KINETIX | Kinetic Typography Tutorial

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hey everyone this is Ezra Cohen and I am just so stoked about this new pack called kinetics I've always loved the kinetic type style whether it's you know standalone on its own or as a way to spice up title sequences or build energy and a commercial or in TOR visuals for a concert or anything like that and so I wanted to create a pack that would really make it easier than ever and provide a unique set of tools to do this style really quickly and effectively so here's a quick walk through of how to use this template and apply this to your own projects okay so here we are in the projects I've gone ahead and opened it up already you can see that we have this first template here open called ascend and to access all of the different styles that are part of this pack you can go to this first folder which is called oh one ready and you'll see that if you open that up you're gonna see all these different effects and you know you can start opening these and just getting a sense of all the different looks that come with this pack now essentially we've got again all the looks in this first folder called ready then in this folder here called details we have these little details which don't look like much on the surface but they just help add a lot to the sort of overall sort of finishing touches and they're fully editable and I'm gonna show you how to do that in just a minute and then finally we have these adjustments which again I'll walk through in just a minute but kind of some sample text to show all the different things that that can do and literally just set it up where you can copy and paste and you know take these adjustments and put it on your project whether it's for footage or text or a whole sequence and create these quick little you know animation moments or whatever so things like you know scroll vertical if I turn that on you'll see what it's doing our sample text there kind of create almost like a film reel type thing same thing going horizontal and then you know you can even combine these and sort of stack them in an interesting way and do some interesting things without really having a lot of effort put in or sort of starting from scratch because I've already sort of keyframe these and set them up so that you can win just as soon as you open the projects so we're gonna jump into all that and kind of how to customize it and make it your own but the first thing I want to do is this kind of a secret I felt like that I learned what someone else taught it to me recently can go up to this little thing up in your you know the top of your screen here which is your Adobe application manager and you can scroll down and go to fonts under resource links go to fonts and this is gonna bring up a new sort of site that kind of gives you access to all these amazing fonts and the one that I've kind of used a lot recently which I really love is called titling so you just enter this into the search titling hit search it's gonna bring up titling gothic FB and then I've already activated this so you're gonna see that it says all funds active but if this is off you just literally switch it you know back on and then you've got access to all these fonts and the one that I'm using the most sort of a lot of things recently but especially in this project is titling gothic FB wide bold all that to say it's an amazing resource that can you can really just search through and and you know try a bunch of fonts that maybe you haven't seen before so we're just gonna turn this back on cuz it looks like it turned off on me those are all on good to go okay so let's go ahead and open one of our sequences here and we're gonna open up the one called ascend now I've already kind of loaded this in with all the sort of text details and all that kind of stuff but for now we can just turn that off and you can kind of see how it comes stock you know this is kind of just the base of this look and if we play this you can see it's kind of almost it's like ascending kinda almost feels like we're like shooting up you know towards the top of the screen and sort of watching these like tails sort of fall off as we get higher or that's kind of the goal of this sort of like look and to edit this text it's really super simple in this case we have sort of two areas where we need to edit the text we have both the solid layer and the outline layer so we're gonna do this twice but for all of these templates and compositions it's the same concept so first of all we're going to open we're just going to double click this ascend texe solid right here so we can double click this layer and just type a send we go back to our program here we're gonna see that it says ascend up top but it still says kinetics on the bottom and all we have to do is just open up the outline version and we can double click that and same thing just say a s c e and d ascend go back to this and there we go so just like that we've edited the text now like I said before we could edit fonts and all that stuff which we can do in just a minute on some of the other options here so you know let's move on and just kind of see how that would look so on something like borders o1 we have this kind of like looping kind of look where you know we're kind of just going around in a circle I've got it same breaking news right now but we can change that to whatever we want so this in this case we're going to sort of you know let's say After Effects and then I'm going to make 1 2 3 4 5 spaces I'm gonna hit command a I'm gonna hit copy command C and then we're just gonna paste this until it bakes basically makes it all the way around so there's a little bit of work to do on some of these but it's worth it because you can really fully customize it so some of those where it's like overlapping what I'm gonna do is basically just take the size and you know get to a place where looks like maybe 51 is gonna kind of do the trick of being an even spacing there so that's looking really good again like I said earlier we can click on this layer and let's say that we want something more like a serif font so we could do you know Times New Roman if we want it to be really classic it's gonna change a little bit each time depending on you know what we're entering what text were entering all that kind of stuff so I'm just gonna add some more to the end of this and just add more so in this case it might just want to add maybe 51.5 I'm kind of just going faster we can get through a bunch of these different looks here but obviously you can just customize till your heart's content and have a bunch of amazing customization on that same thing for borders oh - this is more like a circular pattern and all