Return to the Hiding Place (2013) | Full Movie | John Rhys-Davies | Mimi Sagadin

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(slow orchestra music) (man speaking German over loudspeaker) - [Voiceover] As a prisoner assigned to the Amersfoort Infirmary, I numbly type medical documents as I reflected on the voice I once had as a Leafleteer and Propaganda Journalist for the Resistance throughout the war. The Netherlands of my youth had been turned upside down by the Nazi occupation. Friends became enemies, neighbors turned into spies. And the cost of patriotism to our dear country exceeded our worst nightmares. (gunshot in the distance) (suspenseful music) - [Voiceover] Four years earlier I had been a Physics student at Delft University. What started one peaceful morning on campus as an innocent sprinkling of student voices of decent, burst into a torrent of rebellion against the ever increasing stranglehold of Nazi Socialism. - Hans, Miece, this is Kara, Yanna's fiance. - Kara, good to meet you, we've heard so much about you. - Careful Hank, you'll hurt him. - Hans, I want to pass out some too, I know a lot of people. - No, better you and Tristan go home now. Your mother's gonna be mad at you for skipping school as it is, and you know your teacher- - The Resistance can't be brought to a hault. - Shh. - Never, never say that word. - Psst. - What is Pete doing here? - I don't know. - [Nazi soldier] Quickly, quickly! - Why is everything always quickly, quickly with the Germans? - What's going on? - Jewish professors will no longer be allowed to teach here. - Why? - Because, Jews are monkeys, Poley. Jews are not as evolved as the rest of us. - If I remember correctly, a monkey failed you last term. (snickering) - Today, enemies of the Netherlands have been removed from the teaching posts at this university. Already a few among you are calling for a rally of protest. Let me warn you, troublemakers will be put on trains to work camps. This university stands for order and education, and that's exactly what we will have. Frans Van Hassalt, a word with you, if you please. - Come. - I need you to unify the student body, Frans. You're one of them, they trust you, and for the sake of their education and future careers, I need you to unite them in a symbolic gesture. - A symbolic gesture. - [Nazi] An oft of one thing. Oh, this'll bring out the best in everyone, Frans. They create unity, bind us together. - This isn't out of loyalty to the Nazi Party. I don't think that I can- - Oh, I am sure you can, Frans. Your younger sister has been caught with Resistance literature in her possession. In fact, when I searched your home just a few hours ago, we found a typewriter exactly matching the font of this involuntary nonsense! - Please, she's only 12. - No problem, Frans. My men love 12 year old girls. Distribution of Resistance literature, Frans. Treason, automatic death penalty. To show my goodwill, I will give you the power right now to free your family. Simply persuade the students to do what is right and your sister is free. For, as the will of the students goes, so goes the will of the nation. We, German and Dutch Social Nationalists, have come to an understanding, which is for the good of all. Listen to your own student president, Frans Van Hassent, who wishes to address you. - It was once wisely said to me, as the will of the students goes, so goes the will of the nation. Stand with me today, no matter what the cost. This oath offers allegiance to Adolf Hitler and his kingdom on Earth. My allegiance is to the kingdom of Heaven! (shouting in German) - Move, get out of the way! - Get him into the truck, you grab Frans's sister. - You're crazy, this is a German truck! - Not anymore, Hans hurry! (suspenseful music) (truck starting) (crowd commotion) (gunshots) - Don't worry, you'll be with your brother soon. Attie? - Face forward and walk casually, go to 45 West Estrada, four o'clock. Break off, now. (speaking in German) (gun shots) (thud) - Hans, what are you doing here? - They're building an uprising, Mama, a student resistance. Top secret. - Then why in the world are you telling us? - [Mama] You can't stay here Hans, the street's under surveillance. Talk to him Adrian. - It's OK. You'll be protected by your guardian angels, where ever you go. (whistle) - Martain? - Hey Hans! - [Pete] Grab it, congratulations Hans, you're now part of the Resistance. We've gotta get you into hiding until we get false papers. Do you have a place to stay? - I can stay with my parents' friends the ten Booms. - Great, I'll send word and tell them that you're safe. - I know the ten Booms, I'll get him there safely. - Good. Here, signing up bonus. - No way, I couldn't! - I know, rarer than gold, right? Don't worry, we took it from the Nazis who stole it from our allies. - Save it for when you see Miece. - I love her very much, but I don't think it will last that long. - Well then, it's settled, you're now one of us. But Hans, no turning back now, OK? (bicycle bell) - [Pete] Did you find a place for Tristian? - Yes but, now you must help us. We need your underground connection to help us with our Jews. - Our Jews? - We're overwhelmed, Pete. More and more of them are flooding into fewer and fewer safe houses. - Attie, I'm fighting to keep the Germans out of the Netherlands, I can't focus on the Jews right now. Besides, what about the Christians in the Netherlands? - First Jews, then Gypsies, Communists- - Yes, and the mentally retarded, I've heard all the sermons too. - Well then you should know that when they come for the Christians there will be no one left to protest. - OK, I'll talk