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hi everyone i'm arnell today i'm going to teach you 20 important expressions with the word so why are these expressions important because you can use them every day when you're speaking here we go i know that text is really small but don't worry i will make this bigger during the lesson these expressions start pretty easy and they get a bit more difficult as we continue so let's start with number one [Music] number one every so often we have never always every so often is like sometimes every so often i make chocolate cake i write my grandparents a letter every so often front position and position both are fine let me know in the comments below if there's anything you do every so often number two so what we use so what when we're trying to say i don't care it doesn't matter oh sorry the sign says keep off the grass so what are the police gonna stop me yeah okay [Music] we have to pay to watch this movie so what it's two dollars we can pay so what is actually a little bit rude so you don't want to use in an email or at work use it with people you're close to like family or friends because it's okay to be rude with family and friends number three so-so bad good in the middle we have so-so not bad not good how was your day so so that was a social performance i've seen better bands number four how so in what give me more information that movie was actually a little bit inappropriate for children how so well it was really violent i read that pillows are not good for your neck really how so i actually don't know i just read that online or so approximately imagine my exact number is 50 or so would be 47 52 something like that how many students are in your class it's a big class maybe 50 or so this project is going to take me a month or so to finish approximately one month maybe three weeks maybe five weeks and i haven't started editing this video yet but i think it will be about 15 minutes or so i'm not exactly sure let's see if i'm correct number or so length of time or so number six so long as we use so long as to mean a must happen if you want b to happen you are giving a condition for example a seed will grow so long as you water it [Music] a must happen if you want b to happen so long as you finish your homework you can go to the party this must happen first no homework no party mid position front position both are fine and yes as long as is the same thing so long as can also be used to mean two things must be happening at the same time teacher okay everyone you can go and look around the city so long as you wear your lanyards number seven it just so happens that subject verb this is a coincidence a coincidence is when two things happen at the same time but it wasn't planned for example you go to work and someone is wearing the same shirt oh that's a coincidence i've been dying to see the rocket launchers but all of their concerts are sold out you're joking you you like the rocket launchers so do i it just so happens that i have an extra ticket yeah we should go together this is a coincidence and that's not a real band sorry i can't go to your wedding it just so happens that my sister is getting married all the same day it just so happens that subject verb this is a bit surprising okay i'm going to group 8 through 14 together because they're similar in one way i believe so i hope so i think so i told you so i'm afraid so if so if you don't mind my saying so if you don't mind me saying so yes these all have different definitions but i want you to think about the so in each of these expressions um the so means that is the situation let's look at a few examples do you think our train is going to be on time i believe so i haven't heard any announcements i believe that is the situation it's friday do you think we can leave work early today i hope so i hope that is a situation is janet sick today yeah i think so i think that as a situation remember with i believe so i hope so i think so you need to be answering a question so we wouldn't say i really want to win the lottery i hope so i hope that's the situation in all of these you can see i'm responding to a question i told you so we use i told you so to mean i was right you were wrong we leave on the 8th no our flight's on the 9th no it's on the 8th no it's on the 9th it's on the 8th no it's on the 9th it's on the ninth i told you so i was correct and you weren't that toaster i bought online last week broke already it barely lasted a week i told you so i told you never buy cheap i was correct we can actually reduce i told you so too told you or more naturally told ya i told you so i told you so i told you so told ya yes it can be annoying when someone says i told you so but it's okay to be annoying with friends and family i'm afraid so unfortunately that is a situation excuse me are you out of bread i'm afraid so we close in 10 minutes the bread is gone unfortunately that is a situation again just like i believe so i hope so we're answering a question and if you want to be really lazy you could just say afraid so i'm afraid so becomes afraid so okay let's keep going if so if that is a situation here is a solution imagine you have an interview and the interviewer asks you have you ever had a conflict with one of your colleagues if so how did you resolve it if that was a situation how did you find a solution what did you do we might run out of toner if so i'll quickly run to the store and get some if that is a situation this is my solution okay last one in this little group here number 14. again you don't really want to analyze a grammar why do we use me why do we use my just think of it as one piece of vocabulary we use this expression if we're trying to be polite when we criticize someone or we don't want to offend them can you put your shoes back on your feet really smell if you don't mind me saying so i'm trying not to offend him excuse me um if you don't mind my saying so your music is really if you don't mind me saying so your music is really disturbing everyone front position end position both are fine okay so far so good so far so good everything from the start until now has been good how's your new job so far so good i've already written three paragraphs of my essay so far so good let's keep going and so on the list continues in this way it's like saying etc we had a huge storm last week it damaged part of our roof practically flooded the basement and so on the list continues i really like collecting souvenirs like mugs magnets key chains and so on in this way the list continues a souvenir is something you can buy when you travel to remind you of a place souvenirs are like um mugs magnets keychains and so on 17. so that this is why i'm going to wake up at 7 tomorrow why so that i can finish my homework can we start this meeting now so that we can finish early yes you could actually remove that so that is slightly more formal so is a little less formal let's keep going so that we can finish this list without so much as noun or gerund we use the expression when we're a little bit angry because someone didn't do something polite something that people would normally do for example a friend came over to my house i didn't invite her but she came over to my house i made her coffee i made her lunch i even baked a cake for her she left my house without so much as a thank you can you believe that without so much as my noun is a thank you normally it's polite to say thank you my colleague at work started to use my computer without so much as asking normally you ask right will that so much as gerunds the client kept me waiting for 45 minutes without so much as an apology so normally we use this expression with a thank you a goodbye a hello asking so much for that something we use so much for that when the something was a failure or a disappointment for example i heard that lemon juice can remove stains a stain is little mark or a big mark on your clothes or the carpet that you cannot wash out it's permanent so here i have some coffee stains and apparently lemon juice works let's give it a try wow so much for that theory that theory was a failure okay i did everything you told me to i sent her flowers i sent her a card i sent her presents and she's still angry at me so much for your great ideas your great ideas were a failure usually we use so much for that theory plan idea okay number 20. it's our last one only so much only so many plus noun there is a limit there are too many so expressions in this lesson there is only so much vocabulary a person can handle there's a limit stop trying to be a superhuman there are only so many hours in a day for you to work it's okay to relax a bit my grandpa is 94 and he's in the hospital he's really not doing well the doctors are trying their best but there's only so much they can do for him there's a limit and in this case you can see i'm not using a noun because it's obvious we mean medicine treatments things like that and so on this last example was a little heavy but the good news is we're done great job that was actually quite a long list i'm curious can you let me know in the comments below if you have any of these expressions in your language and also give me an example with your favorite expression you can write me a mini conversation thank you very much for watching i can't wait to make another lesson for you thank you bye
Channel: Arnel's Everyday English
Views: 109,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: so, English vocabulary, English expressions
Id: vjd3XmzXZ5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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