ADVANCED DILUC GUIDE! Best DPS Build - Artifacts, Weapons, Teams & Showcase | Genshin Impact

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/21st_century_person 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey what's up guys welcome to my updated and complete dilute guide in this video we're going to be covering every single thing you need to know about the luke as in detail as possible without taking too long first of all i want to say my last video was almost five months ago so i'm making a new one because a lot has changed especially regarding the new weapons new support characters that are good with the luke and especially talking about party comps and some new tips talent priorities all that stuff so we will be covering everything talking about this build and how to play them in this video if you're new here i want you know i stream most nights on twitch link in the description if you're interested subscribe if you're new and i don't want to waste any more time so let's get right into it first of all and very quickly i want to talk about the luke's talents and passives some nuance to it uh and later in the video i'll show you guys like tips and animation cancelling and some more detailed things regarding his talents but for now let's just cover them and sort of talk about play style and all of that first of all his searing onslaught his elemental skill can be used three times it's basically three pyro slices that do a lot of damage it is a very strong ability low cooldown and you can weave normal attacks in between them but effectively it's really good and you can make them all vaporize or all melts depending on how you're playing duluth especially if you're running to luke with shinchu you can make sure every single e vaporizes by doing a few auto attacks in between his elemental burst dawn is really strong it has a very high scaling damage over time and just does a bunch of damage in many different hits on top of that it infuses your sword with pyro and it's actually a bit longer due to his other passive blessing of the phoenix and it also gives you a 20 power damage bonus uh when your sword is infused with pyro which is really nice and on top of that it lasts four seconds longer so it's just a very good talent that you unlock after sending him past level 60. so overall dawn is amazing it does a ton of damage has a pretty low cooldown and a very low energy cost which means you can basically have it up all the time or at least have your sword infused with pyro all the time which is great for the luke it means you can just constantly proc reactions constantly deal power damage and be a very strong carry your other talent relentless is probably the worst talent in the game i've ever seen basically it reduces your stamina cost of your charge attack which would be good on a character like kuta or something or kaching but for de luc it's just not that useful because you're basically never charge attacking on him i don't think i've ever charge attacked onto luke and for your talent priority you want to max your normal attacks first generally speaking now personally i leveled my e-first but that's not recommended normal attack is the most important than e then q although it can depend if you're running a multilook or like quick swapping or doing some weird things where you just care about your mouth damage and you're not like spamming autos in between you can level these two but overall normal attacks for higher dps is what you should upgrade first especially if you're running a vaporized luke who's normal attacking a few times in between every single e and i want to sort of say this here the luke is a character who shines exceptionally for single target damage he does have aoe his e can hit like the two uh rune guards in 12 3 for example his burst does a lot of aoe and if you clump up enemies like let's say there's two big enemies like in the current of his twelve it is possible to hit like both of those big enemies if you do position well and know what you're doing but generally speaking to luke is very strong for single target damage now for deluxe artifact sets this part is really simple uh crimson witch of flames is basically always what you want if you can get it normally i recommend prioritizing sub stats over set but for crimson witcher flames it's so good that you usually just want it no matter what if you can get it if you're early game you don't have five star sets you can go for something like berserker but once you can get crimson witcher flames it's just the best on the luke pretty much by far the reason for that is that it has a good two-piece set but also has an amazing four piece so what it does is it gives you 15 power damage bonus then it increases your uh vaporize and melt damage by 15 percent and with the luke you're usually going to be uh vaporizing wishing to or you can melt and so both of those reactions will be buffed by 15 and then on top of that your elemental skill every time you use it it increases the 2p set bonus by 50 so you get half of 15 7.5 bonus pyro damage every time you use an e and it can stack up to three times now as we know deluxe e has like three hits so it can fully stack this which set effectively giving you uh that 7.5 power damage bonus three times giving you another twenty two point five percent power damage bonus on top of the two piece and on top of this uh vaporize and mouth damage increase and i didn't mention it but it does increase your overload and burning damage but that doesn't matter as much so yeah overall crimson witcher flames is definitely what you want if you can get