After Effects Tutorial - Glossy Logo Reveal in After Effects

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this video is sponsored by story blocks video and animated logo has a better chance of connecting emotionally with your ideal target audience by contributing to the overall story behind your brand through the use of colors and the sound used in the animation an animated logo conveys the wipe of your brand instantly it also has a better chance of keeping the viewers attention for a longer period of time considering how much content we consume on a daily basis capturing and keeping the attention of your target audience there's no easy task but with the animated logo the problem is significantly reduced and you will be miles ahead of your competition so today we will be designing a very nice and glossy logo animation in After Effects without using any third-party plugins I am Nikhil from the emotions and without any further ado let's get started if you have ever been in the need for a quick video clip for a b-roll After Effects template or motion backgrounds that story blocks video is for you I personally use story blocks for my youtube videos client projects and many other different stuff there are times when your creative needs are compromised due to low budget for example let's say I am shooting a short flim and my location is near Statue of Liberty and I want an aerial footage of Statue of Liberty and taking a drone shot would exceed my budget because drone shot are not that cheap that is when story blocks video comes in and I can easily search for an aerial footage of the Statue of Liberty and use it in my video story blocks is a subscription-based resource providing unlimited downloads of royalty free stock footage ease motion backgrounds and After Effects templates all videos a hundred percent royalty free and you can keep all the media forever new clips are added regularly so there is always something fresh to download make sure to check out story blocks video the link will be down in the description all right so yah we are in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition I'm going to keep in 1920 by 1080 25 fps and ten seconds long let's call this main as this is gonna be our main composition hit okay then I'm gonna create one more composition for our logo where we can drag and in any logo that we want to use for this animation let's call this logo head okay now I have my logo file right here which is a PNG file I'm just gonna drag and drop it into the logo comm and hit s and scale down the properties of the logo just like that 17% looks good to me now let's create one more composition which is going to be logo edges and this composition we will be using as a surface for a reflection so as we move on with the tutorial you will come to know what I'm talking about so let's call logo our ef4 logo logo edge actually hit OK and then we can drag and drop in our main logo composition into the logo edge comp let's add a fill and by the way I'm using the FX console if you don't if you don't have a FX console you can just simply go into windows and effects and preset and then you can type in fill right here so I'll just type in fill and add a fill color to this make this black hit OK then hit control D to duplicate it not the fill but the layer so it ctrl D to duplicate it and on the top layer I'm going to set the fill color to white and then I want some nice edges at the edge of the logo so for that I'm gonna use a simple choker let's change the choke mat to around 5 and now you can see we have this nice edges around our circle which is basically the back layer or the layer behind the main white layer now this is very sharp at the moment so I want to make it a bit blurry so let's create a new adjustment layer call this blur and I'm going to add fast blur on this let's increase the blurriness to around 4% and repeat edge pixels so so far so good let's create a new composition again and this is gonna be a reflection comp so I'm going to call this reflection underscore 1 cause we will be creating two reflections and after that I have image that i will be using as a reflection so I'm just gonna drag and drop it and by the way the project file will be provided to you guys it is absolutely free you can download it from the link in the description and yep on the reflection layer I'm going to add a un saturation let's bring down the saturation all the way up to zero so we just get a black and white image and after that I'm gonna add a CC repet I'll onto this so that we can you know this increased the reflection size so I can increase expand left just like so so I'll just say this to around 2000 there we go let's place it into the position for now and I'm gonna move it a bit to the top maybe I'll scale this up a bit so hit s and scale is up to 150 percent now move this a bit just like so alright let's select the layer and hit P to bring down the position properties create a keyframe go all the way up to 10 seconds and let's move it to the right just like that okay so now we have a very simple animation which will be making a reflection on our logo now let's select the logo composition that is the reflection one hit ctrl D and now we have the reflection - let's go into the reflection - composition select it select both the keyframes actually and then fill this down make sure your time indicator is at the beginning and then I'm gonna hold shift and pull this down just like so so we have the same animation but the reflection size of the reflection the place of the reflection is on a different position as you can see this is the second one this is the first one alright now let's create one more composition which is going to be our main reflection composition so let's call this mange ref and then I can just drag in the logo edge composition that we created we don't need to see it's like just hide the layer now let's drag in the reflection one composition right here and then on the top I'm gonna drag in the main logo come just like so and then change the reflection one track Matt to alpha Matt now if you don't see the Alpha Matt option you can just hit f4 on the keyboard and that should make it happen so now you can see we have this nice reflection but it is not that organic and it doesn't look very realistic so now let's select this layer and I'm going to use an effect called CC glass alright let's go into the surface and now we will use the logo edge composition as our surface so now you can see if I change it to logo edge now you can see we get this really nice detail into our logo now let's increase the softness to around 25% and for the height I'll go with 90% and for the displacement let's actually go with minus 300 okay so this is looking much better now let's go into the light properties I'll change the light type from distant light to point light and for the light height I'll go it all the way up to hundred and yeah everything else looks good to me now you can see the reflection is a bit more organic and it has this nice detail into this now to make it look much better what I can do is add one more effect called CC blobel eyes go into the blurriness change the blob layer to logo edge and now you can see we have much more detail into the scene let's bring this down to 3 and we don't need any cutaway so I'm gonna set this to 0 so you can see now we have much more reflection detail into the scene so this is looking much better now let's select the logo comp hit ctrl D to duplicate it and then bring down the reflection to composition let's change this to alpha matte as well and then on this one again I'll use the CCE glass let's change to logo edge also we