After Effects CC 2020 - beginner tutorial (01)

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so hello and welcome in this video I am going to show you how you can start with After Effects CC 2020 if you have no experience with After Effects this video is for you if you have some knowledge about After Effects it doesn't matter this video can repress your information okay so if you install and open your After Effects the version CC 2019 your the workspace is going to looks like this I should be looking something similar and at the beginning that is going to be an option to watch some kind of tutorials and these tutorials those are tutorials without the voice and they'll just graphically show you how you can move around so feel free to go and watch them but I am going to explain the same stuff that is in there and even more so the first field that I want to do is I actually want to change my workspace and I can change it by going to the window going to the workspace and by default when I update it to the 2020 version that was this learn workspace and it can be good for the beginners but I would like to change this to the standard okay and these workspaces are going to be very similar so you can follow along even if you stay on the lull but I would like to change this at the standard you can go to the Lord or any other workspace anytime that you work ok cool so now we have two options this wasn't in the previous versions at least not in 2017 and before but there are these options new composition or new composition from the footage and I don't have a footage right now and I want to explain some beginner stuff so we are going to go with new composition so I will click new composition and now I am going to have this kind of we though and then I can put some specifics to my composition so Chris pink is composition name you can name this I am NOT going to be worrying about this comp one is fine the next thing which is important in here is this width and height and I would like to have this full HD so I'm going to keep this nine twenty by ten eighty you can change this to 4k format or something smaller it's up to you then we have this frame rate and basically this means how many frames are going to be there in the second you can have twenty five twenty four twenty nine is up to you okay so the resolution is like you want to have the full resolution so don't change that and the last important thing is this duration this is how long my composition is going to be we can adjust this later on and the first one is milliseconds then this is seconds this is minutes and this is hours so for example if I want to have this for one minute I can change this to zero zero and I can change this to zero and now I am going to have a composition which is going to be one minute long and I will hit okay cool so how would I want to do is I would like to create some kind of background and I can create the background by going to the layer and choosing new solid okay it can happen if you are in the project section if you are in here and you will go to the layer the new option is going to be grayed out so in that case just click anywhere else and it should work fine so layer new solid okay and this is going to be our background and on the top there is an option to choose a solid name we can do this later on so don't worry about this with an height we would like to keep this the same as our composition so this is fine and only thing that we want to change is the color so I can click in here and I can choose what kind of color that I want for example I can go of it white and I am going to hit OK like so fine now what I want to show you is that in the after effects it's up to you how your workspace is going to looks like and you can adjust it very simple so for example if you want to have more space for your window you can move your timeline you can see where I go to the to the timeline in here I have arrows like this and I can click and drag and move it like so and I can do this with almost every panel that I have in the after records okay so you can adjust it like this the next thing that you can do is you can get rid of some of these panels and you can get a new one okay so for example I can go to my project in here I can click this little icon and I can choose for example closed panel and this is going to close my project panel so I will click this and right now my project panel has disappeared and if I want to go back to my project panel what I need to do is go to the window look for the project which is in here and click this and then my project is going to appear okay and you can do this for everything that you have in here okay the next thing is that what you can do is click on this icon and choose undock panel and if you click on this undock panel you have an option to move it around freely and you can put it anywhere else that you and if we want to put it somewhere what you need to do is go on the project like here and now drag it somewhere like so okay and you can see this blue blue RS and if I'm going to leave this my project is going to go there like so okay and I can do for example the same thing for the composition and the panel and I can put it somewhere like so okay and if you are going to be doing something something like this that is pretty big chance that you are going to screw your workspace okay and do you won't be able to go back in that case for example my Wallach space right now looks pretty weird what I can do is go to the window to the workspace and depending on the workspace do you have you will go and reset standard to saved layout or reset a lot to save layout so I will click this and it is going to reset my workspace okay so I just wanted to show you this so you are not going to accidentally go to any trouble during this tutorial cool so now what I want to show you is that we have created our a solid but there is no obvious way how you can change the color because if I double click on my solid it is going to open a window like this and we do not want this so I will close this so again if you double