to them, but don't get your hopes up, OK? - Oh thank you, thank you! - Ah, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for gathering here today, so colorfully adorned, to witness Pete Harter and Attie Van Wooten join in holy matrimony. - You should be so lucky! - [Hans] Pete and Attie were my first contacts when I joined the Resistance. I had no idea they would become my family overnight. I was the first fugitive to be hidden at the home of Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch watchmaker who gradually converted the home above her shop into a safe haven for Jews and members of the underground Resistance. - Carl, I just finished working on your watch. - Thank you Corrie. I can't pay. - Nonsense. - Bless you, and thank you. - [Hans] Confined to the ten Boom home, my first duties were limited to writing motivational leaflets for our invisible underground army, inspiring them to be an ever increasing thorn in the side of our occupiers. My longing to join the Resistance outside the ten Boom home became immeasurable. My only solace was letters from my girlfriend Miece whom I couldn't see for months at a time. When the day of my first mission finally came, I had no idea my underground uniform would be what it was. - Useless, these carbons are completely shot! How am I supposed to do this job if I don't have the proper tools? - Spine hulls, don't they know that when you invade a country, you must keep the stores full of Resistance materials. What's this? - My journal. - What's it about, My Life without Maids by Hans Poley, sounds riveting. - Hans is a Resistance Journalist, Pete. What you type can bring life or death. - Tell you what, get back on that typewriter and send a letter to Germany. Start, Dear Adolf. - Comedian. Oh, this is humiliating. - Stand still or the hem will be crooked. - Which would draw attention to those ugly legs of yours. - Those ugly legs allow him on the street until he gets his new ID papers. - Stand still, Hans. - Yes, do stand still, dear. - You keep it up and I'll beat you with the handbag! This thing's pretty heavy. - Papa needs you, Betsy. Your delivery to Dr. Abrams, no passwords necessary, you'll recognize him. He's the professor at Delft. Say nothing, just deliver, and return. - Going stir crazy here surrounded by old maids. - And now you are one, turn around let's have a look at you! (laughs) - Six months cooped up in this room, I just want to see some action. - I'm sorry, I know you've sacrificed a lot to be wearing a dress. - Thanks. - Without a matching handbag. (laughs) (church bells) - [Hans] Doctor Abrams? (distant music) Doctor Abrams, are you here? Doctor A- (birds taking off) (man speaking German) - [male] Shh, Nazis looting the house. (men speaking German) - Package. Take the scenic route home, there are road blocks on this side of the canal. Nice dress! Your papers, and a little present. As of now you're Hans Poley, Seminarian and pastor of the Dutch Reform Church, that gives you freedom of the streets, so no more dress disguises, huh? One little problem, it says you're 24 years old. So grow some hair on that upper lip of yours, huh? - Thank you, thank you. - One other thing, if you get caught with that- - I know. - Find somewhere safe for it, you understand? - What about Doctor Abrams? - He was arrested this morning. - Friends, I am privileged to introduce our newest guest, he is the contour at the Synagogue- - Just don't try to convert me, eh? Would be a waste of your time. The food is Kosher? - I'm afraid, according to your laws, everything in this house is unclean. - These are bad times, these are dangerous times, and in times like this, the Lord feeds his people in different ways. For Madam, I will eat your food, with pleasure and with gratitude. (cat screams) What the devil was that! - Actually, that is our little maid. - Is she Kosher to eat, just in case we have a food shortage? (gasp) - Jewish humor. (laughs) Well she definitely isn't Kosher. (laughs) - With respect Colonel, this seems a strange place to hold a meeting. We don't have time for games, Berlin will not tolerate us hemorrhaging Jews. - On the contrary, gentlemen. A game is exactly what I had in mind. This way, gentlemen. (rats scattering) - Let me guess, there's Jews are already packaged in the crates, ready for shipment. - How much do you know about rats? Well, in today's game, the rats will stand in for the Jews and their underground allies. Imagine this space is our city of Haarlem. Its buildings, the crates. At first glance, the rats are invisible, but there are certain survival traits that are predictable in all humans. Notice how easy they panic and flee to their next hiding place, exposing where their comrades are, hiding. By our watching them and listening to their phone calls, they always lead us to the other rats. The more they run, the more careless that they are. The more rats, the less room to hold them, the more they begin to throw caution to the wind. More Jews, less space, more- - Panic. - Excellent, gentlemen, you are quick learners. (rats scattering) (thud) Game over. - [Attie] You're doing a great job! Yes, that's perfect, here, put the rock right here. Nice job! - What are you making there? - OK, here, now make sure you cover it with your straw so it's hidden. - I said, what are you making there? You trying to trap those big bad monsters? (laughter) - [Hattie] Ruta, help him finish making the animal trap, we'll be right over here. (laughter) He is my miracle child. I was at the train station last year. They were loading Jews onto cattle cars at the end of the train, and suddenly in the chaos he runs towards