it especially if you're running reactions which you should be now for your artifact stats these can be a bit more complicated especially regarding your sans and if you want attack or elemental mastery and so we're going to try to cover everything first of all on all your pieces you do want to try to prioritize crit so your main sub stats should be crit damage and crit rate uh and attack percent and elemental mastery are very good too the reason elemental mastery is good on the luke is because if you're vaporizing once again with xing chu or if you are melting uh getting bonus damage from elemental mastery is really nice for your goblet you definitely want power damage bonus uh there's no question here even if your substance aren't great power damage bonus is still the way to go and for circuit you want either crit rate or crit damage trying to get a one to two ratio or as close to it as you can now for your sands uh there is some nuance here usually for most people attack percent sans is the best but if you are running the luke with shin chu you are vaporizing on every single hit so elemental mastery can be good and better with certain weapons now again this depends on your weapon but if your weapon gives you a ton of attack like a wolf's gravestone you can actually get more dps by running either a lot of elemental mastery substance or an elemental mastery sans and i don't want to overcomplicate this but i would basically say run whichever sans has the best substance between attack and elemental mastery keep in mind as i said this is only if you're vaporizing wishing to if not attack percent is the way to go but it is very close and depends on a lot of factors for example your supports like bennett give you attack percent especially with no blast and your supports like sucrose can give you elemental mastery so it does depend on you but yeah that's how i would summarize it attack percent overall em is competitive and can be better depending on your sub stats and your weapon now we have to talk about deluxe weapons and a lot has changed since the last video in fact my math guys the destiny 7 had been theorycrafting on rainslasher to luke lithic blade came out and serpent spine which i always believed was really good is actually one of the best weapons for luke so i do want to talk about a sort of weapon ranking and what you should be using depending on what you have first of all i want to say that luke is not dependent on a strong weapon you can have a prototype archaic to luke and he'll still be a great character you don't need like a wolf's gravestone you don't need a serpent spine and i want to emphasize that before i get into the specifics now first of all for your free to play weapons as always i don't recommend three star weapons because of the very low base stack but the best three star is the bait club however i recommend getting prototype aminos or archaic they change the name because it is the best free to play claymore for the luke so it is a nice worthwhile investment that being said there are a lot of claymores that can be better first of all rain slasher especially with the refinement but rain snatcher can be a slight upgrade if you are running the luke wishing to now if you're not i wouldn't recommend this but if you're running shinchu to luke enemies are constantly gonna be hydro-reflected and the elemental mastery is good because you're constantly vaporizing so if you are running dilution ii rain slasher can be better than prototype aminos lithic blade is also a decent option especially depending on how many stacks you have and if it's refined because refinement on this thing is pretty huge however luke is from monstat and a lot of his good supports other than ching chu are from monsta so it can be harder to get like more than two stacks but this is still a good weapon and something i want to mention black ops flasher is a similar option gives you crit damage it's better than the free to play options uh the minus and it is just a pretty good weapon overall now for the luke's sort of best weapons it's basically a bunch of five stars and one four star that we're going to talk about first of all i want to say the worst of the five stars is skyward pride it's not bad it has a high base tack but it's not as good as people make it out to be yes the vacuum blades can be good sure the the effect is good and with high refinement it can get very good but generally speaking like especially at you know low refinement because it's a five star um it isn't as good as other options because of the energy recharge substance which is pretty much wasted onto luke the first one i want to talk about is the serpent spine the battle pass weapon which is effectively a 10 weapon it is insane now don't feel forced to buy the battle pass but if you do get it servant spine is an excellent pickup much better than the free to play options or than any other sword we've talked about up till now because you can stack it up pretty fast you can use a shield and it is pretty easy to keep the stacks i know people had a fear of this especially like old abyss where there's a lot of like cryo auras and stuff um having a fear of losing these stacks but it is pretty easy to keep quite a lot of stacks up each stack will give you six percent more damage and it goes up with the refinement on top of that it gives you crit rate as a sub stat making it easier to get a good ratio and to deal more damage the base stack is kind of low but you can run to luke with bennett to make up for it so servant spine is an amazing option best four star for the luke and it is more damage than