Advanced English Sounds | American Pronunciation | Go Natural English

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hello good morning hello hello hello welcome everyone good morning hello how are you how are you doing today it's a beautiful day and i'm so excited to be here live with you we are going to practice some advanced sounds in english and these sounds will help you with your conversations with your american pronunciation and to help you to really fit in when you're speaking with native english speakers so if you are here watching right now let's start with a hello good morning good afternoon good evening wherever you may be watching from please tell me in the comments i see hey what's up sumaya good morning rafael the amman games how are you hello everyone i'm so happy to see you here so there are some sounds in english and i'm not talking just about the sounds of letters or phonemes like uh difficult pronunciations like the th sound we're talking today about sounds that people make in order to express themselves which are like words but they're not words so there are a lot of these sounds and they're like they're not words there's there is a word for them but they are not actual words but they are accepted as ways of expressing ourselves and i'm going to teach you gosh how many do i have here i made notes i have at least a dozen which means at least 12 words not words sounds that are like words um in the english language there are sounds that help you to express yourself so this is going to help you to speak more advanced english and to understand native english speakers much better these are quite advanced because we don't learn them in the english class especially not in a beginner's class or even an intermediate class i noticed when i lived abroad i lived in japan for three years and i lived in brazil for a couple years that people would use different sounds for example in english if i'm thinking i don't always say i'm thinking or let me think that is one option in um brazil people don't always say this in portuguese they might make a sound like i believe it was something like aim or in japan i remember people when their thinking would say do we have any people from brazil or any people from japan here who recognize these sounds these are sounds that we make in portuguese or in japanese when we're thinking what sound do american english speakers make when they are thinking we have a couple options actually do you know tell me in the comments do you know what sound american english speakers make when we are thinking when we want to express i am thinking and instead of saying i am thinking what do we say my hair is a little messy sorry we say um yes oh in a rock you also say this how interesting angry odd and nicolas very good hmm this is another hmm hmm very good we also make another sound when we're thinking maybe if you don't know the answer like if your english teacher says do you know the answer to this question and if you don't know the answer you can show your thinking by saying ah good one sunil ah yes a a a h h uh this is also the sound that when you go to the doctor the doctor may ask you to open your mouth and stick out your tongue and the doctor will say say ah because you're saying ah but in conversation we don't open our mouths like that of course the other sound that i was thinking of is um yes i see kronos um uhm um let me think um hmm these are three sounds that we can make to show that we are thinking and in other languages you may express this differently so tell me what the sound is in your language for showing that you are thinking without saying the words i am thinking okay we have a lot more sounds to learn we don't only do this when we're thinking um i noticed you know when i was teaching advanced english in the classroom a lot of my best students with very good english fluent english would often still make these sounds in their native language because it's such a habit and it feels like automatic to make these sounds in your native language and so when you can master these advanced sounds and use them in conversation naturally you're going to sound a lot more native all right let me go on and teach you a few more sounds now we mentioned ah for thinking we can also use ah with a different tone to show that we understand so native english speakers will not always say i understand so don't say i understand all the time if you want to show you understand you can simply use this sound so try repeating after me and carlito no this is not recorded this is live so everyone practice with me and let's show with this sound that we understand ah i've got it you can also use this sound if you think of a great idea so you understand something or you have a great idea you can say ah finger pointing is optional very good very good um you may see behind me the english fluency formula ebook here on my shelf above my head that is where i have written all of my best tips for you if you're curious about what it is and where you can find it it is available at ebook that's e-b-o-o-k and you get the audio with that as well so you can practice listening and repeating after me with the audio as you read along okay let's move on let's say that you're working today on your computer and your computer freezes and it's very frustrating what sound do you make tell me in the comments what sound do you make in american english we would say uh u g h is how we spell it uh or uh okay you can make kind of this sound in your throat like oh like you're clearing your throat it's up to you how much you make this sound now of course you can say no or oh no but today we're just talking about sounds that you can use to sound fluent in english and these are advanced that native speakers always use all the time so oh i'm so frustrated my computer froze another good sound is if you are disgusted with something you could also use this sound um this morning i woke up and i i walked into the living room and the first thing that i noticed was a bad smell there was some garbage in the living room and i said yuck yuck y-u-c-k yuck is a sound for expressing disgust if you eat something you don't like a food that you don't like you say yuck what about in your language i would love to know how do you express disgust or displeasure oh moped brothers i see you that is another great one i'm so glad that we're here live together because you're thinking of even more sounds that we can use so if we see something gross or we smell something bad or we eat something bad we can say uh or yuck or i think my favorite is you because it's fun to say at least i think it's fun great examples in your languages this is very interesting to read yeah yuck rhymes with duck i see a duck emoji okay let's talk about laughing i saw once kkk for laughing when i was in brazil and i thought what is this um in the united states there is an organization called the kkk and it's a racist organization and i thought what is this person talking about kkk um so i was very confused in your language how do you express laughing if you are typing in the chat how do you express laughing lol yes but we don't say lol well some people say lol but it's kind of new slang so in american english we would say ha ha ha ha h a h a h a ha ha ha ha ha ha ha