After Effects Tutorial - Glitch Text Animation in After Effects

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this video is sponsored by Skillshare hey guys what's up I am Nikki from Dogma luscom and in this After Effects tutorial I'm gonna show you guys how to create a super creative text animation inside of After Effects using some very interesting techniques we will be using some cool time displacement with a nice gradient map it sounds cool the tutorial is even more cooler so stay tuned throughout the video and enjoy and without any further ado let's get started alright guys so here we are in After Effects let's start by creating a new composition let's call this main as this is going to be a main comp this time I'm gonna go with 2k resolution you can of course go with 1920 by 1080 as well 30 fps and 10 seconds long here okay let's create one more composition for our text so I'll call this not test text hit OK let's select the text tool and then you can type in whatever text that you want to type I'm gonna just bring down the size a bit and type in the text I want all right so my text layer is set to stroke so I just need to switch that back to normal and make it white for the font I am using in a clear expanded you are free to use any font that you like with the size of 150 I'll align it into the center if you don't see this aligned tab you can go into Windows and there you will find it so now we have our text let's add some little animation to our text so I'll go into the properties going to animate and add position then going to add and add a property of opacity as well let's set the position to minus 75 go into the range selector also I'm going to bring down the opacity to 10 B ceccolini we'll set this to zero but just to see the visual presentation of anime I'm just gonna leave it at 10% for now let's go to 10 frames and set the officer to minus 100 create a keyframe go to Iran one second and ten frames and set is to 100 go to advanced properties and let's change the shape to ramp up and increase the ease low all the way up to hundred so we have a little easing animation and that is looking pretty nice now we can set the opacity all the way up to zero and now we should have this really nice animation which looks pretty cool before I proceed further with this tutorial let's take a look at today's sponsor Skillshare Skillshare is an online learning community for creatives where millions come together to take the next step in their creative journey Skillshare offers thousands of inspiring classes for creatives and curious people on topics including illustration design photography video freelancing and more sketcher offers class designed for real life so you can move your creative journey forward without putting life on hold you can check out this animation course for motion design on Skillshare to learn more about motion graphics and animation Skillshare is also incredibly affordable especially when compared to pricey in-person classes and workshops click the link in the description to get two free months of premium membership and explore your creativity alright so I'm happy with the animation now let's go ahead into the main calm let's hit control Y to create a new solid call this BG for background I'm gonna keep it black and a drag and drop in the text layer now we need to create a displacement map in order to accelerate our animation using that displacement map so to do that I'm going to create a new composition called this map head okay and on the main in the main composition or the text layer I'm gonna go and actually bring up my effects and preset panel I'll dock it right over here and type in this place spent and I'm gonna use time displacement so I can just drag and drop it so basically now we need to add a map in order to achieve that displacement so in order to create that map and it's gonna only read the black and white values from the map so you just need to keep that in mind so let's select a rectangular tool and I'm gonna set this to gradient instead of a fill that is linear gradient and hit OK we don't need any stroke let's create a shape just like that going to rectangle properties rectangle path one unlink this set this to 300 and set this one to 220 so I have a very thick stroke let's move this points which are the gradient points I'm going to keep it just like that very nice a simple gradient then let's go into the add property and add a repeater Sol increse the number of repeater to around 40 I'm going to transform a repeater 1 and let's change the position so I'm gonna keep it something like that and then I can move this just like so at the top actually you can just keep it right here and align it to the top by clicking on this button just like that now let's go ahead and add one more repeater to this so I'll go into add and let's add a repeater again we're going to repeat her to let's increase the copy to around 40 going to transform repeater and let's bring that down just like so so you get this really interesting pattern like that and let's move this to the left and we will bring up the copies a bit more and keep this moving so we now have this really nice pattern which is gonna you know accelerate our animation so now let's go back into the main comp drag and drop in the map composition hi this we don't need to see that select the text go into effects in control panel so we have a time displacement let's say the time displacement map layer to map and now right off the bat without doing anything you can see if I just said this to Otto we get this cool reveal but we also need to move a text a bit so what I'm going to do is set this to minus 0.1 let's preview this