After Effects Tutorial - Minimal Title Intro Animation in After Effects

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opening title sequences are important to not just because of the fact that they give credit but also they are designed to capture the essence of the TV show or flim story the style the music the major typography and text animation of the opening sequences all work together to create a brilliant fusion between graphic design and limb making keeping that in mind today we will create an elegant and minimal title animation inside of After Effects without using any third-party plugins just some few simple steps and we are good to go I am Nikhil from the motions and without any further ado let's get started [Music] alright so yah we are in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition I'll call this title 1920 by 1080 let's make this 30fps 10 seconds long and hit okay so here we have our main composition let's select the text tool and type in the text that we want so I'm going to type in the name that I want so I'll so let's set the size to around maybe 150 pixels that looks good and by the way I'm using the Subaru pro classic the link to download this font will be in the description so make sure to check it out and onto the text I'm going to add a gradient ramp just to add some really nice gradient color to it for this one I'll go with a nice reddish pink color and for this one I'll go with a nice Pablo just like that just to add a bit more you know cool look to it okay so that is looking good let's select the text hit control D duplicate it hold shift and drag this out and on this text I'm going to type in diesel okay there we go I'll place it right over here and let's actually select the font and make them italic so I'll make this italic and for the diesel I'll make it a bit like a light italic that good we don't need any color gradient on this just plain white but if you want you are absolutely free to do it place it into the position that we want I'll select this and let me play around with the spacing a bit just a touch and that is looking good let's turn on the title action shape and align them into the center you also use the Move anchor point tool to setup them I could point into the center or you can just simply hold all that click on the Pan behind tool to set the anchor point into the center okay so that is that we have our text ready to go let's create our strokes so I select the rectangular tool we just need the stroke we don't need any fill so I'll set these to none and for the stroke I'm going with eight pixels let's create a perfect square holding ctrl and shift at the same time just like so and then what I can do is I can go into the rectangle properties rectangle path one and set the size to around let's go with maybe 350 pixels I think that is a bit too big let's go with 300 ok that looks good to me and call this line underscore oh one let's rotate this so first of all I'll align the Anchor Point into the center hit R to bring down the rotation properties and rotated by just maybe 10 degrees should be good okay so that it aligns perfectly with our text as you can see I'll set it just like so by using the align tab I'll set it into the center actually and then place it like so okay let's copy the gradient ramp so it ctrl C and paste it on the line so it ctrl V to paste that up I'll move this point right oh you're so we have some nice gradient strokes now let's go ahead and animate the strokes so let's go into the properties building contents rectangle one and actually I can go into property and a Crim Pato so now we can easily animate the stroke just like so now I'll move the offset to around I think 180 degree should work okay that is looking great I'll go to around me one second and ten frames create a keyframe on the end property go back to zero frames and set this back to 0 go I guess 10 frames forward so I'll hit shift and page down to jump 10 frames forward in time and create a keyframe on the start property go right over here at one second and 20 frames said this to 100 so now we should have something like this also you can turn on the motion blur to add a really nice you know gradient edges that is looking great let's select this hit f9 diesease go into the graph editor and if your graph litter is not looking like this then make sure to right-click and select edit speed graph select this point and drag them a bit to the left holding shift and just like so so that we have a much more interesting animation ok so that is looking very nice now what I can do is let's animate our text so for now I'm gonna hide the stroke let's select the rectangle tool this time we don't need any stroke we just need the film I'm gonna set this to a nice gray color and then create a shape like that let's go with the rectangle path size unlink this and increase the size just like that and then I'll go into transform rectangle properties and skew the subtype then right and place it somewhere around there let's actually place this behind our text so we can see it more properly so now this shape is gonna help us to reveal the text so I'm gonna place it just over there let's call this M because this is gonna act as a track mat for our text place it on the top of the second text and chain the second text at as diesel track Matt so I don't see the track man option so you can hit f4 and