that kind of stuff so then you're also gonna see so this is open by default right now but if you hit the if you click on this breaking news you know this this text file and you hit the the letter U the U shortcut and After Effects basically brings up all of your keyframes and so what we've done here is you know you can kind of see how this keyframe or this this this number changes as we scroll through and if we were to take this and go you know like this is sort of ramp this up we turn on motion blur and you're gonna see we have a much faster animation than we did just a second ago because we've changed you know the sort of final landing point so there's that now here's kind of a cool feature that some of these templates you can kind of just get creative with this stuff so this is my logo and what I've done to do that so instead of using text which before I had sort of all this text you know you could add something about an event or something like that or whatever and I've turned all that off and just put my logo here which is kind of cool and in this sequence called coin we kind of have almost a 3d look with multiple layers and so once you sort of you know that the camera sort of circling around it and it kind of feels like we have this like to this specific file so again we can kind of just do the same with any of these you know click on this depth text and we could edit all this to say you know Adobe After Effects or whatever we want this is really ugly looking but if we go to that you know just just showing you the fact that it it does the trick no matter what text you decide to put in so you can get really creative with you know more stylistic stuff that just sort of adds a punch or something that's super functional it's kind of both and/or type of thing so kind of walking through this you can kind of look through and just sort of get really creative with all your different options here now if we open this one called slitscan this one's a little bit different because as you see it's got this kind of interesting sort of look where you know it almost feels like there's like like a corrugated plastic or something like that in front of the text sort of tearing it apart and this is a - however you want - you know how you want this to look whether it's horizontal or vertically spaced or something a little bit more noisy or messy and this this is done with an effects called time displacement and so essentially what's going on with this is that you'll see that the time displacement layer is set to channel 4 - layer 4 and this is turned off right now so it's invisible but it's still affecting this text now if I were to turn this on you're gonna see that it's essentially just a black to white gradient which creates this sort of like time displacement effect where things are catching up a little bit later than others and because of the gradient effects it sort of you know has this like gradated effects so we can actually change that if you want to you can open up this slitscan displacement and you're gonna see that there's vertical scan lines if I turn that off and turn on horizontal scan lines and then we go back to slit scan we can turn this off and you're gonna see that it's more of like a this like interesting horizontal scan type thing so it gets really fun because you can start you know stacking those and you know export one version with horizontal scan lines and another with vertical scan lines etc we've even got a couple more like this like weird like Center so because it's white in the middle and black on the outside the the white is gonna happen at a different time than what the black is showing and so if we open this up you're gonna see this sort of like circular thing which is kind of cool might be a really cool effect and then of course if you change this you know if you were to change the size of this then it's gonna change the size of the displacements the the time displacement on that layer which is really cool again to change this text super simple we're just going to you know basically I've got multiple sort of options here so there's like three different phrases that you can enter or you can add yourself but text one is just the word biggest and you can change that to whatever you want it to be text to says say love and text 3 says the year so you know if we were to click this it just says the year and you can change this to whatever you want so right now the phrase is biggest sale of the year I was kind of using this as something that I was kind of I put together sort of an ad for the Black Friday sale that I ran last year that was pretty cool cuz I did sort of like you know one horizontal line slitscan displacement and then a vertical and then another horizontal sort of exported those separately and then stacked em and premiere and changed the timing and all that kind of stuff but that's slitscan which is really exciting these are kind of fun to you know kind of an homage to one of my favorite bands the 1975 but this is the 1795 and there's sort of multiple options here of how this can sort of stretch we've got one that's even sort of like a you know vertical and then horizontal so tons of amazing looks in here that can really be put to work in different ways and then I've got this combo file to sort of show you you know how this can all look together so this is kind of bringing in again we've got stretch three is sort of our base here and we could even move this up because this is all on alpha so again if I turn this off you're gonna see that that's kind of a cool thing to note that if we wanted to we could add a solid and you know change this to like maybe sort of like a primary blue and if we put this on the bottom well then BAM we've got this kind of interesting look you know this doesn't have to be black and white that's that's the beauty of all this is that you can change any of this to be whatever you want we can even go to our effects and presets type int int drag that over to our stretch file here and if we change okay so that's a luma key moment so on this specific one it did have to have that you know the black boundaries to do that so I've set it up with a luma key but if we change the tint and map white to let's say red well then right there you've got a new effects you know red text on a blue background we can undo all that just for the sake of consistency with the rest of it but tons of customization that you can do there and then this is a great place to sort of show off this text d tails page as well as the sort of details like the large grid the grid tight all that kind of stuff so if I turn this off again you're just gonna see the stretch the stretch three look on its own and what we can do is we can turn on this text details so again