ADVANCED VOCABULARY | like | likely | liken | alike | dislike | unlike | unlikely | likelihood

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hi guys i'm arnelle and today we're going to look at like likely liken a like dislike unlike unlikely and likelihood so all these words have the word like in them what's the difference or what's the same [Music] here's the plan as you can see we're going to look at like the longest we're going to look at like in terms of like and similar yes light can have a lot of different uses but today we only need to know these two if we are comparing the word like to these other words and yes we're going to look at unlike two times like don't like i like ice cream i don't like ice cream i like him i don't like him if i have an appointment i usually like to arrive 10 minutes early i don't like to be late michelle likes going to the gym michelle doesn't like going to the gym after like we can have noun pronoun infinitive or gerund infinitive is that two plus base verb and gerund is that ing form in this case let's do a few more examples most people like animals most people don't like spiders like plus noun those are beautiful jane will definitely like them jane will not like them like plus pronoun one of my colleagues likes to put her pens in a line on her desk she doesn't like to share her pens my husband and i like ordering pizza once a week my husband and i don't like spending more than twenty dollars on pizza that's too much be careful of this common mistake i like to ordering i like order remember you have two possibilities the infinitive or gerund infinitive or gerund is there a difference between i like ordering and i like to order normally no use them both freely michelle likes going to the gym michelle likes to go to the gym same thing my husband and i like ordering pizza my husband and i like to order pizza same thing but sometimes there can be a difference like plus gerund is something you enjoy life plus infinitive this is a preference a habit i like drinking coffee early in the morning i can look out my window and watch the sun rise i like to carry a couple of power banks with me whenever i travel i do not want my phone to run out of battery in the first example i enjoy drinking coffee early in the morning this is nice and the second this is something good to do it's not necessarily about happiness i mean you would never see someone do this yeah i have two power banks i have the power of power banks i know it's weird but i like cleaning i like having a clean house whenever i clean my house i like to clean the bathrooms first i can get them out of the way first one is enjoy second it's a habit or a preference do people really like cleaning toilets okay great so i want you to know don't worry about using the gerund or the infinitive many native speakers most native speakers use them interchangeably but sometimes it's good to know that there can be a difference in feeling okay we've looked at like don't like let's add dislike my parents don't like my new tattoo my parents dislike my new tattoo is there a difference generally dislike is stronger and it's more formal we'll look at another example here i have some soup i don't like the soup i dislike the soup the first one is a lot more natural don't like is very common day to day dislike is too strong in this situation i mean it's just soup who really dislikes soup i dislike the way adam speaks to people he's very rude i dislike it i dislike how the character in the book goes from good to evil why emily seems to express her dislike for absolutely anything that isn't her idea here dislike is a noun and you can see in these examples this light gives you that stronger feeling of course you could use don't like but i hope you can feel that little difference shh i'm looking at my boss's instagram oh oh no i accidentally liked his picture but then i quickly unliked it have you ever done this when it comes to social media we can like a picture or a video we can unlike which means remove your like we can like unlike and we can dislike something this video has 200 likes and 10 dislikes here i have the nouns let's keep going verb plus like this means similar what is a nectarine a nectarine is like a peach but it's not fuzzy you can see these two fruits are similar but they're not the same normally we use a sense verb with like by sense verb i mean smells like looks like sounds like taste like feels like this soap smells like roses it's very similar it's beautiful you look like your mom you're very similar if i want to say same i can add just or exactly you look just like your mom you look exactly like your mom the interview felt like an interrogation they were very similar you sound like you're sick are you okay i love bubble tea what does it taste like it is very sweet and milky it is like a dessert we can see the verb in this case a sense verb plus like you could have a noun you could also use a pronoun or a clause subject verb and here i'm using sense verbs but actually you could use any verb i mean my my boyfriend he dances like he's celebrating mini review i like i don't like i dislike you can like a post you can unlike a post you can dislike a post verb plus like similar similar similar what else can we use we can use a like is it like formal or informal it's neutral you can use it in your writing or when you're speaking are liz and emily's sisters because they look alike look at these answers they're alike aren't they i think alex and lauren copied each other's work let's compare this to an earlier structure look like are they sisters they look alike you could say they look like sisters what's the difference they mean the same thing the grammar is just a little bit different verb like something or verb alike i don't really care what kind of phone i have they're all alike in my opinion they're all similar okay when a like is an adjective don't put it before a noun you can't say oh these are alike songs these songs are alike or these songs sound alike alike can also be used to mean two groups equally in the same way children and grown-ups alike love hot chocolate both children and grown-ups like hot chocolate two groups they have the same opinion uh grown-ups is another way to say adults the novel was well received by critics and readers alike both critics and readers two groups liked the novel okay let's look at one special expression using alike great minds think alike we use the expression when two people have the same idea and it's a bit surprising you're kind of saying we're both geniuses you bought jackie a stationary set for her birthday so did i that's funny great much think alike this expression is informal it's we're not being serious it's very fun so we've looked at a couple of ways to describe similarities you look like your mom you and your mom look alike in my opinion we can liken um grammar to math because there are many ways to say the same thing lichen what's liken lichen is a verb a regular verb liken likened likened you liken someone or something to someone or something when we use lichen we're comparing two things getting a tattoo is often likened to being stung by a thousand bees