Tesla Coil - Wireless Power Machine 3D Printed (ft .Plasma Channel)

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hmm Vietnam that I nikola tesla a subject of the emperor of austria hungary from smidgen leica bought the country of austria-hungary and a resident in the county and state of new york have invented certain UN useful improvements in methods of and apparatus for electric lighting well that's just a fancy way of saying invented wireless electricity the text I just read is the opening paragraph on a patent Nikola Tesla filed on April the 25th of 1891 six years later he filed another patent heading improvement then another one in 1900 and another one on January 18th of 1907 these four patents combine from an extensive description of the apparatus Nikola Tesla developed to transmit electricity through great distances without the use of wires and this device is nowadays known as Tesla coil a Tesla coil is a resonant transformer capable of generating voltages as high as a million volts and if you don't live under a rock you have probably seen videos of Tesla coils creating beautiful arts of pulsating plasma by modulating the frequency of the pulsating art and using the crackling noise of electricity is also possible to use these bolts of plasma to create a synthetic sound [Music] there's many experiment you can do with the Tesla coil and most of them are truly amazing but how exactly can a Tesla coil transmit wireless power one of the most popular experiments you can do with the Tesla coil is use it to light up a fluorescent light bulb without using any wires this works because the high voltage that creates the sparked is also generating a strong electromagnetic field that accelerates the free electrons on the low-pressure gas inside the ball the high-speed electrons are able to ionize the gas and excite the phosphorus layer that in turn emits visible I unfortunately this is a near field effect which means it follows the inverse squared law and also means it loses most of its power over a short distance Nikola Tesla realized this shortly after performing some practical tests with special bulbs that he made but giving the world wireless energy was this long life dream and that meant he couldn't give up just now a second idea to transmit wireless energy for long distances using his Tesla coil is one that seems to be taken out of a jules verne story the first obvious thing about Tesla coils is the fact that produce sparked jolts of electrons that propagate through the air if one were to build the transmitting Tesla coil and then a second receiving Tesla coil maybe it would be possible to propagate spark from one coil to the other and thus transmit energy through the air literally this is what Nikola Tesla had in mind and he left it very clear in his patents that global network of transmitting and receiving Tesla coils that would power the entire world the problem is that as Nick watt has the new at a time and we also know now air is not that good at conducting electricity or is it in Arma conditions air is a very good insulator and to pass a current through it over a certain distance you need to apply a very big voltage between the two poles this is what is called the breakdown voltage and in the case of air is about three thousand volts to cross a one millimeter gap this breakdown voltage can be calculated using the paschen's law and if we take a closer look at the equation we can see that the necessary voltage to cross a certain gap depends heavily on the pressure of the air Nikola Tesla quickly found out that is easier to transmit electricity through air when this is a very low pressure and high humidity and what better place to find these conditions then up there at ten kilometers of altitude right at the edge of the troposphere is where Nikola Tesla wanted to place the transmitters for his Tesla coils unfortunately even nowadays the highest building in the world is a mere 800 meters tall so how in the world was Nikola Tesla thinking about placing Tesla coils so high up in the sky well with balloons of course really the basic idea was to use odd hair balloons to carry the transmitters at a very high altitude these transmitters would high an idea of the atmosphere and create a plasma channel through which electricity would flow to any point in the world now if your first thought after hearing all of this is that this idea is insane well it is insane it's actually completely mental but it's also a very interesting one and don't forget that at some point in your life you have probably seen this kind of energy transmission in the form of a lightning ball electing bolt is a natural occurring electrostatic discharge and a typical lightning ball contains about 1 million they'll a truly 30 microsecond but the energy they contain would be able to power 100 watts light bulb for 3 months Nakata is expected to be able to generate 25 million volts with this Tesla coil which when compared when might not seem a lot but it is to achieve such high voltages the Tesla coil uses the effect of resonance to inductor capacitor circuits are designed to work at compatible frequencies that oscillate with each other this creates a very strong magnifying effect that spikes the voltages on the secondary to absurd values as a power source is possible to use alternating current but in its original design Nikola Tesla truly use DC current then you would interrupt at very high frequency using a spark gap interrupter now the reason why I'm telling you this in a tub while this voice is a dub and this bub is giving a rub to a shrub is because I'm forming a small club and I'm waiting for you to become myself a spark cap interrupter or ski as I like to call it works by using the air breakdown voltage to pace the interruptions this kind of interrupter was actually used in early versions of the radio Marconi invented as the power source charges the capacitor the voltage starts to rise once it reaches the breakdown voltage of the air for that specific gap distance as spark jumps and brushes through the primary coil this creates a magnetic field which by the Faraday's law induces a great voltage on the secondary and thus plasma is born this cycle repeats itself several times per second and the spark twisting coming out of the secondary are actually not continuous but a pulsated stream of lightning bolt which actually makes the Tesla coil the electrical equivalent of a poles jet engine now if after