After Effects Tutorial - Minimal Title Intro Animation in After Effects

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hey guys what's up I am Nikhil from the emotions calm and welcome to this brand new After Effects tutorial today's tutorial is gonna be a very simple nice and clean tutorial basically for beginners so into this video we will be creating a nice clean title animation inside After Effects using some very simple steps this tutorial is inspired from videohive autre called Quadro he has created a lower third title animation pack and it was absolutely amazing so if you guys want to purchase the complete template which consists of I guess around 32 title animations so I'll mention the link down in the description so make sure to check it out so if you are a beginner if you are very new to After Effects then this tutorial is gonna be just perfect for you because I will be going over through every simple steps and I'll try to explain at my fullest potential so without any further ado let's get started alright so here we are in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition let's call this main 1920 by 1080 30fps 10 seconds should be good here okay then let's select the text tool and type in the text that you want you can of course type in anything that you want I'm going to type in the name gesture just like we used in the example that is John let's increase the size to around I'll go with 150 pixels there we go and align it into the center just like so now if you don't see this aligned tab you can go into Windows and there you will find it just click on this icon let's select it and hit control D to duplicate it hold shift and drag it just like that and type in the surname that has senders so now we have our first name and a last name I'll make this a bit thin font so I'll go with nine he's gonna be italic one actually it is italic so I'll go with the Sugo and by the way I'm using the SU GoPro classic trial you can of course use any phone that you like but I think with this animation this porn goes in really well so I'm using that go actually a light italic maybe extra light italic yeah that looks much better let's pull this a bit closer there we have it you can turn on the title action save just so that you can align it precisely into the center just like so okay then I can select the John text hit ctrl D to duplicate it I'll add the resignation which is motion designers all type in motion designer and for the font I'll go with italic yup that looks good for this let's make this nice and small maybe around 50 pixels there we go let's place it into the position that we want I think it's a bit too small alcove 60 pixels yep that looks much better and place it in this position just like so yeah so that is looking great now I'll put this back below and let's change the color or off this to text to a different color so we can see it more properly and then on to our first X let's add a gradient ramp so I'm gonna add a ramp to this and by the way if you don't know I'm using the effects console script from video guy Video Copilot which is an absolutely free After Effects script so if you don't have the script you can easily go into windows effects and preset and there you can type in gradient ramp and it's gonna take few seconds to load up and then you can type in ramp so you can see the gradient ramp and you can just drag and drop it on to the text so for now I'm just gonna close it like the gradient ramp and bring this point closer just like so then you can change it to any color that you like I'm gonna go with something like this one and for this I'll go with a nice blue color as you can see right oh you're a bit light they're fickle looking pretty good let's select the gradient ramp so it controls C and paste it onto our third takes that is motion designer so control V and then bring down the points just like so and there we have a nice text ready to roll it's a bit closer think that looks much better now let's create a new null object pull this here and then select this to text that has senders and motion designer and parent this to this null object so now we can select the null object and move it so that you can see both of the tanks are linked to this null so we can animate them easily now if you don't see this parent option you can go right over your right click columns and check the parent and link option okay let's hide this we don't need to see it I'll go to two seconds and then select the pen tool and create a shape so let's bring down the stroke to zero we don't need any stroke we just need the Phil let's say this to white and then what I can do is create a shape just like that very randomly and now I can adjust this precisely so now we have a shape which looks something like this and then let's call this m4 mat bring this on the top of the send s text hit f4 to switch the panels and change the track mat of senders to alpha mat then select the martyr hit ctrl D to duplicate it bring this on the top of the motion designer text and set this to alpha mat now if I select the null object and hit P to bring down the position properties create a keyframe go at the very beginning and then I can animate the position just like so let's pull this all the way out and now we have this very nice and simple animation so I'll select the mat again hit ctrl D to duplicate it bring this on the top of the Jian text and this time I'm going to select the Jian text and change the track mat to alpha inverted mat now select the John text hit P to bring down the position properties create a keyframe go back in time and let's drag this holding shift just like so to the right now if you guys think I'm going a bit fast down just you know go back to the video go back to where you don't understand it and re-watch it take your time don't rush so now we have this very nice and simple animation let's select all the layers and hit U on the keyboard to see all the keyframes select the keyframes hit f9 to Uzis the keyframes and then go into this graph editor now if your graph editor doesn't look like this then make sure to right-click and select edit speed graph I'm going to select this point and dry the handle to the left just like so so now we have this very nice title animation now let's go ahead and create the