*NEW CODEX* Adepta Sororitas VS Adeptus Mechanicus 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

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welcome to table top tactics coming up in today's battle there's so much in my head right now i can't see yeah that's very nice so nice what are you doing is everybody clear what's going on preacher time baby [Music] welcome back your bunch of bosses to another battle report with me the beard and the triumphant return of mr stick help he's back everyone very poignant timing as well i love davnet adneck yes yeah they've got a new book they have and on top of that this is about to have a new book as well so it's a double new codex bonanza for your viewing pleasure today whilst we go through this in a minute make sure you hit subscribe it helps us out massively so if you hit hit that button that would do us the world of goods but for now let's just get straight into it shall we let's get into it let's go [Music] all right then so bringing out my first ab mech list uh back on the channel we have uh we've gone for mars today okay now long-term viewers always know that i play studio all the time however mars has got a lot of benefits we'll go through more in the game but they also keep it quite simple for me so full disclosure that's why we've gone with mars today we've got a medallion and we've got an outrider today we've got this qatari marshall brand new model absolutely awesome improvement to uh to the hq line for the ab mech gives me re-rolls i've given him the program retreat warlord trait which allows me to do a full back and still fire unit i've also given him the relic exemplar eternity which allows me to we will wants to hit as well as really cool i've got a dominus tetris jonas very normal i've also got a manipulative today i've used the new holy order to give him loki or which we'll go into in the game but really cool abilities with that upgrade there we've got seven units of troops split between the two detachments in the bedallion we've got three units of breaches one torsion cannon two heavy arc rifles in each and then we've got three units of ranges they're all bare bones just five man the improvements are massive we'll talk about it sure i'm sure in the game but they're really really good i'd love to be using them against 20 of those but i don't have the models just yet we've also got some infiltrators big improvements for for them again and you'll see them right from the beginning which should be very cool we've also got two units of servers raiders really cool unit again i've given them enhanced data towers data servers becoming really important now in this new book um we've also then in the outrider we've got the techno archaeologist stadiulosis by any other name he's got some changes big changes he's not quite the auto take that he was but he's still really really cool and then i've got a unit of 20 vanguard i'm excited to play this new unit size with these guys i've always loved vanguard so it's cool to be able to get these folk out there then we've got a lot of stuff so in the fast attack slots we've got three units of iron styrofoam uh iron star rider balostari easy for you to say uh they've all got the last cannons they are so good mars really rolls really helps them out as well we've then got a unit of two axis sterilizers loads of schools stuff to talk about them stratagems to galore i've also given them the uh princeps the relic using the artifacturum stratagem which means that i've given the skull of elder or nikolai i've also just rounding out the fossil track i've got my beloved chicken taser chickens back i've got five dragoons in this list so much improved in this book really excited to see what they do today [Music] here we go the sisters of battle are back and we have a brand new codex it sounds like we might need it based on that necklace it's a little bit scary but we will do what we can um one thing to bear in mind a lot of the really powerful new units for the sisters um they're not here yet so once we've got them we'll get them built painted and on your screens as soon as we possibly can so all the really good stuff is yet to come we want to get those paragon war suits and the sacraments and that kind of stuff but give us some time we'll do as soon as we possibly can but for today we have this we have one medallion and we have the order of the eben chalice which we'll be running today now ebon trash has a cool one you've got some really nice strats and relics and warlord traits in here and you do get some nice miracle dice manipulation as well so we'll give it a run in terms of the units though we have first of all a canonist this is my warlord i have given her uh the terrible knowledge warlord trait which gives you a five-up command point refund and also it gives you the ability to make your first miracle die a six which is fantastic and she also has a plasma pistol and a chainsaw but that chain sword is the ecclesiax fury it's a really cool chainsaw relic it i'll i'll save it until we get into the fight phase but it is really exciting it's high strength it's it's yeah rip and cleave ripping cleave all day uh we've then got a paladin i have spent a command point here i've actually spent two command points to take two additional relics but the first one for her is listening to faith um for some more miracle dice fun and i've also given her a power sword and a plasma no a bolt pistol if give me just a bolt pistol and then my third hq is celestine now she is quite different now because she comes with her gemini superior they're part of the unit which is pretty wild because it actually gives her 10 wounds effectively because you've got to chew through them before you get to celestine so she's the only unit of the in the game that has 10 wounds effectively without degrading which is pretty sweet she's also got ways now that she still comes back to life on a two plus if she dies but she can also uh as an action restore all of her wounds so that there's there's some crazy stuff she can do and she's also a bit of a weapon in in in combat as well so i'm excited to give her a run today troops wise we have five units of five battle sisters they all have their bolters nice and simple here just to keep the points down um so that is the troops and we then have a bunch of elite characters so we have a rapunzel superior because i'm running nine repent here as well um she just comes as she is we then have a diagonalist she is now a priest she she gets access to the new war hymns and again we'll cover this when we get into the game and start using them you'll see those in the command phase and then we also have a preacher now this preacher is the one that i've given my second well third relic too technically um which is called the simulacrum ecclesiasticus which is fun to say um this gives him access to an additional hymn and gives him the ability to cast an additional hymn one of them makes him some crazy battle priest and i've also given him the uh his weapon which is the um the the vindicator something or other basically it's a chainsaw with a flamer on it which is fun uh in the data sheet that's what the priests come with which i absolutely love so he's there to boost up some of my units and also to be a bit of a weapon in combat when he's able to as well moving on then we then have nine repentia like i mentioned we also have a unit of nine arco flagellance these have also improved quite nicely because they have less randomness with their attacks but they still have the strap which allows them to do three attacks a piece which is nice and i have given one of them the endurance implant so he is better in combat as well he she it's hard to tell with the arco flagellus um and then finally we have a couple of rhinos to scoot those around we have three emulators they're really good still really good and a little bit cheaper which is fun um and we also have three exorcists sorry the emulators are the immolation flamers and the heavy bolter in the hull the exorcists i'm running two of them with the exorcist missile launchers and one of them with the conflagration missile launcher as well the exorcists have finally come down to seven wounds because there was absolutely no reason they were sorry um uh toughness seven uh because it's a rhino hull exactly the same as the emulator so that's now been fixed but is still a very potent anti-armor option that's the list there's lots to remember that is the list there's 1996 points on the nose let's get into the mission and get into the battle today's mission is overrun a strikeforce mission from the warhammer 40 000 grand tournament mission pack six predetermined objective markers are placed onto the battlefield the primary objective is domination a progressive mission where players score five victory points for each of the following conditions they achieve at the end of each of their command phases holding two or more objectives holding three or more objectives and holding more objectives than their opponent these are cumulative and cannot be scored in the first battle round each player also chooses three secondary objectives that can score up to 15 points each [Music] welcome everyone to the battle we are ready to kick things off post haste over here you can see the sisters of battle arrayed across my deployment over here as we scoot around this way we have the stick hello there he is and then the forces of the mechanicum are here you get a lot in your army good grief there's a lot now and this is definitely not the hardiest of horde that you're likely to see yeah um only one unit of 12 uh 12 troops 20 troops sorry just that one um but there are seven troops choices and seven fast attack choices in this i mean that's a lot there's a lot going on that's a lot of happening it's very cool yeah it's definitely a book where you've got lots and lots of variety if you have a large army to play in different ways yes and we have about 10 000 points in my army so i think we've got a few things to play with that's nice that is nice yeah we've got to get a lot of the new well all of the new kits for the sisters but um you'll see those soon enough it'll happen before we do that it's time to find out who's gonna go first this day as you have returned to us your transfer return why don't you go ahead and roll that dice rolling in the the trough for the first time oh exciting good to me here we go it's a two not the trough doesn't like you stick well one it's a four okay well that is that um i think potentially that's probably a good thing because the sisters are up against it today i think but we must hold on to our faith of the emperor and all that kind of stuff hold that first we've got prayers and things come up in just a moment in the command phase we'll be back in just a moment right we're into the command phase this is a busy phrase in uh phase in this new book uh as with many of these books uh as we'll see so we thought we'd film this first one for you so we can talk through the many things that are happening yeah so a couple of things to talk about um so for my rights of battle because i'm taking eben chalice you're able to pick two which is very pleasant um so i've taken it present for me well it depends uh i've taken divine guidance and i'm taking spirit of the martyr so divine guidance essentially means that any sixes with ranged weapons do additional ap and spirit of the martyr is that if any of my models are killed in combat um on a six i do a mortal wound back before they are late to rest which is which is nice i mean it doesn't sound very friendly but yeah you know okay you know they're killing you with kindness something like that um i've robbed a miracle die so uh because i've taken um terrible knowledge from my warlord trait which is the evan chalice one your first miracle die in the first bataran is automatically a six it's just nice i have spent an additional command point which i didn't mention in my list or um heroin in the making um we'll allow it thank you um for litanese of faith no beacon of faith so i get an additional miracle die oh there's a lot to remember so much in the uh each battle around which was a four what was a one but i re-rolled it uh for litany's of faith so that is now a four so that's that um in terms of my keeping up at home we'll we'll be fine you'll get it throughout the game in my command phase abilities wise my repented superior has put onto this unit of appentia here the ability to advance and charge uh which is very pleasant my warlord is on the battlefield so she was able to do all my character on the battlefield now so they can do all their abilities um so that's their my palatine hasn't done anything apart from allowing me to do that re-roll for litanies of faith over this way my dialogue isn't really arranged to do anything useful with her hymns in this first battle around which is fine but my preacher down here he did do a hymn which was the what's it called there's something of mighty smitey the one where he becomes a battle priest essentially so he has plus one strength and attack and plus one ap and at the end of the fight phase he can fight again unless he's dead so um that is everything for my command phase done and of course we should also say you go ever lie down i should also say so beginning of the battle round these raiders took their move up which they're allowed to do these raiders took their move up with allowed to do and i activated shroud psalm which because i'm mars covers everything i don't have a doctrina in place at the moment because i can choose when i want to and there's only four of those so i've got to pick wisely we'll see if i do that comment section below so anything else you're gonna have a lie down i got a command point back oh yes you gained the command point as well remember when command phases were just that anyway um so b is gonna lie down then he's gonna get to moving and we'll go from there you join us at the end of the movement phase and there has been a lot of movement going on lots of things have shuffled so let me try and remember some of it so we've had the rapenta uh have got out they got a little bit of an advance they've got the still ability to be able to advance and charge because of their repentia superior veggies superior yes yeah it got selected then shot cola um celestine has moved up as well this uh emulator in the center has moved forward it has some targets now this one now has a new occupant and has moved forward as well we've got a little bit of a shuffle for this rhino it is empty it's just being line it's like blocking for these battle systems as much as anything yeah uh we've had a bit of a shuffle with this exorcist to ignore the gantries i could just about see one of those cannon chickens just through there's like the finest narrowest margin but anything i can do to get rid of them must be done makes sense uh we have this simulation that has moved forward uh the uh archipelagos got out and uh moved forward as well the rhino again is just playing move block so i'll give you a better shot of that move blocking and trying to block that objective and this exodus at the back just had a little bit of a shuffle round if i remember correctly put itself out of line of sight a bit the dialogue is in this emulator over here she's embarked onto there um celestine i've i've she's not like in the open because she's got units around her but this is an experiment to see how long she can last yeah how how uh how good is she going to be chef i did some math hammer and we don't think more unless you get super lucky we don't think my tyrant can kill her in a round of combat oh we think she can hold up because she because she's got a two-up armor save a five-pin vulnerable save you've got to get through four wounds from the gemini superior um and she reduces damage by one plus if she's not killed in the next turn you can do an action to bring all of her wounds back or heal one of her gemini she's tough so we're gonna see i'm just going to keep throwing her at stuff and see how long she lasts that's going to be interesting that's going to be very interesting to see um what she can withstand and can i actually deal with her we'll find out we'll have to see yeah we'll just have to see yeah exciting so uh anything else that we need to go i think that's everything yeah and we're gonna be back in the shooting phase so we're starting off with this exorcist in the center and he's putting everything through into the iron strider balistari there was a bit of rumination about putting the heavy bolter into the rangers who is just going for it i've got an emulator for that exactly fine uh here we go so i'm going to start with the heavy bolter from there tracer uh i think twice reading on fives and sixes it is two words two words two worms there so uh this will be freeze because of uh shrouds on fine how dare you but they've been traced they have been traced they have been traced so now 3d three shots on the exorcist missile launcher oh very nice i'll take that six seven eight here we go threes okay to drop a few oh how dare you how dare you uh it will be threes to what's the toughness toughness six three swoons it's four wounds