Aerial Visualizations in 3ds Max

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It probably will be the coolest video I’ve  done so far, I’m outside my office in Gdańsk,   Poland, and will show you how to do an  aerial visualization from start to finish. We will start with taking drone photography,  through camera matching in 3ds Max,   creating lighting that matches the  photo, blending 3D with the drone shot,   and finally putting everything together  to achieve the effect like this. We will start with shooting a photo with a drone. Using drones in aerial visualizations it’s  a must in my opinion. Doing everything in   3D looks fake in most cases and it’s not up to  today’s standards for marketing type of work. Also if you can do it all by yourself,  it’s a great way to make some extra money. I am using DJI mini 3 pro, it’s a great  choice because it weighs less than 250 grams,   so you can fly it everywhere, doesn’t  matter if you have a drone license or not,   and at the same time the quality is  really good for a drone that size. This is the site I will use for this tutorial. We have a great location here,  close to the park and sea. The city is on another side. Here we have to think about what we want  to show, of course in this case we have   to show a connection with the park and  sea and hide the city on another side. The time of the day is also very important  to get good lighting, choose either early   morning or late afternoon, I like to catch  a bit of sun, but have it nice and soft. All the composition rules apply  here as well, you can turn on   gridlines in the controller's settings  so it’s easier to find the best angle. Go to the settings, and camera,  and go down to the gridlines. I like to turn on these 2. Now, it’s way easier to find a good composition. Next, let me show you the camera settings  I change to get the best possible outcome. Firstly, I change the photo size to 48 megapixels. I always shoot in RAW so I have more  control in postproduction later on. Lastly, I switch to pro mode and adjust  the shutter speed and ISO manually. The cool thing about this drone is  that you can shoot vertical images. You can rotate the camera  with a click of one button. It’s a way better solution than  cropping from horizontal to vertical. Here is the shot I came up with. I am happy with it, let’s go back to the office. Hope you like the first part, let me know in   the comments if you would like  to see more videos like this. The first step is to do a postproduction  on the RAW photo, we have a JPG and DNG,   and I will use DNG as it  stores way more information. Usually, I use lightroom for that,   but I will use Photoshop because  probably most of you guys use it. I will start by darkening the highlight  so we see the sea more clearly. By the way, you can download the photo  and the site model from my website,   the link in the corner, and the  description, so you can follow along. Then I will work on the overall  brightness and contrast of the image. We can add a bit of clarity  and texture, but not too much. We can adjust the contrast  further in the curves tab. Lastly, I will work on colors a bit. Let’s make the water even more noticeable as this  is the most important feature of this location. We can change the hue a bit as well. I am happy with that. Now let’s jump to 3ds Max to do the first  step in 3D which is camera matching. First, we need a google maps  screenshot, so we have some reference. I have painted over the main  paths so it’s more visible. Here, you can see the scale. I will move the pivot to one end of the scale. Then I will create a plane with a length of 200m Move the map to one side of the  plane and scale it to match the size. Great, now let’s add the  drone photo as a background. Go to configure viewport,  background, and use the file. One more thing, we have to match the  output resolution to the photo size. To find out the resolution of the  photography go to properties and details. Here is the resolution. Type it in the output size. Preparation is done, now we can create a camera. In the photo details, you can find all  the information about camera settings. We have to use these settings in 3ds max. I will change the type to focal length. Set film width to 35mm and focal length  to 24mm, as it says in the photo details. Let’s set other values. In V-Ray it works exactly the same,  only the naming is slightly different. Once it’s done, let’s set  the height of the camera. It’s way easier if you know  the altitude of the drone. When I shot this photo my drone  was 120m above the ground. Then let’s turn on the horizon line and adjust the  camera’s target to match horizont of the photo. Now, that the camera height  and the viewing angle are set,   we can group the camera and its target  and move and rotate it as a whole. To make it easier, we can decrease the  opacity of the google maps material. The only thing left is to  adjust it as close as possible. I think it’s pretty good. Let’s see how it looks with the site models. This is the model, I used  the building from Evermotion,   I will link them in the description below. All looks fine, I’m happy with that. Great, we have the camera, now  we need to match the lighting. Let me turn on all the layers so  you can see the complete model. The trees and vegetation we  use come from GlobePlants. You know that high quality is very  important to me, GlobePlants models are   not only very detailed and photorealistic,  but also have really well-done materials. You can buy individual models or bundles.  