click it will open it like this so we do not want this and if I want to change the color of my solid what I can do is click on the storied go to the layer and you can go to the solid setting looks and there is a shortcut ctrl shift Y so solid settings and now I can change the color of the if I would like so for example okay so in this video I am going to be talking also about the shortcuts and it's up to you which one you want to use and which don't so if you go to layer and the new you you have all of these options and solid for example help the shortcut ctrl Y and changing if you want to change the solid it is going to be control shift by okay cool so now what I want to do is I would like to rename my solid to the background layer and I am going to call it BG and if I try to double click on my layer again it is going to open it in this window so I will close this and if you want to rename this what you need to do is hit enter and then just type I will type BG for the background now what I want to show you is that every solid every shape every text every image are going to have some kind of properties and you can get to these properties by clicking this little at all and it is going to open this transform and if I click on this transform I am going to have bunch of options in here so I will have an anchor point position scale rotation and opacity and they should be pretty obvious what they are doing so with the opacity you can get rid of the transparency and you can animate it in or out rotation you can rotate this which controls that I can go back with the scale you can scare this and if you click this little icon it is going to enable you to scare this only on the one axis okay so I will for example go back to the 100 Paris and I will click this one and now for example I can scare it like so if I want and I can scare it like so okay cool and if you want to go back to your default and the default of the scale is 100 by 100 you can eat them change it in here or you can right click on the scale and choose reset okay and you can do the same thing with all of them right click and reset okay the next thing is position and the position again this is going to be the x-axis the plus number this 960 so like this and this is going to be y axis okay and again I am going to right right click and hit reset okay an anchor point anchor point is the middle of my shape okay so for example imagine that I am going to scare this down little bit like so and I am going to rotate it it is going to be rotating around this middle point okay I will go back but if I am going to move my anchor point so I will move it like this and if I move it you can see that I have moved my anchor point down even though it looks like the ship is moving but we are moving anchor point and right now if I am going to rotate this it is going to be rotating around this anchor point so it is going to look something like this okay cool and I will go back and I will right click on the anchor point I will hit reset and I will do the same thing for the position and same thing for the scale okay and now we are back where we was cool you can get to all of these transformations with the shortcuts and the shortcuts are if you click on your layer and you will hit s it is going to reveal the scale if you hit huh it is going to open the position T is going to be for opacity and it's like transparency that's why it is the T a is going to be for the Anchor Point and R is going to be for the rotation okay so it's pretty obvious all of them are going to have the shortcut with the beggining later except of the opacity which is going to be with T like transparency okay and I can close this the next thing that I want to tell you is that what example if I choose scale and I will hit s and right now I would like to also get the position if I'm going to hit P it is going to replace the position it is going to replace the scale okay like this but if I right now I'm going to hold shift and I will hit s for scale it is going to open my position and also scale and again right now if I am going to hit R for the rotation my position and scale are going to disappear but if I'm going to hold shift and hit are my rotation is also going to appear in there okay cool so now we can start to create very first animation so what I am going to do is I will hit tab for the transparency and I will go to the zero so I will just type zero and I will click in here okay and this is going to create a keyframe okay so I will click and right now I have an keyframe and I can move on my timeline I can go somewhere for example somebody in here and I can put my opacity to the hundred percent and now if I go to the beginning and I will hit space it is going to show me the animation where my opacity is going from zero percent to the hundred percent okay cool so this is my timeline and my timeline is one minute long because it is what we said in our composition settings and we can zoom in and out from the timeline and way how you can do this is with this little slider at the bottom you can move zoom in like so or you can zoom out or you can you can click on these icons these little mountains to zoom in or to zoom out okay cool and right now I can see that here is my one second two seconds and so on and if i zoom in a little bit more I can see that I have my five frames ten frames and after 20 frames this is one second because we said that we are going to have 25 frames per seconds okay and now for example I can move my keyframes because oh I can go and I can say that I would like this animation to be a little bit longer so what I can do is I can go and just move the keyframe like this okay and I can do the ball I can do the same for both of the keyframes and if I want I can highlight both of them and I can move them like so okay and we are going to put them to the beginning like so and I will move it somewhere here okay cool so now I would like to get back to my keyframes so what I can do is I can open my my transform and here I can see that I have my keep them for the opacity and what I can do