21 TYPICAL SPEAKING MISTAKES - Can you correct them?

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Hi I'm Arnel from Arnel's Everyday English and today we're going to look at 21 typical speak mistakes people make when they're learning English. For each one I'm going to give you the mistake, the correction, and an explanation. But first, I have a little test for you. Here I have 22 sentences. Why are there 22? Because 21 of them are incorrect, and one is correct. I want you to find that one correct sentence. Pause your video now! Did you find the correct sentence? Number 12. I booked tickets at the last minute is correct. Okay there's going to be a lot of information today. You need a pen and a notebook, get ready to take notes. Let's begin. Number one, the people was very friendly, the people were very friendly. People is a plural countable noun. The person was. The people were. Number two, yes I'm agree. I agree. Agree is an active verb in the present simple. You don't say I am think, I am do, I am want. I think, I do, I want, I agree. Number three, it depends of my mood. What's mood? It's your feelings that you have in the present. Happy, sad, angry. frustrated. That's your mood. It depends on my mood. Depends on is a phrasal verb, it's always depends on, its not depends of. Number four, my friend Clara said me that she's allergic to dust. My friend Clara told me that she's allergic to dust. If you want to put the person you are speaking to, you use tell, not say. She said me that she's allergic to dust, she said him, she said my parents, she said the teacher? She told me, she told him, she told my parents. But if you add to, you can you say. She said to me, she said to him, she said to the teacher. Number five, I took a coffee with some friends. I had a coffee with some friends. When we speak about food and drink we can use have. I have breakfast every morning, we had a beer in the pub last night. We don't use take, use have. Number six, that shop is very cheaper. That shop is very cheap. Cheaper is a comparative. Here, you're not comparing two or more things. That shop is very cheap. Number seven, I didn't do nothing yesterday. I didn't do anything yesterday. You don't want to have a double negative. Didn't, nothing, I didn't do anything yesterday. Number eight, I go always to bed late. I always go to bed late. Put the adverb always before the main verb. I can always have a coffee. Have is my main verb. It is always raining here. Raining is my main verb. Number nine, I'm no tired. I'm not tired. If you want to make an adjective negative, use not. I'm not hungry, I'm not tired, I'm not angry. Use not. Number ten, I will visit my parents on Sunday. I'm going to visit my parents on Sunday. I'm visiting my parents on Sunday. We don't use will for a future plan. Use going to or present continuous. Eleven, I'm in England for learn English. I'm in England to learn English. We use to to express a purpose. Why are you in England? To learn English. I'm going to the shop. Why? To buy milk. Twelve, can you borrow me a pen? Can you lend me a pen. Borrow and lend are easily confused. Think about it like this, borrow means to take, lend means to give. So you wouldn't say can you take me a pen? Can you lend me a pen. Yes I can give you 20 pounds. Yes I can lend you 20 pounds. Where is. Where is, it. Where is my phone? Where is your house? You need to say what you're looking for. I always do the same mistakes. I always make the same mistakes. With mistake you need the verb, make. Not do. Fifteen, I should ask to my boss. After ask, you do not need to. I should ask my boss, I should ask you, we asked the teacher. Not ask to. I lost my bus. I missed my bus. A bus is very big you cannot lose a bus. If you are late you miss a bus. Seventeen, can you tell me where is the toilet? Can you tell me where the toilet is? This is an indirect question. In indirect questions put B at the end. Direct, where is the toilet? Indirect, can you tell me where the toilet is? We can to go out on Friday. We can go out on Friday. Can is a modal verb, you do not use to after a modal verb. We can go out, we can eat a pizza. No to after a modal verb. I love very much coffee. I love coffee very much. Very much goes at the end of a clause. I like chocolate very much. I love watching movies very much. Twenty, this food remembers me of my family. This food reminds me of my family. Remember and remind can easily be confused. But think about it like this, something reminds you of something. You remind me of my sister. We use remember when you have the information. I remember you, your birthday's in June. Twenty one, I'll see you in Monday. I'll see you on Monday. With days of the week, we use on. On Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, etc.. Okay that was 21 typical speaking mistakes. Don't forget to tell me in the comments which mistakes you make and we need to break your habit! So, please SUBSCRIBE to me. I'm also on Facebook, Instagram, Quora and YouTube. Just look for: Arnel's Everyday English and I'll see you soon for another video!
Channel: Arnel's Everyday English
Views: 76,345
Rating: 4.9594393 out of 5
Keywords: english speaking mistakes, learning english, english lessons, english grammar, english vocabulary, speak english
Id: MpAJY8f3ZO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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