ADRENALINE PUMPING FINDS in the Hoarder Locker I bought at the storage auction for $910 plus fees.

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that's a telescope i wish no oh look at that prada in this bag oh my goodness there's someone's head in here that's 200 bucks right in this box right here not bad oh i feel like it's going to be gross what is this going to be oh the best treasures have been in the garbage bags thus far gold jewelry uh on second thought i just picked that up do you see that on second thought oh up um okay it is not loaded okay that's uh yeah yeah yeah that's that's pretty dope thank you all right locker nuts what's up just stopped by fedex now i got to go to the dump with this right here tons of stuff tons of stuff out of that unit um go to the dump go to the post office drop off a couple more packages right there uh ebay sales are doing okay they're still coming in selling big ticket stuff like the one box right there is wine glasses i sold a set of six for 150 bucks that little wine locker that i bought a while ago um paid 150 bucks for that locker i think something like that it paid off big time i'm still selling stuff out of it it's incredible but anyways um dump post office back to that unit see if i can find me some more gold all right locker nuts day two of the dig we're back in this unit if you didn't see the previous probably two episodes go check it out this is a really interesting locker cost me nine hundred and ten dollars at the auction plus fees fifteen percent plus i had to ran it because i ran out of time so there's another 158 bucks yeah okay well anyways we got time to go through it i'm glad i did because i wanted to take my time i don't want to rush it and so far we're finding great stuff like this if you didn't see the last video check it out plus we found a ring and i'm hoping it's the real deal actually i just pulled it out of here yesterday janna's going to the jewelry store today it looks good and it looks big so i hope it's good we'll find out but for now let's get into this and see what other treasures might be hiding inside okay all right yep it looks almost as full as it was originally but a lot of empty boxes on top a lot of my junk table hand cart let's get that cleared out first then we'll get started you guys ready it's going to be fun i think all right guys i got all this drug out empty empty empty empty bags flea market stuff workstation ready to go garbage ready to go donation uh pile started all right so that's what we got and made a nice hole this is kind of where i left off yesterday before i put everything else back in but where should we start today i want to get to those bins right there so let's start working over here let's see what we got here chemicals it's like all bathroom stuff first aid kits press all right so you do have to look through this stuff though because this is where you know the bathroom sometimes where they stick their jewelry sometimes not sometimes you do find the jewelry that was left in the bathroom drawer or whatnot you know they took it off before they got the shower and they got put in the drawer never made it out this isn't looking like that though this is looking like garbage they really should hold up nope okay okay this is interesting because marlboro we did see some other cigarette tobacco type stuff and it says m99 bushnell scope so let's hope that that's what's in here it could just be a box oh okay now that is that's a telescope i wish no deep space series 420 x this is brand new guys this is brand spanking new yeah look at that brand's thinking new wow that's pretty good yeah that was good okay we've got some that's a really dirty i kind of like church hats because if you watched some of my earlier youtube videos i bought a locker that had a bunch of church hats in it that was just all smushed up though and uh found a jewelry bag in the church box with the hat and there was some really nice jewelry in there including the pinky ring that i usually wear right now that pinky ring the little prongs have come loose it snags on everything so i took it off until i get it fixed up there's nothing too special really smooshed and smashed that was not bad let's donate that one all right got a hard hat and a little duffle bag with the tow truck on it it's nice brand new got some reflective vests in there it has a bunch of work clothing this is safety safety clothing for when they're working on the side of the road oh caltrans branded that's that's nice ah this looks like i see a bunch more medicines and stuff we'll have to look through that though i'm gonna get a garbage bag though this locker is providing everything we need it's kind of nice about these bags too is that they're so thick and they're kind of stiffened up a little bit look at that they stand up on their own ensenada little shot glass liquid paper i would say that's probably dried up by now especially since it says fast drying oh yes hand sanitizer good good good we will keep that to the side our spring stylings out buttons okay we're on definitely on the lookout for these little pill bottles they seem to put their nicer stuff in them yeah that's not a open gold chain nope oh look at that prada what is it something prada looks a little hardened up but i don't know for sure bath and shower gel prada okay wow they like their nicer stuff huh much nail polish i mean a lot of junk you know this kind of stuff guys this there's no money in this this junky junkie junkie okay vtech phone what's this oh nice multi-purpose tool okay looks like the cover on one side is missing that's too bad all right still get you out of a jam though you know what's that five hundred dollars huh that's a casino chip for wear mongolian gaming entertainment company limited all right so found a couple bart tickets 80 cents 10 cents oh boy that's not so good oh we found some stamps though we got here 10 stamps it was 450. now it's like 5 bucks that's 5 bucks you know i don't really use stamps very much anymore because we pay everything online but come christmas time we send out them christmas cards we blow through stamps it's really nice having them this one's heavy happy easter that's coming right up too so don't knock it oh my goodness look at that oh that's beautiful that's really nice and they took the tusks out so they don't break because that's usually what's broken on sculptures like that is stinking fantastic and gorgeous okay he's got a little toe missing right here it's too bad because it's ends inlaid something i don't know what it is but something's inlaid in there beautiful that is gorgeous right there another little plushie funny in this bag oh my