After Effects Tutorial: Animated Typographic in After Effects - No Plugins

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hey guys what's up I am Nikhil from Duke emotions calm and in today's after effects tutorial I am going to show you guys how to create a twisting typographic animation inside of After Effects without using any plugins this animation is inspired from style forces you can check out the link in the description to know more about them and without any further ado let's get started alright so your we are in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition I'll call this main as this is gonna be our main comm 1920 into 1080 30fps and 10 seconds long hit ok now let's create one more composition which is going to be our frame so we need 4 frames because we will be creating a cube so we need of course 4 frames so call this F underscore one for free money score or 1 and change the width to 1080 so we have the width and height set to 1080 by 1080 hit OK hit control Y on the keyboard to create a new solid call this PG for background and for the color I'll go with zero eight zero eight zero eight a color code that I want to use for this you can of course use any color that you like select the text tool and you can type in your text some type and eat let's align it into the center now if you don't see this align tab you can go into Windows and there you will find it you can just click on this section or this tab so it's gonna just pop up the line tab and for the font I'm going with an integral see your phone you can of course go with any font that you like but with this design I think this font works pretty well let's add some small details I'll hit ctrl D to duplicate it please this one right here type in typography let's bring down the size in 30 pixels there we go increase the kerning a bit yeah that is looking pretty good you can also turn on the title action safe to be a bit more precise or just precisely place it like that had control d to duplicate it put this one below and I'll just use text so I'll just hit control C control V to copy page but Tex you can of course use any text that you want I'm just gonna you know use this one because I think this looks pretty good so here we have our frame one ready to go let's select composition hit ctrl D to duplicate it so this is our frame two let's hop into that and all I need to do is change the text to sleep select this one again hit ctrl D to duplicate the comp go into f3 that is the frame 3 and I'm gonna change this one to design I don't need this to text from now some others I'm just gonna delete it all so I'm gonna switch the color so I'll make this one so I'll make the text block and make the background white so I can go into Windows and find the effects and preset panel basically just to add a nice fill to this and make this one white select the f3 head control D to create frame 4 and I'll call this repeat so basically our code is eat design sleep repeat and yep so let's drag in the frame 1 just like so also right click and create a new camera and if you want you can copy the same exact properties of the camera head okay create a new null object this is going to be our controller for the cube so I'll call this control also make sure it on it 3d then turn the layer that is the F 1 frame F 1 composition into 3 layer let's put this below hit P to bring down the position properties of the controller and set the z space to 540 and now I can parent this to the controller just like so let's jump into a custom view so we can see what's going on so there you have our frame one let's drag and drop it frame to make it 3d so now you can see it okay so what I can do is I can go into the active camera select the Pan behind tool select the anchor point and move this like so - I guess 1080 that works pretty good or you can also use the Move Anchor Point script if you have that go back into the custom view and then I'll rotate this one so I'll hit R and rotate this by let's say 90 degrees there we go let's hit the C to switch into the camera view so once I have it here I can't hold ctrl and click on the Pan behind tool to move the anchor point back to Center and then I can just rotate this like so 270 and there we go you can do some final adjustments so it control shift edge to hide the controllers and then I can hit P to bring down the position properties and then you know just tweak it a bit like so there we go then selected had control D to duplicate it hit ctrl shift and edge to unhide the controllers and then push this back make sure you hit P and then you can just push this back I think it will be around maybe 5 40 switch back into the camera view no I need to push this even more like so ctrl shift edge again to hide the controllers just so that you can be a bit more precise with this and you don't leave any empty spaces in between select this hit R and rotate this again just like so add 180 degrees there we go select the false frame hit control shift edge again control D to duplicate it and push this back also make sure to see the position and you can see I said is to 540 let's rotate this just to see if everything is fitting properly and yep let's rotate this again Oh make sure you select the right frame and rotate this it are said this to 180 there we go there we have our queue but we still need to add the top and the bottom part so I'll drag in the frame three turn this to 3d [Music] rotate it actually move the anchor point on the top oh I see let's hit R and rotate this like I guess minus 90 [Music] there's just like so make sure you turn on the you just bring down the position property so you can accurately place it into the position so sadistic 540 yes to zero so now as you can see it's properly placed into the position that we want let's select the frame three hit ctrl D to duplicate it and yet we bring this down just like so again hit P to bring down a position just to be accurate let's switch to 1080 and there we go then hit R and I rotate this a bit so I'll rotate this to 180 degree and then did the Swan just like so maybe I'll keep it like that okay and then replace this with frame 4 so make sure the frame 3 and frame for a selected hold alt and just drag and drop it on top of frame 3 and there we go so now we have a nice cube let's switch to active camera silly the controller make sure all the layers are selected and parent them to the control layer that is a null object hit yes and the scale is done by 55% and that is looking pretty good now let's go ahead and add some nice animation to this so selected hit R to bring down the rotation create a keyframe on the XY and z go to one second said the X rotation 233 said the Y rotation to 45 and the Z rotation to okay then go again one second forward to two seconds set the X and Z to zero and set the Y rotation to 90 then go again one second for three seconds set the X to 33 y to 135 and the Z to do actually and it is said the X to minus 33 right and now the repeat is not in the proper position that I wanted so what I can do is select it hit R and rotate it so rotated by 90 degrees okay that is what I wanted to go for let's go to four seconds let's set the Y rotation to 180 and