5 Simple Steps to English Fluency (Life Changing) | Go Natural English

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hello hey good morning naturals it's your teacher gabby here in a very casual spontaneous live lesson because you're always asking me gabby how do i become fluent in english and today i want to walk you through the five steps to fluency that are the go natural english method so today we're going to learn the one two three four five steps that you need to do each day for fluency in english for confidence in english for improving your speaking skills your listening skills and to be the english speaker that you dream of being it's simple it's not difficult it's not complicated anyone can do this and what's better what's best what's even what's more is that you can use these five steps to learn any language which is a huge bonus so if you're learning english and then spanish and then french and then any language you you will use you will benefit from these five steps now if you are new here welcome to go natural english i'm gabby an english teacher from the united states and if you are new here and you don't know that go natural english is a youtube channel a website and an online course then you need to get hip you need to get in the know and how do you do that well you can sign up to receive free tips about english improvement english fluency on our email list for english learners at gonaturalenglish.com email hi everyone who's joining me live i'm so excited to see all of you good morning good morning good morning um so i wanted to also mention before we get to the five simple easy fast steps to fluency is that in the last few days you have seen some new faces not my face new faces here at go natural english and i am so excited about our new teachers our new team teachers our team is growing here at go natural english yesterday teacher diane made an amazing lesson for you if you haven't seen it yet you have to check it out it's full of native speaker phrases that you will hear every day if you're in the united states or in an english-speaking country and luke teacher luke had his debut on monday and he really helped us with vowel sounds and pronunciation luke is really a master linguist he is a speech therapist and he gives amazing tips about how to make the sounds in english but i also saw some of you were asking where's gabby well i'm still here i haven't gone anywhere but we are growing the team and we are stronger with more amazing teachers for you to learn from so let's talk about the five steps to english fluency i am so so excited for this shandong um olenka are you ready tell me in the comments fernando tajul mohammed tell me in the comments are you ready okay i'm going to begin with step one which is very very important and probably you haven't really thought about step one it comes even before you start studying okay step one is all about your mindset and your decision to learn english so number one you need to decide that english is possible for you and english is a priority for you because there are so many other things in our lives that take our attention our families our jobs our friends other possibilities other hobbies or other things that you want to learn and so we all have limited time i just saw a question is this a real live yes it's a real live i'm so happy to be here live with you guys i like never do this but i wanted to share the five steps to fluency with you today because they're so important for us to keep in mind today and every day as we learn english so step one is to decide that you are capable you are able you can become fluent in english and that yes it is a priority for you so it's important to make english a priority because other things other diversions will take your time if you don't decide first english is a priority for me and i i choose english so tell me in the comments if you choose english do you take this action today to decide that you can and will become fluent tell me in the comments yes maybe no of course i hope it's yes because i know what english can do for you in your life so once you decide that english is a priority you also need to decide yes i can yes i can become fluent in english why is this important because a lot of english learners have this thought in their minds that they can't and they study for years and years and years like a long time and they still the first thing that they say to me is teacher i'm not good in english or teacher i can't speak english what is this doing to your mind this is telling yourself that you can't why why would you do that that makes me so sad seriously i feel very sad like i want to cry when english learners say i can't speak english i'm bad at english and negative things like this why are you poisoning your mind with these thoughts because you can you can i believe in you edmar sanvi i believe in you akari marcel i believe in you so you have to believe in yourself and decide yes i can and yes i will so again just for practice tell me in the comments that yes i can it's a good feeling it's good practice to write this in the comments because it enforces this decision in your minds yeah some of you are saying in the comments nice music i'm actually at a cafe right now so i hope you like the music it's not my choice but it's kind of nice isn't it it's kind of jazzy okay great i see yes i can rahul taran amazing okay that's step one so if you have said yes i can you have done it number one done check all set so number two the number two step for english fluency is to get input so if you are living in a place where you don't hear a lot of english maybe you're living with your family and they speak your native language maybe you're living in a country where people don't speak english wagner checked i like that in the comments um you need to give yourself enough input even if you are living in the united states it's very easy to stay close to people who speak your language yes cr get input podcast yes go natural english is also a podcast by the way if you have connected with