Converting Geometry (BSP Brush) to Static Mesh - #8 Unreal Engine 4: Level Design For Beginners

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What's Up We're here in this video I'm going to show you how to convert BSP brushes or as they are called now geometry brushes into static meshes this is pretty useful if you want to export them into your 3d modeling application or if you want to keep them in your level but want to have them as a static measure since static meshes are more optimal way of working and we're going to go into a few examples I have two Box brushes that one is we are going to convert it right away with this brush we are going to apply two different materials see what happens then when we convert it this brush is actually comprises out of few brushes if I disable the drooping you can see that we have one subtractive second subtractive brush and this one is additive and I'm going to re-enable the grouping so if you haven't watched the previous video videos when we created this you enable disable grouping by pressing control shift and then G and to group you press G and to ungroup you press shift trip so that's that and we have this one which we also created in previous videos this one is made with the pen tool so compared to this one is way better but it also we have more control so with this one we would have to draw lots more faces if we wanted to get some result like we have them let's select this brush cylindrical brush and maybe you want us to do this caret I guess I moved the brush a bit okay so maybe you wanted to have something like we have here and maybe with 40 let's let's have them be a bit different in preparation i yes and for this one I also want to have just one materials so I'm going to shift B material then she'll be and materials so this whole thing if irene able the grouping should have just one material so if you're following along with me do that actually yep I guess I'm going to disable the groups and add materials to here I didn't do that okay so the preparation is done you know what we were doing so let's start with this brush I'm just going to select you have to select the whole brush either by ctrl shift clicking and then selecting the whole brush or you click on the edge and this might be hidden so show advanced and create static mesh it's that simple guys and you can I'm going to name it as some test one you can name it whatever you want the standard for naming static meshes is the same but it's bit overkill for tutorial but I did it anyway so when you click create this is past attic mesh it's gotten converted so you get different options so one thing with static meshes first of all you can export them to your 3d modeling applications so you can right-click asset action export and export it is FBX if you know how to use some 3d modeling application or you wanna hand it over to your mate who is doing the modeling and you made a reference for him to use with BSP brushes or the other thing that's kind of interesting when you convert them the static meshes are way better in performance and also with building lights you get more controls and generally you wanna have just static meshes as we talked in previous videos and for this one I want to do something different but before we do that I want to point out even more things if we hit play and bump into this one we cannot go through we can go through this one which sucks so let's fix that before we want so find your static mesh and open it and then show collisions show simple collisions you have a complex collisions always because that's made from actual vertices of your 3d model but if you show collisions add collision and for this example we are going to add the box clear and call it a day for this mesh I'm going to show you bit more advanced collisions on the next meshes but before we do that let me show you what you should do with materials so let's say that you have a starter content in your project if you do not here you can use any materials that you have in your project so I'm using content examples project for Monday real learn tab as I did in previous videos and plus I have starter content so I'm going to select starter content and then just filter the materials because I'm lazy to click on this folder that would be usually useful if you go to the whole project and then filter it that way so let's say this surface is our outer wall so let's say it's going to use this brick material and this then this inside surface actually since we are there let's apply it to whole thing so I want to have just two materials the same material on the others and let's say this is our inside wall and we want to have these wall materials so this would be awesome if you're building a house and you want to have on one side of the wall one material and second material on other side so there is one problem with this if we convert it right away we do not have any control after the fact on tiling this material I kind of lied there we have control but we have to dive into materials and setup tiling and it's more optimal to actually tile their materials inside your UVs and if you do not know what you is are you should Google them but that is a way to map a texture to 3d object and it's kind of out of scope of this video to be honest if you do not know what there there are just Google and we'll cover that in future videos so what we want to do before we convert convert this style it and I did show this in previous videos so I'm going to tile it two times and apply and we get this material which is awesome now let's click on the edge and select it and convert it to static mesh and this is going to be it really sucks that it doesn't show me other stuff that way I could grab the name which I will do now I just selected that and copy that in Clippers for the next mesh so I don't have to type I'm really lazy when it comes to typing and as you can see this worked perfectly so it's static mesh now we have one material on one side I don't even the different side and we open it yep it worked and