stroke that we see in between both of the text so I'm gonna hit select all the layers by hitting ctrl e on the keyboard hit u to close them up and I can select the pen tool now we need the stroke of around 10 pixels I'm gonna type in 10 we don't need any fills so let's say this to none and then I cancel the pen tool and create a shape and then I can select the pen tool select the shape create a shape holding shift i'ma hold shift click click and click just like that make sure you're holding shift at the same time and then I can select this point and try to line up with this end so just like that then select both of them and use the arrow keys to bring it to the left just like that and then I can hit B select this point and bring them down using the arrow keys like so same with this one maybe I'll bring them a bit closer so that is looking pretty good let's select the gradient ramp from John text hit ctrl C and paste it onto our stroke let's rename this layer to stroke also I can see it's not properly aligned so I can select the shape and then go into the path and then I can select this point and try to align this there we go this is looking much better then I can add a trim part to this and animate this so let's go into trimpots bring this to zero go at the very beginning create a keyframe on the end property go to one second set this 200 create a keyframe on the start property go to two seconds and set this to 100 now what I can do is I can select the start property keyframe and drag them just like so then select these two keyframes and drag it into two seconds so now we have something like that but it's not looking that great so we need to play around a bit with the keyframes so I'm gonna bring them bit close up and increase the distance between them just like so now I want when the stroke is right over here that time I want my text to start coming out of the shapes so what I can do is first of all select all the keyframes hit f9 is easy go into the graph editor select this too and hold shift and drag the handle a bit to the left just a little so we have a very nice animation and then I will try to align the text so somewhere around there I think select all the text properties and bring them just a bit forward in time and now we have this very simple animation but I think it's not yet that proper so I can I can select this so somewhere around there yep so now we have this very nice and simple animation also make sure to turn on motion blur hit a four on the keyboard turn on motion blur to get a very nice and realistic look you can see this is looking very cool that is looking very nice and one more thing that you can do is select the stroke hit control D to duplicate it and hit and then hit s to bring down scale properties unlink this and make it something like that let's see if we can make that possible so minus 100 and place it into the position that we want and then I can go into the properties of the contents shape and path select it and drag the point just like so and now we should have a very interesting animation yep as you can see this looks very cool and interesting you can go if you want you can go with just one stroke but I think this is pretty cool you can also displace one another one another so we have a pretty interesting look yep as you can see very interesting text animation that we have it may be a little bit oh you can keep it all together depends on your poster preference I think this looks much better now we have the in animation let's create the out animation so let's select all the layers hit ctrl shift C to pre compose it I'll call this text call this text and hit OK and I'll go to run maybe three seconds and hold alt and close square bracket to crop the layers hit ctrl D to duplicate it right-click go to time and time reverse layer let's go just like that maybe somewhere where it starts animating in so somewhere on there hold alt and open square bracket and drag them she was right over here so now we have our in animation and we have our out animation as well very simple and easy to create now one more cool thing that you can do with this is you can create a nice reflection onto the floor so to do that what you can do is actually let's hit control Y to create a new solid call this for background hit okay and I'll use an image on the background let's scale this down a pair just like so add a tint on this keep it black and white bring down the opacity of this image to around four person very very minimal let's bring this at the bottom then select both of our text let's hit control shift C to recompose them again call this animation and then hit control D to duplicate it select the bottom text hit s to bring down the scale properties unlink this and bring down to Iran - let's go with actually - 25 okay let's bring this just like so and then add a fast blur to this repeat edge pixels increase the blur amount and there we go now I can play around with the scale property depending on how much intense I wanted so I'm gonna keep it something like that hit T and bring down the opacity down just a touch also what I can do is add some glow on to our main text so let's add a glow to this let's set the glow threshold to 90% and increase the radius of really high just like so and there we have our very interesting little title animations so that is a wrap for today guys I hope you enjoyed this really nice simple and easy tutorial and if you did if you want me to create more tutorials focused on beginners then do let me know in the comment section below also make sure to follow me on instagram at dopes god motions and I'll see you guys in the next video till then take care thank you so much for watching and don't forget you stay raw stay creative [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 196,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: After Effects Tutorial - Minimal Title Intro Animation, Minimal Title Intro Animation, clean text animation, simple text animation after effects, smooth text animation, title animation in after effects, minimal title animation, dope motions, tutorial, after effects tutorials, after effects text animation, after effects titles
Id: 86xkUiPMHu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2018
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