Bursting Pop-up Logo Reveal Animation in After Effects - After Effects Tutorial

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this video is sponsored by super onyx [Music] hey guys what is up this is Nikhil from Kokomo shoes calm and welcome to this brand new offer effects tutorial into this video I'm going to show you guys how to create a really cool logo reveal I don't really know what to call it but let's call it a balloon bursting effect so it's very pretty cool and interesting so without any further ado let's get straight into After Effects and get started if you guys are looking for a really high quality speakers or maybe a cool mechanical keyboard or a super responsive mouse or a dope looking cabinet for a next build then make sure to check out the brown XCOM from slim LED TVs to wireless headsets they have it all at a really good and reasonable price for more information check out the link in the description below alright so yah we are in After Effects so let's start by creating a new composition let's rename this main comp 1920 into 1080 30 frames 10 seconds I think let's go with 60 frames for this time let's try it out maybe things would look a bit more better so head okay let's create one more composition for our logo so let's rename this to logo cause this is gonna be our logo composition and drag in whichever logo that you want to so I'm gonna drag in my logo there we go then into the main composition let's drag in the logo composition just like so there we have it and let's pretty quickly create a background so hit control Y to create a new solid let's rename this to BG for background and hit OK and add an effect called gradient ramp so just type in ramp and or maybe gradient ramp there we go and let's swap the colors make this a bit kind of a grayish color and set this to radial ramp so now we have something like that let's select the radial ramp and bring this right over here and this somewhere like so let's increase the RAM scatter - let's go to 50 so we don't get any color bendings let's bring this down and there we have it let's make some room right over here alright so the first thing that I'm gonna do is select the logo composition and add an effect called CC lens there we go let's set the conversions to minus 200 and then let's go to around let's say maybe 10 frames or 20 frames and create a keyframe on the size so let's say maybe I'll go with 0 let's begin with 0 actually create a keyframe go to maybe 40 frames and let's bring this up to around let's say 10 maybe hit you so you can see the keyframes then I'll go to 1 second and 10 frames and let's bring this back to around let's go with 6 go 20 frames forward in time and let's go to around maybe let's try 15 or maybe let's try 20 let's see what we have something like that looks pretty good let's go 20 frames forward or maybe somewhere around there are 2 seconds create a keyframe so let's bring this down to maybe 15 and then 20 frames forward in time add 2 seconds 30 frames and let's bring this up to let's go with 50 or maybe let's try something like 45 looks good so pretty quickly let's I think yep pretty good so let's check out our animation pretty basic let's select the keyframes and hit f9 to easy ease those keyframes go to guru offer it up and make sure you're walking in added speed graph and not in the Edit value graph let's select all the keyframes and drag Sal just like so then select this one and drag it just like so so we have kind of a peak in the center so animation it is a bit more you know interesting as you can see pretty cool maybe I'll just make the keyframes a bit longer so select all the keyframes hold alt and let's drag it just like so maybe till three seconds let's see okay this is looking pretty good I think keyframes I'm a bit too saturated so hit f9 to Easy's those keyframes again let's go again in the graph editor and this time I'm gonna tweak it a little bit she asked a touch let's see yeah this is looking more natural pretty nice and that's the first part of this thing so let's pretty quickly what I'm gonna do is hit control D duplicated and hold alt and close bracket to crop the composition also crop this up as well so hold alt and close bracket so now we have to composition head to you so you can see all the keyframes and delete the CC lens effect and now I'm gonna add an effect called pixel poly now this is a really cool effect and you can do crazy stuff with this like I mean it literally CC pixel poly and let's set the force to around let's go with maybe 70 okay so you can see anything you can't see anything right now so let's bring down the grid spacing to maybe around 15 also I'm gonna set this to zero and this to 45 degrees and the gravity I'm gonna set this to zero so now we have let's pretty quickly make this all the way up and let's drag it just right away oh so now we have something like this you can see pretty cool getting the idea of what I'm going for pretty cool right let's add an effect called simple choker pretty quick and maybe I'll just set this to go around let's go with maybe 15 something like or maybe 10 15 is a bit too much 10 should look good or maybe 12 okay perfect and then what I'm gonna do is go to around four seconds create a keyframe on simple choker chalk or SoCo sorry choke Matt let's go to write oil and set this to around let's go with 35 maybe pretty cool now you have something like that here you can see the keyframes and maybe I'll just drag it a bit more further in time now we have something like this looks pretty nice I think it's a bit too slow so maybe I just increase the force around 80 pretty nice yep looking pretty nice let's duplicate it so hit ctrl D to duplicate it and this time I'm gonna keep it really big chunks so first of all we don't need any keyframe for the choke oh so I'm gonna set this just to 12 and in the force or the gravity I'm gonna set this to 0.5 also maybe tweak the spinning amplitude a little bit just to get a different you know look to it maybe somewhere around there and let's increase the grid spacing to just to create a bit more bigger particles see so we have a little bit of randomness you know maybe I'll just set this to gravity 2.3 maybe because point five is a bit too much so point three should be good you rotate it a bit more let's check it out maybe I'll make them hundred and increase the gravity maybe point four okay this is looking pretty good okay this is looking pretty interesting actually he will increase the grid spacing to around 3500 maybe let's good for you five actually but not bigger chunks and just like so okay so this is looking pretty good so now what I'm gonna do is select all the logo compositions and pre-comp it let's call this logo animation hit OK and let's create a texture which is going to be a reflection for our logo so let's create a new composition let's call this texture actually it's gonna be a reflection so let's call this