four wounds always at minus dos minus dos because of uh shroud some and then now improved armor it's back to fours so fours uh and oh three have gone through okay um i am it's very very early um [Music] so two we've got one miracle dice that's a six so that's definitely going to uh going to be used i'm sure one's dead yeah so do you want another one the other one alive let's try for it no i waited far too long that's the problem when you think about it too long right so i'm going to use my first miracle die in the game it's a six one issue one is dead yeah so then we've got two more to do so two uh 2d6 don't know lucky there but i'm going to use my own command point to error one of these damage rolls one's got one wound left so i'm going to put me down to nine wounds i do get to roll so on a five plus i get that command point back yep which i do no do you get one from mine that i used or not just for mine so that that's with my um uh thingy knowledge you know the thingy knowledge the thingy knowledge um uh terrible knowledge yeah that's it so that's actually one's on one wound but does the other one explode and take him with him dead is that one explode as well uh oh gosh um let's find out no uh the one that died first was this one which was specifically placed so he couldn't kill anything if that one had blown up uh then it would have done more damage but two iron strikers down yeah it's a good start right okay so i've done killer unit i can roll for another miracle die which is a four so i've got two fours that's fine it's good we're going to move on now to this emulator here we're going to do the heavy bolter and the emulation flamer into the ranges which are in the light cover over there so it's a bit little bit more trace of fire here get a trace of fire for you i've hit you three times this very accurate trace of fire uh threes to winch it is uh only the one wound one wound so it'll be back to fours because of shroud son uh and makes sense he doesn't mind no he doesn't mind glance is off the heavy bolt uh but now we have cleansing flames so a 2d6 for the emulation flamer only five okay only five there um so it'll be it's strength six so it'll be there's toughness three right they are toughness three two one it is five wounds at minus one uh wasn't it five how many rolls did you do that because we rolled five automatic hits and then rolled six dice because definitely it was a one it's four wounds and minus one see i'm catching him catching him first day back there's so much in my head right now i can't see yeah i'm going to carry out this i'm going to make all of the same things because there's so much going on with these two that's all right but yeah we can do it uh so two go through two are fine very nice so we're gonna go next to this rhinoceros who's putting his bolter of the storm into the same ranges yes here we go i ate you twice i wound you twice twice who is this if i can get some dice no ap though no ip so freeze uh makes one fails one one more is dead one more stead right we're going to move swiftly on to this exorcist over here um i'm going to find what i should have done if i was thinking about it properly was actually just leave it here because i could have used devastating refrain for a command point which means i can ignore line of sight then i wouldn't be going through the dense cover here but we live and we learn so we're going to go for the unit in the corner over there instead so we're going to go for the heavy bolter first bit of trace of fire here i hit you twice once sorry i wound you no times uh and then the 3d3 for the missile launcher oh dear so it's only four shots but it's oh okay one hit only the one hit we only want a three it is a wound it is a weird uh and incidentally because that is a six it's an additional ap for divine guidance so it would be ap3 right okay so that takes us to five when we account for shrouds arm which we make damn very nice you got all your luck in the first round damn it we move on to the third and final exorcist now uh but he can't see anything how is this happening mood because it can't unless i use devastating refrain um so i'm down to eight but it does mean that uh when i pick a unit they ignore the line of sight which is very nice i want to start clearing off some of the troops i'm not going to get through 20 of them whatever they're called vanguard so i'm going to do my 3d6 shots into the ring of rangers over there in an attempt to kill them here we go 3d6 ok so 4 8 10 10 shots there's no density going over here so we're hitting on threes okay and then it will be wounding on threes strength five so that is uh seven no it's not it's six six wounds at minus one six wounds at minus one which means a minus you have six uh minus one uh so you get your normal yeah exactly a shroud sign would have done the same thing so uh they go back two fours uh which means to die only two two dies not bad i will take that that's uh two command points not well spent over to this emulator now and we're using two stratagems to be able to put everything into these iron striders on the end here yeah what are we doing mr beard right i was hoping to have uh killed one of them with this exorcist but i didn't so i'm gonna have to spend three command points now so i'm gonna do um cleansing flames and cleansed by fire so it's three command points in total um one of those allows me to have the maximum amount of automatic hits on the flamers the other one is the ebonchala specific one which means that any fours to wound do more to wounds up to three so i can do three three more tall wounds on fours essentially um so i don't have my dice ready so that's well that's good that's good six more which are here uh right so 12 shots it's the maximum amount of shots looking for fours and lots of fives and sixes okay so we've got um well we've got three mortal wounds essentially which is nice and then we've got one two three four five in addition oh okay so five normal wounds and three mortal women right so they were ap one um and again shroud arms so uh five four up saves and three have gone through okay see what we can do uh so uh two more go through so that means one has taken five wounds and he has on one wound remaining the heavy blotter here we go block block blot i've hit you twice wounding uh firing through that scan tree uh yeah so only one no it would be one one hit so i'll re-roll both of these well we're all one of these it is it's still a woof it's meant to be it's meant to be die now a full up he dies how's that does it explode hopefully not no one down though one more down well admak fans we're nearly at the end of the sisters shooting phase so uh times are going to get better hopefully for us we're moving on to the last immolator who is putting everything into the raiders in the center here uh yes the dogs doggos they're raiders yeah raiders all i can think of is doggos trace of fire heavy bolters i do hit it three times uh toughness four i've just four now threes it's two wings two wounds oh and one's going to be at minus uh two minus two okay so the minus two one uh makes it fives for shroud sum it's fine and the other ones are four of course that one goes through that's how that works that kills one dog because they're now two wounds also sorry if i'm missing these sixes to wounds i'm trying to keep up with it um and now the emulation flamer four five six seven four five six seven uh threes to win again oh six wounds uh yes so two are at minus two and four minus one oh now you've got made it complicated for you it is quite complicated right okay let's pick up two dice so two uh minus two did you say yes uh so that becomes fives yes uh so they go through okay uh so that kills one more though only one damage each just one damage yeah and then so for the last as for the alpha uh he has to take four saves of four up and he dies as well wipe them to the man so last and definitely not least we have celestine putting her flames straight into the infiltrators through the windows it's better now than it was before it's no longer a heavy flamer it's now the iron blade so it's strength six minus two instead of strength five minus um one which is what it used to be it's four shots uh we're reading on twos no no we're not yes they're toughness three double three uh quarter roll two ones uh two wounds at minus two but one is a minus three okay so no because no she doesn't get she doesn't get that stuff she doesn't get sacred rights and i was going to get to know i'm pretty confident does it get sacred rights but uh i'll double check it but yeah so minus one is it minus two minus two okay kill so we got there in the end so that will mean effectively minus one because you are in the cover yes uh so we still need fives so make one fail one one damage one damage okay one has uh taken a wound we're moving into the charge phase and we've got a few charges coming up so we're going to start off with the repentia are we yes charging into the infiltrators in the center of the board yes they're going to infiltrate these infiltrators something along those lines see what i did there uh on a four they're in because they just need to be within one of the um well they'd be within anyway um and whilst we're at it we'll do celestine um because she's over there celestine makes it on a six tremendous she's fine and then we're going to charge the ico flatulence into your dogs i think yeah which is basically because he wants to force me to spend cp on tactical oblique it has changed now in the in uh in the codex um so it means that he would still be able to choose another target for that charge which is pretty which is a fair change um but i will spend the 2cp because i don't want to get charged by them because they've got scary whips and stuff so i'm spending that and i will get to do a 12 inch normal move well i'll move mine and you move yours in and we'll be back for the fight phase so these doggos ran backwards getting themselves out of dodge uh but more importantly the repentia and celestine just basically flew against the wall yes that's all they needed to do to get into the infiltrator absolutely one thing that i should have done actually i was going to spend one of these miracle die on one of my charge rolls just because if i if i do two acts of faith uh in a turn i get a victory point so i'm just gonna get rid of that over there i mean i couldn't really fail it anyway yeah uh but yeah so i only have one thing thingy left now makes sense right so um just worth us mentioning uh before we get going we're just talking off camera the infiltrators the onion comes up now uh they stop any re-rolls to uh hit or wound against them uh within a 12-inch uh range so it means that it didn't come up in the shooting but it might do if celestine bounces she has no relay won't but if she bounces and you have to do the other picture is what i mean oh i see what you mean yeah very good um yeah my palatine is there but she doesn't affect celestine because she doesn't have the order she just flies in kills everything and then flies away and she's like what she should do uh right so six attacks could have gone twos it's a full house apart from that one don't worry about that um it's strength seven so it'll be twos to wound uh oh okay fine uh but sixes do uh two mortal wounds which is good because it kills the one that was on one wound and as a wound on the next one uh yep so that's done and then you got two wounds at minus four two wounds at minus four two on their enhanced bionics save of five up makes one fails one kill two so how many left three three left three left five oh i'll do the gemini now because i have to because they're one unit uh so the gemini so they're actually hitting on threes for some reason uh a couple of misses there uh this will be wounding you on their toughness three threes to win because of the power swords which is nice three wounds minus three three rings at minus three if i can grab some dice bear with me everybody bear with me look at his face uh right so what's the miners on their power swords uh my three yeah so five up in ones uh saves one uh one damage so that oh what did we have we had one on one wound no we didn't he's already killed him forgive me so we solved uh we killed another one another one's dead that one took a long time there's two left in the unit we'll move on to the repentia so that was a bit of a surprise we weren't expecting to even have to uh use the repentia but now we get the no reroll thing happening so that's kind of cool why can't we run my hits or my wounds no you're hitting i'm a zealot within 12. i don't care i have a palatine i don't care fair enough um so we've got a static interference it's very cool they're a cheeky unit these are 85 points now as well they're nice eviscerators okay uh one two three hmm that's a problem oh dear uh three hits oh dear uh there's two's to win this is two swings i am going to spend one of my miracle dice my last one um mainly because i want to get another point for my secondary so i've got two more to make okay so it's three wounds in total uh minus three a damage two cool so i've got two left in the unit i've got uh three five up enhanced bionic saves and that is the unit calculate so at the end of turn we do have morale to take on this ranger unit uh they would fail on a six they're fine and we have a morale to do on this ranger unit they would fail on a five and they are fine too great boys lovely stuff they're very brave that was not a bad turn it's not a bad time at all i mean they're in a bit of a precarious situation but it did mean that i was able to sort of uh guarantee a charge somewhere around here uh celestine's now protected by the repentia a bit uh my characters are protected to an extent from vehicles and stuff so i mean and i've sort of done my objective of trying to get rid of as many of those last counts as i can yeah uh because they're a problem um so you know why it sounds so bad it's not bad at all half the last cannons are gone that could make a big difference because you've got a fair number of tanks still on the board yeah i've not got anything for engage yet um and i do get some points to bring it down so i've got three points to bring it down for getting rid of three of your walkies yeah which is very nice and i got two points i'm pretty sure it's two points i just need to double check for the sisters uh specific secondary as well so not bad you can't you're gonna take that on you really take it nice like a hat here we go it is turn one for the adapters mechanicus and we are kicking off the command phase over here what's going on lots to do yes i got cp which is nice um then we're going over to the manipulators he is using his low-key ability to give the vanguard extra six-inch range on the radium carbines plus making them ap1 very nice he's also going to make them ignore ap one and two to the start of the next command phase the techno archaeologist daedalus as he used to be known is selecting the middle servitor unit to allow them to perform action as if they were infantry okay and allow them to fire without the action stopping oh very nice um the skitary marshall over here this little guy here cool model uh it's not doing anything because he doesn't need to there's nothing he's going to benefit however the enhanced data tefl on this dragoon unit are giving their plush one leadership uh to the free man ranger unit okay the ranger unit gained the daystar rule for the phase as well and the dragoons are doing the same thing for the five-man ranger unit very nice which is nice that's very nice very nice let's come on phase done yeah we will return in the movement phase here we go the movement phase is complete starting on this link over here the rages they're called raiders aren't they the cerberus raiders raiders yes they have moved around this way looking to engage with the arc flatulence and potentially the priest the battle priest over this way this unit of vanguard have advanced and now have lots and lots of shots coming in onto my lines over here which is very pleasant and we have the character at the back giving them some support over this way we can see the breaches are all moving out the one in the middle is doing their action but can shoot which is very pleasant in terms of the um terrain here what you see is what you get in terms of the line of sight so sort of through the gap through the middle here there is a line of sight but the rest of it is obscuring over this way we have the dragoons moving forwards these are dragoons aren't they they are yeah they are dragoons lovely stuff and then the iron striders over here are moving their way around to get line of sight on some other units over this way the marshall was staying put marshalling things along uh the three-man squad is doing an action for raise the banners high yup uh and then then hiding behind the uh um and then the five-man unit have just arrayed themselves around the window there to get line of sight onto the repentia uh razorban is high obviously been doing by the breach over here and then this squad over here are doing the same so three banners being raised which is very nice lots of line of sight being gained lots of good times