for example I can do also animation for the scale so I can go to the beginning like so and if you are on the timeline and you are going to hold shift when you are going to be close to the keyframe it is going to go to the keyframe and stop there okay but what I want to do is I want to go to the first keyframe and on the scale I would like to put this to the zero then I am going to click on the keyframe so we have created keyframe and I can go to the same position where my opacity keyframe is so like so and I will put this to the 100 and it is automatically going to create a keyframe when I create some kind of change okay so now what we have is we have an animation point scale and we have an animation for the opacity and we can do the same thing for the rotation so now they can do is I can be on the on the second keyframe position and I will click keep them for the rotation and then I will go back to the beginning and I will rotate this little bit okay right now you can see the beginning rotation because we have zero transparency in here but now you can see that we have an animation and it is rotating like so so we have created something like this okay cool and again you can move multiple keyframes at the same time so we can highlight all of them and we can move them closer or further away from each other okay fine I will move them like so little bit and the next thing that I want to show you is that if you want to delete your keyframes it it's important when you are standing on the timeline because even going to be after the animation somebody in here anywhere in here and I will highlight my keyframes and I will hit delete everything is going to be fine okay but if I'm going to be somewhere in the middle or for example like so and I will highlight my keyframes and I will delete them my my solid is going to stay on this position I will go back and if I would be at the beginning where was like zero opacity and I would delete it right now we would end up with the zero opacity and of course you can go and reset this one and reset this one and reset this one but I just wanted to show you that it really matters where you are when you are deleting your keyframes if you don't like them or anything like that okay cool now what we can do is we can go ahead and create some more solids and we are going to create a little animation with these solids so the first thing that I want to do is I want to change this solid back to the white color okay so we are going to start with white color and remember how we can change the solid color we can go to the layer and we can go to the storage settings or we can do shortcut which is control Z Y and we can change this to the the white like so and I will hit OK and now I want to create a new solid so I can go to the layer and I can go to the MU and solid or again you soul cut and now I want to create a solid beat some kind of blue color like this for example something like this and I will hit OK like so and now I am going to do this with a shortcut so I will hit control Y and I change this to the to the Khaleda like this some kind of a reddish color and I will hit okay and I want to create one more solid so again I will hit ctrl Y and now I would like to create maybe a green color like so and I will hit okay cool so now we have three or four different solids and here on the left you can see this little icon and when you click this you can hide the layer okay so we can hide our the green and the red and we are going to keep only the blue and now we would like to animate this blue in so we would like to create an animation where my bloom is going to be up in here and then it is going to animate it down so what I can do is I can click pee on my solid it is going to open my position and right now my position is on the location 960 and 540 okay and do you know what is going to happen if I put both of these to the zero and zero it is going to appear in here okay so I will go I just want to show you and I will click 0 on the x-axis and the zero on the y-axis and you can see not one but zero and you can see that my middle of the shape is going to be located in here okay and my composition is nine twenty by ten eighty so if I go with my position and my x-axis and I will put nine twenty it is going to go all the way to the right side and if I go to the house between zero and 90 and I can actually do these in here so I can put 920 divide it by 2 and I will hit enter it will go to the middle which is 960 okay and the same thing for the y-axis right now it is on the zero and if I go ahead and put these two the 1080 it would go all the way to the bottom and if I go and put 514 it will go to the middle okay so just for your information this is how the position works and these days why we have these numbers okay so now what I can do is go to the beginning and I will click keyframe on the position and then I'm going to change my position and I if I click 0 it will go to the top and if I put minus 514 like so - 540 it is going to go all the way up okay so you can of course slide is like so and approximately get it out of the view but if you go with - 540 is if mathematics is something you don't have a problem with you can play around like this okay and now we have the first keyframe on this position and I will go to maybe frame 15 okay and I would like to animate this back so what I can do is either get rid of the minus or I can right-click and choose reset and it is going to reset my position and it is going to give me a new keyframe in there and now I have an animation which is going to go from the top and it will go like this to the bottom okay cool and how they can do is I can do the same thing for the for the I saw it so now I'm going to show my solid so I will click like so and again I will go to the position I can go to the beginning if I want and I will click EEPROM and I will put this pronto - 540 I will go to this keyframe and I will put it to 540 so I will get rid of the minus sign and I will do something like this and now what I can do is I can highlight these keyframes and I can