me and flings his arms around my legs, and without even thinking, I nod to the soldier. They load the others, the train pulls away, and I have a son, just like that. - What happened to his mother? - Work camp. - Meffey, that's an interesting name. - It's short for Mephibosheth. - Oh, big name for such a little guy. - Oh, speaking of names, these are all the children we need to find homes for. - [Peter] It's a long list. - I know. - Now, why does that look so familiar, huh? (laughs) - I love tulips! - Uh huh. Ah, sweet tulip. - You're so generous! - So we can remember, the kids of course! - Oh, my hero! (laughs) - Actually, there will be a lot of children needing a home after this war. - Please, Ucey, at least help put the dishes away. - Oh Corrie, would you have me sin on the Sabbath? - Today is Sunday, Ucey, your excuse from washing dishes and working on your Sabbath yesterday. (laughs) - Yes indeed. But, does it not say in the book of Proverbs- - The men who will not work should not eat? - No, that wasn't exactly the verse I had in mind. - I'm sorry, unexpected visitors. Just for tonight, they'll be gone tomorrow. - This is Amsterdam Central Station! The Nazis must be wondering what kind of sale we're having on watches! Forgive me, but I hear you chatter about your Jews with every customer that comes into shop! - I believe as long as we do not get involved in the violence, the violence will not come here. And our Jews will be safe from the work camps. - Work camps, you still believe that nonsense? They are death camps, to kill us Jews. In here He promises to liquidate Judaism, ever Jew, so pull your heads out of the sand before they get chopped off! (crying and footsteps) - [Corrie] I'll take care of the guests. - Couldn't sleep? Hey, you're not upset about me not doing the chores, are you? - I think your excuses are quite clever. Wish I had them when I was at home, living with my parents. (laughs) - Hans, you're a smart boy. They told me you're a Physicist, hmm? So what's a smart boy like that doing with a bunch of people who do such foolish things? - Like put themselves in danger for people they don't even know? Total strangers? And exactly what did you do to earn such a generous gift of sacrifice? - You are a smart boy. You're so smart, that you could probably sit out this war, you know, and make sure that you have a real future. You could have it still. So what persuaded you to get involved in this? - First it was easy to read about the war. Not care beyond my love, my life. Then I met the suffering. One can't look into the eyes of the hurting and hear their pain and not get involved. When I saw the innocent perishing up close, I felt compelled to do something about it. - In spite of that you know very well, you could lose your own life. - I want to follow my Master, who died, total strangers, even those that hated Him, He stood in the gap to take the violence upon himself. - Your religion really does mean so much to you, doesn't it? - Actually, the Christian truth isn't a religion. It's a Revolution, against the kingdom of darkness. (laughs) - Well, my revolutionary young friend, what a joy it is to debate with you, even if you are so foolish as to attempt to save the Jews. - Better to be called a fool for what is right, than applauded for a lie by the crowd. Besides, the Nazis should've known what side we would choose. - And why's that? - My master was a Jew, after all. (laughs) - Good night. - Good night. - You know Corrie, when this war is over, they're going to say that it was won by men and armies. But I will testify that it was run by girls and boys who humbled themselves and became exalted. What is this? - A dish towel. Since you seem to be making friends today, I thought the two of you should be introduced. See you in the kitchen. - And those that exalted shall be humbled. - [Hans] During the first days of the Resistence, and under my new cover as Seminarian Hans Poley, I went from church to church, trying to gain help in our cause. It was on one such occasion that I ran into an old friend who was seeking restoration by the church. - Hey Chris, what are you here for? - Personal, been waiting for three hours, I don't think they want to see me. - Then come in with me, I could use the backup, and then you can say your piece. (door opens) - [man] Hans Poley? - Yes. - Sirs, train loads of Jews pass your church every Sunday, crying out for help from their cattle cars. - We're a church board Poley, not the railroad commission. - [middle board member] Frankly, there's nothing we can do about what has happened here. - You are responsible to lead the flock, to stop the slaughter! - Do you know anything about this man, about his- - Please, I was a teenager and what I confessed was in confidence. She is now my wife. - Can we please not distract from the issue at hand? - These young men are here about a moral issue that should concern all of us. - A moral issue, you know Chris was expelled from the church over a moral issue. - Please stick to the point, we are here to talk about the murder of Jews! - How dare you lecture this board! - I dare? You are meant to be followers of Christ! - Paul, in his letter to the Romans, clearly stated- - It is a sin to disobey the lawful government. I think you'll find it a hard point to prove that slaughtering God's people is lawful. - You gave up the right to that long ago. - Your Christianity makes the Gestapo look gracious. - Chris, I know you're hurting, but that wasn't a true faith. Don't bunch us all together. Most Dutch churches are resisting the right. I'll see you later. - Trust me, you will. - [Corrie] Glad I