being had possibly isn't it good it will hopefully there's also one other secondary which we didn't talk about which is the one from the new book which i'm forgetting what it's called it is called uncharted sequence um which basically means that i had to nominate which objective i was going to hold in each uh in each turn yes um so just for reference it probably popped up uh chef will have sorted it i'm sure uh it was turn one was this one turn two was this one turn three is the second term four is that one and turn five is that one i get three points for each one that i achieved okay it's interesting yeah three points gained for the first objective which is very very nice indeed now i just have to stop you getting in my in your town too won't i well i have to stop that we'll see um yeah i think that's everything tremendous excellent stuff cool we'll be back very shortly for the ad mech shooting phase we begin the shooting phase with the breaches we've got a torsion cannon and two heavy arc cannons firing into this emulator down here will the shield of faith hold up we'll just have to see we shall see so starting off with the torsion cannon okay in r4 it does hit very nice wounding on a3 because it's strength eight it does weigh is it weight ap four okay so shoot a faith no that's the opposite of a shield of face uh d3 plus three just four damage just four just four damage and then there's heavy arc rifles yep uh hitting on fours i'll use my mars re-roll okay cool so three hits beautiful stuff uh now because the heavy arc rifles they automatically win the vehicle on fours yep uh only the one only the one it is a p2 uh no but it does it is a normal armor safe okay nice very nice indeed next breacher squad same loadout although they are doing tricks because they are also doing the action here we starting off with the um torsion cannon we are indeed they're clever breaches these ones it's a very cool uh thing to say torsion portion cannon and i'm going to use the mask we roll on that very good and i load it off the board oh yeah first one well there we go uh windy on free it does wound again ap4 okay uh ap4s are needing a six shield of faith no okay d3 plus three okay it's five five damage very nice do you wanna do that cannons heavy arc rifles arc rifles yes uh i have hit three times okay we're doing on fours uh two wounds ap2 ap2 uh i saved them both oh that was save or die moment very nicely indeed so uh we've got two wounds left on the emulator it comes down to the tech priest dominus to finish off this emulator he's using his what's it called again volcanic blaster uh so hits on freeze because he did move to be able to get line of sight uh no wheels for himself this time uh it's a sixth hit it's uh strength six so fives and sixes sixes do two mortal wounds though looking for a six no the opposite mr dominus is going to have to recharge to redo some mathematics there yeah we'll come straight on to the manipulation okay uh who is also hitting a freeze with his magnum rail lance uh so he hits they have the best names yeah all of their guns uh he wounds on a four it'll be ap3 and flat free damage if it goes through it doesn't go through okay a one to wound they're going to reconfigure their or specs we will be back in just a moment for the next unit the third and final breach unit are making their way through the line of sight blocking terrain here into the emulator can they bring it down thought about cheeky we will but you don't want to just see rerolls being used with cp we want to see cool stuff so we're not going to do that uh we're going to start with the torsion cannon into the emulator cannon of torsion uh he fails so he's the mars we roll he hits there we go wounds on a free oh what uh heavy arc rifles uh two hits one on fours one wound ap two maybe two five or six no that does go through two damage okay two damage down he has nine wounds remaining it's the vanguards and they are going to be firing enriched rounds there's no engine being used yeah so for one cp uh so radium carbines can automatically uh hits of six automatically wound anything other than vehicles it's really cool right but in rich rounds it makes that go off on fours so because of the advance and the gantry they're going to hit on fours anyway uh they're going to re-roll ones but those fours are automatically wounds so hey i don't have to roll as many dice very nice uh they are firing everything into the archer flagellus i've got 30 in my hand we'll do this twice beautiful are they bs3 there are bs3 normally and assault weapons that was cocked so well that one pick up the ones there you go roll yes it looks all right uh translated another one so we will remove these and we'll go again and now the other 30 shot so we've got we've got 17 hits so far which is also 17 won't which is nice uh so we'll pick up the ones again we roll those ones there this is for the uh dominus by the way for the dominus that looks pretty nice again yeah uh so let's see right 17 18 19 20 25 30. 36 wounds 36 okay so the first one so these are on my uh my field of pain so the first one so how many 36 okay so one is dead the next one is a dead the next one is four five six seven eight i know they're dead they're dead they're dead yes the archive flagellants are utterly assimilated moving on now is the cerberus raiders a path has been cleared for them now to shoot into the preacher because they're snipers ignore lookout sir which is pretty cool uh so two of them can draw a line of sight ignoring the gantry so i'll roll those hitting on freeze first of all uh okay and then the two shots from the galvanic guy at the back uh hit three times we'd like those sixers again because six is to wound our mortal wind in addition okay but we wouldn't do on freeze normally okay it's just one moon ap one okay so needy my rosaria's safe no he does take a won't but he's still alive next up we have the first of the iron striders the one on your left there is the single unit and it's going to fire it's uh laz what's it a laz can cognizant hogness last cannon into this emulator over here cute so uh two shots with these they're going to be rerolling ones uh hitting on threes and i've also got the mastery roll as well not going through density uh so i'll use my mars wheel on two sure so one hit uh win your freezer rolling ones of course pesky toes a plague a plague on your house we'll move straight on to the the uh two iron strider unit okay same target same one makes sense we roll the one kill three hits at a time uh freeze again cool all wound ap free do you usually get three hits no i got four hits you got four hits are very good okay what's the minus eighty three okay so needing uh sixes i don't get a single one okay so uh he's dead because they're d3 plus three yes uh does he explode i'm sorry not today uh we have a unit of five battle scissors inside and they are fine they emerge from the flames they will bring flamey flame flames for you later on yes lucky in the darkness these rangers now are going to be firing their rifles into this emulator over here not wanting to extend the charge anymore for the dragoons going into the repentia so two of the uh rangers didn't need to move to get line of sight so they hit on freeze uh they there's no real ones to uh to do but i'll re-roll the two into a three hopefully yay with mars we all and then the three guys that did have to move so fours uh translates two more uh string four so fives and sixes uh oh okay very nice so five ap one five ap one five five ap one p1 here we go uh you take two whoops no you take three three rooms i'll take that three wounds down on the emulator very very nice and that mr stick brings us to the end of the shooting face a mixed bag there i was expecting to get pummeled yeah i think you were a bit unlucky with some of those dice rolls yeah i mean it was a a mixed bag on the dice well some things were brilliant some things were not so good uh but hey that's how it works right um it's definitely still a game on and hopefully by the end of this uh turn there will be um so dragoons are going to charge in to the pension yeah enough i can't um well there's no way of getting into the pension without uh being in the six inch range of celestine so it's at least you can attack her because i'm gonna intervene of course you are you um it was very long charge to get into the at the emulator um yeah so i have to go round which is the problem if it was a straight charged fruit i'd just definitely just do it but i don't have that because they would wreck that thing yes but i'm probably more like move blocking with them let's see what happens but let's get into their first and foremost let's do it uh anything but a double oh an 11 and 11. they are hungry hungry might put some interesting options in uh and then over here uh we are going to charge the raiders into the rhino just to stop you being able to play with its movement i need a seven okay uh which okay another which again presents some interesting options very nice indeed cool okay great well we'll get those moved in just a moment and we will return for the fight phase here we go we are in the fight phase and we're kicking things off with the dragoons so as you can see here we've done the uh the piling move um this dragoon back here is going to do a cheeky little tag onto the emulator once all is said and done but celestine has also decided to heroically intervene now there is a way that there is quite a cool stratagem called the i think it's called the suffering or something like that um where any models that are within engagement range of celestine including her gemini likes their one unit um all attacks can only go into her uh it's not so good here because the bases are so enormous and i couldn't move in such a way to get into a couple of units here but it's quite a handy one to have for the future if you are assist as a battle player but we're not talking about sisters right now we're talking about dragoons yeah it's ab mech time with the 11 inch uh charge plus the pilot i've also been able to move so two of them are in range of that objective as well which uh if celestine hadn't heroically intervened i'd have straight away turn that off it's now contested at the moment so that's pretty cool right um so there's 20 attacks hitting on freeze because we get an extra attack now and i'm using one cp for chain taser protocol so fives and sixes are two additional hits yeah exactly so let's see what happens uh not bad i got a few fives and sixes there fives and sixes so i'm gonna work out how many extra and we'll come back in a second okay we've got the hits you've made out of 20 attacks i got 33 hits [Music] there you go okay um dragoons are back people yeah um twos uh yeah could be a problem is there any ones in there there's three ones so 30 wounds okay i'm not even gonna bother rolling ap ap two and flat two damage the unit's destroyed uh but before they die i do have a sneaky stratagem up my sleeve so i have spent two command points for desperate for redemption so uh it's a cheeky one because they can just fight they can fight on death and it's usually we were saying after before it used to be just a single attack i think that's what it was or that's what i've seen in the past somewhere else anyway now it's just fight which is just really cool it's pretty it's pretty sweet yeah so uh they are minus one to hit but the repentia are inherently minus one tip because they're eviscerators i am within six of my pentium superior um because i've not moved um so i'm hitting you on fours that's good wrong it's a good roll there looks okay good roll uh get rid of these right of about the average actually so we are well for me it's a good rough good role i'm clinging on that's what we're aiming for um so there's strength six versus toughness six so normally fours but the repentance appearing now gives plus one to whooped she's really good now when you're taking repentia yeah um so no sixes here do you get to reroll the ones or anything um no i can't remember the ones um although what i have just realized is that i i know i'm zealot so i haven't charged i've been charged so you've got one two three four five six seven whoops minus three minus three so seven bionic saves strangely they just don't get enhanced bikes they just get normal so it's a six up but we'll see what happens make two two uh so one is dead and one takes four wounds very nice now the only other thing to do is because they're dead with my other right of battle um which is called a spirit of the martyr i can roll nine dice and any sixes do mortal wounds which is nice because i've been killed in combat i don't i roll one i roll one so one more time one has one more room which could be important because we've got to roll to see if the one that died explodes yes he doesn't that implodes okay so one dead and one is down to one wound remaining we move on now to the dogs well four foot welf uh we're going to start with the the scooter riding the doggos because you know why not uh so that's seven attacks hitting on fours uh that's gone well uh and then fives and sixes to wound two wounds ap1 very nice needing fours here uh we they're fine yeah the sabers uh get stuck oh it's fair enough and the doggos are gonna claw them to death uh they have hit just once okay how did you miss it come on fellas look at the size of it uh and no wounds there okay very good that's them done it's my turn to strike and it's time for celestine okay it's time for celestine and her gemini to see what they can do we're going to start off with the gemini because one has one wound left we have six attacks between the two of them have hit you uh three times and then we're wounding on fives and sixes uh one wound minus three minus three six up in vulnerable save nope can you explode no damn it i want things to explode it's fun uh and now it is uh celestine herself she's hitting on threes uh because um the incident it's it's it's minus minus one to hit the incense cloud which did make a difference for one of them but we do have five hits and we're wounding you on threes because you shrink seven oh interesting okay so uh we failed with three of them there um i have just realized i should have used a miracle die oh go ahead and do it you would have done it is that okay yeah you would have done it because the plan was to do it and then uh another point for the thingy i appreciate that we both talked about it before and said we must remember yeah we didn't it's not so much to kill these it's more to get the victory point for my secondary yeah um so we've got two saves which are at minus four and then one is just two flat mortal wounds uh two flat mortal wounds lovely so one's down to four wounds and the other are two damage each are they yeah so when you roll a six to wound it's just um uh two mortal wounds it's not in addition and then the other two just wound on yes and they're two damage so it's two saves of six up six bionic saves uh no and that is another one dead does it explode no it does not okay okay celestine is showing her prowess here i do like her so far the repentant interesting as well because they can now fight on death they are so very squishy but we can also see the absolutely destructive power of the dragoons bear in mind that yes they were only fighting repentia but against most infantry they're going to kill everything very very cool and also their strength 8 minimum yeah nine with a canticle yeah um and they can be made to hit on twos using the doctrines again uh your tasers only go off on five for the strat or six with that without that i mean they're just they mess stuff up and the the thing about it is again the big bases look what we've been able to do we're playing about without objective we're playing about where the tanks and stuff are going so look you know you you're speed bumping things but that's kind of what you have to do right indeed indeed indeed cool well before we move on we have the utterly destructive power of the rhino here the rhino this is where it kills one okay never mind i don't mind that's it is that the end of the turn that's the end of the turn okay okay we've got a few points um and a few things happened that were good and a few things that weren't but very good okay well that's that batter on one is over we'll be back very shortly for battle round two right then so the beginning of battle round two uh we have canticles of the on messiah i am selecting benediction of the omnisire which means that i will reroll a hit a wound and a damage roll on every unit which is nice and i'm also activating a doctorina imperative and activating the bulwark imperative which is plus one save for guitar units minus three move um so that's uh also going to happen bumped up indeed indeed so that's going on and then we go into the command phase so my command phase a lot less than last time um so i just rolled a six on a miracle die uh for this battle round i've got a command point back um there's not a huge amount to do in my command phase because my canon s is in her emulator over here uh my palatine hasn't has yet to reroll miracle die cuz i just rolled a six didn't want to reroll that my diagonalist is inside the emulator