position them like so and now we are going to have an animation where my blue is going to go down then my red is going to go down and we are going to do the same thing for the last one so I will show this I will hit position I can create a keyframe like so I can move this keyframe to this position so this is going to be my end position and I can while I am on the beginning I will change this - 5 14 and now again I have this animation like so okay and in After Effects what is what is going to be on the top is going to be visible okay and what is going to be below that one is not going to be visible when there is a healthy person transparency and in this case that is 100% transparency okay and now what I can do is I can move these keyframes like so and now if I hit space at the beginning we are going to have animation like this okay cool the next thing that we can do is offset it this animation little bit so for example I can go and move this like one two three three frames back okay but I would need to do the same thing for this one and this one I would need to go the seat because one two three would get me to the same position and one two three more is going to offset it back and right now we are going to have blue still animating and red is going to appear like so and if I hit space it is going to look like this okay and this really depends up to you this is art so what do you think that looks fine is going to be how you are going to position your keyframe all right so right now we have created this little animation and I want to show you how you can close your layers and have you can get back to your keyframes so what you can do is close your layers like this for example okay and now if I hit P it is going to reveal my position okay and I can do this for all of them okay and right now if I want to close all of them at the same time what I can do is it ctrl a this is going to select everything and then we can just close one and it is going to do the same for all of them okay and the same thing is that if we highlight all of them like this and we are going to hit P it is going to open all of the positions okay cool so one more thing is that if you with you you is going to open all of the keyframes that you have created but because we created only keyframes for the position in Eva hit you it is going to open only the position keyframe but if I would animate position and rotation and scale for example as the other button solid and if and we would hit you it would reveal all of the keyframes and position or scale if I hit s it is going to reveal my scale but there is no nokey prime if I am going to it P it is going to open my position and that is the keyframe and if I would hit you it would open all of my keyframes which right now is on the position okay so now what I want to do is I want to create some kind of text okay so I will go to the text and don't worry about the point I am going to go simply with some default Arial and you can change your color of the text by clicking in here and choosing the color but I can I will go with a white and I can start to type something okay and we are going to have a little issue but you will see later on so I will type hello hello new a user ok so hello anew after leopard user and I can scale this up by increasing my font size so I can do something like this okay but now by default if I would like to get my text the new line what I would have to do is I would have to double click and double clicking is going to get me to the text and if I hit enter by default this space between the line is going to be almost 0 so I will go back and I will go to my move tool I will click on my text and then I will have to change this this slider and I want my space between the lines at least bigger than my font size okay so I can go maybe to 250 okay and now it is going to be 250 and if I double-click and I will hit enter we are going to have a normal space in between the lines okay cool so I just wanted to show you that by default I don't know why but it is set at a zero at least it was in my new version of the after effect the next field and this one is something that I really don't I don't hate it about after effect but I really don't like it and I don't understand why they didn't change this so far and it is that when I create my text my anchor point is not going to be at the middle automatically okay and there are some plugins which will very simply allow you to put your anchor point to the mid one and again the anchor point is the place which is going to be like the pivot point and the text or shape is going to be rotating around so right now if I could if I would hit air on my layer and I would like to rotate this it would go around around this place okay I will go back and I do not want this so what I can do in order to change the position of my anchor point is go to this tool pane behind tool for the anchor point the shortcut is simply Y so you can click this or you can click Y and you can position this anywhere you want and if you are going to hold ctrl you can put it exactly to the center like so or to any other corner and so on so I'm going to put this to the center like so okay so here is my text and now I'm going to show you how you can align your text to the middle of the composition so what you need to do is go to the window and go to the a line maybe you have an align someone in here but if you don't go to the window click on a line and it is going to appear it should appear here but there is a possibility that it is going to be somewhere else but this is the way how you can open a line and you need to click on the a line like so and you have an option to position it wherever you want so I want to position it in the middle on the x-axis and on the middle on the y-axis okay and I just wanted to say that this is going to be working even if my pivot point my anchor point is going to be somewhere else which is kind of strange but again if I go to this position this tool and I am going to move my entry point somewhere else like this and I will move my text so it is not