After Effects Tutorial - Minimal Glitch Title Intro Animation in After Effects - No Plugins

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today we will learn how to create some minimal yet glitchy looking title animation inside of After Effects without using any third party plugins I am Nick Hill from dopes motions comm and without any further ado let's get started are you guys looking for some amazing After Effects templates to showcase and promote your brand company or business if yes then make sure to check out my video - machine where we make amazing After Effects templates just for you check out the link in the description below alright so here we are in After Effects and let's start by creating a new composition I'll call this title 1920 into 1080 60 fps 10 seconds long header okay so let's select the text tool and type in the text that we want to use in this project so type in Bruce strong just like as you saw in the example align this into the center and for the size I'll go with 180 maybe that is a bit too much let's go with 160 okay that looks good make it a Sugo Pro classic italic that looks good maybe it just the spacing a bit and aligned it into the center now if you don't see this aligned tab you can always go into Windows and there you will find it so here we have our force text ready to go now let's select the text tool again and type in a second text which is going to be motion designer in your case it can be anything that you want to type in so doesn't really matter our motion designer and for the font I'll go with maybe a light italic that looks good and spring down size around 40 should look good yeah that looks great maybe increase the spacing a bit and place it right over here then select the motion design and text and go into fixin presets and type in ramp we will be using this gradient ramdisk drag and drop it on to the motion designer text bring this point right over here and bring this one right over so now we can apply a nice gradient color onto our text so we'll go with nice yellow an orange combination you can go with any color combination that is your favorite that you like make it a bit more brighter yellow or something like that looks good so there we have our text ready to roll now let's select the rectangle tool we don't need any fill for this so select the fill click on none hit OK we just need the stroke of around 10 pixels and then we can create a shape just like so all right go into rectangle one rectangle part one unlink this and then you can adjust the size depending on your text also make sure to align it into the center just like that and everything else is looking great I think then let's go into transform rectangle one property and skew this up by 10 degrees or 10 value of 10 maybe I'll bring this closer a bit just like so okay this is looking good let's copy the gradient ramp from your ctrl C to copy it and paste it on to our stroke also rename this layer to stroke and I can also adjust the points a bit according to my requirements there we go and the last thing that we need to add is a trim pot onto the stroke so let's go into add and add shrimp pots bring this end property a bit low and adjust the offset maybe around 8 the four should work I think 85 yep that is looking great so now we have a stroke ready to go you can adjust this a bit maybe okay now we can animate our stroke so let's go to around one second and 30 frames create a keyframe on the end property go back to zero and set this to zero so now we have a pretty simple animation also let's animate our text so I'll go to around one second 30 frames again and select the rectangle tool this time we don't need any stroke so I'll set this to zero we just need the fill keep it moving something like a gray and then create a shape for our main text that is a name I'm going to rectangle one rectangle rectangle one and skew this up by ten percent or 10 degrees not really sure what it is called but anyways so here we have our shape syllabus shape let's call this M format let's select the mat and drag it out just like that create a keyframe go back in time and drag it just like so okay then go back again to 1 second and 30 frames select our text hit P create a keyframe go back bring this out just like so then let's put our text below the Mac and change the track my to alpha inverted and now we don't have anything because it's and now we should have something like this which looks very very cool a really nice text revealed same thing I'm gonna do with the upper text so let's select the mat again hit ctrl D to duplicate it let's turn this on hit you and get rid the keyframes hit you two times to reveal all the properties unlink this and just play around with the size a bit later right over your and I'll play said somewhere there selected hit P to bring down the position properties create a keyframe go back in time and let's pull this up just like that then go back to one second and 30 frames select the text and hit P create a keyframe go back and pull this just like that and pull this back just like so maybe so now you have something like that let's put the text below our mat and chain the track mat to alpha and water'd lat so now we have this really nice text reveal now if you don't see the track mat option you can hit f4 on the keyboard and that should make it visible let's hit ctrl a to select them all and hit you to just close them all up and now I can move the stroke a bit forward in time to maybe around one second actually let's go to 30 frames should be good and that is looking good let's select all the keyframes hit you select all the keyframes hit f9 to easy those keyframes go into the graph editor and if your graph editor is not looking like this don't panic just right-click and select edit speed graph select all the points from the right and drag the handle to the left just like so and now we should have a very nice animation as you can see pretty cool maybe I'll just bring the stroke to around 20 frames okay so that is looking pretty sweet so we have a text animation ready now it's time to create those really cool-looking glitches which are very simple and easy to create so let's create a new composition called this G underscore or one for glitch or one hit okay let's create a new adjustment layer call this I'll call this transpa select it go in a fix and preset and type in transform drag and drop it increase the transform scale to around 130 then let's create a new solid call this F of fractal noise you can of course type in the complete fractal noise text if you want to anyways I'll see the text going to face and preset type in frac to nice just drag and drop it on to our solid and now we have some really cool stuff going on so firstly let's change the noise type