Building a Arched Doorway With Geometry Tools - #4 Unreal Engine 4: Level Design For Beginners

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so let's get started first of all make sure you're using a Content example project that's provided by epic in a learn dub we're going to use few materials from there you could follow along with an empty project but if you want to make it pretty go and download that project since there are lots and lots of useful stuff from there that you can learn and also I might use some materials from starter content then if you want to add it to that project rest add new add feature content content packs and add stores starter content so you have it if you want mmm it's not required to be honest and if you want to find these materials that we're going to be using the easiest way probably be to sort your content by levels or find the maps folder and you sort that by turning filter and then a level here and you have just levels and find level if I can level and there is a level design workflow we already look at that in one of the previous videos and you can find materials here applied and easiest way to be to find them is just to click this magnifiers class and you can see that they are actually in the assets folder and then materials and then I want you to make a new map so you can play around so you will file new default delete the static mesh and player start actually we don't want to hit sky sphere you want to delete our start and then you can click Save all and it's going to want to save that untitled map I already have 0 1 because I tried to record this already and it's not a good idea to delete the asset and then make a new asset with the same name there are some redirector engine leaves some files behind and if you make delete an asset and making new asset with the same name the engine might crash so I did that before it can be fixed but this is a tutorial I don't want to go through that trouble so I'm going to make a new one with a different name just to be and those are the measures from that previous level and we want these materials here so what happens if we just drag a brush from here so go in geometry and drag but before we do that make sure you have snapping and I will have mine on 100 and drag a box and it's going to be floating in the air so let's bring it down I'm going to bring mine into the center and I'm going to make it to just 50 in the Z and then I want to bring it down it's not going to be flashed with the grid but it's okay if it's on there not a big deal to be honest and I also want to make it well let's say this big now you can do this in various ways but you can punch in x and y values you can also use geometry editing which will do a bit later on for now I want you to just punch in the values and you have really nice centered floor so what you can do is select just this one or you can select all of them if you want by pressing shift B and then you have all the faces and I've shown that that it's on right click and if you don't remember the shortcut sometime sometimes you can go right click select and then select all surfaces if you forget what's the shortcut if there's there are also a few other options that you have here you can select all brushes additive or subtractive brushes if you having a problem selecting them so that's kinda useful yeah and let's say our floor is going to be Tyrell let's say blue that's awesome so we have a floor now if you are kind of sesang with having optimal geometry you're never going to see the bottom part and it's going to be a bit overkill to actually remove it but if you wanted to do so if you wanted you can go into geometry editing this is just to show you how you can delete a face I usually wouldn't do this if I'm blocking out level but if for some reason you want to delete it you just select it and wait just like the face not a brush and he'd do it and I have deleted that bottom face to be honest I think it's overkill so I'm going to undo that might make some problems down the line so just and I'm going to rebuild my reflection capture so the error goes away and now we have a floor now let's build something so let's bring another box this one is going to be white so let's see and let's let it go and actually this floor is it's probably a good idea to make it go up and be flushed with the grid actually so let's change the snapping to ten and bring it up I think you need to go one more or one down okay so you can actually keep it on a hundred and then just tell it to snap origin to the grid that can also work so you right-click and then transform snap a line and you can snap origin to the grid with control and that should do the exactly opposite that we wanted so I could could also do something else so like the whole brush by clicking on it and I could make this a hundred so this way if I go fifty and just bring it up it's definitely flush with a grid and I don't really care if it's 100 or even a thousand if goes downwards who cares as long as I have I can do this so if I drag the box brush and let it go it's going to simply snap to the grid and I don't have to worry if it's under here since my snap pick is on on the hundred so that's why I kinda did that and also to show you how to snap stuff to the grid and play around okay so I wanna make this well smaller now we punch the values but let's do this bit different this time so what I want is half of this maybe so I'm going to go into geometry editing select this face and since my snapping is off 115 is going to be pretty easy just try it two times and now actually want to have it bigger if you go and punch in the values now just so you know let's say so this was in Y direction let's say we modified the X direction and say 600 so now this kind of looks weird first of all be around there it was think we were under maybe we weren't usually when you start editing if I now change the Y it actually works surprise surprise let me try that again so I've modified the white direction you can see this snaps back to the cube when I dry it so once you start editing with geometry editing you probably don't want to mess anymore with your X Y & Z values so get those right on the start dress to start off then you can start using T using the geometry editing so I wanna make this bigger and let's actually switch to 100 because it's going to be easier I want 100 on this side maybe and come do it on the different side and I want to make it bigger so like this face and go up maybe 200 so we have I want to build the arch doorway like this I think this is probably enough maybe we can make it even bigger if you wanted once more like this and once more like this and I'm going to make it like this maybe so you can manipulate it however you want and now maybe with this if you look at the ground this cube here it's 50 centimeters so I want to maybe have another cube - punching through this one so I'm going to bring and I'm actually going to use yellow material and let's snap it in the middle and now we have four on each side but maybe let's make this cube a bit bigger so is that direction now you can just try it out quickly you want everyone in X Direction you can see that red one you can see it in a viewport maybe down here so I guess Direction is the red ones let's say 300 in X direction so we have a three vowel this one is 50 so we have hundred and fifty of this side and 150 centimeters on this side and we know that our doorway is going to be a hundred so we can change this to a hundred this is doesn't matter to be honest when you when we turn it into subtractive brush it doesn't really matter if it's bigger and how it's subtractive and if I push it in words it's going to make whole now if we want to make that hole bigger we could punch in the Z value so let's say we want 300 now we punch in the hole downwards so I'm going to pull it up and now I want this to be an arched doorway and to be honest I actually want this to be even bigger so let's say 400 and we're going to make arch so you go back and forth