wasn't in the shop yesterday. - [male] Did the Gestapo come? - They were just soldiers. - Did they ask you about sheltering Jews? - Thankfully, no. - I'm so torn as to what to say! God says to never lie, yet I must be truthful if asked! - Wait a minute, what do you mean, thankfully no? You're not saying that if they had asked you if you were sheltering Jews, you would've betrayed your Jews? You would have betrayed human life to save your mouth from being soiled by a lie? - Please Eusi, sit down, let's talk- - Talk about it, we're talking about human lives here, and you just want to talk? - Shh, people in the streets are looking up here. - She was only saying that she didn't want to lie. - Surely, as a Jew, you know the ninth commandment, thou shalt not bear false witness. - Children, please. The ultimate law is to obey the law of God. Not that of man. - Exactly! - [Corrie] Exactly! - Have you ever been afraid, I mean really afraid, afraid for your life? No, of course you haven't. You weren't in that house in Amsterdam where the people chose to kill themselves rather than relive the horror of returning to Germany, and I would lie, I would steal, and I would kill to save those lives! - Well, that is where you and I disagree. - Really, did not the great grandmother of your messiah, Rayhab, lie to save the spies in Jericho? The mother of Moses, the midwives, did not they lie to save the Hebrew babies? And what does the Bible say, they were blessed by God, beware of you selective morality, it is a dangerous pursuit. - Eusi, they are only trying to obey God. I understand you're upset, but please, show the ten Booms some respect. They are, after all, endangering their lives for you. - Corrie and Bitsy, you lie to the Germans every day. You have stolen ration cards under your floor boards, you have a forbidden radio receiver. You have forged documents flying all over the place, how do you rationalize those lies? Look, all I'm asking you is, whatever you do, just apply those simple rationalizations to save the lives of us Yids. I must have your answer now. - Today we vow to be Rayhab and the midwives. Whatever befouls you, may it also befoul us as well. - You wear that in public? (crying) (crying) - [Hans] You must give him word Corrie, he's right. Saving lives is our first concern. It's time we turned this house into a safe house. Corrie's room has been chosen to build a false wall, creating the tiny room that she called The Angel's Den. We have also established drills, alarms, and routines for unexpected raids for the underground to safely move our precious human cargo. The importance of the secret room has become more apparent as the Nazis have increased their raids on unsuspecting Dutch homes. (whistle blows) - Shh, stay together. (speaking German) - God's mistakes. - There are no mistakes. - Shut up, save the sermon for Sundays. - [Boris] Hattie, what do you see in these retards? - Every good deed deserves a reward. - She teaches these retards with her Aunt Corrie every Sunday, not that I understand a word of it. - These creatures are what prevents our society from greatness. But, that can be remedied. - No, their lives- - Drain our resources. - [Hattie] Sir. - Oh, now I'm Sir, huh? - [Hattie] Please, he's deaf. - And so soft, nothing like the skin of a child. Look, map of Germany? - Please, I beg you. - From its northern tip all the way south. My, my, our little bunny rabbit is a Jew, isn't he. What's his name, and don't lie to me or I'll kill him right where he stands. - Mephibosheth. (laughs) - Just keeps getting better and better. Mephibosheth, that's a Bible cripple whom nobody loved. - Whom nobody loved. (laughs) And what is this Jew doing mixed with Aryan children? - It isn't his fault, I put the church children together with the orphanage for a day trip. - I want papers on every one of these children, now. - But... No, Boris, please. - Boris please, you know my name? Unlike when I was making such desperate attempts to get your attention in school. - What, that was- - Looks like I have it now. - No, I noticed you, Boris. - You would've gone out with me? - Goodness Boris, who wouldn't want to go out with you! - No, you didn't want to go out- - Heavens yes, I knew your name just now, didn't I? I don't know how to thank you, Boris. - Oh you will, don't worry. - And Mephibosheth? - He'll be fine. - OK, let's go, this way to the truck. - Tell me I'm not dreaming. - How I have missed you. Hans, what's that? - I promise, I just deliver messages. And brought caravans and do surveillance, and- - Hans, please don't joke. - Please don't tell Aunt Corrie. - Plenty of time for that when the war's over. Remember Hans, angels surround this house. They are in it, in this very room even when I am not, watching. Everything, you understand? Eusi didn't do dishes today, so why don't you help me downstairs. - I'm sorry Aunt Corrie, but I'm meeting someone, I'm sure Miece will help. I promise to do them another night. - Something tells me this won't be the last time I do your dishes, Mr. Poley. - [Hans] After what had happened to Attie and the children from the orphanage, my involvement with the underground escalated. Peter put me in charge of logging the movements of local Nazi officials. Including their notorious leader, Colonel Van Lamen. Corrie's army, made up of mostly inexperienced students like myself, began to provide a formidable obstacle to Hitler's occupying forces by mapping out escape routes, falsifying ID cards, and sending word of eminent danger. - Every day at 1:15, that gives us 20 minutes. - Twenty minutes from now? - In five minutes we have to have everyone