we still are missing collision like in previous ones so odd box collision and that will work just fine how will you get I know why we got this third material that's bit weird oh now I see it we didn't apply to whole mesh doesn't matter but B you get the point tie all your materials before you convert them and let's convert this brush actually first since it's kind of bit simpler and for this one we also have to fix this issue before we converted because it's going to persist if we convert this to a static mesh so to fix this I also shot this in previous videos but if you kind of stumble upon this video and just wondering how to convert static meshes here is something that you should do before you convert it so select all faces by selecting one of them and then shift V to select or fade all faces this is select the bottom face maybe didn't that happen with that wall that's why I'm kinda being careful here and when you select all the faces you go to alignment and planar and you get a pretty nice result and then it's just a matter of selecting the edge or the other way to select it you know and creating a static mesh and I'm going to be lazy and control.we and this is third test okay and this mesh is pretty good we got a near-perfect lightmap UVs and the first channel is just mapped as for material and it's just plain old mapped to all surfaces so nothing to see here and the second one just kind of remember what happened because when I convert the other mesh you will see what will happen so this mesh if somebody showed me this so you is I would say this perfect in terms of surfaces how they are matched so if you don't know what you visas are like I said Google and we'll cover it in in some future video when they do either a blender tutorial or preparation preparing assets for unreal just how to prepare a light map you is form unreal but basically this is used for storing light map information so when you build lights it stores shadow and light information into this map and we have to deal with a collision guys collision simple collision nothing to see here well you could go add the box that want to really work for us you could go into transforms and maybe turn off this for now and you could do something like this and scale it up and put one there then press alt and put one there then press alt and rotate it 90 degrees and pull it up and then maybe pull a bit down and scale it up a bit this is not really a way to do it since that's the only thing that we learned so far but you can see it works we go go through it and yeah it works but it's not 100% as you can see it looks like I moved that one of the boxes or something so what you should do is remove those collisions so collision remove collisions and it should remove all of them and then you should do Auto convex collision now depending on what settings you said this might take time to do and this increasing these procedures will give you better results and you can also set up how many vertices you max hortas as you want to have I won't really mess with them that much I'm just going to hit apply and you got something that okay I guess the bottom part is okay but if you character were to jump or your character was drawn or something it would get stuck on this collision so that's totally up to you if you want to bump up this stuff or if you want to make it perfect you were best off exporting to your 3d modeling application and making collisions there that's totally out of scope of this video and something that I will cover in some other video and if we save this you can see actually why isn't this working okay we have collisions yes we have and you can go through the middle part yep awesome let's drop it down and let's deal with this one so if you have your rushes grouped you will you have to select the actual brush not the surface but if you have them grouped it's kind of easy to select and it's something we did in a previous video just select all the brushes and press ctrl G or and to disable grouping you press ctrl shift G and just disable them you can see disables all my groups and let's actually cover this so I will click create static mesh and this is going to be is it for yes so if we open this example here is what we have it looks pretty okay but we also don't have collisions who would go with just generating it pretty quickly so it took bit longer for this one since we have this arc which is a bit more complex and if you go into this channel nothing to see much here but if you go into second channel as I said this is way better the less phases you have in your light map you is the better so like having these small pieces that are angled in different directions and that's not going to store light information that well so this is way better this is really really bad but if you were to export this into 3d modeling application it's not that big of deal to fix it and if you bump up the resolution high enough you might get some okay results even with this kind of light much but I as I said you should avoid this kind of stuff if you are making your own 3d models it's kinda out of scope of this video but I hope that you learned how to convert static mesh convert BSP brushes into static meshes if you have some questions are not sure how to do something feel free to ask in the comments and if you enjoy the video make sure you like it subscribe to the channel you know what to do and see you next one
Channel: MireDev
Views: 37,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ue4 bsp to static mesh, ue4 bsp to static mesh tutorial, ue4 geometry to static mesh, ue4 geometry brush to static mesh, unreal engine 4 bsp to static mesh, unreal engine 4 geometry to static mesh, unreal engine 4 level design tutorial, unreal engine 4 level design tutorial series, ue4 level design, ue4 geometry editing, unreal engine 4 geometry editing, unreal engine 4 level design for beginners, ue4 level design for beginners
Id: oL9CfmbdYZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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