if this wasn't in here let's just start from scratch and all this if that wasn't in here you can add that text detail effect to whatever you want just by going to the details folder grabbing this text date details and dropping it either on top or underneath or anywhere sort of that you want it to go and then same thing for you know any of these sort of like plus sign grids the small one we can drop that on top and we details that really bring the project to life and sort of add an extra bit of production value super easy just literally drag and drop and then obviously I've got some sort of placeholder text here you're not gonna just say logo / title or one more detail so if we open up this text details your sequence here again this is all on alpha so you can do whatever you want with it but you're gonna see a lot of little details here that you can either turn off or on or add to or copy and paste on their own so we've got this tiny little text that kind of is unreadable but you know I really love those sort of little details that just add using typography as almost just like a invisible detail to up the production value and make things feel almost more important than they are you know you could change any of these just by clicking if you change this to logo or title of course you could drop your own logo in here an image or anything like that I could change this to Ezra Cowan I could change one more detail to you know store dot as you're a Cohen TV or a website or whatever that looks like and then let's maybe say I have an event or something that's dropping at a certain time or whatever whatever the details are that you want to add you can drop them right here and then you know if we go back to our combo you're gonna see that because we've dropped that in there it's all been updated so Ezra Cohen store is recording all that stuff is updated automatically so you can either export that on its own or you can drop it into any of these sequences and create these custom little moments let's say we only wanted the timecode on its own so we can go here and just turn all that off besides timecode and then open our project up again and we just have the timecode or you know if you wanted to be able to sort of take some of those details but you know not necessarily apply everything of course you can always copy and paste so I could take you know just this top placement up here and copy that go to my combo hit paste and then turn off the text details and just have that and it's kind of you know ready-made for me to be able to sort of customize you know same thing with these grids we've got sort of a medium tight and a wide I can drop this behind I could you know color this and make it sort of a blue or something like that just kind of make it more backgrounds change the opacity if I had the T the letter T on my keyboard when you're clicking on this it toggles the opacity scale here so we can kind of dial that in whatever we want to do with this it's all cool and it's super easy the final thing that I'm super excited about is these adjustments so if I open up this adjustments folder and you know you'll kind of wanted to just manage some of your sequences here because it is getting a little bit much but if I take these adjustments you know I've got this sample text so I can get you know sort of see what each one does and if I turn these on they are very true to their description so punch in and out quick so this kind of just punches in and then back out you know this is just a punch in this is you know like again it's exactly what it says a rotate 90 degree fast we've got the scroll vertical and horizontal which I kind of looked at earlier we've got sort of a tile thing where it's sort of like you quickly go into everything and it kind of squeezes it a little bit too I've got this other one which doesn't squeeze sorry okay this other one that doesn't squeeze it just goes super fast so let's actually play with that one because I think we could have some fun with that let's grab this tile fast to make sure that that's selected and just command C or ctrl C whatever you know OS you're on and you're going to copy that into your combo or whatever sequence you're working on and you can just drop it on top and you're gonna see that when we hit the play head it's going to take everything we've edited here and sort of tile it and sort of create that effect over the entire thing so instantly we've got this crazy you know complex motion graphic moment that really just adds this punch of production value and you're not sitting there keyframing stuff and trying to figure out how to do this you're just literally copying and pasting I will tell you that the effect that's doing that is just a really simple built-in effects in After Effects it's called motion tile and so I'm telling you that because you may want to change the parameters of you know how this kind of lands and all that kind of stuff and again if you hit you on your keyboard and toggle that down you can really just kind of like dial this in so you want to do it in sort of increments that are equal to each other on the width and the height so that you know you've got sort of a good equal landing point but if you did want more of a stretch or something like that you know you could drag this up to let's say 70 and obviously that's gonna be pretty intense so lots of creative tools to kind of you know allow you to play with stuff that is just super easy and fun to work with so if I did the same thing on this like you know we have all these crazy effects and then since this is a copy and paste from the adjustments the nice thing is that you can get crazy on these and it's not going to update the adjustments file so you can basically just undo all of that or you could leave that as sort of your own experiment and then go straight back to projects adjustments and grab any of the others you know exactly as they were so lots of fun to be had there we've also got a couple just static things so you know for some of these like I've done sort of like a static 50 percent static 25 percent so you kind of get more or less you know tiles and then sort of like a warp effects using turbulent displace again these are all built in you know to after-effects no third-party plugins here sort of a tighter warp or even like a mosaic but this is kind of like a you know I could quick like almost like a censorship which again you can it you and change the parameters on that so you'd be less or more or it's a last longer or anything like that and we're simply just you know doing what we kind of feel would be coolest so it gets really fun because we can start stacking these you know you kind of might have noticed earlier but I had fifty on if I had 50 and 25 it