out. - Are you sure this is correct? - Can I give you a light? - I'll take that light now. Mein Kampf, we'll have our own book burning after the war. Move your Jews, we think the safe houses have been discovered and are under surveillance. They're planning a citywide raid on Saturday, Sabbath. (speaking German) (suspenseful music) - [brown-haired woman] What are you doing here? - I'm returning documents. - You need a pass to be in this sector. - Yes of course, go fetch Captain Hook Semur. - He's in the hag until Monday. - Well, lucky for you. What's your name? - Let me see your pass. - That's a funny name. - Stop, guard! - [Hans] By the fall of 1943, members of the Resistance were being discovered and arrested on a daily basis. Trusting one another, became a luxury we could no longer afford. (gun shot) Aunt Corrie's watch shop became command central in our race to keep our precious human cargo alive. I have noticed that every time we go out on a mission, Aunt Corrie worries about us as if we were her own children. One of our guests, Mary, began panicking at the thought of being captured by the Nazis. Then, she told me a horrifying story of her father's suicide, and the tragedy of her mother being buried alive by the Germans. - When they buried her in a ditch, I saw her mouth move as the dirt was covering her face. - I didn't realize the extent of Mary's claustrophobia until the next day when our daily drill became a full fledged Nazi raid. - [Corrie] 54 seconds, now let's not fall behind! - Oh I can't. - Well, you must, Maddie. (buzzing) (Maddie panicking) - No, no, no, no, no, no please don't... (mumbling) - One is caught we all die! (crying) (footsteps) (muffled crying) - Shh! - [Hans] We had survived another close call with Hitler's henchmen, still living under the daily threat of discovery and eminent death. But, as the holidays crawled around, our celebrations took an improvisational form of entertainment to lift our spirits. - As the darkness, let me do that again. (laughter) - [Peter] Sorry, may we not cast out the light, which is our only hope! - Tonight we do photographs of the cast. (camera flashes) - Hey Hans, Hattie and I are engaged. - Congratulations. - Some bad news, there's a traitor among us. The Admiral wants him uncovered, it's top priority. Assemble the whole team. - Hans, what are you doing here? - I have a job, but I need to hear the news from Britain first, the ten Boom radio was out. - I'll tell your father you're here. Adrie, Hans is here. - [Father] What, he should not be here. It's too dangerous for it. (static) (knock at the door) (door opens) (speaking German) - Where is your son Hans? - I don't know. - Do not insult my intelligence, Adrian. - He hasn't been here. A man name Clowder was renting here for a month, he left three weeks ago. Here look, it is in our booking ledgers. I can show you, I watched him. And I would have turned them in if I had seen the slightest amount of disloyalty to the Fuhrer. I am a loyal member of the Nazi Socialist Party! - I know you are, Adrian. I've seen you at our meetings, and if your son returns- - I will hold him for our German Liberation Forces. (speaks in German) (speaking in German) - Hans- - Hans, by the angels. - (speaks in German) (door opens and shuts) - Pete, I need you to take me to your safe house tonight, mine's been compromised. They took everyone to a legisthan prison right before I came here tonight. - How's Catarina, we haven't seen her in church lately. - Something's wrong. - Just hold the blast from there, the trigger's set for 30 seconds. - Hank, you set it. Leo, watch out for the trucks. When they hit the mark on the road, signal. So you came right here. - Yes! - So how did you know that they took them to legisthan? - Everyone knows. - This won't pull through the race, Pete. - Well why not? - These blasts are far too small in this alignment to reach the structure. It'll make a lot of noise, but the bridge will be unaffected. - It'll blow! - The stability of cordite demands those be stable, unlike nitroglycerin or most introcellular combinations of what- - Hans, shall I call the Germans and ask them to wait? - OK, sorry, these blasts are directional. They're designed to blow out this way to ignite the dynamite. It'll make a loud bang, but it's a waste of explosives, it won't budge the bridge. - God's sake, Pete, you'll take the word of this school kid over me? I was part of the Resistance from day one! - Yeah, but your sabotage attempts both failed last month. - You did bad explosives. - When I was a kid I used to look up to you. - Give me some decent explosives! - Where do you think you're going, Lars? (gun cocks) - With this curfew, Catarina must be at home right now, sitting in her favorite chair, knitting, am I right? Lars, if your dear little sister is not at home old friend, I will personally put this bullet through that thick Dutch brain of yours. Do you understand? Matayus, go check if Catarina's at home! - Wait! (crying) - You would have betrayed us and the souls in our hiding places! - They've taken my sister, you know what they'll do to her! - What do you think they're going to do to our friends and our family? Did you not think about that? What have they promised you? - They're taking her to Ravenhill Prison, and they'd like me to come up with the name of a Resistance leader or a safe house for them to watch. - The Ravenhill transport tonight? - Did you tell them about this mission? - No, I swear! - OK, shut up! Five minutes, your sister will be taken from the Ravenhill transport. - How? - Go back to the Gustapo and give them the name and address of Rolf