reflection actually alright and create a new solid hit control Y to create a new solid let's rename this to HDR I well it's not gonna be an HDR I but you know just renaming its renaming it to HDR I make it white and I'm gonna use an effect called vanity lines and increase this up let's increase the width somewhere around there maybe make it look something like this also rotate this up to maybe let's go it 45 degrees and something like that hit control D and repeat this up in the other direction that is minus 45 so now you have something like that nothing crazy let's go into the main composition let's drag in the reflection come on the top of the logo composition so we have some thing like this and let's add an effect called turbulence displeased so we have a displacement a little bit of displacement not much aren't really subtle displacement actually that's going to reflection maybe I'll just tweak this a bit more maybe let's increase the width let's go in ninety five actually and this one two ninety five as well something like that pretty nice all right so let's tweak the turbulent displacement a little bit little bit let's set the amount or around let's go with fifty maybe and let's decrease the size to around let's go twenty five that looks pretty good to me and yet everything else looks pretty good so let's add an effect called linear web to this and let's set this to around maybe somewhere around there oh wait 48 around 40 it looks good and feather amount to around 5 something like that maybe a bit more something like that and also add an effect called CC lens that we just used before CC lens there we go so now we have something like that let's maybe treat the settings a bit maybe decrease the size to around let's go ahead 24 25 something like that also set the conversions to minus 200 so now we have something like this and also I'm now chained the linear whip angle do something like so so we have something like that and let's increase the you know size or the turbulence or maybe know the size of turbulence actually I'm going to increase the reflection size but before that what I'm going to do is select the logo animation and put this above the reflection just like so and change the reflection tract Matt to alpha matte alright so now you have a reflection and then I'm gonna duplicate the logo animation let's bring this below the reflection and turn this on so now we have something like that but you can see it's not actually looking that good so let's decrease the opacity just like so really minimal to maybe around 13% so now we have a really subtle reflection on a logo which looks actually pretty interesting as you can see maybe a bit more maybe 12 and play around with turbulent displacement as well just you know to create a really glassy surface effect she looks pretty good actually something like that pretty nice so let's go ahead and add our text to this animation so it's burst up at 3 seconds so what I'm gonna do is type in my text you can of course type in whatever that you want I'm gonna type in the motions let's change the font to let's go with a prime-time maybe that looks pretty good actually it's a bit bigger you said this is 0 and let's place it in the center maybe just a bit smaller something like that let's make it 3d hit R to bring down rotation properties and rotate it in the weight Y direction so let's set this to around 90 or me minus 90 create a keyframe go few frames forward in time to around 3 second and 30 frames and set this to 0 so now you have something like that as you can see pretty simple let's select the keyframes hit f9 and go to graph editor and let's just drag this handle just like so to create a really cool motion to it something like that so now we have something like this so maybe I'll just tweak it a little bit right over here and also crop this after hold alt and close bracket and put this behind our logo composition so now we have something like this which looks pretty cool actually so let's check out our animation I think this needs to a bit be a bit faster it's break right away Oh so let's go into a logo comp and maybe I'll just you know tweak around with the keyframes a little bit just drag this in maybe something like that let's see maybe increase this it's looking a bit slow so let's see like the keyframes go to graph editor and let's tweak this maybe let's bring this right over here let's see okay maybe just let's try to find a good spot she was like so right away I want this to be fast okay now it's looking a bit better so let's check out our animation again yep this is actually looking pretty good the animation is a bit too slow so you need to tweak it a little bit so let's go ahead and do that maybe I'll just go right over here and see the size so it said 215 let's go right over there let's tweak this a little bit right over here and what I can do is actually instead of setting this you know 67 I can just go with something like a small number like 30 maybe select the keyframes go to graph editor and let's tweak them up something like so maybe a pair right away you just need to find that right position so that it looks more natural I'll just set this to 12 let's see yep that is actually looking pretty good pretty nice now one more thing that you could do is create some shadows of the animation so to do that it's pretty simple just select the logo composition hit ctrl D let's rename the bottom come to shadow and then hit s to bring down the scale properties unlink this and scale this just like so just a little bit bring it down just like there you can see now you have it let's add a fill to it make it black and add a fast blur pretty quick increase it to really something like a high number repeat edge pixels and bring down the opacity as per your requirement I'm gonna keep it really subtle - something like that looks pretty nice to me and there we have our really cool-looking logo reveal and as you can see it's really simple and easy to create so that is a wrap for today I hope you guys enjoyed the tutorial and learn something new today and yep I will see you guys in my next video till then take care thank you so much for watching guys and don't forget to stay raw stay creative [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 179,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bursting Pop-up Logo Reveal Animation in After Effects - After Effects Tutorial, Pop-up Logo Reveal Animation in After Effects, Logo Reveal Animation in After Effects, After Effects Tutorial, intro animation in after effects, how to create intro in ae, how to make animation, how to use after effects, best after effects tutorials, advanced after effects tuts, dope motions, easy after effects, motion graphics tutorials, 2d animation tutorials, videohive, envato, motion array
Id: 7xQOwO1jp7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2017
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