Adjustment Layers in Final Cut Pro 2021

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[Music] oh my god i've just discovered adjustment layers in final cut pro i cannot believe it so i've always worked in avid media composer and premiere pro and adjustment layers just like in photoshop i just like what you would do you'd put all your effects and things on top layers and it would just affect everything below and it's really bugged me that you can't do that in final cut but you can i've just discovered a way that i can do an adjustment layer in final cut pro and it's blowing my mind i'm going to show you how to do it so i've put the free downloads of the adjustment layers in the description below click them download them pop them on your desktop then we're going to come over you're going to unzip the folder and inside there are four adjustment layers what we're going to do we're going to come over to your mac home folder click that find your movies folder and inside there you should have a folder called motion templates if you don't have it you can create one and it needs to be called exactly that motion templates with the m and the t capitalized click get info and you need to make sure that the name and extension is called exactly the same as it is here motion template dot localized okay once you've made that folder if you haven't got one click in it if you've got the folder you should see these folders if not we're going to be using the titles folder if you haven't got that you can again create that with the name titles capitalized because final cut pro will use that folder go into there and drag your adjustment folder that you downloaded into there once you've done that you can close that if you've got final cut pro open close it and relaunch it okay so we're in final cut pro and we've installed our adjustment layers so what we want to do we can head over to our titles and generators and we can select our adjustments there in the titles drop down and you'll see to the side you've got the four adjustment layers that we have just installed so we want to drag a lut layer onto our timeline so we're going to drag that down extend it out over the duration of the clips that we want to affect and then we're going to go over to our effects palette hit color and then we're going to select custom lut and drag that onto the lut layer now then we can go back up to our preferences and select the lut that we want to apply and that's applied the lut to not only the clip that's below it but all of the clips that the lut layer covers so you could apply this to a selection of clips like i have or you could select the whole timeline and affect it so it's a really quick way of doing it we can then drag another color adjustment layer on the top of that and then we can select it head over to our color board or color wheels and affect the the colors in a different way okay so i'll just quickly apply some adjustments here so we've applied a luts layer and a color adjustment layer to all of the clips with the adjustments on then we can add another adjustment layer on top of that and then in that we could add a maybe a glow or any other effect that you wanted to add and then yeah we can click on that adjustment layer go over to our preferences and adjust the amount of the global any effect on there so then we've got three adjustment layers stacked on top of each other and they're labeled so we can clearly see what's going on on the timeline so then if you want you could add another layer you could add a crop adjustment if you wanted to increase the size of the shots crop out some of the edges or maybe you could use the crop adjustment to add a mask to you know to add um bars at the top and bottom if you wanted to or you could even just add another adjustment layer and put another effect on it you can stack as many of these up as you like to build the layers up and i think it's a really great way of working it's really simple to see what you've done to your timeline and also it's easy then if you put a color effect on the whole timeline and you want to adjust it you can adjust it once and not have to worry about doing it on multiple clips or copying and pasting attributes onto every single clip i hope you found this useful if you did like and subscribe
Channel: Nick Griffiths Pro Editing
Views: 8,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fcpx, Final Cut Pro, adjustment layers, free download, adjustment layer, final cut pro x, final cut pro x tutorial, fcpx tutorial, final cut pro
Id: T9gK2doZgQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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