chain the track man option 2 alpha and Matt now I'll go you one second select the diesel text hit P to bring down the position properties clear the keyframe go back in time and drag it holding shift and just like so then what I can do is we have our revealing animation same for the Mike as well so I'll select the Matt that I have had control deduplicated make sure it's on hold shift and drag it just like so just try to be as precise as possible placing the line in the center point okay let's bring this on the top of Mike text and change the Mike text track mat to our farm Matt I can't hit P to bring down the position properties create a keyframe create a keyframe go back in time and drag it just like that let's select both the text had you so you can see just the keyframes select those keyframes and I can select keyframe assistant ez is going to graph it up and tweak this just a touch maybe so now we have something like that looks really cool but I think it's a bit too fast so I'll move them to around one second and 15 frames there we go this is looking pretty good okay but one more thing that I would like to add to this text is some opacity animation so I'll go into text properties add an opacity property set this to zero make sure move the time indicator right over here at one second in 15 frames go in the range selector advanced and set this to ramp up actually set this to all the way up to hundred keyframe go back to zero and set this to minus 100 so now we have something like this and this is actually looking pretty cool same thing I'm gonna do with the Mike text so what I can do is I can copy the animator 1 so hit ctrl C to copy it select the Mike tics and hit ctrl V to paste that up but now I want the same animation on the Mike text but in Reverse so I can go into options animator range selector go right over here first of all chain the advance from ramp up to ramp down set this to 100 go to one second and 15 frames and set is to minus 100 so now we have something like this you can see really nice animation so let's turn on the stroke or the line that we have and let's see our animation and yeah this is actually looking pretty nice and then what I can do is select the line hit control D to duplicate it it R to bring down the rotation properties and what I can do was 10 plus 180 degrees that is 190 I guess and then hold this shape hold shift and bring it just like that now make sure the shapes are aligned properly so I can use the arrow keys just to be a bit more precise and there we have our really nice and simple text animation now the last thing that I'm gonna do or maybe the second last thing is an a second text or subtext I'll make this designer being this small and place it in the position that I want something like that let's say this to zero copy the gradient so it control-c control-v there we go and then I can parent this to the mic text or so sorry to diesel text so that it animates with the diesel and at the same animation has the diesel so I'll go into diesel text copy the animator so it ctrl C to copy it go to design now make sure the time indicator as make sure the time indicator is at the beginning hit ctrl V to paste that up and now we have this really nice animation but I want the this animation of the opacity to start a bit later so I can select the keyframes and move them a bit forward so maybe 20 frames for in time there we go this is looking pretty nice maybe I'll tweak the keyframes a bit yep that is looking pretty great let's close them up now what I can do is I can add some glue to the stroke so I can select the lines and add glow to this you increase the radius a bit and throw sholde to around hundred bring down the intensity just a touch copy this ctrl C paste it on the nether stroke Oh control we okay there we go now we have this really nice glow on our strokes and then we have our simple and nice-looking minimal title animation inside of After Effects let me just show you how to reverse this animation as well it's very simple select all the layers hit ctrl shift C to pre compose them I'll call this title head okay maybe I'll go to three seconds and hold alt and close square bracket to crop that up hit control D duplicated right click time time reverse layer hold shift and place it just like that and now we have our reverse animation as well so as you saw it's very simple and easy to create some nice little text animation inside of After Effects without using any third-party plugins so I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you did then make sure to subscribe comment and like and I will see you guys in the next video till then take care thank you so much for watching I don't forget to stay wrong steak me [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 90,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: After Effects Tutorial - Minimal Title Intro Animation, Minimal Title Intro Animation, clean text animation, simple text animation after effects, smooth text animation, title animation in after effects, minimal title animation, dope motions, after effects tutorials, after effects text animation, after effects titles, after effects, after effects cc, after effects 2018, after effects cs6, after effects tutorial, after effects cs6 tutorial
Id: FueHpYnHkzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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