everything else to zero so basically we have a nice simple movement which is not looking that cool at the movement but we're gonna make it look really cool so let's select all the keyframes and hit f9 to easy ease those keyframes go into the graph editor I'll put I'll put the time indicator right here select everything and move this handle to the right just like so and then this one to the left to create kind of a peak and now we should have a really nice animation as you can see looking pretty nice now let's select everything hit ctrl shift C to pre compose it and call this animation and we have our animation looking pretty good but one issue that we have is if I just make this blah you can see we get this kind of an anti-aliasing issues at the borders and need to fix that and fixing it is pretty simple so let's see our white that is the top layer starts to appear in the frame from right over here so I'll select this maybe I'll go to frame 3 hold alt and open square bracket crop that up and now it will be visible from that particular frame then it's in the frame and it should disappear right over here so I'll hold alt and close square bracket to crop that up same thing I'm going to do with the bottom layer as well so right now the bottom layer should not be visible it should start being visible from this frame so I'll hold alt and open square bracket again right here and it should disappear right oh yeah so hold alt and close square bracket so now we we should have a nice and clean animation without any anti-aliasing issues yep that is looking clean so here we have our nice and simple animation so now we add that nice twisted look and feel to this animation and it's pretty simple all you need to do is use a time displacement summon select the layer going to fix and presets and type in time displacement double click to apply that up now time displacement uses the values of whites and blacks to create the animation so we need to create a map for adding the time displacement so let's create a map create a new composition called this map hit OK also I'm gonna hit control K and set this one to 1920 by 1080 hit control Y to create a new solid called this BG or you can just call this map then going to fix and preset and type pain gradient we will be using the gradient ramp to double-click to apply that up and swap the colors going to the main come and now if I switch the time displacement layer to map first of all let's drag and drop it hide that and switch to map you can see we get this really cool kind of a displacement so if I just preview this really quick you can see it looks super cool in the way it is so it's using the values of the whites and the blacks accordingly so the section which is white is going to get animated first and the section as the section starts to get black it's gonna you know animate later on so to explain this very easily what I can do is I can add an effect called mosaic yes to maybe five and five so we have five different shades of white if I go back into the main come you can see the shade which is completely white is gonna get animated first and as the shade starts to get black it's gonna displace just like so so you can create cool-looking animation using this technique I think I'll delete the music for now let's go back into the main comm let's set the max displacement time to 0.1 and for the time resolution FPS I'll set these two hundred for now but at high at 100 you can get a little bit of choppy edges and to fix that you can switch this to 500 so it's gonna get a bit smoother but for now when you're walking with this let's set this back 200 because when you increase number it's gonna get heavy as well so just for time being I'll set this to hundred and when the complete animation is ready I can switch this to 500 and then render it to get a smoother result so we have this but it's not still looking quite you know kind of a slimy look so what I can do is I can add one more effect called turbulence this place just double-click to apply that up and now we can animate the amount size and evolution so I will go at the very beginning set the amount to zero create a keyframe on the amount size and evolution hit you so you can see just the keyframes I'll go to one second and bring up the amount around 40 for the size I'll place this keyframe right over here go to two seconds set them on back to zero go to three seconds let's set this back to 40 and also bring up the size to 135 then go to four seconds and set this to zero set the evolution to 25 so let's see what we get so right now it's not looking quite the way we want because we need to ads because we need to add some really nice movement to our animation so I'll select the keyframes of the amount properties hit f9 go into the graph editor make sure to right-click and select edit speed graph I'll create the same exact peak that I created before so something like this and let's see how it looks and now you can see it's looking much better very simple and easy to create again you can switch to 500 to get a smoother look so I'll just switch this to 500 and let's preview this so it's gonna see as you can see it's gonna get a bit heavy not a bit actually a lot of a lot heavy and there we go as you can see we get this really cool look now if you want you can play around with the time displacement to you know get a different kind of look you can increase the time displacement Springs it down to 80 and you can get more and more displacement which actually looks pretty cool so it's a fun it's a really cool and fun technique to play around with this kind of animation and make your cool little Jeff animations using this technique so yeah that is pretty much it for this let's so let's switch to 500 again now one thing that I want to do is go into the frame two and change the color of this background a bit solid so I'll add a fill to this and make this whole Justin off-black kind of color so we get a bad you know variation between these these two sites and now you can see it's looking much better so yeah this is how you can create this really cool twisted typographic animation inside of After Effects so I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you did then please do consider subscribing to the channel I make tutorials every single week and yes next tutorial is gonna be on illustrator as as many guys requested me to create tutorials on illustrator so yes the next tutorial is gonna be on illustrator or the wheel illustrator and stay tuned for that and I will see you guys in the next video till then take care thank you so much for watching and always stay raw stay creative
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 76,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: typography in after effects, animated typography after effects, typography animation in after effects, typography tutorial after effects, after effects animation, after effects tutorial, text typography in after effects, typo animation in after effects, dope motions, dope motions tutorial, typography tutorial, adobe after effects
Id: gdfX8RD6EQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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