Growth Mindset 🧠 to Learn English Easily | Go Natural English

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What is up Welcome back to Go Natural English the place for you to become fluent and confident in your English speaking my name is Gabby and I am so excited to share with you today how to cultivate a growth mindset for English fluency if you have been struggling and Frustrated for some time now because it just doesn't seem like you will ever become fluent in English Well, I have a question for you. Have you cultivated a growth mindset have you prepared your mind or your mindset for Successful learning this is super important actually more important than any specific English lesson on grammar or vocabulary or pronunciation Before we learn any of those important details, we need to set the stage We need to give ourselves a solid foundation Which is a growth mindset. So first, let me give you a little background about what is a growth mindset and then I'll explain how You can cultivate it This is really important because it's all about the way that you think the way that you react to your situation I have actually written at length about this for you in my audio Ebook the English fluency formula. There's a chapter on Mindset and how to develop your growth mindset. This is a guide a strategic Formula to help you to understand exactly what you need for English fluency especially for speaking and listening skills to sound more like a native and to Understand anybody when they speak English so you should definitely get your digital online copy today when you purchase it at You will get instant access You can read the text You can listen to the audio and you can do both at the same time To improve your listening and reading skills. You'll improve your vocabulary you will learn a lot about what to focus on and what not to focus on the difference between the English you learned in your textbook and real-world native speaker English and strategies and practice ideas This is a short and practical guide that will help you to jump start to fast forward to Rocket fuel or launch your English fluency, so I highly recommend it All of my best tips are in here I will put that link in the description down there as well the opposite of a growth mindset is a Fixed mindset and just like the name it means that you believe that your brain is Fixed in place and it will not change people with a fixed mindset Believe that you simply are who you are and you're not going to change You're not going to get better through effort You're simply born with a certain amount of talent and it's not gonna change So why bother so if you've ever caught yourself thinking these thoughts you Might have a fixed mindset. I'm no good at English. I'll never be good at English why are other people so lucky those people who can speak English fluently and Especially I cannot let anyone See me make a mistake because they're going to think that I'm not smart Okay, let's turn this around and learn about a growth mindset first and foremost a growth mindset is Positive you may have noticed that a fixed mindset Has a lot of negativity a lot of I'm not smart or I'll never speak English My English is not good, but with a growth mindset, we do focus on the positive so this is important because we believe with a growth mindset that you can change that your brain is capable of Improvements and change throughout your lifetime and that yes your effort Does equate success your effort is key. It is paramount to your success And so it is through your effort that you will reach success and not just through your god-given Inherited innate inherent qualities that you were born with and honestly, I prefer a growth mindset because it gives us hope Now I know there's going to be some realists out there in the comments saying well Not everyone can be good at everything and that's true however It is realistic to say that if you put effort into something You will probably improve a growth mindset is not only thinking Positive or only thinking happy thoughts it is the deep belief that we are all capable of improvement through effort and this idea this theory of the fixed versus growth mindset was popularized by Stanford University researcher Carol Dweck in her book Mindset. Now let me share a several ways that you can easily quickly and Freely cultivate your growth mindset for a better base for learning English today first of all, you must acknowledge or see Your mistakes do not run away from them. Do not avoid them. They are here to help You see your mistakes and understand how to learn from them we need to learn from the mistakes of others be observant of your Classmates your friends your colleagues who are also learning English and learn from their mistakes too. This is where you can really Improve quickly when you're not only learned from your own mistakes But from the mistakes of others and why not help your friends by making some mistakes of your own that they can learn from too the important thing here is to consistently Look at how to improve the mistakes you make and I do recommend that you work with a teacher or a tutor or someone who's more advanced than you in English so that they can help you spot your mistakes because sometimes when you're learning You don't know What you don't know you don't know when you're making a mistake. So reach out and get some help learn to give and receive constructive Criticism I know that it can be uncomfortable to hear when you made a mistake. But if you accept your mistakes as Gifts to help you learn then you'll look forward to constructive criticism When your teacher tells you, hey, you made a mistake. So understand that we are all Improving every single last one of us. In fact, it means that you are on this beautiful journey of improvement which is much better than someone with a fixed mindset who is Stagnating at the same level forever Next I have a problem with the word problem I highly recommend that we banish the word problem from our vocabulary and replace it with the word Challenge in most cases it still makes sense but if we think of problems as challenges and challenges as fun ways to improve also known as Opportunities then we can really change the way that we think about Difficult situations. So instead of saying oh, I have a problem with English grammar, especially those pesky Perfect tenses think mmm Those perfect tenses are a challenge, but I have an opportunity to improve by overcoming that obstacle next understand yourself know thyself and your preferred learning modality or style if you're someone who likes to talk things through like I do then maybe learning by listening and speaking or having a conversation partner would be especially helpful for You if you're someone who loves to take notes and write everything down make sure that you always have your notebook Handy know yourself and lean into the way that you like to learn Not everyone learns in the same way and that's okay traditionally we have been taught to seek the approval of our teachers and our families and authority figures But if you want a growth mindset, do not simply seek approval seek Experiences that you can learn from so do not seek your teacher saying