lol is laughing out loud but it's kind of new slang how about if you sneeze if you sneeze what sound do you make in american english we say oh i should cover my mouth it was a fake sneeze but yes a-c-h-o-o i believe okay more if i am surprised what sound do i make uh of course words we can use i'm surprised okay but no one almost no one ever really says oh i'm surprised even then i made a sound oh instead of saying i am surprised we usually make a sound which is let's see oh yeah you're putting it in the comments good um we could say oh h okay um we if we are let's go on to when i use a lot if i feel a lot of love if i feel a lot of love what is the sound that you make in your language if you're feeling very cared for like if someone sends you a nice message um what is the sound that you make you might text this back yes i see it nikilesh ah ah that's so sweet ah i love you ah so it's a w w you can make many w's if you want ah it's so nice we also use this sound if we're sad so it can be a little confusing we have to pay attention to the tone of our voice the sound of our voice so um if we're sad we would say oh that's that's so sad i'm sorry that happened oh oh that's awful oh that's horrible so of course my tone changes my facial expression changes so even though it's the same sound a w w it changes a little bit so i hope you're practicing with me let's practice again if you feel very loved say it with me ah if you see something very cute you see a cute puppy dog or a cute kitty cat or a cute baby we say oh so cute now if you uh see something sad you can say oh oh so practice it with me okay now if you are asking someone to be quiet how do you say to be quiet with a sound how do you say to be quiet with a sound instead of saying be quiet which could be quite harsh we can say yes you've got it uh shh exactly abdullah shh and we often put our finger in front of our lips it's a nicer way to say to be quiet exactly very nice what if you are cold what if you're feeling cold the weather is getting cooler these days what if you are feeling cold what is the sound that you make yeah bukra very good burr if you are feeling cold as the temperature changes if you go outside without your jacket you might say brrrr exactly awesome you guys are very good make sure that you're saying these out loud as we practice together here in live time um what else do we have ah i have one more one more if you feel pain if you feel pain what is the sound that you make in in your language tell me in your language and i'll tell you in english ah very good okay i see some people saying it in english carlito alicia ouch ouch ouch so this is quite um quite a a like automatic reaction and i i picked up in brazil that people say but in english people don't really say that for when they feel pain they say ouch or ow ow but that would be o w in english ow that hurts or ouch that hurts so those are two ways that we say this in english i wonder about in your language aya bhakti ah of course this is a good reaction in english as well kind of like you're screaming you feel so much pain ah a a h very good good one so i am going to ask you um we're coming up on 2 million subscribers here at go natural english and to celebrate i'm going to be asking you about your biggest challenge and i want to feature you in a special celebratory video for 2 million subscribers here at go natural english if you haven't subscribed yet be sure to click that big red button to subscribe i am going to ask you if you are brave enough to create your own video clip of you speaking english talking about your biggest challenge in english and we're going to put together your video clips into a go natural english community video to celebrate when the channel reaches 2 million subscribers which should happen soon in the next few months of course i don't know exactly when hopefully hopefully it does happen i think it will happen cross my fingers wish us luck but i want to feature you in a video to celebrate this so if you are brave enough to do this you can submit your video to us at info at or if you'd like more information about how to submit your your video how to participate in this video where we feature you if you'd like to be featured then send us an email at info and i'll tell you exactly how you can submit a video for our celebration of two million subscribers happening soon wonderful so i say a couple more questions so hell you want a hard copy of the english fluency formula well you can also email us at info at and we'll tell you how to get a hard copy just like i have up here i'll show you this is a heart well it's a soft paperback but it is a copy that you can get and hold in your hands and read anywhere anytime it's not a very long book it is a short guide book because we want to learn quickly and in a practical way and this is like your guide to fluency your english fluency formula so i'm very proud of it it has the best tips from go natural english over the last eight or nine years all here in this little book boiled down into a nutshell into a short guide for you to help you with your english fluency and your confidence and to practice fluent english in 15 minutes a day awesome awesome oh by the way if you want to download the digital digital ebook you can do that at ebook alright and oh andres you're asking about how to enroll in the go natural english program you can get information about the go natural english program i would love to have you as my student at pre reg that's p r e r e g i'll put the link in the description below both links and my email address in the description below as soon as we finish here alright thank you so much for watching i hope you have a beautiful day and practice these sounds as much as possible quick quick quick review if you'll repeat with me these won't be in order but we can quickly repeat together to think we can say um [Music] if you are frustrated we can say uh if you experience something gross or nasty or just not pleasant you can say yuck or [Music] if you're laughing say ha-ha-ha if you sneeze it's a chew if you are surprised we can say wow or if you see something cute or you feel very loved we can say ah also if you feel sad you can say oh if you want someone to be quiet we can make the sound shh and if you're cold you can say burr and if you feel pain we can say ouch or ow or awesome i had a wonderful time practicing with you today i hope you have a wonderful day and we'll see you next week with new lessons if you would like to get a notification in your email inbox with the next lesson in it you can sign up to our email newsletter for free at email all right see you guys have a wonderful day bye for now bye-bye you
Channel: Go Natural English
Views: 27,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American Accent Training, American Accent, Go Natural English, Gabby Wallace, Advanced English Sounds, American English pronunciation, English conversational sounds, learn english, english conversation, speak english, english pronunciation, native english teacher, american english, how to speak english, real english conversation, how to sound annoyed in english, how to laugh in english
Id: jjfSbJFa1fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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