Loading Bar Animation in Premiere

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in this video I'm going to show you how to create this really awesome loading bar animation right inside of Premiere Pro there's no After Effects no extra plugins it's all premiere so let's get into it so once we're inside of Adobe Premiere Pro and we've got a sequence created we first got to begin by creating a colored background so we'll go down to new item black video or press ok and we'll drag this on to video layer one now we'll just extend the duration of this out to around 10 seconds we'll go to effects search for tint and then we'll drop tint that's t int onto our black video now in the black video we're going to go to matte black - we're going to select this black box here and we can select any color of our choice so I'm going to select let's go to a soft blue there we go that looks nice now from here we can go ahead and we can create the bar now from here we're going to go ahead and we're going to create the bar that the animation is going to load inside of so we're gonna go file new legacy title we'll press ok on the legacy title window we'll extend the duration of this out and then on the left side of this legacy title window we've got these shapes so I'm gonna select I'm going to select this rectangle tool and I'm going to draw a rectangle roughly in the middle there we go now at the moment this is filled in we want to just see the stroke so we're going to go over to the right deselect fill and then we'll go down to strokes and we'll select outer strokes and select the add button so that's going to add an outer stroke and now we can go ahead and we can change the color of this to white and then if we go to size we can just increase the size of that rectangle and that looks really nice now from here we're just going to select that rectangle we'll select these two Center buttons here to make sure it's centered up in the middle of the video we'll exit the legacy title window and we'll drag title 1 on to video layer 2 now moving on we're going to create the animation inside of that bar so from here we're gonna go new item black video press ok we'll drag title 1 or a bar that is up on to video layer 3 will drop the black video onto V layer 2 and will extend this out to the right now from here we want to go ahead and we want to crop this black video so that sits inside of the bar so we're gonna select the black video where they go to opacity select this free draw Bezier and we're just gonna follow around this white rectangle and create this rectangle on the black video there you go that looks really nice now from here we're just gonna scroll to the very end when it creates a brand new keyframe on the mask path we're gonna go to the very beginning we're gonna select mask 1 and then we're gonna grab these two frames on the right of the rectangle mask and we're going to pull them all the way to the left there you go you can see that's slowly filling in now if you wanted to change the color of the bar inside then you want to go to effects tint should be sitting there but if it's not you want to search for tins again drop tint on to this black video go to map black 2 and select the color of your choice so let's go for a soft pink and there you go you can now see this pink loading bar inside of this rectangle now at the moment if we zoom in to this you'll see that the edge is a little bit soft if you didn't want a soft edge that all you have to do is go to mask feather and pull this down to zero and that makes this hard edge now from here we want to add some lines or some gaps into that pink bar that's just gonna make it look like this kind of a percentage count going on throughout this bar so we're going to go into effects and search for the lines and that should load venetian blinds under transition drop venetian blinds onto black video and then inside of the venetie blinds will go to transition completion and we'll pull this up now if you pull the transition completion all the way up to 100 then the bar disappears so we want to make sure we keep a lower number let's go for 30% and then we'll go to width and we'll increase the width this is basically increasing the gap between each pink lines so if we have a small width then you can't see the venetian blinds effect but if we pull that all the way up then we're not really gonna see much of the bar so we want to do a balancing act here and select a number somewhere around the 6070 region now when we play this back we've kind of got this a loading bar indication happening so now we need to go ahead and completely to other assets for this effect so we need to add the title underneath and then we need to add a percentage indicator just above so we'll do the texture first we'll go file new legacy title press ok select the T icon select anywhere on this blue monitor and type out the word loading now from here you can go ahead and you can change the fonts you can change the weight of this you can change the color it's completely up to you but once you're happy with the look at that you want to Center this up again use those two Center buttons and then exit this window we'll go back to our project and drag that title on top of everything extend the duration out and drag this underneath our loading bar now we want this to blink every few seconds so we're going to go to the very beginning we'll go one second to the right we'll go to opacity create brand-new keyframe on opacity by selecting this button here we'll go five keyframes to the right pull this down to zero go another five keyframes to the right will select this keyframe button here and then we'll go another five keyframes to the right and pull this back up to 100 now when we play that back from the very beginning we've got this blinking effect happening so all you have to do from here is select all of those keyframes hold command C on the keyboard to copy move over command V to paste move over again come on V move over again command V command V and if we play that back from the very beginning we've got this blinking effect happening every now and then and that looks really cool so there's just one more thing that we need to do and that is to add the percentage so we'll go to our black video inside of our project will drop black video on top of everything so that's on video 5 will go into effects and search for timecode that should be under video will drop the timecode onto video layer 5 and as you can see it's starting at 0-0 5956 18 obviously this is not what we're going for so we're gonna adjust a few of those settings so we're gonna go in to format and we're gonna change the format from sm Pte to frames will change the timecode source to clip and then if we play this back you can see it's scrolling up from 0 and it's just gonna keep going all the way up to the very end and it finishes at 240 now 240 is obviously too high we want this to go from 0 to 100 but before we do that we're just going to get rid of this field symbol here so we'll just deselect that box and now we're going to go to the point where we see 101 so 98 99 100 101 hits C on the keyboard that's gonna lower the Rays at all and then we'll delete the second part of that video so we go 0 all the way up to 100 now we're just going to right click select nest we can nest this and now we just want to go ahead and change the speed / duration to 10 seconds so we're gonna right-click on the nested sequence go to speed / duration and we'll change the duration from the current 4 seconds - ten seconds and now you'll notice that the zero to a hundred it takes ten seconds rather than four seconds so from here we're going to go into blend mode and we'll select screen that's going to get rid of the black will pull the position of this all the way up nudge that over to the left a touch we'll get into file new legacy title or press okay want to create brand new title and we're just go type out the percentage symbol now you just want to Center this up exit the legacy title window and drag the percentage on top of everything that is there now we're just going to zoom in to the composition so we can perfectly line this up we'll reduce the scale pull the position of this up pull this to the right just a touch and as you can see there's a slight discoloration on the percentage verses e-text so we'll go back into the title and we're going to change that to the color of the text so we'll go to this eyedropper tool here on the fill or select the white from that number will exit the legacy title window and that is now matching again so if we play this back from the very beginning we'll zoom out we've got loading and a percentage climbing up from 0 to 100 and there you go that is the percentage bar now complete thank you for watching this video and I will see you on the next one see you there
Channel: Brooker Films
Views: 8,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brooker films, brookerfilms, chris brooker, chris brooker films, loading bar sound effect, loading bar effect, loading bar, aesthetic loading bar, loading bar animation, loading bar for edits, loading bar premiere pro, adobe premiere pro, motion graphics, premiere pro cc, premiere pro intro, premiere pro animation tutorial, adobe premiere pro free, loading effect, animated progress bar, premiere pro animation effects, video editing, premiere pro
Id: -pR4sz_k9mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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