with what you want to do so because we know that this is 400 when we bring a cylindrical brush we want it to first of all we're going to rotate it and then we are going to make it so actually I made the Torah did the size that it has to be so Z is how big is in this direction and the radius is how big or small it is and the radius is from the center so 200 on the radius and then go around and since this is 400 we have two times the radius which is exactly how much it needs to be so let's make it in Z hundred so it matches this thing here which is awesome and then let's bring it up a bit and let's make it an subtractive brush so we have a doorway here and maybe make it we add more size to it so it looks better so it's known how it's made you can go crazy but I wouldn't really advise it so you could probably do away with maybe vanish you can try it so this is just for prototyping you don't want to go too crazy we probably need to bring it even further up to make it look good so we'll have to bring this brush even further up so let's make it a bit better maybe 40 since we have just this in a level so why not and now I want you to select this brush and go into editing and going to bring it even further up so we're on 50 I'll does that look what I think I think this looks pretty good okay now we definitely want this maybe to be the same material as this one so it looks like it's just the mash standing well this match looks like it's [Music] it looks like it's not a part of this I know how to explain it but it looks better this waiting so we know that we have subtractive brushes here and what's the kind of good idea since we have this it's actually groupid so we can only select this like try to select through here once like to anything but if we click on this then this actually if you shift click you will transfer the material which is not what we want to do so if I let's say I click on this then I called shift and click on this it's going to get different materials that's not what we wanted to we want to select this and then control click to select the different brush and then control click to select this one and then press ctrl-g and now we have a group actor that's going to select all of them so if I select deselect this and then want to select this thing yep we are selecting everything and if one ungroup them so right click groups and you can see what you can do you can press shiftry to ungroup and then you can start editing normally if you right-click groups like press ctrl-g there's also one also shortcut very kinder hide the group if you hide a group like that but I think it's ctrl shift G its it disables grouping all together so if you want to keep your group so you don't want to ungroup the object but want to select something that's in a group you press control shift G and then it's going to disable the groups it's one more tip and now you can maybe if you wanted to you can press alt and drag it out and maybe build yourself some kind of our own temple and maybe you want it to be flashed out with this thing here know how big we made it so maybe I thought three would work but it doesn't so maybe you have to control click even though they are groups maybe make it in the middle so messing around a bit maybe like this and then press R to rotate actually it to rotate and press alt and rotate 90 degrees and bring it like here maybe I'll probably have to deal with our floor later on did you have this flashed with this other one yes now we cannot do ctrl click select everything then rotate that why called also holding alt while we rotate and rotate it 90 degrees actually I needed rotate that even further another 90 degrees and I press W to switch to move you can also press o I have that kind on a different key but if you if you have normal bindings if you press spacebar you will move through these modes and press also W if we rotate or R for scale and move this here okay and now our florist's kinda bit messy actually it's kinda almost flush with this I think I will move it a bit like this and like this and I might make my floor bigger so let's go 3000 that's why I kinda didn't delete the bottom phase because I might run into some troubles and maybe we want to what's going to unlaid mode just for a second and let's add the ceiling so we'll just alt click the floor and bring it up and maybe if I press end now that's not going to work you have to figure out where how much I need to bring it downwards yeah that's too much I think that that works coming to 10 we can also go into orthographic views so if we press here and I think any one front or left will work let's say front and we can flash it with this thing and since you are kind of here let's edit this geometry from an orthographic view part I will go into edit and let's like this brush and select these two vertices and pull them I will want to go to 50 select the brush select these vertices and pull it maybe to here it's like this once pull it here and then I want to go into a different view let's say you bring the left let's go into front no we were in the front let's go to left you see actually top view why not so I want to bring we brought these ones what's like this edge and bring it how many we have to to agree that's 50 so we have 100 centimeters in between those okay so left click to select I'm also using a right click to move around and scroll wheel up and down and this should work let's switch to the review and this kinda looks okay we could also make this white so let's press shift B and I will also press shift click on this material no interesting do I have to select this one then I think doesn't worry because we grouped it I rarely use that shortcut but if we select this material and press should be and then shift-click it's going to apply it instead of dragging it to viewport or here you can shift click on the mesh that you want to apply it it's kind a really quick way and you know what I'm not digging this yellow here so I will select that and now we can do one trick here so I will right click and go to select and select all subtractive brushes and then I will shift B mmm that didn't work maybe I should turn off groups brush types that's not going to work yes let's try to with try right-click select again select all subtractive brushes I thought I could change the material really quickly maybe I can shift click one of those not really interesting so what you would probably have to do is shift B and it has two materials oh yeah it has this one so I wanna change dressed yellow one actually I don't want to tell you this one so you would probably have to go and just drag it B and keep dragging those she'll be one for this one and kind of doesn't work so this is going to take too much time so I'm not going to do it if it wants to bring everything back okay I will live with this what we have switched to later on I kind of wanted to experiment honest spots to try to select all subtractive brushes but I want to go and do that yes say kind of the reflection looks like this this is blue it actually isn't and we have to build our lighting if we want to have something so I think that would be a good idea for a next video since we already built whole bunch of stuff so it's going to be part a of this video and we're going to continue in the next video with building the lights so guys hope you're enjoying this tutorial series and see you in the next one
Channel: MireDev
Views: 16,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 4 tutorial beginner, unreal engine 4 tutorial beginner 2018, unreal engine 4 beginner tutorial series, unreal engine 4 level design, unreal engine 4 level design tutorial, unreal engine 4 level design for beginners, ue4 tutorial, ue4 tutorial beginner, ue4 basics tutorial, ue4 tutorial series, unreal engine 4 geometry editing, unreal engine 4 geometry, unreal engine 4 geometry tutorial, unreal engine 4 bsp, unreal engine 4 bsp tutorial, ue4 bsp tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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