over here so she can't do any prayers uh and my priest i'm not gonna do um my powers because i want to spend the command point to guarantee i'm gonna get off his crazy death priest because we want to see what he's going to do yeah which would be cool yeah i think yeah zealots vindication is the name of his weapon um and that's just in the data sheet so that that's the one with like the flaming chain sword so we're just gonna have to pretend that his little casket is full of fire and his mace spins around i mean that makes sense hey you know it makes sense yeah that's command phase um and um oh and i got 10 points for the primary in this battle round so i start the round on 19 points um to your five so i need to try and get you off some objectives to keep you off my primary tail yeah celestine uh piling in really made a difference over there being able to uh to stop games her big heroic intervention is the only thing that uh may allow me to get that back um so it's a nice ability to have and she technically has a very long very movable base yes another reason that she's great it's very cool very cool so that's the end of the command phase we'll be back at the end of the movement phase so in the center here we had the rapunzel superior jump into the rhino that was back there and move up to the center worrying about bat flamers we had this unit of battle sisters jump out of their emulator and come forward along with the [Music] uh canvas that's it that's the word i was looking for uh the emulator is still in combat the did it stay still or did it shuffle i actually stayed still i couldn't move it quite far enough to get out of the uh dense cover issue there so i've just stayed put yeah that makes sense um the bachelor's unit in the center moved up the one at the back just hung out they're enjoying themselves so why move anywhere else have a good time uh coming around here the emulator shuffled a little bit it may or may not be on a suicide mission we'll find out what happens the exorcist came around the corner a little bit uh to try and do that including and that unit jumped out of the emulator the rhino backed away uh so scared was it of the doggos that it backed away as did the priest he ran over towards the objective i mean weird all right um and this exodus backed up so backed up uh so that it could see i'm assuming the vanguard uh but the vanguard or the the robots all the robots the servitors in the center yes so we shall see so lots of movement going on this could be a decisive turn for the sisters it all depends on the shooting phase coming up next and we're starting off with the exorcist in this far corner uh firing everything into the single iron strider yes over here yes um tracer rounds first of all three surrounds the heavy bolts i ate you once i wound you dow times no times the exist missile launcher 3d three shots seven it's better than three it's very respectable you know what i mean four's here okay okay okay yeah we do with that again yeah so needing threes to wound here uh cool that is four wounds at minus two minus two it's a two up save because of uh bulwark uh so we're looking for fours uh and that is a horrendous one uh there is no point in using a cp on that he's so dead he's very dead so dead surely it must explode no imploding right then so those four dice have been banished never to be seen again and the emulator is firing everything into the dragoon yes we are still in combat here minus one to hit with the blotters because of the incense cloud doesn't matter when you roll three sixes i mean i'd like three sixes again please uh it's two wins though two wounds two wings two wounds uh so right they've got a two up save as well so back to freeze kill very nice uh now we have the emulation flamer uh five six seven it's a blast number so that could help uh this will be fives and sixes to wound uh one wound at minus one so you get a nice healthy save free up save makes it on a six loving life what are you doing what are you doing well i wanted to come and watch the game but then i decided maybe i should film it because we can do that now that's nice [Laughter] we'll sweep up the brains off the floor and uh see what we can do but we'll do these bolts first shall we so rapid fire bolters into your your fellas in the in the ruin over there rangers uh rerolling ones for my gardeners which is nice my canon is my canon is got a few hits there the wound a few hits there beard uh no sixes uh but we was i standing two two now yes three wins yeah okay he wins and um because of bull walk uh plus one save and light cover they have a two up save which is nice isn't that nice but one still died of course it did of course um i think that's everything for that i'll do i'll do her crack grenade do it i'll do her crack right now crack grenade omelette double ominous okay mine as is uno oh it goes through well it i mean kills one yeah yeah yes the end the end you wanna film now okay yay yay less for us to do let's kick this off myself the spider now leading the narration we have the sororitis just round this building here opening up with their fire into the skitari underneath the building there mr beard i wish you luck sir both players ready to unleash death upon the other i hit you four times uh i wound you three times one of them is a minus one triple wins because of before i have so i need a free for that one which is fine i find two oh well isn't that fantastic it must be my uh my my new presence here on this battlefield we're filming um right we're gonna move on to this emulator next but i have a couple of strategies to use um i'm gonna use and cleansing going to use the other one which is called something about flames it's two cleansing type strations basically we're going to get max hits with my emulation flamer yep and uh plus four range and fours do mortal wounds up to three mortal wings oh wow and you're firing at uh this unit of vanguard vanguard over here my cannon s is still knocking about so let's see if i can get uh one of those uh command points back on a five or a six yes i can yes i can so i've only spent two which is significant because i have a strat in mind that cost two command points to you so i wonder what that is someone would say it's significant there be well we don't wanna spoil it do we wanna spoil it six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve right so we've got twelve automatic hits with the immolation flamer wounding on twos they're they're tough yeah okay so you've taken three mortal wounds which is nice um and then you've taken 11 wounds right that was a thing wouldn't it it's 11 weeks very very toasty so minus one it's minus one minus one they uh yeah they go to fours okay uh so you've killed a bad role though isn't it good in total leaving 14 in the unit you've got one three in there oh sorry now come on now stick cheating 13 in the unit okay have you bought her i'm gonna bolt you heavily uh i hit you three times because i'm not going through the cover there uh and i wound you once stick oh okay okay so i'm pretty hot on those saves there beard uh i didn't in the first round that's why oh i say hold your horses everyone we have an update on the vanguard now actually you did roll really well on your saves but you're ignoring ap minus one and two is that correct yeah with the nonsense is this holy order loki uh on the manipulation so looking it back it was actually only the one so actually won three so it made a difference but one more has been put back so we've replenished those ranks so there's 14 left in that unit i'm sure mr beard however will take away ranks from elsewhere what are you firing next mr beard right we are going to do this exercise now i was toying with using a couple of command points to go and finish off the iron striders but there's only two left so i'm less worried about them now but i need to start dealing with this flank a bit more so i'm going to fire instead the exorcist into the three robots down there so these breaches over here they're called robots rabbits roberts okay heavy blotters i've hit you twice cheeky what's that toughness toughness fire toughness five i don't look at my dice snake eyes the uh exorcist missile launcher okay so three four five six okay okay average heavy firepower there's no average heavy firepower i'm afraid i've hit you five times which is nice i've wounded you uh left three times three times minus two minutes you're extraordinary over here no there are two up armor though anyway so they're on to wars outrageous wow wow stig um triple four isn't that exciting mr beard yay say something mr beard it's this exorcist now and i don't want to alarm anyone at home but we're going to see the blast rules kick off as the launchers unleash death on this 14-person vanguard squad is that correct yes that's maximum amount of hits mr beard i need to do my tray to fire first trace of fire is that a heavy bolter is it that's a great one firing through the gantries there it's a minus one i think he does it twice nonetheless picked up a wound he does get a three-up save with his current doctrinals and so forth one um so now your maximum blastage it's very blasty so we've got eighteen shots with the conflagration missiles yes yes a conflagration uh number of threes there mr beard i don't want to alarm you number of conflagrate yes unfortunately going through the gantry's there at -1 mr beard seems very upset about it okay so we've got that's not bad um so you ignore minus two don't you so my sixes mean nothing yes sixes mean nothing to me uh it is uh nine wounds though nine wound stick yeah it would be three at minus two and eight nine whatever it is minus one no just roll your dice sticks please would you roll your backspace another two die so it's three dead from there so you're it's still an eleven person unit at that point yeah that's ridiculous whilst we're in this realm i'm just going to fire my bolts into them from that unit there because i'm almost finished with my shooting phase now okay blah blah blah blah blah three hits threes to wounds it is two more wounds please two oh and one's at minus one doesn't murder right i've got one more thing to do and it's my battle priest so it's priest time is it mr beards what's happening so i'm going to spend a command point to do his uh war him now yes because it affects for that leaves you on one command point mr b i've got one left wow i've got one left i do also need to roll for my miracle die because i did kill a unit which is a two two twos that's fine they can be burnt for other things but i don't really want twos i don't know but i can re-roll it because my uh my uh palatine is still here it turns into a fight that's cheeky that i'm gonna use his zealots of indication it's shooting profile now i get three automatic hits right into the radius that's very exciting uh toughness four toughness four now freeze the wound it's three wounds at minus one three wounds at minus one uh oh gosh they are fours plus one so threes back to fours yes yay one wound goes through one weight very good and finally we just got the pistols from the gemini superior into the the towering chickens uh i hit it twice i win you once i want it is a minus one cheeky it's a minus one uh with the hit did you take into account the minus one to hit me yeah so i don't hit you either time okay good [Laughter] folks we're in the charge phase the sisters let out a banshee-like scream and they declare a charge on the scatari inside the ruins there okay they need a four die scum so my canon s will go first very nice double six she's mr bond fancy that it's because she does have her change sword of many slayings well so she's keen to get in the other unit yes on a six they're both in so both of those units are in celestine's already in emulators already in uh we'll move on now to the battle sister squad here into the dogs okay they can't really fail uh luckily on a chase hold a three uh about that unit will of course make it into those dogs there okay next the battle priest battle priest oh he's gained okay it's a game baby and finally yep potentially a controversial move here but i'm gonna spend two of my uh miracle diet for my dice pool here the six and the five which means that i can make the charge for this emulator into this unit over here now one or two things are gonna happen it's gonna die from your attacks uh and then i will automatically explode it with my last command point potentially killing these two here on the objective uh and maybe some of these or it won't die um and then i'll get engaged in all fronts for the full complement of points and you're allowed to just spend both your miracle die like that yeah you can only do one miracle uh thing per phase but um as long as you have one miracle diet you can do one or more to perform one of the actions which can include a charge roll wow so you just use i mean i've used a six and a five yeah these are pretty useful for other things um but and i'm now down to one uh miracle die but and it's a two right and it's a two it's the way things must be all right but that automatically now makes a successful charge against those vanguard okay fantastic are there any other charges happening that's all the charges done okay we'll be back then in the fight phase momentarily okay it's the fight phase and we're opening up with the sisters against these cyber doggos yes also known as cerberus raiders lovely the raiders of the cerberus okay uh the four normal sisters i hate you twice i wound you one time one time and it is a six that means nothing because we are in combat good i'm glad you clarified that so uh freya yep makes it okay and then the um the superior i hit you once i wound you no times wow but okay unfortunately there's now time for the priest yes oh the priest strikes oh i need to check his stats oh okay i'll be right back in actual fact this is a preacher not a priest so we're about to preach death on to the cerberus riders here we go i mean battle preacher still has a pretty good ring to it it does actually uh right so i've hit you just twice uh so yeah with with the uh with the him i get plus one attack plus one strength plus one ap and if he doesn't die at the end then uh he can fight it again uh so let's see threes to wounds it's two words a minus three minus three i just left there this will now be five up enhanced bionic saves makes one fails one so one's dead one's good okay there's damage two he's taken one so far okay he's taking one fair enough we're fighting down here now in the building through the ruins of those walls the battle sisters open up against the scatari within okay the superior first with her chained sword reroll the one because of the cannon s i still have one uh fours to wound it is one wound cheeky one winger it is not minus one because it's not a starting chainsaw so free loves it very nice the uh the other battle sisters we are all the ones very good uh forced to wound it is two wounds two wounds two wounds there for you uh no ap nope freeze because of bulwark again double six smart for life so many six months marked for life okay very good uh the canon s will strike into the same three because she can't kill all of them by herself uh here we go i've hit you all the times uh it's twos to gloom because this is plus two uh uh plus plus one uh yeah there's minus three minus three yeah okay so they're on to their bionics save six ups of course this time i don't get any six okay so do you kill two so two idea but i failed to kill a unit yeah how to kill you fortunately there are still scottari within those ruins that is proving to be a very frustrating fight it's time to do battle with the living saint we have two of the dragoons and the stratagem is being used mr stig you plan on exploding with those uh taser little sticks those uh chicken herders there yeah so correct uh chain taser protocols okay show you what it's called now and the piling meant that i could just move uh closer uh with one getting them nice and close to each other so i don't have to worry about things um and i get two uh one going into the celestine yep probably the gemini and uh one going into the emulator so i'll be four attacks from each of them hitting on threes but fives and sixes are two additional attacks into 16 down to three cp now yes okay uh so that means that's really hideous another six hits that's um that's really yeah another six hits that's isn't that wonderful mr beard yeah everyone's having a wonderful time twos now two's now um so it did translate a little i dropped three uh so that is seven wounds ap2 fat damage two okay i'm just gonna double check how the gemini take the wounds away give me one moment okay all right four up saves is it on the gemini is it here we go uh so one now they're both dead damage two yeah oh my goodness flat damage two yeah okay so uh one's dead another one's dead um and then it's two wounds on celestine because the minus damage of the mine so i should have actually rolled that separately oh no it wouldn't matter because they've all got the same save anyway yeah so she's taken so both generals are dead and she's taking two wins nice and two wins but again she's so resilient because of this reduction of damage absolutely