Vanderlords. - Rolf is one of us! - Rolf is a double agent, he was uncovered weeks ago. Just give them their name and they won't know that you're aware of his duplicity. And remember, we have your sister 'till this is over. - Forgive me. - You should've told me. Can you fix it? - Detonated and torn apart, I don't have time to fix it. - So what are we gonna do? - The fuse, it has to be short to control the timing, as close as possible to the very last second. - So? - It's dangerous. I cannot predict exactly when it's going to blow. - Whatever happened to the simple blow up the bridge and rescue the girl? - That's what you tell the grandchildren. How did you know we were compromised? - The windmill, one hand's at 12 o'clock and the lamp's on, that tells us that we've been compromised. - Well how did you know it was Lars? - There's only two people that knew about this mission, him or you. So I took a guess. - Good guess. - OK, ready? - Yep. - Now, now! OK, now! (suspenseful music) - Hurry up Hans! Get down! (gun shot) (explosion) (gun fire) - [Pete] Get the keys from the truck! I've got the cargo. (gun fire and screams) - Don't do it, drop it! (speaking in German) - [Pete] Shoot him! He's seen your face, shoot him! Hans, hurry! Everyone out, let's go! (gun fire) (running) - Thank you, thank you! - We must move him by sunrise, or he's not gonna make it. - We start moving 'em by twos. Come on, I need you on first watch. - The Germans, what right do they have to come and- - Invade our country, our lives, our freedom. We were too civilized to believe that they would do it. - I don't know how you do this every day. I can't wait for things to go back to normal. - Normal, this might be normal for the rest of our lives. - No, this is no way to live. Don't you want to go back to college? - No, I'm done with that idea. Now, I'm at peace knowing that I'm doing the most important job that exists. I'm saving lives. Go on, gather everyone up and take them to the ten Boom's house. - I better go over to first group. Corrie's gonna need help with all the extra people in the watch shop. - Oh, and Hans, you're a good man. Your faith is strong and your heart is good. I saw what you did down by the truck. It's OK, just means that you're a stronger man than I am. Just don't doubt yourself in this fight, OK? Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. - God go with you. - Give my love to Aunt Corrie, yeah? - [Hans] After we began uncovering traitors amongst our own ranks, things began to spiral out of control for our patchwork Resistance. (speaking in German) - For goodness sakes Hans, they've been coming and going all night. - The dog's still there. - The dog's always there. We'd be arrested by now if they suspected us. (phone rings) - No, no! - Hello? - Hendrick. - I must warm my brother. - Do you have a code? - [Corrie] Yes. - [Hans] Do it. (phone ringing) (someone speaking in German) - They've got Willem. - There's been a massacre in the village of Vooshbogen. They executed 150 women and children. (door opens) - Pickwick! - We must get a message to the groot immediately. Our very existence depends on it. Willem has been exposed and the group is next. A Dutch policeman just warned me, the groot is being picked up in the morning. He has the identity of all the northern agents, he cannot be captured. You must get there first. (suspenseful music) (knocks on the door) - You must leave now. This minute, they're coming for you! - He can't leave, we're ah! - Why the rush so early in the morning? What could be so important? - I'm a pastor and I've come to minister here. - Hmm. - Take the boy, he's the one you want. He's Resistance, take the boy! Ah, no! - You've just traveled through the valley of the shadow of death, Mr. Poley. I see you're a pastor in the reform seminary, so doubtless you studied William Tyndale and his Five Tulip points, Election, Free Will... - Tulip is credited to John Calvin's students, not Tyndale. - Very good. All men need a Messiah, Poley. Do you know what Adolf Hitler, Vladimir, Lenin, and Joseph Stalin, the founders of communism and fascism, battling for the hearts of humanity, all have in common? - They've all tried to replace God? - Quite the contrary, they were all once studying to be priests. Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, all products of Christian seminaries. - Chris? - I am not your enemy Hans, we share the same quest, the reign of God. That is the task Adolf Hitler has been called to. - When Adolf rises from the dead, I'll consider joining up. - Quite the speech for just the messenger boy. - Let me be a prophet, Hans Poley. If Germany loses this war, we both will be hanged from the same tree by the ultimate victors, the communists. Thanks to Patriots like you who refuse to see the big picture. - One dropped a paper at my house and I delivered it. That's all I did. - Who got you involved, Hans? Make it easy on yourself! We'll find out anyways! There are dozens of people waiting to spill their guts in the next room. - The groot's wife will sing like a canary! - If I tell you, will he be harmed? - His name, Hans! - Evan Von Leinhorst. - You do know we are going to verify your story, don't you Mr. Poley? - It's all about choices, Hans. We shall see who chose best. - Hans Poley, I'm so glad to see you alive. How did you get out? - I gave them Von Leinhorst. - You gave them Von Leinhorst? - It's OK, he was killed last week. They'll hit a dead end. Besides, the idiots at the citizen's registry have already gone home for the weekend. They won't be able to verify anything until Monday. - Well, wish me luck, I still have my notes. - We could