It’s very convenient. Let’s say you work on   a project in New Zealand, just choose  this bundle, and you are covered. They create exact plant species, my client  wants a jacaranda tree, so here it is. You get not only these models  but also different growth stages. Also, all the models are available in the  growFX version which is really important for me,   as I am not locked to the models they have created  and can adjust them to my need like in this image. If you cannot find the model you need,   I will put the link to their website in  the corner and the description below. Now, let’s add the Sun. I will use the daylight system. We have to match the north to the  north of the google maps backdrop. Next, we have to jump to the  motion tab and pick the location. We’re in Europe. Warsaw, Poland is the closest. Then I will set the date and the time. This information can be found  in the photography details. Once it’s done, let’s move to modify  panel and change the sun type to Corona,   if you use V-Ray obviously choose it instead. We don’t need a skylight  as we will use Corona Sky. Also, let’s set up a light mix  so we have more control later on. Let’s see how it looks rendered. Obviously, too bright. First, I will lower exposure. -1.5 looks correct. I will add a bit of contrast. And desaturate it a bit. Then, let’s jump to the light mix  tab and make the Sun more orange. Also, I will make Sky more blue. We are getting there. Now if I place it over the background  image you can notice that this area   here stands out a lot because it should  be in the shadow cast by these trees. We need to add the surrounding trees in 3ds max,  so they can cast shadows on our main models. I have added a plane and 2 layers of trees, the  outer layer using Forest Pack plugin and for the   inner layer I’ve just used proxies and placed  them more precisely manually to match the photo. Here is how it looks rendered. We don’t need them visible  though, we just need shadows. I will make them invisible to the camera. Go to object properties and  uncheck “visible to camera” Same for the trees. This way they won’t be rendered  but they will still cast shadows. Here is how it looks rendered, I am happy  with that, we can render high resolution. Now, let’s combine the render with the photo. When the render is ready, we need to  place the main image over the drone photo. Remember to save it as exr or tiff  so you have an alpha channel stored. Add a mask to the render and mask  out the trees in front of the site. Here is the final effect,  it’s quite a long process,   the more time you put in the  better effect you will achieve. I will add a curves adjustment layer  only to the render to blend it better. Next, I will add levels and  make the rendering way darker. Then I will make a mask black so the effect is not   visible and paint some areas with  the white brush to add shadows. I will also desaturate the render a bit. You can notice that the render is way sharper  than the photo, so they don’t blend well. We need to add some filters to fix this. First, I will add motion blur, because the drone   camera is moving a bit which creates  a bit of motion blur on the photo. Not too much, 3 is fine. I will add normal blur as well  to make it even less sharp. Then, let’s add a noise, as  it’s a bit visible in the photo. And finally, I will sharpen the image. I’m adding it because drone software sharpens  photos, so it will match this effect. Look at the difference, now  they look way better together. The very important last step is to add  some color correction to both layers,   so they blend even more. I will add some contrast, and  vignetting and change the colors a bit. Here is the final effect. If you want to learn how to create advanced   exterior visualizations from  start to finish, join my course. Also, watch my other videos here on  Youtube, these are my picks, bye, bye.
Channel: Arch Viz Artist
Views: 42,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, lesson, training, architectural visualizations, cgi, rendering, render, 3d image, 3d visualization, architecture, 3ds max, autodesk, vray, v-ray, corona, corona renderer, animations, 3d render, interior architecture, architectural visualization artist, 3d artist, camera setup, camera, lighting setup, photorealistic, post production, postproduction, aerial visualization, bird eye view, bird eye visualization, aerial render tutorial, drone, drone photography, drone visualization
Id: iIYYzosZ1Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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