hideous that's one dragoon though imagine what a bigger unit could have done i would i've already seen it the gemini have fallen at celestine's feet but we still have one more dragoon to attack and this time it's on the emulator mr stig rolling strategy i'm still in effect no fives and sixes this time however okay it will be winding on freeze yep uh one wound i'm gonna use the benediction uh i should use one of those sorry benediction and mars to reroll both of those forgive me okay um so double six fancy that hey what are you doing so i have my mars doctrine yes to reroll one of the now what are you attacking the emulator emulator oh right yeah and i know what that was from one yeah that's both from one mr hit yeah uh so that's that so those are uh that one's wounded i'm re-rolling the failed wound uh with the benediction okay so those and now these are the additional exploding hits okay is everybody clear what's going on okay is everybody clear what's going on and so that is so that's eight wounds at ap two that's fine from one of those dragoons there mr beards uh it is dead very dead uh mr beard whiffed doesn't explode oh it does as well it's a cheeky six oh wow that's good boom that goes to the emulator oh well that combat's not over yet though because we have gemini that can do what uh so the the um what's it called thingy martyr thingy the right the right of battle yeah what does sexy take a mortal wait no it doesn't matter right so let's steam will now strike you back okay apparently it's minus one's a hit yep yep incense burners it's a thing uh it did make a little bit of a difference that's just one but uh i'm strength seven so it'll be threes to wound the living saints wounds two of them is just flat two mortal wounds and then you've got two uh saves to make at minus four so he's down to three wounds yes um and then i've got two six up bionics saves saves one okay and one goes through okay uh was it two damage so i've i've done four in total cool so yeah he's down to one wound one wing still alive on one wound oh dear who let the dogs out it was in fact stig anyway uh so we've got five attacks with the set with us right you're right hitting on fours yes uh i was an aggressive roll stick it was wouldn't it i'm going to use a mars reroll and a benediction reroll and uh then toughness hit three so uh freeze because they're strength four three savers uh three wounds at ap1 they all hit beard uh one is dead wednesday do i punch you back i do before death one of them punches you through the brain you take an immortal wound nice they'll go down to uh one wound uh those doggers are gonna strike back though because they're so incensed by that one punch yes fair enough and they've hit once and uh freeze sorry it was fours but yes they did winged on five uh any minus no one isn't that she's fine so one is slain very nice it's time for this emulator to make short work of the vanguard or will it seriously attacks here the tracks crushed under track no okay we now have the vanguard mr stig what will be happening here uh uh ten attacks uh because we've got the alpha in there they'll be rewarding walls because the dominus now updates that yep uh so no one's too reward are we well one with the mars dogma and may as well do the benediction as well that's failed unfortunately you used up all of your sixes there yeah it's very unfortunate isn't it gonna be a problem there's gonna be sixes it's a wound got uh three was no ap no ap okay here we go have you got anything else to attack uh [Music] the emulator no no no no so i'm going to use my last command point to reroll that too good and he makes the save just so i can get uh the extra point for engage okay well you would only been one damage so you wouldn't have died oh yeah okay so no i kind of want it to be alive anyway um but it's definitely alive it would it be like i have my command point back please have you come out thank you back he didn't spend the command point well done mr beards well done you get engaged well done you guess what right preacher time baby he gets to attack again because he got his his son of righteous smite yes yes hey he was a bit underwhelming first time though you've built this up it was excited yeah like you're going to do better this time but then it's vindication i think you once wow well here's all fours there we go right it's minus three right now i guess what is the strength of that weapon uh it's plus one straight so it's strength six nice yeah sorry it would have been a two uh no it wouldn't change now it would have been a three good uh i'm making sense to me and i saved no yes i did because they have enhanced bionics now which is over there oh wow yeah instead of the six up bionics that's really unpleasant isn't that lovely we're back over here now on the left flank to the fighting across the ruined rural walls even uh what we have are a bunch of scoturi which are attacking those sisters let's do this so we've got the alpha first of all he's got his two attacks into the sisters he hits you twice he's angry yeah right uh wounded very nice no ap though no ap uh you you get two of them okay do i hit you back with my one inch punch of death i do take a mortal wound please he's dead you kill me i'll punch you in the head and blow it up he like i mean he was a warrior though he's gonna he's gonna be upgraded now he is now he's dead no he's dead we'll savor his organic parts and build some more things here thank you okay uh so the other unit uh they hit all of the times happening uh these are obviously combat mechanics here yeah i mean combat means really um okay uh strength free against toughness three so two wings uh you kill another one killed another but no one each punched that time so you killed three wow um so that would be a potential morale issue yeah uh momentarily how how many skatari are in that ruin their stick three left but they haven't lost any this turn from that unit so they are fine yeah and now as a result having lost three of those sisters uh there is absolutely no contest on that objective uh there is there's that my canonist is back there oh he's your kindness yeah he's got troops right yeah so okay that's really annoying wow that's a big old problem for the sororitis is that the fight phase complete uh that is everything done hey shall we just do the morale then uh yeah let's do it let's do it uh oh that's nice oop i'll just use mine i'm gonna use the two uh because you can do that right yes uh secondary for that as well i don't think it's not faith yes that's another point you've scored some points well done mr b well done me okay oh and i get a miracle day back because i've lost to you did you kill a union required for those um vanguard down there they took uh oh you know did it there and they ordered me two things so the raiders can't fail because they would have had to do but they've only lost one and they've got an extra leadership for the arts data tower when i piled in with the vanguard i came within three so i can now do acquisition of all at all costs which has changed from the ebook and it now just means they automatically pass morale wow which is very nice okay because they are within three of that dominus which is just behind that wall there okay oh sorry in free of the objective or the objective okay understood right well then that marks the end of the turn you'll see the points coming up on the screen looks like it's a savage little game let's see what happens next it's turn two for the mechanicus and we're in the command phase although we've uh started doing some moving but we thought we'd just rewind to the command phase mr stig what are you doing so tepris manipulas with his loki holy order is uh put the ignore ap1 and two on the vanguard they were here so they were in range yeah they just started to move afterwards yep because i was silly he also puts the uh the extra range and importantly extra ap on the galvanic rifles in this unit here so they're going to be able to do some stuff the techno archaeologist has used his ability to make this server unit allow to do actions and shoot without making that action fail okay and then the uh schitari marshall over here because this unit gained the data teva rule uh before they had an improved morale but also he's now going to let them fall back and shoot with no penalty okay so that's pretty nice as well okay so lots of happening in the command phase there we'll be back at the end of the movement phase movement phase turn two for the adeptus mechanicus now complete we have the breaches moving through the crater line of this bond out city towards the center of the battlefields more beaches splitting off here on the left flank next to that one wound emulator whilst the scottari have fallen back from combats we do have the cerberus doggos over there still in combat with the sisters and then over here on the right flank this unit has fallen back from the mighty cannon s and the single sister on the other side of the wall we do however have cognis uh chicken walkers uh coming round with twin laser cannons uh ready to unleash your death plus is uh this is a skatari marshall is it yeah so this mr marshall is uh ready to do mr buffing uh no doubt over here celestine has been left alone as one of the taser um what are they actually called dragoons right yes exactly it's one of the taser dragoons uh moves away from her uh along with his friends there however they did contest that objective and it should be noted that stig got all 15 points for the primary holding one two and in fact more than the sororitis yeah brutal staff using those sisters was a massive blow it was a big old blow what's he got the extra five points and you got the extra points for that special objective yeah he's going to have that secondary objective at the end of this term plus he got the triple raise the banners as well uh this uh command phase so um pretty nasty stuff there i think you're rocking like 23 points but you'll see the points come up on the screen um okay we will no doubt have a big shooting phase ahead of us let's see what stig can do to this armored sororities force we have two galvanic rifles from the rangers here firing at through the walls stig the emulator yes okay so because uh they haven't moved so they're hitting on threes we were only ones because the dominance and because the loki uh from the manipulators gave them an extra either ap two now um so hopefully we can get some hits first of all we've got three so far and we've rerolled that one is a fail uh so we're stream four so fives and sixes oh three minus two what is that minus two so we're needing uh fives and sixes here these four all three that would mean the emulator is in fact destroyed yeah do i like opening salvo in this mechanicus turn to my goodness i think i want to automatically blow it up see ya well that would be cheeky you would get the breachers you would in fact get the rangers that just shot you plus yeah you could both the characters of way of the band vanguard explosion isn't it i'm gonna spend my last game oh he's spending his last command point he's automatically exploding so is it d3 mortal wounds it is okay so let's do this so we'll do it on the breaches one is dead wow on the vanguard one is dead again okay what's behind the building over there there's two ranges okay the ranges are dead there's two characters there so you've got the manipulous first the manipulous takes one i won't mark it up because he'll repair it next time and the other one takes two two and again i'll have to do d3 back on him but it's fine okay okay and then finally the vanguard we rolled forward we did one on one okay brilliant stuff that was a vicious explosion we'll mark that up and remove models and be back we have the cerberus riders now opening up with a pistol salvo into whom so the uh the alpha is going to sorry princess alpha alpha is going to fire his arco revolver into the priest because it's flat damage too i like it so uh so yeah happens he misses never mind that was a great mars we roll that's re-roll okay there uh strength five so william freeze benediction re-roll wow the canticle this is ridiculous how many roles how many weeks do you have so many rewrites that many it's now time for these breaches to exercise this exorcist it's this one right here he's opening up with the deadly salvo mr stig dice the torsion cannon rolls a two mars reroll he gets a three okay heavy arc rifles both hits a couple of hits automatically on a fork it's the vehicle oh two wounds ap2 flat damage is it does it have haywire at all no okay i passed when i failed one okay damage okay okay so two wings there on the exorcist but it is still very much alive prepare to be galvanized we do have three rangers here with their rifles uh they can still fire despite falling back because of the warlord traits that the marshall has yeah so in my command phase i gave them the ability to fall back yep and still shoot um i read it as being that they'll still take the minus from the having moved yes so they're hitting that fours instead of heavy weapon uh i'll use three three roll and that's four hits wow four hits there extraordinary stuff and uh an assistant alone into the battle system but like eight years of sisters one benediction that's it one win one wounded ap one it's very hard to keep finally powers up exactly uh they are alive it's time for the skatari marshall to show us what he's made of what is not a lot to be honest it's a radium cepento it's a single shot hitting on a two he is a mars unit so hit a re-roll hopefully he hits he does get the hits uh he doesn't get the automatic wound so he actually has to roll to wound which will be on a four route uh marked for death there two six no ap no ap no not none none none faith is strong you all associate good faith do you know where you're going to be firing next stig yeah we're going to come over to the first unit breaches in the center not the robots they're firing everything into this rhinoceros rhinoceros okay let's do it torture cannon okay uh wounds on a free picks up the wound what's that ap foreign e3 plus three so it's four wounds okay four damage on that rhinoceros but it is still alive okay the next uh arc rifles is it heavy arc rifles uh i'm going to use the uh mars reroll and a benediction reroll he hits extraordinary power here we're getting one of the mech mr beards brain is melting damage two four wounds you say three wounds three three wins you say three wounds i said i saved two of them all right tape it's ap i saved one of them one save them damage two wounds left there very interesting we have a second unit of breachers splitting their fire now a split between the rhino and the battle sisters uh on the objective there here we go so torsion cannon goes into the rhino uh we roll with the mars we roll as we roll uh still misses misses heavy arc rifles okay uh i'm gonna use one of the benedictionary rolls kill three hits this time and wounding on twos he does pick up three wounds ap2 ap2 oh wow impressive okay time for the iron striders they're cognis laz cannons opening up across the way here it is through the gantry so minus one to hit but they can spot that exorcists pass the ruin here we go and they have the sky marshall re-rolls the mars dog movie roles and the benediction on the massairy rolls isn't that great beard i mean it's everything for the advent it's quite ridiculous okay so uh they won't hit on fours so i will use um the skitary marshall we roll the one misses and we'll use the mars we roll uh so three three hits okay uh and three wins e3 cheeky ap three looking for some six is here no not automatically and they have 11 wounds now yes wow so he's dead so he's dead because that's maths does it blow up does it blow up uh it rolls a four damn it that exorcist went bye-bye those cognies are very good aren't they trying to imitate the drakari we had it first it's the charge phase the breachers will now attempt to track to their way through the crater and charge the rhinoceros uh they would normally need a five but with minus two it's a seven good luck mr stig he rolls that's exactly what you need the button beautiful those breaches have made the charge however we're going to do a quick little rewind because of course these characters can actually fire stick forgot to fire them we're just going to quickly rewind into the shooting phase i apologize everyone i can see them i can see through the windows uh through to this and they also stood still so the dominus first is going to fire his volca blaster okay hitting on twos uh he's gonna use a mars re-roll only that's it's still it still misses anyway uh it's strength six but uh sixes are two mortal wounds so which is quite nice okay uh okay so it's a single wound no we're all rude uh no ap it's like two damage if it goes through damage on twos okay uh it's strength seven against toughness seven so fours no dictionary roll doesn't get the win p3 flat free damage if it goes through okay okay okay jennifer damn it no oh okay cheeky that's got four wounds left and degraded now right now your shooting phase is done yes okay so we're gonna go charge phrase uh okay these breaches are charging charges battle sisters