eat it. - Too much, even for pigs like us. We'll eat what I can't flush. Guards, guards! Toilet. (knock on door) - [guard] Are you done? - Almost, I'm almost. (door opens) - The pages wouldn't flush, Hans. So he said, fish them out, then opened the tap behind the toiled for more water, and then flushed two or three torn pages at a time. It's a miracle, I can't believe it. - Oh, believe. - Why are you laughing? Didn't you hear what I just said? - I know not, Nedrick. - You know not? - I know not what my future holds, but I know who holds my future. (door opens) - I'm sure you're aware of my nickname, The Collector. You studied Physics, Poley. - Theology. - Darwin shows us only the strong survive, but your religious beliefs rule your intellect. For a collector, everything's about timing. Now, I get to collect specimens of what will soon be an extinct race of subhumans. (laughs) Well good bye Poley. I can't be late to complete my collection. - You can't wipe out all of the Jews. - I have no intention of wiping out their memory. In fact, I plan on keeping them around. Forever. - Frank, you pick it. - Do you need me to do it. - No really, I've got it. - Hurry up! - Just a few more seconds. - Hurry Frank! - What's taking so long? - I've got it. - Remind me to never send a boy to do a woman's job. We've got five minutes, look everywhere. Cash, coupons, killing lists, names of Resistance, just make a pile and put it here, OK? We've gotta be quick. - [female] Check these files. - Operation Rabbit. Rabbit, Attie. - What is it, Pete? - Operation Rabbit Hunt? - Look at all these coupons. I can finally afford to take Alana to dinner. - You'd have to bathe first, I'm picky. - You didn't seem to mind when we were squeezed behind the wall in the Vendenberg's attic. - That wasn't my choice, it was an emergency. - OK guys, you can date once this war's over, OK? - There's a wall safe, behind, ah. - How did you get that? - The war has allowed me to learn a few trade secrets. - Safe cracking? - Picking locks, stealing rations, a woman's work is never done. - Shh. He's gonna be back soon. - He might not. - Uh, I don't think he would've gone very far in this weather without his rain coat, do you? Quick, clear everything up and lets get out of here. - The money, Pete! - No time. - Just 30 more seconds! (door opens) - Quick, out the window, go! Leave it! (footsteps) (door opens) (door shuts) - Let's clean him out. Lists, ration cards, everything. (train moving) - [Hans] Dearest Miece, whatever news you have heard about me, don't be afraid. The God who grips me in his hand will not let go. I am safe and alive. Continue to pray for the day when we will again be together. And above all things, hope. Your love, Hans. - There's been no word from Hans, we get little help from the tashe. Friends and family are turning on each other daily, we can't trust anyone. Why do we bother? - Didn't you hear, they're gonna thank us later. Perhaps even give us medals. - If we live long enough to wear them. - Frank, come here. - Senior Grade Scout Campfire Starter. Wow, thanks Queen Wilhelmina. - Didn't you hear, the awards committee has some budget cuts this year. - Yeah. - We're here. Pickwick needs these documents, so let's hurry, yeah? - (truck engines running) - We've been compromised, run the ridge! (suspenseful music) - Frank, run! Run Frank! (thud) (crying) - Oh no, no! - I don't have much time. We've heard about the massacre at Vonsmorgan. - A hundred and fifty civilians. - Half were woman and children. - Should we pull back? We're not the ones who pay the price for our operation. - Tell that to Frank! - A hundred and fifty innocent people died 'cause of a botched assassination attempt- - On a Nazi General! - We are somewhat guilty of pulling the trigger at every execution of these Dutch woman and children! We with our bombs, and you with your bloody leaflet. This little bullet, a hundred Dutch men and women, Hans's little notebook, a hundred women and children! - Stop! I am proud of all of you, I'm proud to have served with all of you. But you're free to go, if that's what your conscious demands. But know this, my friends, if not us then who? We don't pull back. We redouble our efforts and we cut this snake's head off once and for all. Yes? - [All] Yes. - It's there, give us a report. - We've lost our contacts at Westburg Hospital. Both were executed at the end of May. - Then we'll break in. - What about the orphanage infirmary? - Yes! - Cleaned out, Von Layman, last weekend. - Last weekend? What would he want at the orphanage? - It's in the documents we found at the Gestapo headquarters. - It's scheduled for tomorrow morning at the orphanage. - Special directive of Von Laymen himself. - They're going to shoot kids! - It's a Jewish rabbit hunt. - Well, sunrise is in four hours, it'll take two just to get there! - And we have no means of transporting them, just bikes! - We'll steal cars if we have to, there's an old truck down there in the barn stable. - Rusty, hasn't run in years. - Attie's uncle runs a garage, he hates Germans! - Well then he's hired, we're gonna do this. Nobody's gonna touch those children. Come on everybody, we don't have long. (train whistle) - [Hans] There are no words to describe what it felt like being transported to the Amersfoort Concentration Camp. My mind was awash of images from all the Resistance reports I had read, detailing my impending, unmentionable fate. (thud) - [Attie] Hello? - Attie, listen carefully. You need to round up all the children and get them to the back road. - [Attie] Boris is here. - Boris is there? - So, what is it honey? - My mother. Where