the skyward pride especially if you refine it it's just a really good weapon apart from that though there's wolf's gravestone and on forge which are just strong stat sticks on forge is great if you're shielded wolf's gravestone is insane in general 608 base attack almost 50 attack from just your set your your sub stat and that gives you another 20 here and then a 40 uh buff to all party members when you uh proc it against a low health opponent so if you're against a lot of enemies or if you get one low hp it'll buff all your party members attacks and why this is so good is because it actually buffs your off-field support so if you have uh shin chu's like rain swords it'll buff him it'll buff official it'll buff whatever else you're running because of how the passive works it's just really really strong and while a serpent spine especially with the refinement can give your duluk maybe more damage than a wolf's gravestone sometimes especially with bennett i've seen calcs showing surf and spine being able to out dps wolves when this passive kicks in it's basically gg because it buffs not only your luke to an insane degree but also all your other supports that can deal damage to recap i would say aminus is the best free to play there's a lot of good 4 star options as well but serpent spine is the best and 5 stars if you have them are good wolf's gravestone being the best now you guys know me for every new character i'll make a review on c0 right i've done this for basically every new character it's just what i like to do but for some reason on every banner i pull on every new character banner just to get a c0 i end up getting another deluxe so i do have two dilute constellations which i honestly regret activating and i'm not going to activate anymore but it doesn't matter because this is a guide so it won't change the information but yeah so i do want to quickly talk about dilux constellations first of all they're really good all of them are good and give you more damage i could basically just leave it at that but i'll try to go in a bit more detail c1 gives you more damage against high hp opponents c2 increases your attack and attack speed c3 and 5 are sort of level ups to your talents c4 can buff your searing onslaught damage which is your elemental skill and c6 is pretty insane your steering assault doesn't interrupt your normal attack combo anymore and on top of that your two next normal attacks have their damage and attack speed increase by 30 which is obviously great but you know even at c0 he's a great unit and usually when i talk about de luke i talk about c0 to luke because that's what most people have and it is very good before we get into party comps and talking about you know the luke's best supports comparing ching choo to cryo characters and all that i want to give you guys some quick tips about animation cancelling and general information you should know first of all i covered this in my last video but you can animation cancel his last auto attack as you can see there's a lot of delay uh but what you can do is you can dash or you can jump right after there's a lot of things you can do you can even like use a skill and do a lot of things to animation cancel it something else you guys need to know is regarding his elemental skill his e um and this thing has a 10 second cooldown as you guys can see if i go right here the uh cooldown of his searing onslaught is 10 seconds however this starts once you use your first e which means you can actually do a bunch of normal attacks in between then use another e normal attacks even swap characters if you want come back and then use that e and then you can see the cooldown is already back up and i can use it again so basically you can do things in between your e let's say you need to swap characters use a burst ability or whatever i got hit there so it messed up but you can press an e swap character if you want use an ability swap back there's an e do like two three maybe even four auto attacks in between and then you can still get your e's off and so i basically always recommend doing an auto attack between your e's you can do a few you can do more than one you can do a full four attack combo uh but i generally recommend at least doing one normal attack between your e's especially if you're running shing2 because it will apply the it'll shoot like the rain swords at the enemies which is pretty good another technique i want to mention that you guys probably have heard of is the plunge spam to luke some people call it dragon strike it's a popular attack to maximize your damage it can be optimal and the most damage you can get from your loop because of how good plunge spamming is now now i don't want to give a full guide to this for two reasons one it's kind of complex and will take a lot of time and also i suspect it's going to get patched now that being said it's definitely worth mentioning because it can be optimal dps so what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you guys what it is how it works and i'll link in the description some useful resources if you want to do it yourself and this isn't a technique i personally use much so i might mess up the showcase a bit but uh it's basically just spamming plunge and that's kind of how you can deal optimal damage especially in your burst because your plunges will be pyro and they will deal a lot of damage now i want to talk about the main reason i remade this video one of the biggest things i want to emphasize and that's deluxe uh best supports and we'll talk about all his team comps and stuff a lot of which only need four stars by