just past the gantries here we go he needs a seven seven he gets exactly another seven he gets exactly a seven incredible ominous can you get that's two sevens in the charge phase are there going to be any other charges this phase there are indeed uh the last cannons are going to charge into those battle sisters okay so the cognis allows cannons there from the iron striders okay here we go uh also roller seven triple seven lucky for some they say yeah hey no i'm going to leave it that i'm not going to put the marshall in because you could heroically intervene and you would kill him well i'm going to intervene into your ranges with my cannonness yeah i mean that's fair enough that's what i'm going to do that's okay i'm all right with that very cheeky yeah we're in the fight face turn two for the mechanicus it's breacher time they will attempt to bring down the rhino which is only got a few wins left anyway uh let's do this 12 attacks because of the uh art clause hitting on falls uh and we will get i keep checking it because i'm sort of like the mars document is so powerful a re-roll my rules are well geared i have to check this i'm just biting new models yeah hey i got one new model right automatically because it's the vehicle yes uh oh wow that's unfortunately stink that's only uh luckily you only need to make unfortunately and this is damaged too right yeah yes unfortunately your rhinoceros is dead does it blow up does it blow up no okay uh i've got my my thingy inside oh no oh is that is was she the only one in there the only one in there three points there you took assassinate didn't you oh no i didn't take a suspicion no he didn't i don't care then that's what's going on okay but she's dead she's dead now yeah and i got my points for the vehicle though great bring it down oh dear oh dear oh dear it's breacher time over here on the left flank now they attack the battle sisters in combat with the cerberus um i'm just going to do my piling so i didn't do that because i want to go this way just in case i get lucky and i can tag him yep sure um all right okay just three here use a mars rule three rolls um you're fitting from using any more evolves yes and now twos yep three wounds ap free uh three dead okay do any of them punch you back in the face you take your laundry very nice take your eyes very useful ability that yeah pretty good i like it a lot is that the entire unit wiped it i believe it is now we've got two left oh you've got two left sorry forgive me yes okay fair enough what's happening next in this fight phase uh so we will do the iron striders i just need to double check their walls okay we'll be back we have the iron striders ready to do a line dance over those battle sisters uh will they survive lots of attacks and no doubt rerolls too he's got a marshall in there still only gets the two wounds but there are only two battle sisters powerful armor saves okay one one is slain do i punch you in the face no i don't no they do not my superior is alive all right that's all of the mechanicus struck this uh fight phase i believe is that you've already finished some attacks being done i think it's happened i don't want to hit anymore you all get to hit back now mr beard who's uh yes you get to choose now um i'm going to start off with my well no you've got nothing to attack me with a tool he does have these guys um they they can't attack anything yeah he fell back you fought me so i'll get to fight you yes but also i've got the raiders i'm gonna start with my canon yes here we go right four attacks i hate you on twos i hit you three times three times i'm wounding you on twos i wound you uh three times one's at minus four two at minus three okay so no rerolls for you but they're minus how many sorry minus one at minus four and one at minus three so the one up minus four is the six up bionic save he makes snakes they're free up armor at the moment because of bulwark so five bucks so fives ups on these two and makes another one so one dies you're telling me that that canon s only kills one of those rangers ridiculous wow unfortunately now they get to um use the butts of their galvanic rifles and to try and um hurt the cannon s that's very hurting here please well there may be some hurting we're starting off with uh three attacks hitting on fours why did two of them at all because one's a thingy he wants an alpha yeah uh he re-rolls there i can be wrong one of those you surprise me uh but he doesn't so that's fine um and it will be wounding on you're still toughness uh three right yeah it's a fours gotta wear your neck but we're in there actually does take away wow wow wow okay what next um are we studying a priest yes your battle uh i hit you once wow i wound you once uh minus uh minus three minus three so five up enhance bionic save goes through good kills that one yes finally kill one of those riders very nice killed him dead uh any other attacks do i get to attack now you can dog me back yes okay right uh so uh free attacks from the sabre into the battle system and put everything into the battles i think it's pronounced sabre it's not you know fours uh mars we roll two hits uh yes uh she's fine and the doggo hits once it does not wound that's a shame right i'm gonna hit you back with my with my with them now yeah do all the attacks at the same time you ready prepare to die uh i'll do it instead of robots actually yeah toughness five remember i don't care because he can attack again uh i hit you twice i wound you five and sixes one time uh what's the ap none two five six fine stylish right nothing else to fight right no battle priest i hate you three times you three times that stick uh three times three words i'm guessing this is into my doggo right yes and so that's ap3 did we say five up in vulnerable saves oh he fails all three of his saves all right so that's him gone yay wow that battle creature really did do the business there finally cutting down single-handedly in fact both of those cerberus doggos i like it that's it it's the end of battle round two and it's a pretty close game stig does still have uh taraxi sterilizers in reserve however which he could bring down in his next turn but not before we go into battle round three and sisters turn three uh you will pick up you're holding two primary objectives there beard so yeah we'll pick up five points for that and test it over there um contested over there that's correct with those dragoons versus celestine and i believe a canonist just behind there yes um so what we have is you're going to be on 30 points whereas stig uh you're actually on 31 points having picked up another secondary over here and uh across to bring it down on the primaries that you've scored across this battle round close stuff but we will have adapter sororities turn three coming up next so he needs a big turn to reduce this firepower it's the beginning of battle round three uh just before the command phase we've got some canticle action happening here stig talk us through it so i'm not using an adoption because i don't want any of the negatives this turn they were okay last time i don't want to use them this time but i am going to use um invocation of machine might as the canticle which means every time i advance and charge i roll an additional d6 and discard the lowest very nice uh so that might make that's my turn we'll find out okay um anything in your command phase there mr beard yeah so celestine is going to start an action which is her healing tears so she's going to bring back one of her gemini at the end of my shooting face so i can't can't move oh no actually no i'm not going to do that actually i'm going to say that for later so she's just going to stay there okay i need to do my war hymns so my dialogue is going to do the sum of righteous smiting okay i think that's what it's called so essentially you pick unit within 12 inches and it's d3 mortal wounds on the roll of the three oh goes off too three more to wounds it's two two one it was only on two on seven he was a breacher very decent uh my preacher here i'll do his his two so he's going to do his war him first of all on himself yep on a three that doesn't go off then he'll do his super preacher power which does go off on a six okay okay so that's command phase done so celestine is not taking an action in the command phase so she will be free to move normally yeah beard gains a command point putting him back on one yeah and my miracle die for the beginning of the term was a six okay fantastic stuff let's see what they do in the movement phase it's turn three movement phase now complete we have had a slight change of heart from mr beards as one of the gemini does in fact come back from the salty tears of celestine the living saints yeah so he did end up doing that action such a powerful ability that but she will not be able to move as you can see she hasn't and she will not be able to shoot this term but could charge as per normal we do have some battle sisters which have emerged over here ready to take back that objective canonist remains in combat with the two rangers and uh the lone battle sister did she fall back out of combat with this okay wonderful uh over here we have battle sisters and the war preacher still in combat with that breacher we have rhino with the diologists inside um which has moved into position against those rangers there or rather the vanguard over here we have an exorcist uh or two uh plus a whole bunch of battle sisters in the tree line um so this needs to be an important turn for mr beard he needs to take back some objectives he needs to lay down some withering firepower we wish him luck for the emperor we have an exorcist all the way past the ruin over here just zooming in to see it there he is uh the exorcist will be opening up just past the ruin into this iron strider unit can just get a little bit of line of sight there so here we go um the heavy bolt is going to go into this unit here okay see if i can finish that last wound off yeah and the missile is going to go into there so what do they be bolt as fast as you want to hit because of their incense stupid incense is one hit and it is a wound it's minus one minus one uh which means goes to fours makes it ah right 3d3 on the exodus missed our launches three four five six seven it's the blast number four five six seven hitting on fours okay so we've got three hits there uh wounding on threes uh i am going to spend a comma point okay okay back down to zero one is it minus uh three one is at minus two kill so they will one will be at five up which is the minus two one uh it goes through and then the one at six up for bionics they both go through goes through so i'm gonna use my six for the damage roll so one is dead he does not he explodes other one oh dear that's okay what one being gone is is good for me the second exorcist now can also just draw a bead on to this iron strider but not without going through that tree line so we'll be at a minus one indeed uh the heavy bolter will fire at the breaches uh instead yes here we go right would you have your bolter first hey twice i wound you one time one time just a minute uh so ap one so uh free up safe makes it nice okay okay three to six collaborations three three d6 shots uh 8 9 10. eight nine ten here we go shots coming in hot roll it is almost entirely the worst one i've ever done the gemini which has just been revived now lobs a crack grenade into those dragoons can she score a wound no she cannot savage stuff okay any other shooting mister beard i'm sure there is pistols over here yeah we've got this unit over here we're gonna do a crack grenade into the iron strider and then we've got the heavy heavy i wish there were heavy bolts uh the normal bolts into him as well okay here we go okay so here's minus he's minus one as well no he's not he's not my desk because he's not a dragoon okay fives and sixes uh two words they're not bad no ap so freeze uh makes them both okay the crack grenade uh is a mist okay any other shooting uh we've got these bolters down here uh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten so this is both units at the same time who are they firing at beer uh sorry into the road that's all they can see the breaches so we have uh four hits and who won't the wounds on the breaches is not going well it's not going well at all going well at all i think that's my shooting phase done stumble to hearing pistols here uh yeah i'll do the pistols into combat into the robot uh i hit you twice i wound you once okay no ap on those pistols so is it two up makes it extra and then the storm bolter into the bang vanguard uh three hits and three wounds one's at minus one two are at minus none so it'll ignore the minus one because they're the one that the loki uh went on to so three four up saves because they're not in cover uh one those three okay hey does that conclude your shooting oh plasma pistol from my canon s into uh the thing is oh yeah so one for me roll wow what a terrible time oh dear oh dad was not the turn he was looking for he does however have a charge phase coming up perhaps he can find a little bit more luck in the fight phase we're in the charged face mr beard we're searching for better we're searching for better that's how we're kicking this off right we're going to start off with well my power time is going to charge into your um your fellas here she can't fail but i'm gonna roll it anyway uh lovely it's a five okay we're gonna charge in with uh celestine and her gemini uh on a six six we'll just make it yeah uh we're gonna the priest can't really fail but i mean he's in yeah the rhino i will roll for this because i would like a bit more moving it's a three that's fine and then finally these sisters are going to charge into mr spiderman over there on a 12. there we go i would expect that they make it eager lovely the living saints has flown into combat she descends on angelic wings will she decapitate one of those dragoons maybe two i hope so uh so yeah i mean i'm sure i'm sure you do we'll start off with the gemini because one's on one wound okay hitting you on three fours actually on her oh five and sixes to wound um what would have been useful uh celestine uh oh no okay okay triple one uh threes to wound uh no beards uh so it is minus four so it's nine six up bionic save and he makes it celestine does not claim a single pound of iron or flesh what a whiff oh dear it's bad news it's gone from bad to worse mr stick has interrupted now instead of opting to hit the palatine which is behind the ruin there in fact stig is going to um spend those two cp to interrupt and do all of the attacks on celestine uh and then you're spending another cp to do the exploding uh tesla attacks right yeah so i'm gonna exploding tesla's again i'm sorry i keep checking rules just to make sure i'm getting this right 40k app um so yeah so i spend two cp and then one cp on that so i've got eight attacks um i'm hitting on threes i'll get a mars reroll um and then they'll explode in fives and sixes okay let's do it let's do it i can see two fives and sixes there so i'll really really roll okay so it's not that bad could have been much worse yes not hideous so okay so it is much worse there could have been worse nine hits uh wounding on twos yes um so that is seven the blast number okay ap2 um i'll need to do these one at a time one at a time because she reduces damage by one so the yes what is it minus what minus two minus two so one's fine uh so she's dead and then i've got the other one i only got one wound when she comes back or there's two weeks okay there's damage gotcha then the rest on celestine uh so she takes two damage she takes two damage she's still alive on two wounds too much left oh she's tough we're still not done with this flank though as the palatine now will in fact strike back come on palleting uh i think you're all the times all right for me with the minus one yes they hit on twos yes that's awesome oh yeah i do get something just celestine left against one fresh dragoon uh two wounds versus uh that walker there nasty stuff next up it's the battle preacher against the breacher it's a preacher preacher let's do this uh i've hit you once he's good at this yes that's fine that's where you know it does it minus three minus three so it's two up takes them to fives goes through two damage ooh okay four okay here we go so this is into the uh the chicken chicken man that oh i hate you all the time zesty very nice i guess i think strider does pick up two pins two string six that's three and three though toughness six one wound uh one way minus one minus one so it goes to fours now does make it okay fair enough uh now it will be stick that gets the hit back with um some units uh do you wanna do the breacher first yeah i'll put her into the bow sisters because they haven't attacked yet breacher feature yeah fours we rolling three commands only one clip uh we will that's getting wounds on uh ap three needs a six-up stage oh very nice okay all right now the preacher feature is gonna be taught by her because she's got a book and she is a teacher we didn't do the rhino you could do the writing the right vanguard all right then we'll do because you charged that yeah okay the