the main comp I can drag in my text position just like so and add an effect called chateau which is an inbuilt after-effects effect and it's very useful for creating some exploding title animations so for the view I said it too rendered so we can see the final view so you can see we have this very simple explosion of the text which looks kind of a bricks because the shape is set to break so I'll set this to glass so now you see it looks more like a glass effect but it has that depth that extrusion and I don't want this much of extrusion with this so what I can do is I can go right over here and set the extrusion to zero now I want much more pieces of glass so I can set this to around 12 you can also go very crazy if you want really you know more detailed class you can know something like that but 12 works good for me so I'm gonna go with 12 now let's go ahead into the force section and I'm just gonna bring down the force to maybe let's go with point zero five so that it doesn't moves a lot but right now you can see it it falls on to the ground or at the bottom because we have some gravity going on into our physics section so I'll turn off the gravity by setting this to zero so now it stays in to the place and we have this really nice shatter effect with just few clicks as you can see so yeah very simple and easy to create now yes you're right we can achieve the shattering effect or the exploding effect with just this few changes but we gonna try to make this very detail and add some nice depth so let's move on with the tutorial so now what I can do is I can pre calm this so hit ctrl shift C I'll call this medium pieces so I'll call this med underscore P for medium pieces move all attributes hit okay and let's add a shatter effect on to this composition again so I add that said this to render go into the shape select the last one again go back into the physics said this gravity to zero and now we have something like that now let's go ahead into the force one section and bring down this trend to 0.5 and also for the extrusion I'll bring this down to 0.1 now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna animate or give keyframes on the radius of the explosion cause I want them to you know shatter a lot into Z space so let's go to Iran maybe I'll go to four seconds and set the radius of the force one two around maybe I'll go with let's go with actually 0.1 let's start very small create a keyframe go to eight seconds and bring this up all the way up to one so if I hit you you can see we have these two keyframes and we have this really interesting look so first just this section of our text is exploding and then it moves ahead with a nice shockwave kind of feel and that is what I am going for you can see pretty simple and easy to create also let's go into the force to section and bring down the strength of this one too let's bring this down to one so it doesn't affect our force field one and then I can go into the physics section and I don't think I'm gonna change anything into the physics section now we have our big pieces of glass but now I want some nice small explosion which looks like a glass you know which has some nice particles into that so now I can select this layer and hit ctrl D to duplicate it let's rename this to SM small underscore P for pieces of small pieces and now I'm gonna change a few settings into this so let's go into the shape and I think I'm gonna increase the repetition really high to get some nice particles low so let's go all the way up to 200 just like so you can see we have this really nice particles which adds some nice depth just by increasing the repetitions also I'm gonna bring the bring down the extrusion depth to maybe point zero to cause it's gonna be very very minimal and now what I'm going to do is let's go into the force to section and increase this trend all the way up to nine and one more thing that we need to do is go into the Force One field hit u so we can see the keyframes go right over here at four seconds where we created a keyframe on the radius of Force one and increase this 2.15 that is 0.15 so we have much more particles as you can see looking pretty cool so now we have some nice detail into our text you can also play around with the force too we have already increased this maybe I'll increase this to around ten let's see what we get nothing much of a difference but now let's create one more copy so I'm gonna select the small pieces composition and hit ctrl D to duplicate it so now we have now small pieces to let's solo this up so we can see just the effects on this particular comp I'll go into the force field one and I don't think I need to change anything into this section let's move to four seconds so we can see all the changes that we have made force field - I don't think we need to change anything into this section as well I'll go into the physics section and all we need to do is increase the mass variance soil increases to maybe double so I'll cover 60% just like that and I think that is pretty much it for this layer let's duplicate the medium pieces so I'll hit control D to duplicate it put this on the top and change the blending mode - I'll go ahead darken so we have the particles in front instead of you know being being at the back you can see the big pieces and now in the front of the text and the small particles so now we have a very interesting expel going on as you can see pretty cool let's select all the layers and hit ctrl shift C to pre compose them call this animation alright and now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to 6 seconds hit s to create a keyframe on 100% go back in time let's say this to around maybe 80% then I'll move on to let's go around 6 Sun 6 6 second and 15 frames and zoom in a lot till the time all the particles are out of the frame just like so so Iran maybe I'll go with 1400 so now I can select all the keyframes and hit f9 to Easy's the keyframes go into the graph editor and if you don't see the curve into the graph editor you can right click and select edit speed graph and then I'll select this and move the handle to the right just like so so we have a much more nice animation that zooms is now the comp is a bit heavy so it may take a few seconds to you know get rendered or you know just to be previewing onto your screen anyways I'll just turn on the motion blur which will add some nice you know organic motion blur as you can see onto our animation and for the sake I'm just gonna keep it off for now go back into our timeline and now what I can do is go to somewhere around there and add our title so I'll select a new comp I'll create a new comp called this title and again it can be anything that you want I'm just gonna select the text and call it maybe a website's a little W dot visual effects I'll line it into the center make this bed smaller just like so there we go and then add some nice tracking animation on to this so I'll go ahead and add our tracking animation create a keyframe go to around ten seconds all the way and increase this so let's go back into the main comp dragging the title nice simple animation I'll select the layer and hold alt and close square bracket to cut this up it's really nice maybe it's a bit too slow and increase this really high and then what I can do is I'll go right here where all the particles are out of the frame and hit s to bring down the scale properties create a keyframe and then go back somewhere around there and let's say this to Iran maybe 60 or something and hit T to bring down opacity create a keyframe set this to zero go to 15 frames and set is 200 all right hey to you so we can see all the keyframes select the keyframes hit f9 go into the graph editor and let's give it a really nice curve just like that now let's see what we have so right now you can see the timing isn't matching properly so I'll just move them a bit back and yeah I think now it's perfect let's see maybe for the opacity I'll increase the timing a bit and for the scaling as well it's a bit too fast yep this looks much better as you can see also you can obviously turn on motion blur for these titles oh let's make this motion blur on and there we have our exploding title animation so that is a wrap for today guys I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you did then make sure to subscribe comment and like also check out my video hi fort folio from the name mean machine I make templates for After Effects professional crisp and amazing make sure to check it out the link will be down in the description and I will see you guys in the next video till then take care thank you so much for watching and don't forget to stay raw steak [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 237,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: explode text after effects, glass breaking text after effects, shatter effect after effects tutorial, text animation in after effects, after effects text tutorial, text animation, breaking text after effects, dope motions, title animation, After Effects Tutorial - Text Explosion - No Plugins, shatter text after effects, break text after effects, cut text after effects
Id: vrUlwja44-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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