TO or FOR? TO ME or FOR ME? - English prepositions

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hi everyone i'm arnell and today we're going to look at two or four we're going to look at why these words are so confusing for example why is it okay to say he went out to buy lunch but not he went out four by lunch what's the difference between i spoke to her and i spoke for her they're both correct and that big question what's the difference between to me and for me let's look at everything together and at the end of this lesson i have a mini test for you [Music] number one reason purpose by reason and purpose i mean why do you do something two and four i started going to bed at 10 to get more sleep why did i start going to bed at 10 to get more sleep i started going to bed at 10 for my health you can see 2 plus verb one get i cannot say to getting or to god and four we have plus noun i bought these chimes to hang up on my window two plus verb one i bought these chimes for decoration four plus noun and i i really do love chimes jess quit her job nit to become a full-time artist jeff jess just quit her job in i.t for various reasons two plus verb for plus noun common mistake i went to the library for study i listened to music for relax remember if you have that verb number one use 2 to study to relax ok let's do one more example and this time i think you can do it he stepped outside too he stepped outside four a b c d which one goes where he stepped outside to smoke he stepped outside for a cigarette the other two don't work grammatically and step outside is such a great little phrase to know step outside means you leave a building but you stay close to the building you don't go really far sometimes i step outside to get some fresh air okay let's clarify one thing about two remember a minute ago i said i cannot say to getting or to god right we cannot use two ing to ing when we're explaining why we do something but two plus the ing form does exist two can be part of the infinitive or just a preposition the infinitive is two plus verb one to swim to go to play and other prepositions include of at in by about etc i need to go to the bathroom we can see two and two okay this two is the infinitive because it is followed by verb one and this two is a preposition because i have my object the bathroom if two is a preposition it can be followed by a noun pronoun or gerund ing form let's use a common phrasal verb look forward to this means excited about something in the future i'm looking forward to the show i'm looking forward to it i'm looking forward to going to the show i'm looking forward to go is not correct because 2 here is not part of an infinitive it's just a preposition ok this information is just good to keep in mind right let's move on part two part two function what's that app for what's that app for oh um that app it's for learning vocabulary if you want to speak about the specific function of an object or thing like an app you can use four plus ing get off the chair it's for sitting not standing what's the function of a chair sitting not standing what's that for that oh that's a melon baller it's for making melon balls because obviously this is no good this is boring we want this mini review if you want to explain why you do something use 2 plus verb 1 the infinitive or 4 plus noun if you want to explain the specific function of something you can say four plus ing let's keep going three destination where is something going i'm going to the park i'm giving this gift to liz did you speak to paula you can see the thing moving to a destination can be something concrete like a person or a gift or something a little bit more abstract like words words can travel right i brought cookies to the picnic richie moved to turkey last year richie moved in turkey omg i sent the message to the wrong person this is easy if something is moving to a destination we always use two right wrong ah this is english you gotta love prepositions i threw the ball to lila i threw the ball at lila you can see in the second example using at means lila was my target okay you can see changing your preposition can really completely change the meaning of your sentence point number four that big question to me or for me to me my opinion my feeling for me affect positive or negative i ruined this cake it looks awful it looks good to me that's my opinion it looks good i hate exercising but i know it's good for my health there's an effect right a positive effect there's a benefit louise looked really confident during her speech really to me she seemed a bit nervous you can see to me can be used at the front or at that end position both are fine i think meditating would be very therapeutic for me it would affect me positively let's think of a negative effect smoking is bad for you and i know this topic is to me or for me but you can actually use any object for you let's compare this is important to me this is important for me the context is important with the first one imagine this is a a personal problem and you're speaking to your partner can you please stop looking at your phone this is important to me my opinions my feelings are important this is important for me there's some sort of effect maybe there's a benefit this can be a work opportunity this project is important for me it could get me a promotion it's important for my career let's keep going with for me because there are actually a couple more ways we can use for me for me is when something is the way it is this is the situation that's too expensive for me it's just a fact it's too expensive for me i can't afford it the test was hard for me and again don't get stuck on that for me part you can use a different object the test was hard for most of the students english is easy it's easy for you but it's not for me okay if you do something for someone like for me for you it can mean two different things number one being nice or you do something instead of someone else i bought these flowers for you a student baked cupcakes for the whole class a good student you do something instead of someone else one of my colleagues was sick so i had to teach her class for her i wasn't really being nice i did it instead of her can you please call the bank for me i hate speaking on the phone can you do this instead of me uh so much information okay mini review actually it's a big review why do you do something use two plus verb one infinitive use four plus noun function of an object four plus ing use two to indicate a destination use to me for your opinion use for me if there is an effect use for me when this is the situation use four when you do something nice for a person use four when you do something instead of someone else okay are you ready for a test here i have 10 questions try and choose the right option number one i went to my parents house to help them clean the garage number two i'm studying for my test three we need to leave so we're not late are you looking forward to meeting remember that phrasal verb two plus ing five strollers are for pushing what's their function for pushing six we can walk to the park seven you are so beautiful to me that's my opinion eight staring at a screen all day is bad for your eyes there's a negative effect right nine you're busy let me do this for you number ten that movie was too violent four kids i mean that's the situation they really shouldn't be watching that kind of movie okay let me know in the comments below how well you did on the test i'm really curious okay there are so many different ways we can use two or four but hopefully this lesson clarified some of your biggest questions okay subscribe to my channel so you don't miss a video and leave me a comment i can't wait to see you soon thank you bye
Channel: Arnel's Everyday English
Views: 158,103
Rating: 4.9726815 out of 5
Keywords: prepositions, to or for, english grammar
Id: cZ9KJXozWvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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