it's so painful here i'm comparing getting a tattoo getting stung by bees because they're similar why am i not saying getting a tattoo is like in two be stung two two plus infinitive right in this case two is a preposition and we need that object we need a gerund sometimes two is part of the verb for example i need to go in this case the ing form is a gerund because it's following the preposition to does suzanne like her new job well she likens her boss to a giant cockroach so i don't think so she compares her boss to a cockroach because they're so similar the age of the internet can be likened to the industrial revolution it has changed the world forever in all of these examples we're comparing two things because they're so similar they're similar but what if things are different what can we use we can use unlike unlike is a preposition so we need that object we mean this is different unlike you i'm not good with computers there's a contrast you are good with computers i'm not unlike many languages english words are often not pronounced the way they are spelled you know that for example r-o-u-g-h is pronounced rough but if you add t-h it's pronounced through i'm not good with computers unlike you english words are often not pronounced the same way they are spelled unlike many languages unlike is often used with any or anything and here we're trying to show a really big contrast my trip to borneo was unlike anything i had ever experienced it was so completely different you've been to a couple of cirque du soleil performances haven't you yeah i think i've seen three because i was thinking about getting my wife tickets for her birthday that is such a good idea cirque du soleil is unlike any other show on earth the dancers the performers the music the costumes everything is spectacular very different last structure with unlike unlike someone infinitive too infinitive imagine you're waiting for your friend she's five minutes late no message she's 10 minutes late no message after 20 minutes you start to get worried it's unlike christina to be late she's normally very punctual we can use unlike someone too when a person does something that's out of character it's not normal for them what's wrong with me it's unlike me to have no motivation i don't feel like doing anything this is out of character for me there's been a lot of information let's do another review like don't like dislike like unlike dislike verb plus like similar this kitchen smells like heaven verb plus alike similar you and your dad sound alike on the phone alike two groups equally tennis is popular with men and women alike lichen you compare two things because they are similar he likened my singing to a dying cat i was really insulted unlike different unlike or unlike any unlike gareth i'm not interested in getting a promotion unlike someone too it's unlike hoco to miss class i hope she's okay let's keep going okay here we have likely and unlikely we are likely to speak about something that's very probable we are not 100 sure this is going to happen but we have a strong feeling about this i know carol is looking for a new job i think it's likely that she won't be here in a couple of months it seems likely that schools will be closed for another few months look at that grammar likely that will likely that will we often use will because we're speaking about the future we're predicting something yes we can use the same grammar with unlikely i know carol is looking for a new job it's unlikely that she will find one anytime soon it seems unlikely that schools will open i think they'll be closed for another six months if you notice a difference in the lighting i had to quickly change the battery um i ran out of battery okay let's keep going with likely and unlikely you had your job interview this morning it's highly unlikely you'll get a response today we often use highly very extremely with likely or unlikely to give a little bit more emphasis it's highly unlikely okay we've looked at likely unlikely that will here's another very common structure likely to are you likely to take the ielts exam this year just to warn you the client is likely to turn down our offer dad said no he's unlikely to change his mind unlikely plus that two infinitive okay i have one word for you yearbook cultural note in the u.s whenever a school year ends you can buy a yearbook a yearbook is just full of all the students from the school and big events throughout the year there's always a fun section of specific students these students were voted for by other students for example most popular hannah gilberts most athletic stephen hunter and there was usually a most likely section most likely to succeed dave peters most likely to get into harvard teresa wilson most likely to win an olympic gold medal chris bailey todd you can see in all of these examples we are talking about what we think is very possible in the future so let me know in the comments below if you have yearbooks in your country are they popular likely unlikely is there a noun form of course and i think maybe you already know what it is likelihood likelihood is the noun we can use and to make this a little bit easier let's bring up an earlier example are you likely to take the ielts exam this year remember this one what is the likelihood of you taking the ielts exam this year you the noun gives me the option of asking likely unlikely eating fatty foods increases the likelihood of a heart attack wearing sunscreen on a regular basis helps to decrease the likelihood of getting skin cancer likelihood is a formal word so we often hear it used to describe health or in the news about statistics there is little likelihood that the crime rate will fall in the upcoming year there's a very little chance the likelihood of something the likelihood that let's do a couple more examples and often you'll see and hear likelihood used with every any and little there is every likelihood that this branch will double in size by the end of the year a very big chance seismologists say there is little likelihood of a second earthquake at no time was there any likelihood that the child was in danger you might see this last this last example on a police report for example you know in english if you really want to improve your vocabulary try to look at things in chunks you want to learn phrases just like this next one in all likelihood this means very probable i know you can't stand oscar but in all likelihood he was telling the truth this scandal is going to cause an outrage and in all likelihood numerous people are going to lose their jobs in all likelihood the after-school child care program will close there aren't enough peoples attending wow amazing there was a lot of information today's lesson you know what give me an example down below try to practice some of these words i really enjoyed making this for you and i can't wait to see you soon thank you bye
Channel: Arnel's Everyday English
Views: 166,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: likely, like, likelihood, alike, english vocabulary
Id: omrDFwGbpSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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