in the center and I will try to align it it is going to align it in the center anyway it is not going to be aligning by this anchor point which maybe should I don't know but I just wanted to show you I will hit shortcut Y and with my control I am going to put it to the center ok cool and how would I want to do is I want to go to the last solid that I animated I am going to hit you which is as I said going to open my keyframes and on the position where my last solid is animated in I want to create an animation or the start of the animation for my text so what I want to do is I will click position on my text I will create a new keyframe and this keyframe I am going to move to maybe somewhere else somewhere here it I'm just eyeballing this okay and now I'm going to on this beginning position I'm going to put it down a little bit like so okay and the next thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to hold shift and I'm going to hit tear T for the transparency so shift there this is going to open my opacity and I will click a keyframe for the opacity on the hundred percent this hundred Patterson keyframe I want to be at the end so I will move it like so and here on this place I want this to be zero so I will put this to zero and now what we are going to help is we are going to have animation which is going to be changing position and at the same time it is going to be changing opacity and it is going to look something like this okay so right now if I am going to go to the beginning of my animation and I am going to preview this by hitting space this is what we are going to be having okay cool now this is up to you you can make this animation to be a little bit faster by putting keyframes closer together and we can again create some kind of offset so what we can do is position these a little bit in here so before my green solid is going to be at the bottom my text is already starting to appear okay and this can create some kind of fluid good-looking motions okay so again I will preview it like so and we have something like this okay so right now what I am going to do is I'm going to create a new text and I will animate my first text away and then animate my second text in okay so what I can do is I will click away and I will create new text so I will go to my text and make sure that you are not going to be over there your first text because if you are on the text tool and you will click on the text it is going to try to change your your plus text okay so you can go ahead and change it but this is not what we want so click anywhere outside of the text like so and this is kind of stupid I don't understand why but if I click somewhere here it is going to start my text in here but doesn't matter I can time that a I will move this little bit and I will double click so I is great for motion graphics something like this for example and I can put space like this and I am going to have text like so a after effect is great for motion graphics okay and again what I want to do is I want to align this to the to the center of my composition so I will go to the a line and I will align it like so the next thing that I can do is I can temporarily hide my first text so it is not going to be bothering me there so I will go to my second to my first text and I will click this icon so this is going to hide it for a moment and the next thing that I want to do is I want to adjust this Anchor Point and as I said there are pretty cool plugins but those are for another video the free plugins how to change is much quicker but I will go to the Anchor Point tool and with my control I am going to put it to the center like so and it's up to you you can these lines it's it's really up to you the spacing between the lines okay cool and now I'm going to do the same thing for these second text but before update I am going to show my first text and I'm actually going to hide my second text that I created and I need to animate this away so I have an animation hello new after effect user and now I will zoom out in the timeline a little bit and I can see that I am on the on the second second second second and now I'm going to choose how long I want my text to stay in there and for example I can go with one or two seconds so I will go to maybe four seconds because I want to put my view of a long time to read the text and I am going to create new keyframes so now I am NOT going to create a new keyframe with the new position or with the new transparency I want to create the same keyframes as these two keyframes so please don't go to the new position and don't click this icon because if I click this it is going to get rid of my key problems so I will go back I do not want to do that instead I want to click these two icons add or remove keyframe at current time so if I click it is going to add if I click one more time it is going to remove one more time add I'm going to do the same for both of them like so okay and now what I am going to do is I will go somewhere here and I'm going to animate this up like so little bit and at the same time I am going to put my opacity to the zero and now I am going to have an animation like this okay and now it's time to show my second text like so and if I misspell something I'm sorry I'm not native and I'm going to do the same thing I will hit my position and I will create a new keyframe and I'm going to move this keyframe somewhere here and on this position I am going to put it down like so and I'm going to do the same thing for the opacity so I will hit tab for the transparency I will click this I will move it like so and then I am going to put this to the zero okay and now we have the text which is going to up and fade away and new text which is going to fade in from the pattern okay and again what you can do is move this little bit to create some kind of offset but as I said this is up to you what do you open that looks cool okay so so far we have something like this head of new after the producer is great for motion graphics okay cool so we have created animation like this and just to very quickly