goodness there's someone's head in here just kidding styrofoam that's pretty cheeky that's cool poker set with oakland a's um the cards are missing but the chips are all here and those are cool see that they got these branded chips in there nice olive oil i could have thrown that away wow look at that first handbag sack i don't know what you even call it i guess it is a purse that's pretty funny definitely 80s yeah too bad it's got cracking right here that's probably not real leather or else it wouldn't uh you know wouldn't do that i don't think i don't know it feels like yesterday i had cleaned up two locks that were cut and i see right here there's a third lock so this this has gotten cut three times three times remember what i said about this locker the owner had passed away some years ago and the family had continued to pay on it so apparently three times three times it went to close to auction and that's funny it's like a kango close to a kango not quite there's an old haze hat all right guys i'm gonna stop the camera this looks like mostly clothes i'm gonna go through it see if there's anything interesting and i'm gonna separate the donated from the dump all right here's what i got that's cool out of that whole bag home sweet dome saints nice t-shirt doesn't look too old but large and then a pair of denim i'm not familiar with the brand it's kind of cool the ripped up 10 25. have you guys heard of that i'm not sure if that's a main brand or not 11 12 so women's jeans the last one which i think is the coolest sierra snow fighters i don't know i just like that that looks a little bit older too i think it's a vintage shirt jerseys i think that says 84 right there i think this is 84. that's pretty cool definitely older right looks like you've got more clothes i'll do the same thing i'm going to go through this and uh i'll pop the interesting stuff okay there was nothing good in that whole bag most of it was stained up or really smell like dough don't think those will work clothes they didn't get washed okay a little top donate that something a little bit nicer donate donate this looks like the women's stuff all right i'm gonna go through this i'll update you if it's exciting don't hold your breath uh nope that last one wasn't interesting either actually i donated the whole thing they were at least they weren't um all destroyed you know they were in good condition they were just no main brands nothing really cool nothing cool aloe infused ultra moisturizing socks that's a first i've never seen that before all right start a new donation bag a nice pink soft robe that'll get donated come on levi's let's see okay wrangler that's all right i think oh no it's those are not dirty see that nice warm clothes here sweater yep yep yep yep i'm getting bored guys if i'm getting bored and you're probably really getting bored dress barn i think not okay i'm going to just transfer all this into the donate bag so we can move on to the next hmm here's a fishing pole copperhead reel nothing too fancy another pole i walton six and a half says something good it's got a cork handle might be something good we'll take it to the flea market or the garage deal okay there's a couple hats this one looks like a pimp hat elope i don't even know if that's a good brand but it's like it's all yellowed and i don't know this is a dirty locker you can tell by my hands how dirty this locker is i'm not putting that on my head all right and this is nothing special made in china felt all right so that's not a bad looking hat though word 6.0 for windows i'm pretty sure that's gonna be a little outdated oh man look at that excel 5.0 there's floppy disks with the program on it 1994 27 years old paper doesn't go bad though we'll donate that it's a few bucks all right next box and this really is a box well then what is this that's something fancy what's brand new too need dungadi silks it's a sorry okay cool i thought it was a story kind of looked like it but i don't know i think i've only found a story once before look at that very pretty oh that's some big pants but go underneath the story right and what's this scarf to go with it as well all right we got the complete outfit and i know those can be expensive sometimes stories it can be very expensive so that could be potentially a good find i'd rather find that kind of clothes than the kind of clothes we've been finding in the last three or four bags but those are very disappointing spray bottles in here oh something something brand new okay what is this it's sealed shut two of them sealed shut wrong kill oh i know what this is oh how funny you know what when i saw these i thought those look like knife boxes and uh because i found some before we found i think i've got four or five of those sitting on my desk waiting to get listed on on ebay this is a nice block i'm almost positive yes yes it is ronco brand new knife block okay and that means that these are ronco knife sets i believe they're sealed they've never been opened all right there we go look at that brand new knives a full set sharpener everything that's 200 bucks right in this box right here not bad oh okay here empty i'm gonna have to double check it feels empty it's empty okay let's see empty i should say it's light as if it's empty that is empty and that is empty dang it i was actually hoping these might be full of stuff yeah american tourister it's not a bad suitcase actually this one's nice right here that one's a little thrash right there that one looks okay there's a little bit of stuff inside this one what's what is this something in there oh i feel like it's going to be gross what is this going to be someone's gross ugh what do you call that the crown or nah ew all right well you know what i'm going to keep that actually because i have a little collection of these i don't know what i'm going to do with them i have sold those before on ebay if you can believe it usually the full set the full grill and uh they sold they sold can you believe that but then ebay removed the last time i tried it they removed the listing and said don't do that again so i've never listed them again but someday i'll figure out where to sell them they're good for like making monster masks and stuff following decorations but also i think i think some people actually buy them and use them i can't imagine that because it sure seems like they should be custom made but people do people do all right i really wanted to get back to those bins here we go here we go partially used toilet paper okay there's some decent scrub brushes yeah those are actually pretty good right there don't eat that what is that what is that i think that's an outfit that's a