the way so it can be very accessible basically deluxe has a lot of good supports and his best one is ching chu and i kind of want to talk about his good supports and why xing chu is so good now i didn't really know how to structure this initially but what i think i'm going to do is talk about all his units talk about mel to luke and vaporize luke show them sort of side by side talk about their strengths and weaknesses and why shinchu is so good and why i think shinchu makes de luke and s to your character i think the luke alone and like with k or whatever can be pretty good but with shinjuku he's a lot better now you might be thinking while melt does two times damage and reverse vape prize right pyro vaporizing only does 1.5 times damage so why would vaporize be better well the way vaporize works is usually it'll take more than one pyro hit to remove the hydro element on enemies i don't want to go too in detail on elemental gauges and how that thing works but my math guys 37 made a really good guide on it link in the description if you're interested however all you need to know is that you can proc vaporize consistently on every e and on your normal attacks when your internal cooldown is up basically most of your hits are just gonna be vaporizing dealing a ton of damage and getting the 1.5 times damage bonus on almost everything is a lot better than getting a melt on like a few rare hits now that doesn't mean crowd supports are terrible you can still run them and play what you like i can't stress that enough but ching chu is always the luke's best support and what i would recommend if you want to use them now that doesn't mean you can't run a melt to luke shanxu is really good and high consistent dps but melting does let you do more burst damage you can melt all of your e's it's just that when you use deluxe burst he applies pyro so fast that cryo supports usually can't keep up but there are many ways to play to luke so play whichever you prefer now what i want to do is sort of showcase these three supports uh reaction supports that you can often use with the luke talk about how they work and how to use them uh with your deluge keep in mind for this part i'm using no artifacts except a flower and a level one weapon just to showcase the reactions without really killing the rune guard first of all if you're running chongyon with the luke it's something that can seem a lot better on paper than it actually is but basically you can do a few auto attacks and then ease in between to make sure every single e you do mounts that's really good but the problem lies when you use your burst basically you can melt the loops burst inside the field very easily but after that since all your attacks are pyro you actually can't melt anymore so all your further hits won't be doing any reactions if you're just relying on chong yun now for other cryo characters than chongyong with the luke you can effectively run a meltdown luke build um but like just kaya alone won't apply cryo fast enough you can't do something like kaya and rosaria um you can do some things like that i'm gonna show you how it works now without the luke burst kind of like chong yeon you can uh get you can let the luke melt on every e right as you see here but inside of the loops burst the luke will apply pyro too fast for kit alone to keep up and so i don't want to scare you guys from playing like k or chong yun they can work it's just once you use the luke's burst he applies power too fast and he'll stop melting that doesn't make him a bad character doesn't make the other characters unviable i just want you guys to know and be informed that your cryo characters will be like usually the ones melting once the luxon is burst but before then the loot can melt now here if we use two cryo characters burst to try to maximize the uptime as you can see my burst will melt and then after that some of my duluth kits will melt but a lot of my support hits will also melt unless i wait like i did here uh between my hits so you can run something like kia rosario together but again in the luke's alt it'll be hard to proc constant melt reactions uh unless you're like waiting or doing stuff in between your um your e's so now i want to show you why xing chu and luke are so good together and keep in mind my deluge has like no artifacts except the flowers so he won't be doing and a level one weapon so he won't be doing a lot of damage this is just to showcase basically which shington's burst up you can vaporize every single not only every e but even when your luke is in his burst you can vaporize almost everything so basically if i uh dilute auto attack and then burst this is going to vaporize and when i just auto attack that vaporized then i auto attack a few times press e it vaporizes attack attack press e it'll vaporize and then some of my attacks just while attacking normally will vaporize as you can see here as a vaporized uh and then i can repeat with my ease again and get them to vaporize and when you compare that to the melt stuff i showed you earlier while the melt burst might do more damage or anytime you melt under luke it might do more damage you can't melt consistently because of how fast luke applies pyro so if you are auto-attacking non-stop with the luke it'll be like your kia or your rosaria doing the melting and not your deluge and if you're waiting for the enemy to be afflicted by cryo before you press e or whatever you're effectively losing out on dps because you're you're waiting you're not attacking so i don't think mel de luch is unviable you should you can play you can clear abyss with it i've