good job seek that experience that you can learn from The actual improvement that you experience through your learning process. When you seek approval You are often afraid to make mistakes because you don't want to have the Disapproval of your teacher that might come from making mistakes. Remember your brain has the capacity to improve Over your lifetime it can change especially if you develop the right mindset and good learning habits that said many English learners are impatient to get to that finish line that Fluency finish line as if it was a sprint and you want to run as fast as you can to get to the end But I'm sorry to say that Fluency in any language is a skill that needs to be trained over time It's more like a marathon, but even then it's not really something with a finish line. And so learning English becoming fluent is a Process it is a journey. It is honestly a lifetime endeavor, and yes, of course you can reach a finish line of sorts when you are content with your level and confident in your Communication but let's not focus on are we there yet. Are we there yet? How about now? Are we there? How long is this going to take? Let's focus instead on the actual learning process and Enjoy the process. Enjoy the journey, really Feel that wonderful feeling of learning and take a moment to appreciate that Related to that, you can reward yourself for the effort that you put in to studying and not Simply your results. So instead of Rewarding yourself if your teacher says good job Or if you get a good grade on a test, you could instead or additionally reward yourself for 10 hours of study time at the end of the week if you are satisfied with your study habits reward yourself reward yourself for the process for the effort that you are putting in to reaching your goals because honestly, Sometimes you can't control the results if you take a test Sometimes you can't control the way your teacher grades. Am I right? Sometimes teachers are not in a good mood and you get lower marks for that It's not your fault if you are working and using English on the job You can't always control how your presentation or meeting goes But you can control the effort that you put into improving your English fluency Remember that it takes time to learn give yourself time and be patient. Don't rush yourself let yourself explore the language and be curious and Learn different things as you have questions or curiosity about different topics in English We all know what happens when we try to learn quickly or to cram for a test. A week later You don't remember anything and this is why many English learners struggle to Speak because you cram so quickly to pass a test But you haven't internalized the English language and you may not have had to study the right things anyway for that test, so it is better to learn deeply and learn well than to learn quickly. Create a sense of Purpose when you feel a little bit down or frustrated or tired It is your purpose that will motivate you. So make sure you know your purpose. Why are you learning English? What is your reason is it because you want to use English in your career? Or maybe when you travel or maybe you know someone who speaks English and you want to be closer to that person There are a million different reasons why you might be learning English. And in fact, I would love to know your reasons Would you tell me in the comments what your reason is for learning English? I would love to know every day or at least every week make sure to reflect on your learning and I don't mean review like review your flashcards or look at your notes again, I mean Actually spend some time thinking about your study habits and the effort that you put in reflect and ask Yourself how was my effort this week or today? How did I do as a learner? Am I satisfied with myself This is far different from simply reviewing a list of vocabulary words, which is also a good idea but when you reflect on your learning process You will definitely learn how to improve your process and therefore your results will come faster think of English fluency as a game or a Sport it's just like playing a sport in fact You have to train in order to keep your skills up and develop new ones if you wanted to be fluent immediately in English as many of my students do that's kind of like just picking up a new sport and then the following week going to the Olympics to compete You're probably going to get hurt its importance with sports training and English to really put the time in to understand the sport to Stretch a little bit and to train and build up your skills and make sure that you train by Actually playing the sport or actually speaking English from day one This is very important because imagine you wanted to play tennis in the Olympics But you only read about tennis perhaps you pulled up Wikipedia and read the rules of the game, but you never actually Played on a court that's kind of what most English learners have to do in an English classroom You just read the grammar rules, but you don't get a chance to speak I'm telling you it is so important to train by speaking from day one but give yourself time be patient and approach English as Training as a game as a sport that you are going to build your endurance for so that you can be a superstar athlete or a fluent confident English speaker. Cultivate resilience because there will be times when you feel Frustrated or embarrassed about mistakes that you make it is tiring to speak in a second language especially when you're at the intermediate level, I know I Know but be resilient if you fall down seven times get up eight If you fall down if you make a mistake you get back up again Because that is what winners do that is what successful English learners do and that is what you are capable of doing now The most important is to never stop learning keep learning new things each day and remember that life is better when you're learning when you reach your old goals make new ones and Continue with the process of English fluency. It's a beautiful experience If you have a growth mindset so remember to treat your brain as something that can improve and grow Figuratively speaking Give your brain some sunshine positive thoughts and a bit of water the right studying materials and some effort and before you know it you'll have a beautiful English fluency I hope that you enjoy this if you did make sure that you hit subscribe that big red button and click on the bell for Notifications. I hope to see you back here for more amazing English fluency lessons with our amazing community here at Go Natural English. Now if you'd like to learn more with me click right over here to learn how to think in English Thanks so much for watching. Bye for now
Channel: Go Natural English
Views: 58,158
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Keywords: english speaking, go natural english, growth, growth mindset, learn american english, learn english, learning, speaking english, Subtitles, English speaking with subtitles, English lesson, learn english easily, english with subtitles for learning, gabby wallace
Id: j4EUYdZff98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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