repeat these I am going to do the one more text but right now it's a bit quicker so what I am going to do is I'm going to temporarily hide both of them I'm going to create your text and this new text is going to basically be just thank you for watching and I am going to put it to the separate line like so and I am going to move my anchor point so I will hit Y I will put with my control these the Sandra like so and now I am going to align this to the center of my composition like so and yeah again I will hide this one I will show the previous one and I need to animate this away so is great for motion graphics so what I can do is again go to seconds ahead so like somewhere here again I will click these two keyframes and then I will go maybe 10 15 frames ahead and I will animate position up and I will animate opacity to the 0 I will show mine thank you for watching lair and I am going to put my position and my opacity like so I am going to move both of them somewhere here and I am going to put my position down little bit like so and put my transparency to the 0 okay and now I have created I'm going to show you that I have created the animation with the with the one more text so now I am going to have something like this I need to show my first text and something like this ok hello new after epic doozer is great for motion graphics thank you for watching ok and what I can do is go ahead and [Music] offset this little bit and I can make it a little bit faster if I want like so ok cool so now one more time as I said before would you can do is individually close all of them if you want and then you can open them like so but it can get pretty messy so if you want to close all of them at the same time you can just click ctrl a to select everything and close it and if you want to get to all of your keyframes for example you can select everything which right right now we select it and hit you and it is going to open just the properties which have some kind of key frames or you can just click on the text for example like this I was doing this with the shift I can click and with the shift click on the layer and it is going to highlight everything in between I can hit you and he is going to open all of my keyframes for the text ok and if I want I can move them around but don't get lost ok fine the next thing that I want to show you is if you are going to have a lot of layers it can be a little bit confusing for you to know which layers which layer is what so one thing one good practice when you are working on the real project is name your layers and the next thing is that you can change the color of your layer which is going to be displayed on the timeline now you can see that all of my layers are red but I can go to any of those of these layers and I can click on this little icon and I can change this for example to the borough and all of my texts can be blue for example and I can go and choose that my background is going to be I don't know yellow ok and right now at least a little bit I have distinguish which of my layers are texts which are solids and which is my base ground for example okay the next thing that you can do is right now we have all of our layers from the frame one or the prime zero up to the end okay but for example my thanks for watching is going to start to animate in in here okay so what I can do is I can drag it like so the lay ahead okay I will go back if you click on the layer you are going to move all of the layer we do not want to do that so just drag it like so and if we are going to hold shift it is going to go to the place where you are located on the timeline and now you know visually then that this text is appearing in here okay and you can do the same thing for the previous text so I will hit you and I can see that this text is great for motion graphic it starts in here with zero opacity so I can go and move it like so with my shift and I can do the same thing at the end because it is going to disappear after these keyframes so I can do something like this okay and I could do the same thing for my first text and for example I do not need to bother about the beginning but I know that my hello new after effect user is going to disappear in here okay so I can go ahead and make something like this okay cool and for example I know that my red and blue are not going to be visible at this point because there is already the green one so I can do the same thing for both of them like so if I want okay so this was a little bit more advanced I just wanted to show you that if you are going to have a lot of layers you can do something like this okay and as I said this is good for you visually and this is also good for rendering because sometimes when you have really big files it can take a while for the preview of your animation the next thing that I want to show you is I will hit control a I will close everything I will click away okay and now on the Left we have this option to show and hide the layer okay so I will go to the thank you for watching and I can hide it or shore it okay the next thing that we have is we have this lock okay and this lock basically means that you are going to lock the layer a and you won't be able to move it so for example this green solid if I click on the lock now I am NOT going to be able to to move it and I selected the bottom BG okay so I can also lock that one and now nothing is going to happen in a vacuum here and I can do the same thing for the thank you and so on okay so this is the locking and in between this little field means that it is going to show only this layer and temporally all of the other layers are going to be hidden okay so if you have many many many layers and you want to see only one pink or only few things what you can do is click them like so and you will see only and only these layers so right now what I am going to show you is how you can go and change your composition setting because we said that our composition is going to be 1 minute long but what example even though right now we have only 10 seconds animation but you decided that