are we supposed to take them, we have no where to go. And what are we supposed to take them in? - They're coming to execute them. - No, no. - [Peter] Just stay calm Attie, trust me. Just get the children to the back road, OK? - [Attie] OK. - And Attie, I love you. - [Attie] I love you too. - Boris, I'm very tired. - So, I thought we had an understanding. All those other girls who wanted me, I chose you, remember? - And I'm so glad Boris, but I just can't neglect the children. - You will be the wife of an important officer when this is all over. - Pete, long time no see! Where'd you get that Nazi bike? - Jerry, Boris has Attie! - Please, right now I've just got to do my rounds. - Just one kiss, just one. I'll come with you, and maybe we'll find some dark corners. - Fine, but some of the children have been vomiting lately, and you don't see it until you step in it. Quite a mess. - Fine, I'll wait, but don't be too long. (vehicle pulling up outside) - [Hattie] Go to this side. - [Boris] Pete, Pete Hartog? I said Pete Hartog! - You must be Boris! - [Pete] Looking for me? (thud) How's it looking? - Pray for a miracle. - Ruta's missing, she was here just a moment ago. - I'll go find her, just make sure that everyone gets on the truck. - I love you, hurry back! - I love you too. - Come here baby. - Ruta! Ruta? - OK, go to the back. - [Pete] Ruta. (speaking in German) (yelling in German) - Where's Pete? - He stayed behind to find Ruta. - My God. (suspenseful music) (fighting) - Brave man, coming here to shoot little kids. (gun shot and thud) - That was for Frank. - Hey Pickwick, ah! (orders in German) - Alas, name. - Pete Hartog. - Thank you. - The soup is swell, just bones and butter. - You have to dig deeper, down in the deepest places there's always something good. - So, what do you find now at the bottom of your soup? - My faith. If I die, I die. I'll close my eyes and I'll open them to an eternity without prisons. Without cruelty. And without spool for soup. Hand me that toilet paper. Think I'll write a letter. (gun shots) - [doctor] Hans, come. You have viral Tuberculosis. You're a danger to the whole camp. Show this to the guards, they won't stop you, they return TB patients into the population, as revenge for rejecting Nazi rule. - Why me? - You probably don't remember, but you came to my house in your trek once. Big white house, on an avenue of poplars? - And a lake. - You warned us. My wife is a Jew. Thanks to you, alive and living with my dear children in Switzerland. Now, I have other patients to attend to. - But, what will they do to you? - Thank you, Hans Poley. (typing on typewriter) - [guard] Halt! Go. - Never did thank you for saving my life. Isn't it great to love any man who would lay down his life for a friend. - If only there was someone to save us now. - But He has already saved us. - This is not the end. It's just the beginning. (laughing) - Oh, Pete's coming home, the Germans are moving out, they're emptying the prisons. Scared the allies will run them over. Look at this, it fits perfectly. It's my mother's wedding dress. (door opens) Pickwick, come in! - [Pete] My dear, man proposes but court disposes, that is how it is with me and I am glad. For now, I have come to believe that nothing can separate us from Christ's love. I have asked the Lord to allow me a new start. We have to put our faith in His will, it is all peace. It is a treasure to be with Him. I cannot offer him anything, my life is wasted. But the Lord has made things whole. Though our sins were colored scarlet, He will make them whiter than snow. I thank you for everything. For what you have given me during my life. Be strong. (gun fire) - No, he's coming back, we're getting ready for the wedding. We're going to dance. - Attie. (slow-paced music) [ Hans] Upon my release, I returned to the hiding place, remembering the times I had spent with so many I had lost. It was there that I discovered, for the first time, that the notes and the timetables I had kept throughout the war, had been instrumental in so many Resistance operations. (gun shot) Many of the operations had been carefully orchestrated by a soul, I thought had been lost to me forever. - [Adrian] Your journal saved many lives, Hans. When you joined the Resistance, I was so confident that I bragged to them about how bright my little boy was. Double checking every detail. Toys always in the proper place, every night. Pencils in a neat row on his desk. Details. If I was to trust my life to anyone, it was going to be you, Hans. - Dad, I didn't know. - It was to protect you! - [Hans] Surviving the camp, when so many lives had been lost, was a pain that didn't leave me for the rest of my days. All that remained of our dear nation was an empty shell of our lives. By a miracle, the Nazi's were forced out. The enemy in the Netherlands had been Resisted, not by a polished army of millions, but a brave few, willing to stand in the face of evil, no matter the cost. Fueled by faith and hope. (slow-paced orchestra music)
Channel: Christian Movies
Views: 407,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chrisitan Movies, Full Movies, Full Film, Religious Movies, Feature Film, Return to the Hiding Place movie, Return to the Hiding Place full movie, Return to the Hiding Place 2013 movie, Return to the Hiding Place 2013 full movie, Return to the Hiding Place 2013, John Rhys-Davies, Mimi Sagadin, Craig Robert Young, Bart Gavigan, Peter C. Spencer, Josiah Spencer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 47sec (6107 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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