from soft linear to block then increase the contrast all the way up to 1000 and bring down the brightness all the way down to 500 - 500 I mean you can bring down the complexity down to two go into the transform properties and you can also play around with the transform if you want to but I'll keep it somewhere around there and that is looking good let's change the blending mode to odd select the fractal noise and hit control D to create a duplicate of this then I can tweak the contrast a little bit so I'll bring this down to 900 for the brightness I'll bring this down to minus 400 and in the transform properties I can unlink the uniform scaling scale this scale with really high just like so also play around with the scale hide if you want to so you can give it something like this like that works good you can also add some complexity if you want to so that is looking great and here we have our force glitch or ready to go let's select the G underscore one hit ctrl D to duplicate it now this time in the glitch too I will be creating more bigger glitches so that we have some dents small you know detailed glitch as well as some big transform glitches so this one I'm gonna bring down the brightness to actually bring up the brightness to 150 so we have something like this you can go into the transform properties and unlink this play around with the scaling a bit so let's bring this up really high maybe 500 by 500 something like that let's actually bring this up to 700 because I want really big choppy chunks of this 600 that is looking good you can play around with the complexity but I'm gonna keep it very low this time and then I can give some offset to our turbulence so I get some really different looking effects here so I can create a keyframe on the officer turbulence go all the way up to 10 seconds and give it a little bit of offset just like that so now you have a little bit of offset going on maybe a bit more so you have something increased this a bit so we have a little bit of offset going on maybe a bit more now you have something like this okay that is looking good maybe bring down the complexity to one alright that is looking great so now we have uh glitches ready let's go into title comp actually let's create a new composition call this main head okay drag the title composition and drag the glitch one and two as well one thing that I forgot to mention is that you need to go into the glitch composition change the track mat of the transform to luma matte same thing I'm going to do with the glitch too as well change the transform to luma matte now when I go into my main composition you see we have nothing but if I turn on the collapse transformation we have some really cool looking which is going on right over you see looks very interesting so we now we need to just play around with the glitches first thing I'm going to do is crop the glitch composition or the layer so I'll head shift page down to jump ten frames forward in time select both the layers hold alt and close square bracket to crop them up and then I can start adjusting them so firstly I start with the bigger glitch go right here no I text this just starting to get animate and let's place it into a nice position something like this we can see we get this really cool effect then please a second one just behind that and try to place it in a way that it looks really complex or place in maybe something like that you can also hit s and scale it down I'll make it bigger depending on your requirements again I can select the glitch to hit ctrl T to create a copy put this back and then change the position something like that select this one had control D put this right on your and you split out the positioning that looks good and you see we have this really nice-looking glitches very easy to create so now to make it more and more complex again anytime jump into this turn this on going to fractal and adjust it according to your requirements so I can change this maybe we brighten nice layer on a bit with the size go back in the main comp Oh make sure you turn that off go back in the main comp and you can see we get some really nice detailed glitches it is less like a glitch but more of an offset actually so you can create duplicate let's go right here and I can place it maybe something like so control D place it right over your and right here now this is very abstract you don't need to be very precise you can just you know play around with the stuff to get a desired look scale this you know play around with the settings and let's see how let's see how it looks now so as you can see it's looking very cool and we have to bring this down a bit closer so yeah as you can see it's looking very interesting and you can create this effect using just the fractal noise you can play all the fractal noise make it look more complex if you want to and the last thing that we can do is add some glow to this so I'll create a new adjustment layer so this glow also hit control Y to create a new solid because our BG is transparent so I'll make it black put this below and onto our adjustment layer add some glow so I'll select it good effects and preset and type in a low drag and drop that one and increase the threshold all the way up to hundred and increase the radius a lot just like that and changed the glow colors from original colors to AV colors and then you can give them the colors you like so I'm going to keep it a nice yellow color and for this one I'll keep it a nice orange color and there we go there we have a nice glitz title animation inside of After Effects now if you want to create that nice floor with reflection then that is a technique made by developed by Andrew Kramer I'll mention the link to his tutorial down below he's an absolutely great guy and if you use After Effects you definitely know them so yeah that is a wrap for to you guys I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did then make sure to subscribe comment and like and I will see you guys in the next video till then take care thank you so much watching and don't forget to stay raw [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 60,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minimal Glitch Title Intro Animation in After Effects, Glitch Title Intro, clean text animation, glitch text effect, simple text animation after effects, smooth text animation, title animation in after effects, dope motions, after effects tutorials, after effects text animation, after effects titles, after effects, after effects cc, after effects 2018, after effects tutorial, after effects cs6 tutorial, Title Intro Animation in After Effects, video copilot
Id: d6M-U3_qL3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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