hearing all of this you're feeling an increasing urge to get a Tesla coil then I have to tell you that I do too maybe I should call Jay from plasma channel and ask him to build me one [Music] oh hi there everybody good so I'm calling because I need a favor can you 3d print me apart for a touch of the coil oh you're building it doesn't yeah that's a little one can you send me some drawings so I can 3d model the parts yeah I can whip something up for you Shmi headed your way yeah J I think you sent me the wrong file this is just a piece of paper saying beatlejuice beatlejuice beatlejuice got you what in Texas [Music] [Music] Tigs Oh perfect that's great thanks man actually I was calling because I need I don't know you're kind of asking a lot I gotta go bye but but well I guess I'll have to build one myself okay for starters I need two 3d model the structure for the Tesla coil let's make it small but wide enough so I can fit all the electronic I'll print the support for the coils in Brazil the surface needs to be smooth so it's easier to coil the wire for the rest I can use the FTM printers okay let's do this future Joel that's editing this video make sure you use the badass song for the 3d printing montage [Music] [Applause] [Music] so far I've treated all the structural parts and I have coiled both the primary and the secondary coils now I need some electronics as we have seen in the beginning of the video Tesla used the spark gap as a way to interrupt the current on his primary coil and this is an ingenious way of making the circuit oscillate but nowadays there's an easier way of doing it using a little invention that revolutionized technology forever also known as transistor the transistor is an electric switch without moving parts and is a perfect substitute for the spark gap interrupter because the transistor depends heavily on the current flowing in both the primary and the secondary the circuit appa regulates itself and matches the frequencies of both coils this is called the slayer exciter circuit or sac for short and you can find a big variety of sects online I'm a big fan of electro bull and I know it has a lot of experience when it comes to sag in fact he didn't believe in sex at first but now he's a big fan he actually improved the Slayer exciter circuit so I went to his web page and I stole him sorry Mary the circuit uses a MOSFET transistor and the driver to interrupt the current passing on the primary efficiently and at high speed I got the parts and I assembled the circuit on a breadboard it works perfectly if you follow this channel you probably know that I suck at soldering and I avoid doing it as much as I can nonetheless one should always try to improve ourselves and what better way of doing that then learning new skills to do that one can use the service provided by this video sponsor skills where skills where is an online learning community with over 15,000 courses to choose from with new courses being added every day you can learn any subject you want for example electronics hi everybody my name is jay and i teach an award-winning course on electronics called finding your spark and i so happen to hear that you just might need some help with electronics okay head so listen up today we're gonna learn the difference between capacitors and King inductors so strap you're sorry yeah sit down because today we're gonna learn some [ __ ] if you don't like electronics you can learn other stuff like cooking hello my name is in taxa and this is my kitchen and I have a little question for you do you have an interest in learning how to cook because if you do nobody gives us pick a goddamn knife is that cutting some onions do something useful for a change you little anxious pieces of life is not a movie yo Millennials have no skills and no knowledge I should know everyone as well do you even know what's the most important ingredient in the sauce what he's just safe tomatoes no tomatoes are disgusting so if you're a curious mind and you want to learn about electronics and you want to learn that's good just yeah I think I can't learn how to solder some other time the best way for me to avoid soldiering is by using a PCB which stands for printed circuit board I found a site called GLC PCB that not only builds the pretty boards very cheaply but also inserts the component so I don't have to solder I designed the port and I place the order I used express shipping so the PCBs should be arriving at any moment just a second oh hi there hi my name is Broncos can you sign here please yeah sure it's identification yeah I got married he's any morning on China well that was a bad idea what going to China no getting married well now that I have everything that I need the only thing missing is assembling the coil [Music] as a top-load I'm using a doorknob that I stole from my brother George and tada the Tesla coil is ready and it's looking pretty cool it's able to turn on light bulbs but it's not able to reduce part so I guess I'll have to build a more powerful one in the future in the meantime I can use the one J from plasma channel sent me yeah he ended up sending me one he used the Taser lighter to make this Tesla coil if you want to see its build you can follow this link here now before in the video there's something I need to do so in my last video I asked you guys to baptize my new SL a resin 3d printer and you guys had a lot of ideas most of the suggestions were fun base names we have ultraviolent nice slap a tron SLA but Ron I like it we have Slayer we have lights labor and slave the name that was actually chosen was resonator this name was chosen by my patrons at patreon because patron is Spanish for bus so they make the choices around here if you want to become my patron you can use the panel at the end of the video or use the link in the description because I now have a new SL a 3d printer called l goomar's sent to me by elgu well I still need to name her so if you have any suggestion please leave it in the comment section below well this is it for today thank you for watching the video and until the next time [Music]
Channel: Integza
Views: 337,891
Rating: 4.9046812 out of 5
Keywords: Tesla, Nikola, Coil, Magnetic, Electric, Electricity, Spark, Gap, Interruptor, Slayer, Exciter, Circuit, Science, Funny, Wireless, Power, Machine, Davie504, ElectroBOOM
Id: ZITh9C_7hbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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