need to change the blending mode of this to screen let's change the softness to around 25 for the height I'll go with 90 actually let's change the softness to around 80 let's bring up the height 104 the displacement I'll go with minus 500 yep that is looking much better let's go into the light properties change the distant light to point light bring down the opacity to around 80% and for the light height I'll make this hundred so now you can see we have much more complex reflection onto our logo which make things look very nice and organic yeah that is looking pretty good so now our reflection composition is ready now let's create a new animation comp and in that I'm gonna drag in the main logo composition and then the main reflection composition then change the blending mode to hard light and bring down the opacity to around 50% let's duplicate it so hit ctrl D to duplicate the layer change the blending mode of this one to screen and bring down the opacity a bit down maybe around 40% you can play around with different number of properties to get the desired look you want also for the reflection - I'll bring down the opacity to around 80% because I think it was too much intense so yeah this is looking much better let's go back into our main animation come and as you can see now logo is started to look pretty cool so now we have all the assets ready now we can start designing our main composition so firstly let's drag in a background into our main composition I have a background right here so I'm just gonna drag it in hit ctrl shift C to pre compose it and I'll call this BG for background hit okay make it 3d and then what I can do is let's drag in the main animation composition that is due this one on the top of the background make it 3d and then select it go into layer layer style and add a drop shadow going to drop child properties so I'll change the direction or the angle of the drop shadow to 90 degree increase the distance to around 10 and for the size I'll go with something like maybe a deep 18 percent so now you can see we have this really nice drop shadow giving some nice depth to our complete logo yep so this is looking pretty cool now what I can do is select the animation layer hit control D two times to create three copies select them all hit P to bring down the position properties select this one and set the position of the Z position to minus four and this one two minus three okay and then let's take the fourth one and put this on the top so we have zero minus 3 and minus four now we don't need the drop shadow on the top two layers so I'm gonna hide the drop shadow so the shadow is not that intense all right now before we move forward one thing I forgot to do is if I go back into my main reflection and reflection - I need to add CC blobel eyes on this one as well so I'll go and add CC global eyes and let's change the blob layer to logo H so now we get much more detail into this and I'm going to bring down the softness to zero and the cutaway to zero as well so now we get this nice edges as you can see which looks much better I'll go back into the logo edge may bring down the soft the simple choker to five and now we have this really nice detail at the edges of our logo so yep that is looking much better let's go into actually let's create a new camera I'm gonna keep it an 80 millimeter camera head okay let's create a new null object called this cam control and make it 3d and parent the camera to the null object so now we can easily animate the camera so let's hit R to bring down the rotation properties set the X rotation to around 25 degrees Oh 25 and the Y rotation to 35 degrees so we have something like that for the position I'll just zoom in a bit let's say this - - 300 and try to place it into the position that we want so I'll just select the camera really quick zoom and just like so to get a really nice angle I believe okay just trying to eyeball it and place it into the center and I think it's looking much better so now let's select the cam control hit hard to bring down the rotation properties go at the very beginning let's create a keyframe on the X rotation and go to around four seconds and our pure rotation just like that and also I'll create a keyframe on the position so create a keyframe hit you go right here and then I can just you know try to position it properly also turn on the title actually save just to be a bit more precise so now we have a much more interesting camera animation as you can see let's also go into camera hit you 2 times and actually turn on the depth of field so I think I'm gonna hit a two times yep turn on the depth of field just play around a bit with the focus distance unless your logo is into the focus and increase the aperture really high blur level as well play around a bit just like so try to just find a good position so now you can see we get this really nice depth not someone animate the focus distance as well so I'll place it somewhere around here create a keyframe go to four seconds and let's increase this just like so so now if I've played as you can see we have this nice focus shifting look on our logo and yeah I think it's looking pretty good now you can of course create different kind of camera angles because this is 3d so you can do crazy camera animation as well but I think this looks pretty good now let's really quickly do a simple correct color correction so I'm gonna create a new adjustment layer called this CC add some sharpen to this first of all let's put this a sharp enough around 20% and maybe 20 is a bit too much I'll go with 10 and then I'll add some curves adjustment Oh okay so just the touch this is looking pretty nice and finally I'll create a new solid so had controlled why to add a vignette keep it black called us v4 vignette hit OK just select the ellipse tool double click invert it and feather this up nicely and bring down the opacity according to your liking and the best part is that you can now go into your logo and you can also use any text if you want to so let's type in if I want to type in dope maybe I'll change the font doing something like this one I'll keep it hide the logo it's a bit close then let's go into the main and BAM there we have our nice text so all in all this is a very interesting animation technique that I think you guys will love it and yeah that is all three guys I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you did then make sure to subscribe comment and like also make sure to follow me on Instagram add dog dog motions and I will see you guys in the next video till then take care thank you so much for watching and don't forget to stay raw stay creative at present we have a special discount going on my video hype template you can buy any of my professional templates from video hype at a flat discounted price of just $12 this offer will only be available till 15th of November make sure to check out my video I put for your mean machine link will be in the description
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 101,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: After Effects Tutorial - Glossy Logo Reveal in After Effects, Glossy Logo Reveal in After Effects, logo animation tutorial, logo animation after effects without plugins, simple logo animation in after effects, professional logo animation, how to make logo animation after effects, intro in after effects, glossy effect after effects, camera animation in after effects, gaming logo reveal after effects, after effects basic tutorial, dope motions, motion graphics tutorial
Id: C5d18O4M-Kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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