you want to create composition which is little bit longer so I can go here to my Congo bomb this is my composition I can right click and I can choose composition settings and this is going to open my settings from the beginning and what I can do for example is change this 1 minute to 2 minutes ok and now if I click OK and I will zoom out like so you can see that my composition right now is 2 minutes but my layers are only 1 minutes long so what I could do is I could expand them like so if I want ok like this up to the end of a word ok the next thing is that if you want to make your composite composition shorter you can go ahead and right click composition settings and make it shorter but what you can also do is for example I would like to finish somewhere here so all I need to do is drag this bulk area and and put it again I am going to hold shift and put it in here ok and so now we are going to have only this part and there is a shortcut you can hit n for the end and you can hit ball B for the beginning so this is also for the preview and also we want to make your composition shorter and what you can do is if you decided I want to go from the beginning to maybe 15 seconds I could hit and now I can right click and choose trim comp to work area and this is going to cut everything behind and my composition is going to be only 15 seconds right now okay but before you do something like do is make sure that you want to do something like this because right now if I go back to my compound and I hit composition settings it is going to be 15 seconds and some milliseconds but if I decided I want to make this 1 minute and 15 seconds and I will hit OK you will see that all of my layers are going to be cut it on the 15 second ok so just for your information and I will go back with contour set so now we are almost at the end of the video and then is just part one I don't know how many parts that are going to be because after effect is such a huge software and I wanted to just show you the beginning stuff but now what I am going to do is I'm going to show you how you can parent one layer to another so I am going to close or hide everything what we did so far because I do not want to delete it and I want to create a new solid so I will hit layer new solid and I will go with maybe some kind of orange like so and I will it okay and then what I am going to do is I am going to create a shape and I didn't show you so far the shapes so we can go in here and you can choose a rectangle ellipse tool and so on but be careful because when you are going to work with the shape tool and you are going to have something selected so for example my solid is going to be act it I am NOT going to create a new shape but I am going to create a mask on the solid that I have selected so if my solid is selected and I am going to draw a shape it is going to create a mask in the shape okay in the solid and the mask masks are another topic probably for the new video so what I want to do is click on the mask in here and he delayed or got go back with ctrl Z and I want to make sure that I have not pink select it and when nothing is selected I can go ahead and create a shape and I can choose my fill color of the shape in here and I can choose my stroke or if I want okay right now the stroke is on the zero so that is not going to be any stroke and I am going to create a shape like this okay again the same field if I click on my shape my anchor point is going to be somehow offset you if you double click that is going to be another anchor point but it is it is something else but if I click on my shape my ink report is in here and what I want to do is put this at the middle so I will hit Y and I will with my control move it to the center like so okay cool and now I'm going to again align this to the center of my composition like so and for example I can go and change color if I want to maybe something like this okay I can change it like so if I want and how would I want to do is I want to create a text inside so I will create a text I will change my color of the text to maybe black and I will type is easy which might not be true but I am going to do something like this again I am going to move by angle point with the control like so okay and now imagine that I would like to create an animation where my shape and my text are going to be animating together so I'm sorry I had to cut the video because I had some little issue but what I want to do is parent my text to my shape and there may be a possibility that you don't see your parenting tool and in that case what you need to do is go somewhere here right-click choose columns and choose parent and Link okay and for some strange reason this disappeared to me so this can happen so if you click this parent and link something like this is going to appear okay and there is actually shortcut shift f4 which is going to put it on and off and what you can do is you can drag this little icon to the shape layer like so okay so this is my takes this is my shape and now you can see even in here that it is parented to the shape layer one and now what I can do is if I am going to move my shape my text is going to go with the with the shape but it doesn't mean that my shape is going to go with my text now what I can do is I can animate my text separately if I want so even move text the shape is not going to follow along okay I could make it so but now I have parented my texts to the shape so every time I move shape or if I rotate my shape or if I scale my shape my text is going to do the same thing okay and for example and just very quickly what I can do is I can go ahead and create a little star like this okay and something like this I don't know and [Music] this star I am going to parent this to the text okay so what I can do is I can parent it to the text and my text is parented at the shape my I will call this star my star is parented to the text so if I move my shape my text and my star are going to go also together okay and even now if I move my text my star is going to go with text so I could pattern my star