Advanced BSP Geometry Editing - #10 Unreal Engine 4 Level Design Tutorial Series

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hey there guys versus here and welcome back to my unrelenting 4 level design essential series in today's video we are going to be taking a look at how we can use some advanced geometry editing techniques to further modify the geometry that we create inside of Unreal Engine 4 so in the last video we made this basic little building here it's got a doorway and it's also got a nice little frame and we did this using additive and subtractive geometry however for the most part the shape that we've got here is essentially just a box now in some cases with your level design you are going to want to be able to modify the shape further to just get the look in the style that you're after and we're going to be doing that using the geometry editing mode if you want to get into this new geometry editing mode just press shift + v or alternatively just hit the little icon in the top right hand corner in the modes panel now if we select our box that we've created here our building that we've created rather with this geometry editing mode selected you can see it is now or in blue and this blue mode it's essentially telling us that it is now ready to modify so we've got two main functions within here that I want to go through with you guys the first one is the editing mode and the extruding mode I'm not gonna worry about the pen the brush and the lathe tool for now just focusing on these main two it's not really what you're going to be using so the editing mode what this is going to allow us to do is essentially edit the individual elements of this shape and those elements are your faces which are the large sections so if I select the top face at the top you can see it's the big old square and then within that you have got some lines and these lines make up pretty much the distance between your vertices so let me see if I can select this the line is here between these two points and then your points here and here all around are going to be your vertices so we try and break that down you can understand it so basically every shape inside of a game engine is going to be made up of vertices which are these little points between those you have lines and those lines you can modify and select these if you need to and then between the lines you have the faces which is essentially the part that the player can see so all of these you can modify to have a bit more control over the shape that you're creating so let me show you exactly what I'm talking about so if I go into the editing mode just by clicking edit in the top left here I can then select the face and if I wanted to I can move this up and I can make it taller just by moving this face up or if I wanted to I could select the line which like I said just makes up the distance between these two points here or any two points and I can move the line individually as well so if I show you what that can do you can see I can make these odd-looking shapes like this which is pretty cool just gives a bit more control and it's just essentially moving these individual little elements and lastly you can also select the vertices and you can also just pull these out transform them modify them do whatever you've got to do to them now the next one that I want to show you is the extrusion tool and this is going to come in handy when you're trying to make these shapes a little bit more complex you're gonna need more faces on there and to do that you're gonna have to use the extrusion tool so what I'm gonna do to show you how you can do this a little bit easier is I'm gonna go back to my normal placing mode real quick by pressing shift + 1 and then go to geometry and just place another box and then with this box you can see we've got just the box there it's all good open up our geometry editing mode select one of the faces and as soon as you select extrude I start as soon as you select that face you can see that the extrusion mode comes up in white which means you can use this what this is going to allow us to do is we can either manually extrude it out by dragging it out like this and it's gonna give you another section so with this you now have two phases one here one here and if I was to click and drag this up again I would have another phase is just adding more and more sections or segments rather to our shape so what we could do is we can also type it in how many segments we want and also the length of those segments if you want to do it this way so whatever if I wanted to I could extrude out from this little face here and I could have five segments and I want these to be 25 in length each if I press apply it's going to make these extra shapes for me so but look at this we have got five segments one two three four and five and we're all good and the lengths of these are going to be 25 across and that's perfect now the reason why you might want to do this is that you can then go back into the editing mode and you can select each and every one of these faces individually and do all kinds of crazy things so for example this one here I might want to raise it up so what I will do however is just make sure I don't have any snapping turned on so I have a bit more freedom of movement and then just drag it up maybe even do the same over here and you can see now we are getting these weird little shapes it's going to allow us to make things like triangles roofs and all of that kind of stuff and really to get good with this you just need to practice and play around with trying to make different shapes but anyway that is pretty much everything for today's video once again guys thanks for watching stay awesome keep rating your boy Vitus this video was made possible by my supporters on patreon if you want more videos like this check out my patreon page is the link in the description to stay up to date on new releases make sure you follow us on social media
Channel: DevSquad
Views: 65,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Virtus Education, VirtusEdu, Unreal Engine 4, SDK, Tutorial Series, Level Design UE4, Beginner, Virtus Learning Hub, Epic Games, Level Design, Create a game map, Landscape, Advanced, Level Design Tutorial UE4, Unreal Engine 4 Level Design, Level Design Tutorial Series, Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial Series, Create Video Game Level, Level Editor, Landscape Editor, UE4, Generating, BSP Geometry, Whitebox, BSP, Level Blockout, Extrude, Edit
Id: uyPo6NLW-50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2017
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