us if you have subscribed here on youtube you should also know that we have a podcast a website with hundreds of free english tip lessons and our email list for students who want to get more tips direct to your email inbox at gonaturalenglish.com email so um number two again is to get input what is input it means english coming in to your ears so putting english in your ears is input okay it's not complicated it means for example listening to music in english luciana yes speaking every day listening to other people speak podcasts youtube videos um news shows how else can we get input in english tell me in the comments how do you get inputs in english when i'm learning a language i love learning through music i love listening to music in english how else can we get input maybe you can listen to other people's conversations now this might sound a little a little creepy but i'm gonna tell you it's a secret i don't know if i've ever mentioned this before but when i was traveling i believe i was in mexico and i was trying to improve my english i would sit at a cafe and just listen to the people next to me speaking in spanish and it helped me to improve my listening comprehension so it gave me more input alexander saying music movies youtube videos super i saw he was saying order something for me well let me show you actually i don't know if you have these where you guys live i love scones i'm getting off topic a little bit but um i don't know if you can see it it's delicious so after we finish the live i'm going to eat my scone and have a cup of coffee anyway number three let's move on to number three and this is where you start to speak after you get input in your ears you need to make the words come out your mouth now just yesterday we had in the go natural english course we have coaching practice sessions every week with our students who have joined the fluent communication course so yesterday we had a session where all of our students could join and practice with our coach our teacher don and with each other so they were in small groups and able to practice english this is so so important you have to use english so as soon as you hear it as soon as you hear a new word or a new phrase maybe you watched teacher diane's video on monday this week and you learned some new phrases she shared 10 phrases to help you sound more like a native speaker you could practice with diane's video copy what she says repeat after her watch the video a few times and you can practice oh sorry that video was yesterday on wednesday not on monday i got confused luke's teacher luke's video was on monday um hang on one second i see you hi i'm good how are you we're out there i am out early yes good to see you thank you have a good day okay i'll see you there i saw one of my friends guys so i had to say hello so um what was i saying okay so copy what you hear from native speakers uh that was just a little example of a native speaker conversation for you but um copy what you hear and use it so number four is to get feedback next number four is to get feedback so you need other people to hear your english and give you feedback on what you're saying can they understand you yes great you're doing wonderful if they can't understand you then we need to understand why they can't understand you and we need to improve that if you can speak with a teacher like in our coaching sessions in the fluent communication course then you will get feedback and corrections to help you improve quickly if you are out in the world and maybe you're speaking with someone like i just did i said good morning how are you that person understood me that means good feedback that means that they're understanding what i'm saying so you can test yourself in the same way and you can also do some um do some other exercises on your own rosandra is asking where is my mask well good question i do have my mask it's in my purse because i put it in my purse yeah i just want to show you guys because this is uh i can't get it there we go yeah it's very important to wear your mask but i don't have it on right now because i'm just talking to you through youtube so we are definitely six feet apart you and i right now uh and my friend who i spoke to was about 10 feet away from me so um but yes masks are very important so we have so far let's just review because we're all all the way to step four out of five we have number one decide have you decided that you will become fluent in english this is your decision alone this is not my decision this is your decision this is not your teacher's decision this is not your parents or your partners or your children's or your friend's decision this is your decision number two input make sure that you're putting english in your ears number three copy what you hear and use it asap as soon as possible four get feedback and corrections from people who are pretty good at english maybe a native speaker maybe a teacher maybe a friend who is an advanced english speaker and finally number five to wrap this all up number five are you ready number five is to repeat to review and repeat the four steps it's so important to review and repeat and we can't expect ourselves to become fluent after doing these steps one time okay i decided yes i got english input yes i copied what i heard yes i got feedback yes now i'm fluent now you're a little bit more fluent but we have to repeat these steps daily check them off decide every day yes decide every day get input every day yes use english every day get feedback yes every day and over time you will improve your english you will become fluent you will become confident and you will be the english speaker you want to be but this is a process this is a daily habit the five steps to fluency they're not difficult you can do this so i have a lot of questions i see right now and i would love to take your questions so please write them for me it could be something about english it could be something about anything if you have a question for me i see a question from akari are you in california right now