to the shape layer if I know that I want to create a movement Blair and it would be like so but in that case if I move only my text my star wouldn't go with it okay so you can create parents like this to get them and that's how you can move multiple objects together one of the pink and this is just at the end of the video for you to know that there is something like this you can go in the layer and create a new layer new and you can choose null object and these now objects are specifically used for something like this okay so this now object they are like empty and what do you do you parent many things to the null object and then you treated them as a one with the null object so hopefully this makes ends and I am going to get rid of the null objects so this is probably it this is the very simple hopefully simple introduction to After Effects CC 2020 if you are going to watch this video and there is going to be some requirement I'm going to create more videos about this topic I'm going to create one more video right now about the project very simple project melt this animation in After Effects and I'm going to provide the link in the description so you can see how I am working with actual images and so on and at the end of the video I just want to show you how you can export this how you can rent lt's okay because it would be like pretty stupid if i show you all the way in here and i wouldn't show you how you can export this so i am going to hit ctrl a and i'm going to collapse it like so okay and now what I want to do is I am actually going to delete all of these photo layers because those were just for the information about this parenting so I will hit delete and I'm going to show everything in here okay and here is my first animation head of new after the producer after the effect is great for motion graphics and thank you for watching and maybe what I could do is I could go with ctrl shift Y to change this color a little bit so my text is more modern readable okay if you want and now if you want to export there are two options you can either go to the composition and as to render queue or you can go and add to Adobe Media encoder Q okay and this option with other media encoder is much better option and I am going to show you why but the first thing is I'm going to start with the render queue so I will hit add to render queue and it can take a while if you are working on the big project but right now it is it happened immediately and here are some options so if I click on these best settings I do not want to change anything in here okay so I would just hit OK so nothing is going to be changing here if I go to my lossless I would go ahead and change this avi to QuickTime okay there's a bunch of options but I would go to the QuickTime and in the format option I would go ahead and choose h.264 which is like standard is mp4 and so on but he is no option for that one okay so these pretty sucks and that's why I prefer to render with media encoder but you can you can keep this animation but this is going to be like pretty big file size so I change only one pink and change this from a be to QuickTime and in this one I didn't change anything so this is the only thing that you would change and then in here you would set your location and then you I can just to the desktop call this to be video one I don't know and I would hit save and then I will click render and it is going to render my video like so okay but as I said this is not the best option and I really don't like that I can't choose this mp4 file so what I can do instead is go to the composition and choose add to Adobe Media encoder queue and media encoder is a part of the Adobe Creative Cloud so if you haven't go ahead and install this application because you have to have installed media encoder in order to do it this way and it's just just hit install and nothing else and once you have installed it all you need to do is add to add to the Adobe Media encoder like so I am actually going to close it because I open it before so one more time like so now it is going to take a while before this media encoder is going to be opened so it is going to open other by media encoder like this and in a few seconds it is going to put your file in there and depending on the file size this can take a while but now would be hell behind we have an option to choose the format and I want this h.264 okay and I can go inside in here and this is going to look pretty much the same as the Adobe Premiere Pro okay and the only thing that you have to change is this output name which is because it is going to be a location where your animation is going to be rendered so I am going to call this video - for example like so when I will hit save and then what you can do is you can if you want to have a little lower size you can decrease this bitrate to maybe eight or six so I could go maybe see I wouldn't go over and all you need to do is just hit okay and then click this little icon start cue and it is going to render your animation okay and if whatever reason your other by media encoder don't open it should but that is possibility that it won't open style maybe try maybe too close or after effects and open it one more time and then choose this add to other way Media encoder cue okay because sometimes it happened that in don't open on the first time but it should okay so yeah this is if this was introduction to After Effects hopefully you enjoyed it so if you like this video please give a like you know if you are interested in more videos like this hit subscribe and I'm going to see you in the next video hopefully in the mail today's project that I am going to provide the link in the description so go ahead and watch it and you will learn even more and yeah thank you very much bye
Channel: MotionTuts
Views: 77,594
Rating: 4.8528996 out of 5
Keywords: After Effects CC 2020, tutorial, motion graphic
Id: bAt_51oh0Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 37sec (4477 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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