right sorry out of sequence that's fine i don't know that doesn't matter that didn't swan i did nothing and now you're now getting prepared with with them so i've got four attacks in total i need one to go through here um so i hit you twice wounding no wounds no wings okay uh now we do have these two rangers against oh we've got another prayer off they've all got an additional attack oh cheeky cheeky okay yeah go for it i'll do the ones with the sisters first oh it's a hit no booze no wins okay excellent chat everyone very good now we do have these two ranges against the canon s right so uh when he roll one for mars still one hit uh and wounding on that's the winner okay the gunner ness it is her time uh three hits twos uh that is two wounds one minus four two a minus three just remove the models that's good i mean pretty much uh they're gonna will be sixes now so yeah yeah that's it just both of those rangers are slaying finally um right there will only be these um i've got to attack back with the iron strike yes and the vanguard right okay we'll remove the models and come right back all right we now have the iron strider just over here attacking the battle sisters so hitting on three so we roll both of them for the marshall both hits hits uh stream five both failed to win okay that's a shame uh what is left in that unit seven seven so there's eight attacks uh hitting on fours and wow a mars we roll wow they're angry clearly are very angry uh but they are gonna be winning on sixes because they're uh he's fine okay that's it that is the end of the fight phase uh any morals to make this turn uh he lost one so he can't fail uh no that's it so that marks the end of the turn an interesting one but overall probably whiffed quite a bit there yes probably about but you have now taken back this objective yes so as we go into stig's battle round three he's holding one he's holding two with the characters there on that objective um and is that it stig yeah because because you're contesting no you're not even contesting so you're in fact just holding two you'll only pick up five for the primary yeah but you do have those taraxi sterilizers to come down and i'm also getting the three points for the secondary as well because i'm holding that one so i can change that at the end of my turn and uh you will raise another two banners although this one has now been lost all right well we'll be back uh in sticks command phase momentarily here we go on wings of fire the taraxi sterilizers descends ready to unleash flame of death all around them this is going to be exciting to see how that works uh what we have is the movement phase now completes the vanguard remaining combat with the rhino the breacher has fallen back from two battle sisters and the battle preacher in the center over there we have the two characters of course maintaining their grip on that objective breaches remaining in this crater holding that objective with character support meanwhile these breaches pushing ever forward towards the exorcists and the battle sisters in the tree line over there celestine remains in combat with the dragoon the iron strider has fallen back but in the command phase i was given the ability to continue to shoot anyway by the marshall over there is that correct stig that's correct um cheeky little double action over there we like that that concludes the movements any other points to note uh only the fact that we're going to get to play with the new princeps uh of the sterilizers and he has the skull of eldar nikolai she's going to start the shooting phase very nice well we'll be joining you in that shooting phase in just a moment it's the shooting phase it's relic time we're talking the skull of elder nikolai what is it doing so it's on the princeps and he is in 12-inch range with all three of these vehicles so on a two or three they get one water wound uh on each one two or three at one more twin f three or uh three to five it's d3 and the six it's flat three and don't think you're in within twelve over here yeah just in twelve of the flames within nine of this because of your deep strike because of where that all is it was working out uh should we double check right we need do we need to triangulate here is there a triangulation here so no you are right he's not in with that one okay it's not so it's only in within two okay yeah just because you'd have to be within nine of that and that's more than yeah so triangulation uh triangulation the binary code has been overridden and now we're rolling for two vehicles instead of three two to three there's one more twin four to five is d3 and six is three more towers okay for the rhino that's the rhino it's just one more time and for the exorcists it's the three waters d3 which is two okay so one more wound and two mortal wounds not horrific but something a start some might say the sterilizers now unleash death on the two battle sisters and the preacher in the middle because he's uh no longer protected by three or more models so we're going to do the facet blaster and two sterilizers into the uh the sisters so flush it first uh we roll one because of mars all hips at strength three against toughness three yep uh two wounds one for each minus one no ap on those no ap oh they both fail anyway yes okay uh looks like sterilizers have done just that sterilize that squad and now 2d6 flames into the priest six hits taking off the objective can i do this oh the preacher's got five wounds there's no cp left for beards the preacher is also slain he has been removed from the objective we have this dominus here with a rail rifle i'm told the manipulous the manipulous not the dominant stone manipulate me the dominus was there as my backup to be able to deal with the priest but yeah it happened so the manipulous uh with his magna rail lance uh he's going to hit on twos into this exorcism uh he gets a mars we roll okay okay that's it though uh four though okay and the damage is three you say yeah so that leaves it alive on one wound one left that's dangerous stuff okay uh do we know what's firing next stick well yes what we're going to do next is come over to the last cannon chicken that is there that's this one yeah he's firing into uh the fully operational exorcist over here okay uh hitting on freeze it's got double hits uh we're only on threes we're rolling once because the marshall so um there can't we roll that one he does have a command point left um yes i'm going to no i'm not i'm going to save it for over there so just uh one wound at ap free yep three flat three plus d3 so five wounds very nice all right um we'll mark that up and we'll be back the breaches now on the craters will be firing everything into the ruins here trying to remove the battle sisters within uh now there is one single um uh sooner yeah and there's a canon s there's one superior in the unit five oh okay right are you splitting five between both of those units so i'm going to put them all into the unit of five to five okay so the five woman unit let's do this so the torsion cannon first uh fails i'm gonna use the mars reroll still fails okay that's fine uh the heavy rifles uh i can't remove all those now we're only on twos two ones ap2 ab2 so it would be a four up save because i mean cover they're fine oh very famous okay those are those breaches whiffed i should say yeah uh do you know what we're firing next yeah we're gonna come over to uh this unit here and we're putting uh everything into this exorcist here okay all right so that's the sixth wind dex assist here we go torsion cannon torsion cannon it scores a kill cannon wounds ap meaning a six a shield of faith gets a six seconds cheeky heavy it's cheeky it's cheeky i'll use the mars we roll because i didn't use it before it's got three hits uh wind automatically on a fours he's got three hits he's got two moons ap2 he's got two wounds he's got two wounds damage damage two that's got four wins left on that exorcist and one x assisted on one wound but that is still two exorcists alive it's marshall time now firing a single shot through the ruined wall into the combat sisters william cepento uh it does hit uh we'll wound on a four okay is that it with the shooting that is it the dominus is out of range of anything apart from this that's in combat so all right that's fine by accident it's a charge phase should we go straight into this charge face yeah who's charging we've got a few things going on so we're going to do this unit first and they need because the equator need a seven into this x assist okay i'm charging the exorcist because the canticles i roll 3d6 and picking the two highest very nice that's nice yeah that's very nice it is nice that's nice that's very nice obviously makes it very nice everyone okay successful charge that's very nice uh any other charges yeah we're gonna do the uh the charge over here from the sterilizer into the four wound very nice uh that's only a five uh so they will fail i'll use one of my cp to re-roll it yep so that would be rerolling the whole charge yeah so and that will be a pass a spicy meatball sir i can't sure what they need over there but i'm going to roll it all right the breaches oh yeah just charging the exactly you've got a single single one okay so yep uh go for it yeah i'll just do the single one yep uh that's a ten so this should well i think it'll be an eight you've got a minus two though yes allow me rater sir allow me some measuring here happening uh you needed a 10. you needed a 10. 10. well it's minus two because of the crater yeah it's minus two um you needed ten inches yes so so you've found oh right cool he has failed to charge everyone okay that's the charge face complete we'll move them in and then we'll get to the fighting we're in the fight phase folks the breachers successfully making their charge attempt to tear apart that exorcist so let's do it 12 attacks hitting on fours mars we roll translates that's a lot of hits that's right well it hits there mr beard is feeling confident haven't been for some time because it's a vehicle they wound on a four okay i can see a couple of wounds left so we're looking for a double six mr bond that's got four wounds left yeah against the one wound exorcist no close clearly doesn't explode wow that'll get a lot of stuff actually we'll get everything that we'll get yeah yeah then we'll get the breaches yeah is killed uh by that vicious explosion okay rolling four let's do this exercise assists uh that just takes the one mortal wound three remaining uh and then sister squad number one and sister squad number two one is slave okay okay can i punch you back with my exorcist yes you take a ball to win double fun excellent it's time for the sterilizers to attack this exorcist uh lots of attacks coming in here stig let's do it so first of all we've got the princess because he's got a taser yeah so four attacks hitting on freeze six is exploding oh uh he's strength six with his taser goad uh so fives and sixes uh required uh they are ap one so two at six two one okay so i'm gonna spend one on my miracle day so i'm gonna spend both my miracle died because that will give me two victory points i know one's a fail okay but i want two victory points okay i don't know hang on be like one after no no forgive me don't worry okay don't worry um how many um so we've done three so yeah uh you're two at ap one two two one okay two and the other one okay so no winds taken there and then the uh the normal guys with their talons uh hit on freeze that is a terrible that's a terrible role have you been touching my dice this exercise uh fives and sixes does take a wound so it's got two wounds left yeah they're exorcists uh okay but it is still alive we're not engaged in combat um so that is uh something what are we having to do next uh well it's mr beard's turn to attack he's gonna go with the rhino over here no celestine strikes uh important she brings down this dragoon if possible uh she misses once minus one to hit it's horrid as well oh no she fails the wound again oh celestine the living saints is not doing much living right now oh yeah yeah yeah okay that's her attacks done uh stig who are you attacking with that is really bad with the dragoons okay fair enough and i'm going to use the stratagem again these are protocols yeah to do that yes because i had two yep um so i'll go down to one okay so hitting on freeze five and six is exploding uh five and six and he's got two hits mars mars reroll no okay oh dear oh dear oh dear celestine already badly wounded on twos ending on two's five she is dead okay celestine falls it's a devastating blow she's like she does however she gets back up in uh is it at the end of the phase the end of the phase yeah okay fair enough but my goodness how many wounds does she come back with all of them oh my goodness we now have the rhino into these vanguards right um very exciting combat here it's incredible never mind this is we'll do the one over there it's got one wing left uh this is the exorcist and that's a miss two okay meanwhile over here we have the vanguard themselves uh mars reroll and then sixes picks up a week oop i don't think the rhino does suffer a little bit of damage uh does that conclude the fight phase that does conclude the fighting phase because we dig over there yep and it comes in the turn which means i'm going to do another thing now okay so using the holy order loki i'm going to you reduce the cp cost of one stratagem i'm going to use it to reduce boost defrost which i can use at the end of the turn yep and now these sterilizers go back up into reserves and come back down next turn i see that's really unpleasant stick i'm gonna say this now that's how it's written yeah it's silly i wouldn't spend a lot of money on on flamers just yet and maybe keep an eye out let's see what's happening wait for it because the idea of them being able to just go popping up and down without any chance to interact with them it's rather odd is kind of they're indestructible yeah what you're saying basically the uh the wings so yeah maybe just hold off those purchases put them in the basket they're great models leave them there for now though you want to pick them up and uh yeah it's turn four for the adapter sororitis and be here just nudges into the lead holding two of the primary objectives picking up 10 points or holding three of the primary objectives i should say uh the combat sisters are remaining uh in the ruins here uh however the canon s has left the ruins to chase down the iron strider the marshall i'm sure will have something to say about that but it might not be enough over here we have the rhino which is fallen back from the vanguards the diologists got out before it did so and we do have the rhino flanked by breaches on either side of it these sisters move through the tree line uh the exorcist has tucked into the ruin there yeah so we can hardly see it uh and celestine has um in the command phase done in action she has brought back a gemini again although she's not been able to move and she won't be able to shoot uh it's an extremely powerful ability nonetheless uh so doctrina wise yes we've got we're doing mechanical anadoctrina this time so uh canticle wise litany of the electromancer which basically means it's minus one to hit in combat um and then we're comboing that with concrete imperative which uh is for skitara units plus one to hit in combat but it is minus one ballistic steel so you take that as a selective so okay right we're going to go right into the shooting here because this is a summary no so the exercise moved over here so i'm on that objective yep i'm going to do my war him into this oh your war hear me on a three plus it's dead we are now in the shooting phase the exorcist fires everything into the single preacher yes that's also why i move there so i can see him through the window yes heavy bolter heat it twice i wound you no no wounds okay conflagration missile launcher six seven eight shot eight sorry uh six seven eight can't be able to kill him with that war here that's so cool um two wounds uh you've got to hit it first huh oh yeah yes i've hit you twice yes i wound you once is it minus two because of divine guidance so a four-up save fails to save all right okay okay that breacher would be slain it would be slain okay what next uh right we're gonna do these battle sisters here we've got a unit of three unit four left they're both in rapid fire range so six so we've got two breeches in the biggest over there okay go for it okay and then fives and sixes uh no wounds there and then the smaller units okay they're keen they can feel it two wounds oh okay so we've got two wounds uh they are both at minus one okay so divine guidance freeze makes one failed one toes down two one move still two breaches of life there the rhino can't uh shoot because the dialygus will have a go with her bolter okay rapid fire no she is uh tired okay clearly clearly okay um or failing to do warheads we're gonna do the plasma pistol from the uh oh no she's got the plasma pistol we'll do the the crack grenade from her into the walkie thing minus one it's uh we'll do another crack grenade from the j i know they can't shoot that's fine uh right we're gonna do