kind of combines those two so we could stack this however we want so doing something like maybe the tile fast too with scroll horizontal if we take those copy and paste and we take them over to our combo let's see what happens if we do that so we can turn off this one just delete it and okay so that's pretty wild so we're getting some really wild effects just by you know kind of combining some of those effects there you might see some of these like sort of line break moments and you could play with this sort of like signal chain if you will of which one goes on top because because tile is on the bottom it's essentially tiling first and then doing the scroll but if we were to tile second then it's going to tile post scroll so that kind of gets rid of that sort of line break moment and feels a little bit more seamless and of course you're gonna want to dial these in but you know whatever the the timing of this stuff is that's kind of cool so just little adjustments like that and just kind of tweaking all these things you can have a lot of fun and really create a ton of production value super easy of course you can drop you know footage in here the same stuff and excuse my messy background I'm literally just grabbing something right off my background here or off my desktop you know I could say the same thing for any of these you know that's pretty cool that I can do that with footage I can even drop this you know into the sequence and kind of go you know super small with it and just make it more of like a you know like a detail that's just kind of sitting here and it's gonna scroll you know and effect this entire sequence so that could be footage where you've got elements playing here and then moving on to the next one etc there's just so much that can be done in this project to really take things to the next level so the last thing to kind of go over is just how easy it is to export these things to and the beauty of working and after if is you know it's kind of a common denominator whether you work in da Vinci or premier or final cuts you know After Effects is kind of the place that we go for these more complex sort of you know text animations sequences and things and effects and so it is the easiest place to edit all this but the beautiful thing is that you can very easily export these looks and bring them into whatever sort of assembly or editing software you feel the most comfortable with and so you know we can do something like you know because this is all on alpha you know I can take I can take this composition because we've got it selected here are sort of combo here I go up to composition and add to render queue and I'll just going to show you how to export this stuff on alpha and bring it into your edit so if we click down here it says output module and we can click on this and just click lossless and if we want this to be on alpha I really like using this format called animation the QuickTime you know wrapper and then using the animation codec and what we're gonna do is change the channels from RGB to RGB plus alpha and then color from premultiplied matted to straights unmad which allows that alpha channel to be rendered as alpha instead of the default which is a black background we don't have any audio so we can turn that off if we want to if not it'll still just render without audio if we don't have any hit ok we can you know name this and please excuse my very messy desktop and and files structure here but you know let's just go ahead and say you know alpha test so we're gonna do that and we're gonna hit render so some of these effects take a little bit longer than others depending on you know how much complexity you've done with the different you know adjustments and blending modes and all that stuff but as soon as this renders we can bring it straight into our editing software so now that that's rendered we can open up premiere we just open up a new project here I won't bother with placing that sewer this is just sort of a temporary thing to show you but go to our folder and you know grab that what we just exported we can bring this over here and we're gonna see that dropping this into a new sequence you know we're fully able to again take any sort of you know any other footage or whatever we have you know I could grab something like this photo as my just a example for the background and you can see that we're seeing straight through that grid instead of being on black and having to deal with blending modes and all that kind of stuff so this plays right on top so one little piece of advice you know we've got our this is the promo that I worked on for this project and you can kind of see how I've got some of this broken up so you know in this case I actually exported just the logo you know sort of animation here from the coin preset on its own and then I have the text and the text details separately and obviously I was still working with the default settings of that you can change it to whatever you want but that's kind of one suggestion that I would recommend is you know if you are working with with premiere or final cut as sort of your final assembly that you can also just export some of those details on their own as their own layer with alpha in the same way so that you can kind of layer it onto anything there were kind of moments where I thought I wanted something cleaner and then I wanted it more dirty in the end after after all so kind of just gives a ton of you know different options for you to be able to really get through you know an edit in Premiere which might be your comfort zone and like it is kind of for me for an assembly kind of moment like this and you know really have access to all the sort of assets in this pack individually so again that's just kind of a side note of how you can make that your own but again you know thank you so much I think that's pretty much it for now but I hope you enjoyed this walkthrough I hope it's been helpful please let me know if you have any questions at all and I look forward to hearing from you and seeing what you make with this so thanks so much you
Channel: EZCO
Views: 907,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: typography, Kinetix, kinetic typography, kinetic, after effects, adobe, tutorial, 1975, text, animation, template, easy, beginners, type,, Ezra Cohen, Final Cut Pro, premiere pro, 3D, 2D, typography tips, typography critique, graphic design, Tour Visuals, Visual Packs, post production, Video editing, sampled filmmaking, ezra filmaking, ezra visuals, Creative Video, Post Production Tips, Workflow, visuals, Editing, Cool Visuals, visuals for music, Visual Tutorials
Id: M5DBgms7ogI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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