done it many many many times uh i just wanted to show you guys why shinchu is optimal with luke and i'm sorry if this took too long but i want this to be a sort of end-all dilute guide where i go in detail and show you why specific characters are good and why others can be good but not as strong now that everything's cleared up i can talk about the luke's team comps i'm gonna be covering many different comps so first of all this is one of the best teams i recommend and it's all four star characters with daluk shinchu being the reaction support um again i don't have to go over him but he's just really good with his rain swords uh with the luke sucrose is a great enabler does so many things right uh in a dilute comp first of all she has verdes inventor one of the best sets in the game decreasing opponent's elemental resistances on top of that she has her talents which give elemental mastery to the whole team which is great for luke right because he's gonna be vaporizing uh so this does buff the damage and lastly i give her thrilling tales of dragon slayers to buff to luke's attack by 48 which is very strong and keep in mind sucrose is replaceable in this comp uh she's really good but you can run someone like venti if you want to be better at clumping enemies uh and venti does a lot of damage and you can also run someone like jeongli for a resistance shred and a shield uh and his burst can be good the last character is a healer you don't need to run bennett i just think bennett's an insanely strong unit but you can run another healer you can run diana for a shield and she can actually let you melt on your burst so it can be a good example of a cryo support doing well she doesn't apply cryo fast but you know you can just get like the burst melting which is a bit more damage and you can also run you know basically any support barbara can give you thrilling tails jean can be good uh because she's a two in one she's a healer and can proc verdes inventor which is really good so this team comp is pretty flexible but uh this is a really good comp i recommend to a lot of people when they ask me because it's all four stars they're all really really strong uh and it lets you do luke shine so tl dr if you're running diluxing chew in a vape price team this is your core these two then you're running a healer i chose bennett but you can run a healer and then your last character is sort of a flex usually i recommend someone like sucrose but you can even run venti you can run zhang li you can run albedo there are many options you can run i also want to mention mona as a pretty good option in this comp you can replace sucrose with her um here now i wouldn't replace ching chu with mona because mona doesn't apply hydro nearly as fast but she can be good on this team as well instead of like sucrose regarding fishel um fish is a very strong unit but the problem with running her with the luke is it'll often let make you overload and overload is just not the best reaction so while official is really strong i don't like her with luke because it can mess up your reactions uh quite a lot now if you're running in melt luke you can run to luke chong but i kind of explained why i don't like it that much so if you do want to melt you can try to maximize your crab application with kia rosaria but again often times it might be those supports being the ones melting this is still something you can run you just fit in a healer and it can work or what i like to run for the maximum burst damage and you might see me use this comp quite a lot again for bursting is this one right here which maximizes my deluxe uh burst damage it maximizes my melt damage but it is less dps overall than a diluxing chew comp i also wanted to mention this deluxe melt team kind of quick swappy but it is all five star characters so it can be hard to build i just did want to mention it because all these characters have nice synergy together with all their bursts doing a lot of aoe damage all right now we're gonna do a dps showcase and i don't want this video to be too long so what i'm gonna be doing is mainly abyss 12 which is the hardest content in the game clearing that doing some bosses some one shotting all that stuff in this dps showcase hope the guide was helpful and i hope you enjoyed the showcase let's go [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] so yeah overall the luke is an amazing unit very strong five-star main dps who's good at basically everything but shines especially at single target damage with a high aoe burst i would love to luke i find he's sick i'm friendship 10 with him he's basically batman i love everything about him and i hope this guide was helpful as always i don't waste your time so i'm going to end it right here follow me on twitch if you want to watch me live join the discord for updates subscribe if you want to if you don't that's okay too and i'll catch you guys in the next one peace um oh i broke the game not again
Channel: Zy0x
Views: 1,082,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact diluc, diluc genshin impact, diluc guide, diluc build, diluc talents, genshin impact diluc guide, genshin impact diluc build, diluc plunge, dragonstrike, weapons, serpent spine, diluc talent priority, diluc, genshin impact best dps, diluc xingqiu, 5-star, best teams, genshin impact diluc teams, dps, supports, genshin impact 1.4, new, guide, genshin impact build, genshin impact gameplay, showcase, diluc artifacts, floor 12, abyss, genshin impact tips
Id: vwjJqhaXKoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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