little wild all right a couple outfits donate that what a random mix of stuff well there's some jeans there so far i haven't found any levi's we do like to find levi's there's a there's a pair of really disgusting dirty bloody underwear women's underwear that's pretty gross pretty gross i don't even know why that was in there that should have gone in the garbage but i guess i keep saying that about lots of things oh things ringing phone's ringing oh oh this could be it this could be our answer hello hey how's it going good um so i walked into the jeweler the same one in danville and she's like i literally handed her and she's like it's a cuisine let's see dang really i shouldn't have been about to look at anything she did but she's like yeah i mean she's like a 10 carat man 10 carat band okay she said i will do a lot of i said to a lot of people do that she's like oh yeah wow i'm like okay i'm like i could look at it for an hour and i think it's real so i have no idea yeah yeah well um that's too bad yeah all right guys well there you have it uh no luck no luck on the ring but boy still 10 karat gold band there's so there's there's some money they're not much but that's going to be probably a 100 or 200 bucks in gold i would say cubic zarconians aren't nothing but they're almost nothing but together in a piece like that it looks really nice i mean it's a nice for a costume piece just a costume piece it's a nice it's a nice set so um we probably will put that up for sale maybe in our live auction um but yeah when i looked at it close under the loop last night i was like something about that diamond i don't think it's right i don't think it's right um but anyways if that was a real diamond that would have been like two carrots or um probably well over one and a half carats that other diamond we found recently was one and a half carats and that's legit uh this one i think looked bigger so that would have been like a two carat diamond that would have been we're talking like i don't know ten thousand dollar piece maybe more depending on the clarity and the grade so uh missed about that much right i missed it by that much it's okay i still got this necklace right here this thing right here makes me feel like i'm not gonna lose on this locker thank god for that because um thank jesus for that because uh i paid a lot 1200 bucks in this thing and uh there's 800 back right here and that's scrap price that's not even retail i can get much more than this for retail because it's a beautiful piece i'm liking wearing it jen doesn't like me wearing it but i like wearing it but uh we'll keep looking you know what hey maybe there's a two carat diamond hiding in one of these garbage bags anything's possible that's why i love this job treasure hunting let's get in the next box right now next box next box right away i'm like 30 sheets right see they're all stained up um ribbons bows whatever i mean i was hoping for the totes but you know what the best treasures have been in the garbage bags thus far gold jewelry surprise surprise surprise there's some christmas lights there well used and loved towels all right guys you know what we're going to do here we're going to do some speed unboxing i'll just take out everything off camera go through it i'll show you what's the good stuff in the summary type of format all right let's start doing that next box you know i'm starting to get the feeling i'm starting to get the feeling that the guy's wife maybe passed away uh some time before and he put her stuff in these bins and that's why it's in first his stuff went in later i don't know if he went into maybe a nursing home or what happened there maybe moved in with some family so they could take care of them in the end i'm i'm kind of just filling in a lot of blanks here but that's what i feel like the lady went in and then his stuff i feel like also got put in more hastily which is why it's just like tossed in garbage bags there's garbage there's good stuff all kind of mixed together i feel like that means he didn't do it somebody else did it i could be way off look at that we've got two bins right here that's a good sign that's a good find you know what guys speed and box all right speed um box let's go uh on second thought i just picked that up do you see that on second thought oh [Music] hold up read manual before each use okay wait this [Music] is this real no this is a pellet gun right that's the air right there that got me going for a second there that got me going um okay it is not loaded okay sounds like there's pellets in there little ball bearings or something okay that's uh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's that's pretty dope okay that's an interesting find right there that is indeed of course i was going to do a speed unboxing i got totally sidetracked and oh that dolphin's missing a little few parts right there just got run over by a cruise line or something okay guys let's see what else we got in here i do see some t-shirts that's good i just want to see if we find any more handguns um no all right i'll go through this i'll pull out any good stuff and we'll get to the next box there's a vintage shirt i'm the boss no questions no arguments we'll just do things my way 1996 right there that's pretty good 1995 right here 49ers versus chargers that's real classy typical 49ers fan raiders fans would never wear a shirt like that just kidding um but this is probably something they sold in like the parking lot before the game that would be my guess i survived mardi gras shamed i am no slammed i am bourbon street new orleans uh this guy i think was from new orleans i don't see a year on that that's probably pretty close to 20 years old or older it's a big mark for vintage shirts guys that's why i pay attention to the sh t-shirts new orleans saints super bowl 2010. i love las vegas the person wearing this shirt is a police officer lie flat on your back and do everything the nice officer tells you to do hawaii that's kind of unexpected i found a couple of uggs in here oh my goodness look at that it's a brand new brand new uggs no kidding these are um made in mexico it says inside they're made in mexico they seem to be pretty nice boots what is this this heavy [Applause] [Music] this is
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 33,834
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, asmr, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, hoarder, hoarders, owner died, owner passed away, deceased, left behind, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry
Id: -vpfq27tRRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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