the plasma pistol from the cannon s into the uh iron strider i will not be overcharging uh is it hit it's hit though it is a wound that's williams and three minus three so six up nope goes through okay okay take it away are we in there four wins on that iron strider um and then last but not least we're just going to do that sister squad in there there are f you've got five and then you've got a single uh one as well okay uh a single one can't see yeah um so we're going to crack right will be out of range so it's just uh rapid fire bolted the iron strider or the wind okay okay the not much winning so far no uh fives and sixes no just okay that is that that's the shooting done let's uh adjust the wounds and come back in the charge face celestine and her gemini now declare a fresh charge against that dragoon yeah you can't really fail no i can't um but yeah it's what's next the willingness that counts the power team is going to go in as well just in case uh on a five she makes it right uh we're going to do the canons here into the dragoon again she can't really fail but she is still a keen bean that's it i'm not going to charge over here no i'm not no i'm going left it's very tempting okay so should we go right into the fight face then please yeah why not uh let's start off with celestine shall we yes please no i'll do the gemini first because it's the same unit okay just a little wrong you're trying to build it up so these are mine's ones this one everything's now minus one to hit uh it is two ways two ones at minus three ones of minus three they're both minus three okay cool right uh it says two sixes then uh makes never couple of wounds up already finally taking some damage 17 oh with the minus one two misses okay uh threes to wounds she does finally get three wounds finally three wounds uh the ap is what if he is five uh because she does get uh she is affected by sacred rights well actually that is um uh six mortal wounds so it's dead what she does two mortal wounds on every six two she's finally powered up everyone she's finally powered up yes there is a stratagem what do i have to reroll these i might have to i might be able to roll against them i'm just going to check something come back to me it's not over yet the dragoon can in fact save against mortal wounds with the use of a stratagem the netherlands of the omnistar used to stress in any phase when a vehicle model in the army would lose um mortal yep four plus to ignore yep so so he's got six to take uh oh he fails four though which would kill him because he's only got four wins left um very nice we now come over to the canon s uh beard just rolled uh another miracle die there for killing the dragoon unit got a four uh so we're doing our fighting now yeah uh what are we doing okay so uh i'm going to do uh my hitting yup hitting versus the iron strider i wound you three times and he just uses his pool of miracle damage so two of them are minus uh three and one's at minus two okay so two two damage a pop all right two sixes destroyed the iron strider yeah oh that's pretty big no he doesn't that's not us wow so pretty much the uh celestine and this flank have uh reacquired the entirety of that flank destroying all of the armor there's just a marshal left alive what a ton of events here and with that it's the end of beard's turn this is a big one scoring more points there and as we go into turn four from the mechanicus stig will be holding two primary picking up another five points but the scores should be 50 to 48 in favor of the sisters brutal stuff however though does have a unit of sterilizers that he can bring back down he does have two breaches and two damaged vehicles to the left of them can he claim back that objective and uh try and claim back control on this flank making it a very tight game indeed still still does have good firepower as well in these breaches let's see what happens as we go into stigs turn four it's turn four it's a nail biter it's a summary the breachers move away from the crater however he still holds the objective with his character there meanwhile over here the manipulus hangs behind the ruin whilst the dominus moves forward again that both of them are in fact holding that primary objective breaches pretty much remain where they are and the vanguards have moved from under the gantries to take the objective from the sororitis there surrounding the rhino and they are looking at that diologist as well so that does not look very uh well i thought i was being classified by taking the objective back but uh but apparently they want to take it back from you yeah the secondary works that i get it at the end of the turn as well so with troops so that's for the secondary yeah which is nasty so the sterilizers have now landed back they are in this crater uh and they are looking also at a bunch of serratus infantry which is nasty and this time i measured it right so the both vehicles are within 12. both vehicles are now within 12. beard does not disagree we have no binaric override today uh over here of course celestine just happy probably looking fondly at the dead dragoon but that is it the marshall however is skirted around here um i'm not quite sure what the marshall's up to but uh perhaps stig um will uh reveal a plan uh in a moment so let's get on with the shooting let's do it so we'll be shooting start of the shooting phase we do the skull of elder uh nikoi again uh so uh he will do uh on this fresh rhinoceros or the one with 10 so let's see oh it's like three very nice portal wounds um and the exorcist only has three wounds that's two ways actually two wings doesn't take anything fails how extraordinary lol wow okay do we want to move straight on to shooting yeah we're going to come over to the uh breachers first of all yeah and so they're going to fire everything into the now seven wound rhino okay uh so we'll uh no he stayed on two it's that guy that lost three yep can you do you did a wound on him no no i wanted one so it fails i'll take my wound back okay you can take those ones if you want anyway torsion cannon uh to hit wounds on a free it works 84. okay so no save unless you get your shield of fake faith excuse me excuse me sir so it's d3 plus three it is five five damage on that rhino two rings left on the rhino here don't forget bring it down is one of his secondaries it's worth every point here they're heavy arc rifle i'll use my mask because i didn't use it before that's fine one hit wounds automatically on a four two flat two damage no fails it's dead does it blow up the rhino is destroyed you need to roll for mortal wounds on the breaches because you might overkill them yeah you might do some wounds on that one oh yeah good point uh this is one anyway fine and then on the vanguard vanguard it's just the one okay so you can do my dialogues and my um right the diologist takes the big three ouch and then on the exorcist to potentially destroy the dominus now will be opening up through the gantry into the ruins and trying to take out the exorcists so it'll be freeze because he's moved and it was heavy so it's capped yep um he's two hits mars we roll three hits uh-oh strength six okay sixes doesn't get any wounds though okay fair enough and we can move straight on to the uh manipulators okay so uh he will be freeze he scores a hit uh wounding on a four maybe this here no those are three on the wound so fails will never die no apparently not uh okay any other shooting yeah obviously quite a bit so we're gonna come over to this server to unit into the battle sisters uh there okay you've got one unit one and one unit of five so they are uh going into the unit of five so uh the torsion cannon first tits twos it's a wound ap four how many one shield of faith we've got an ap4 wound on the uh the unit of five so as far the one weight heavy arc rifles uh two hit i will use the mars uh so three hits so much thank you so much mars uh three wounds oh and he kills one of them wow they have been resilient in there incredible hey the skittari marshall is going to fire at the single uh oh the single's on this end isn't he no singles singles on this side yes so i'll fire into the the larger unit i don't want to extend my charge yep uh he hits on and wounds on a six because it's a radium weapon absolutely what's the ap no ap no ap okay she is fine who are slain so the torsion cannon and the heavy outward feels fine yeah a zero ap radium yeah yeah apparently he's changed now good we now have the vanguards uh a stratagem is being spent with your cp that you gained this phase and you're going to be firing at the diologist what is the strategy just means that instead of their automatic wounds on hits of a six they're automatic wounds uh on hits over four and they hit on fours because they advanced yeah and they had the minus because of the uh the congress so right i can see a few wounds already yeah so that means that there are wow three six seven eight wounds yeah because they just become wounds yeah uh mr beard would you like to make eight saves on that diologist or die please you're dead she's dead she's dead now the biology diologist is uh dialed jed thank you thank you just make that up actually and uh what's firing next we're going to come over to this unit sterilizers we're going to put everything into the rear unit of four and so yeah so flaccid blaster first hitting on fours because of the minus that's going on at the moment uh three hits i use a mars we roll cool four hits uh it's mooji on fours that's three wins three wounds no ap i have to pay command points for rerolls you know yes yeah that's a funny idea what how many three three runes and no ap no ap very they're loving life okay three d6 flamers oh that's not good oh um okay so six hits there uh wounding on threes yeah uh eight four wounds ap one ap one more like ap none uh but you did come over to edit is that the front unit of the rear one the rear unit yeah i didn't want to change the idea so there's just one fresh unit left is that correct alright let's do it one unit three and one each two okay very nice indeed well what's happening next mr steve um that is everything shot okay a charge phase coming up we'll return momentarily it's a charge phase and we're opening with the marshall charging the unit of three in the ruins here yeah here's it uh that'll make it on a 10 incredible okay next unit charging sir we're going to do uh this breacher into the breach into the exorcist uh can't really fail that gets a six anyway uh so he goes rocks and fights through the wall there okay uh we're gonna do this charge which is the nine into the front unit right sterilizers charging the front units okay let's do it six seven eight nine they make it two that's pretty savage perfection okay um and in the breaches did you say they wanted to charge yeah uh they are going to charge [Music] they're going to charge into both units okay charging both units they will need a seven you need a seven there and he gets it he gets an eight oh my goodness that's a full house beautiful let's move them we're now in the fight phase everyone and we have the um who is in fact attacking first though uh we're going to do this uh breacher okay exorcist let's do it so uh he's hit once so far using mars we roll he's only hit once wounds on a vehicle four two what's happening next in the fight phase okay so uh they're going to put their attacks into that uh front unit of three so the taser first on the princess there's a unit of two at the front i was it you know two in there three at the back oh well i can't get into the uh anyway so that's fine uh the taser hits on uh twos now because of the um yep that you have balls that i seem to be escalating every turn yes he still misses for two i'm gonna do a mars reroll he hits with three and uh wounding on twos because he's strength six uh so two wounds minus no minus on the uh taser them you don't get more rolls at one and the two ends incredible kills five miracles savage and now this is a significant fight three of the breaches one's going to attack the uh single sister and the other two will attack the three battle sisters there here we go so the one into the uh i'm single to use the mars reroll on this one only one hit uh does wound on two does get the wound though ap3 ap3 needs a six or the single sister is finally slain she survives and she is objective secure that's the second time she's done that retain that objective now wow okay massive yeah yeah so the other two into the unit three uh i don't get any rewards left uh rooney on twos uh three wounds ap free ap three okay two sixes and again only one is killed sisters have been really don't yet dude want to win back another six hours as well oh my goodness they those those are like veteran battle sisters they are now they really are wow wow wow okay um marshall yeah we have three attacks i'm just looking at his rules and he's run away possibly so he's hitting on twos now because of the uh the doctorina uh he is uh so hitting on two three attacks three hits at all times uh his control stave uh is strength six now so uh winning on twos save control uh two wounds two sisters left there there again no one survives there is one now from each squad no no she doesn't hit back okay so there's one from each squad alive but because their objectives secured they will continue to hold that objective massive good it's now time for the sisters to strike back who are we opening with uh this unit over here will attack the the the sterilizers i think you twice i wound you what's that toughness was that included number one who cares then we've got the two single sisters uh here chooses these minus one as well nice ones here yep oh two ones number one trousers okay that's a combat done that's the end of the turn indeed there would be a morale for uh the sister which is now suddenly by herself use a miracle diet who uses a one they have morale as well no because oh because of the only loss of two plus two so they're finally yeah cool okay well that marks the end of the turn it's a very very tight little game we're going gonna calculate the points and be right back team that was the end of battle round four we've calculated the points and as we go into battle round five beard you do do pretty well you do hold you do do you do hold that primary objective although you've just started your movement phase for battle round five now got a character in there too you do hold that objective you did continue to hold this one so that got you five points uh and you did hold that one as well so uh because you have objective secure battle systems there so you did get 10 points and it put you on what 60 points 60. very nice however if when we look at the points here and your movement and what you can do we notice that celestine could come over here you might make the charge maybe you can get uh make the charge and kill those taraxi that's nice uh you still won't be able to deal with stig holding this objective you won't be able to deal with stig holding this objective and you still can't deal with stig holding this objective uh and it could well be that you will not be holding that objective after this fight i mean is more than likely that means that stig is guaranteed 15 points in his battle round five at the end of his battle round five which would put him ahead giving him a glorious victory most importantly i believe this is the first handshake victory [Applause] my goodness was it a close game really interesting showing of the adaptive mechanicus and i think the sororities too actually they're bonkers it was a close game celestine in my opinion is crazy and bear in mind how much i i whiffed with her yeah yes the potential was amazing she's really and on top of that as well we we are we have got sanger working on the new uh sororities units so there's going to be a lot of exciting stuff to see there as well as some of the uh original units which were yet to be painted and as ever sig welcome back lovely to have you back here what a debut as covid restrictions have eased and the adeptus mechanicus codex comes out uh it seems that perhaps this will be the rise of stig the yom messiah himself that's the lead we'll be on the messiah yours i mean the mechanicus are looking real good i mean my jakari will be worried a mess we will see you in league games uh very very soon in our competitive series and uh i'm very much looking forward to seeing how they do and until next time if you've liked us make sure you give us a like and subscribe here on youtube and if you really like us come and visit us on our website sign up to one demand we cannot do it without you on demand bosses we love all of you until next time this has been the spider mr beard and mr stig goodbye goodbye [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] mr beard and mr steak goodbye goodbye cats you
Channel: Tabletop Tactics
Views: 97,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, games workshop, warhammer tv, wh40k, batrep, battle report, warhammer 40000, 40k, list analysis, Tactica
Id: OqpNfybMCck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 1sec (9721 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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