no i left california i actually moved recently to the middle of the united states to a state called missouri to be closer to some family um okay i see a lot of questions coming in i just want to remind you that if you have a lot of questions they are really good i don't want to skip any questions i want to answer all your questions but if i cannot answer your questions be sure to subscribe here to go natural english because we're every week we are publishing now at least two free english tips here on youtube and if you don't want to miss them we will email you our weekly new english tips direct to your inbox if you sign up for free at gonaturalenglish.com email okay i see a question about listening how can you improve your listening skills and oh where are the offline coaches okay i see a question about all right let me go one by one so listening first um to improve your listening skills i want to recommend teacher diane's video yesterday showed 10 native english phrases and if you watch her video and close your eyes don't watch subtitles don't watch her mouth as she says the words just listen and see if you can understand and then if you need some help understanding open your eyes watch it again turn on subtitles in english just click on the cc that means closed captions and you can see the words that she says in english and the words are also on the screen our wonderful editor puts the words on the screen so you can actually read them okay so start by just listening and then check your listening by watching with your eyes open now there was a question i believe from akari or no from cr about how to join the go natural english coaching sessions that is part of the fluent communication course and you can get information about how to join at gonaturalenglish.com pre reg that's p r e r e g okay go natural english dot com slash pre-reg and when you join i'll personally send you information about how to join our course fluence communication so that you can have fluid communication with our help okay wonderful questions i see a lot of questions guys i want to answer every single one of them but i am going to take one maybe two more riyadh i want to say thank you for your comment repetition is the mother of all skills yes repetition is very important so how to improve your speaking skills i see this question over and over and over now one thing i mentioned is if you watch yesterday's lesson about 10 phrases that will help you sound more like a native with teacher diane you can repeat what she says you can shadow what she says what does it mean to shadow it means to actually repeat what you hear as soon as you hear it so if you're watching on your own you can say the words that you're hearing right away um if you are watching you know around other people maybe you're on the train or the bus you can just kind of like whisper the words like quietly um but it's really important even if you're just moving your lips to repeat what you hear and that will help you with your speaking skills now let's talk about articulation this means to speak clearly because this is this is a problem for many of us a challenge where we don't know exactly how to place our tongue or our lips or how to make the sounds of english especially vowel sounds are a big challenge and oftentimes in english class your teacher doesn't have time to talk about how to articulate with you or maybe maybe they don't know how to teach that but monday's video with luke was a very special very very advanced lesson for those of you who want that really clear pronunciation like a native and he walks you through in detail how to place your tongue and make the sounds of english so make sure that you watch that it's called three what is it called three vowel sounds to help you sound more native and that was this week's monday video with luke luke's first video and diane's first video was yesterday can you tell i'm so excited about them they're amazing teachers and i just feel so lucky to be able to bring them to you on the go natural english channel so my time is just about up here we've been together for 20 minutes this morning and i just want to tell you all i appreciate you so much i love you so much thank you so much for being part of the go natural english community one last thing we are so close to two million subscribers and that is so so exciting to me so i have something really special planned for you the go natural english team has something really special planned for you to celebrate when we get to 2 million subscribers and i'm going to talk more about that next week we're going to do another live next week like this one um kind of spontaneous i don't know if you noticed but i'm not even wearing makeup so thank you for watching me without even having makeup on um you can close your eyes if you want if you don't want to see me without makeup um but next week i'm going to talk about what's happening for 2 million subscribers and i need your help so please be sure to subscribe here to go natural english so you don't miss the next live we're going to talk about what we're going to do to celebrate together it's going to be really fun and meaningful it's going to be what we need right now and you can also make sure you don't miss what's going on at go natural english by going to gonaturalenglish.com email i think i mentioned it already thank you akilesh you're beautiful even without makeup oh well i love you guys all of you have a wonderful day i don't want to go but i have to go so um just remember the things i told you about how to stay in touch with go natural english and we will keep learning together so remember decide get input copy get feedback review these are the five steps you can do it have an amazing day and i'll talk to you soon bye for now
Channel: Go Natural English
Views: 30,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American Accent Training, American Accent, Go Natural English, Gabby Wallace
Id: mMk_MC4xJGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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