so there we go there we have our really cool takes animation and this is basically the base of the complete animation now what I'm going to do is add some detail to this and to add some detail I have a simple shape video shapes video so if I just saw that up pretty simple and by the way you can download the complete project file from the link in the description below so you don't need to worry about the assets that I'm using so you have the shape video I'm gonna go right over here let's crop that up holding alt and open square bracket let's move this at the very beginning so we have this very nice animation now I can't hit s to bring down the scale properties unlink this and scale this a bit just like so it covers a complete text you move this a bit so you see looks pretty cool now one more thing that you can do in order to make it look more complexes hit ctrl D to duplicate it and she'll track my 2-alpha inverted hit scale and let's set this to -100 so now you can see we have a very interesting look pretty cool if you don't see this track map option you can just hit f4 on the keyboard and that should make it visible so we have our base animation ready to roll now let's select all the layers and stuff except the background layer hit ctrl shift C to pre compose it call this animation hit OK now we can do various different things with this the first thing that I'm going to do is it ctrl D to duplicate it let's move this maybe 5 frames forward time oh maybe ten frames silly the second one going to fashion preset and type in blinds I'm gonna add some venereal blinds on this so let's add this one fifty percent and make it really nice and thick around each should be good and let's do 45 so now we had this really interesting look as you can see looks pretty cool Todd is doing pretty good let's create one more copy hit ctrl D from the last one I'm gonna I'm gonna delete the vanity lines and move this two layers forward in time select this gonna fix and preset entire plane fill just to add some nice color to this so let's see what we have she looks pretty cool maybe I think 10 frames is a bit too much I can say there's around 7 frames or something so as you can see now we have some more detail into our scene let's copy the fill from your bit control C control V and for the last text I'm gonna change color to a nice push something like that to give a really nice effect as you can see looking pretty nice still not happy I'm gonna set it to 5 frames and this one to 10 frame now let's preview this yep that is exactly what I'm going for looks pretty cool let's frequently add some nice background and some elements to fill up the scene so first things first I'm gonna hit ctrl Y and create a new solid called this grid and going to effects and preset in type in grid let's have a click to apply that up set this to with slider I am angry the size of it maybe 55 set the border to 1 and for the color I'll go with nice purple color that we have that looks nice and then hit ctrl shift C to pre compose it called this grid and then I can slip their lips tool and create a mask from the center holding ctrl just like so hit F to bring down the feather properties whether this up to 1000 and now he has really nice look maybe I'll bring down the opacity a bit I'm gonna keep it very subtle so something like 50% as you can see if I said this sue full you can see how it looks alright now let's add some over later this so I'm gonna hit ctrl Y call this over they give it a nice purple color hit ok then select the ellipse tool and create a mask holding ctrl from the center just like that then hit effort of this up really high maybe I'll just bring this point up a bit he's a feather amount really high and bring down the opacity so 80 and bring down the opacity keep it very subtle like something like green 5 and there you go that is looking very nice let's select this hit ctrl D to duplicate it at R and rotate this by 180 degrees and let's and let's select layer and add a fill on this and let's give it a nice pinkish light pink color and let's bring down the opacity a bit keep it a very subtle now obviously you will start getting some color bending so to fix that what you can do is hold alt and click on this icon to switch to 16 bits per channel and create a new adjustment layer called this and create a new adjustment layer called this noise go in effects and preset nice double-click and set this to five person in order to get rid of the color bendings also I'm gonna go back into the grid composition and let's increase great size to around 70 I think yeah that looks much better and basically there you go there you have your cool text animation which is super simple and looks pretty interesting now there are various different effects that you can add on a duplicate of the text to achieve you know more interesting results so yeah that is a wrap for today guys I hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you did make sure to subscribe comment like and follow me on and follow me on instagram at dope god motions i will see you guys in the next video till then take care and always stay raw stay creative peace out
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 52,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, after effects tutorial, glitch text in after effects, text animation in after effects, smooth text effect in after effects, simple text animation after effects, glitch effect in after effects, dope motions, dope motions tutorials, easy text animation after effects, title animation after effects
Id: 7GKO_OeoEZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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